Article writing homework help

Create an ethical code of conduct for those in governance, management, and professional staff for any one of these health care organizations:Þ  Behavioral Health CenterIn a 10-to-12-page paper (excluding title and reference pages), discuss the following:

  1. Brief background of the facility.
  2. Organization structure of the facility and duties/ responsibilities of those in management and professional staff.
  3. Two possible ethical dilemmas that may be encountered.
  4. Ethical standards for those in governance, management, and professional staff.
  5. Ways to implement the ethical code of conduct and ensure compliance.
  6. Consequences if there is a violation of the code of ethics.

When writing your paper, use 3rd person. Follow APA guidelines. Use at least eight scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years, Writing the Final PaperThe Final Paper:·  Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length·  Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.·  Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.·  Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.·  Must use at least eight scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years·  Must document all sources in APA style·  Must include a separate reference page.

Human Resource Management homework help


Analyze the international aspects of Human Resources.


You are the Assistant Director of HR at Trusted Bank, a large U. S.-based bank. The senior leadership of the bank has determined that costs savings are needed in the human capital area. The Director, Ms. Shirley Jacoby, and the VP of HR, Ms. Zing Vang, have instructed you to research the benefits and risks of outsourcing or offshoring the bank’s customer call center. They would like you to submit an executive summary of your findings and recommendations to them as a first step in their decision-making process.


Prepare an executive summary, including appropriate charts and graphs, to provide a foundation for senior leadership’s decision-making process. The executive summary should include:

  • Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both offshoring and outsourcing the bank’s customer call center.
  • Comparison of the cultural differences of offshoring or outsourcing in terms of:
    • Communication between the call center employees and home country bank employees.
    • Communication between the call center employees and bank customers.
  • Examination of the following potential issues that could arise from offshoring or outsourcing:
    • Customer service issues
    • Security risks to the bank
    • Cost factors
  • Recommended strategy to staff the call center with either outsourcing or offshoring the service.
  • Include appropriate charts and graphs.

Be sure to provide proper attribution for credible sources used in the executive summary.

Architecture and Design homework help


Should technology drive an organization’s strategic planning or should strategic planning drive an organizations technology adoption plan? Support your position.

What are some of the system development methodologies used by specific corporations?

What are the implications of using reengineering versus continuous improvement in a systems development effort?

What steps would you take to align the IS functions of an organization with its organizational mission?

2) Why would you consider implement a NAS when comparing attached storage and network-attached storage?

Compare traditional data centers to the new modular data center concept. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modular data centers?

What are some effects of open-source software on the quality of the software products?

How does the widespread use of personal productivity software in the workplace affect the employee and the company?

Nursing homework help

Rath (2017) explains that people should focus more on strengths than weaknesses: “At its fundamentally flawed core, the aim of almost any learning program is to help us become who we are not. . . From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to our shortcomings than to our strengths” (p. 3). Throughout nurses’ careers, the status quo is to work tirelessly to improve or change characteristics and talents for which the individual is weak. While I agree that in our profession weak areas do need to be addressed, I think we could do more to develop those areas where individuals naturally “shine.”

As a leader managing change, how might you leverage the strengths of others to compensate for characteristics you are still developing in your own professional leadership personality?

Reference: Rath, T. (2017). Discover your CliftonStrengths. New York, NY: Gallup Press.


Use an APA 7 style and a minimum of 200 words. Provide support from scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation. citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards apply.

• Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources. 

• Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website or blogs should not be used.

Education homework help

You will provide 2 artifacts fr each of the seven(7) NAEYC professional preparation standards that was covered at the beginning of the semester. You will upload your document as such:



Over view of what this standards is talking about and what you should know

Artifact one: Parent  teacher conference form or information session(attach)

Artifact two: IEP/ISFP activity (attach)

Then do the same for each of the other standards.

you will have a total of 14 artifacts. write a summary of one page about what you have learned from these standards and how they have helped you to understand them better as you prepare to work with early learners.

American history homework help

The hard-fought battle started during the Civil Rights Movement, against segregation and racism is ongoing. Write a 3-5-page paper supporting or opposing the statement”.  You must provide historical and contemporary evidence to justify your claims.

Please ensure that you share your views while providing supporting evidence from properly cited academic resources.


No paper will be accepted without proper title  or citation/reference pages. This is to be treated as an examination. No late submissions will be accepted. Please do not wait until 5:59 pm to be submitting your essay.


1.  Your paper must be uploaded as an attachment to the assignment submission page (not as an email or message attachment). In order for your paper to be properly graded it must be submitted in either doc, docx or pdf. These formats are mandatory so that your work can be checked against the plagiarism software.

2. Each paper must be typed and submitted in a double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman formatted Word document. Pages are to be numbered.  No paper will be accepted in other forms.

3.  The essay must contain in text citations. Any paper that has a works cited page but no in text citation will be considered a plagiarized paper.

4. No paper will be accepted without a cover page- Course, Name, Professor’s name, question you are answering.

Please email if you have any problems, or want to know if you are on the right track with your ideas/paper.


All the best,

Accounting homework help

exercise 1:

Discuss some of the trends in global e-commerce. How are global companies expanding their presence on the web?  (add at least one reference and citation)

exercise 2:

As we learned, the aim of corporate governance is control – this of course varies country by country, but for the most part these controls are in place. For businesses, some might argue that the only responsibility a business has is to generate profits. For this exercise, comment on how organizations can reconcile the need/requirement/law for governance and the need for Corporate Social Responsibility as well as generating profits. Be specific, provide examples, and compare at least two countries, once of which should be the United States.

(add at least one reference and citation)

Ecology homework help

Week 7

Referring to the same novel health care product or service you came up with last week, (Green line marketing services)determine how you would assess demand for the product or service and the cost to produce your product or deliver your service. Also determine how you would establish a price.

  • Provide specific      examples and a rationale to support your response.
  • Describe a situation      that would require you to adapt the price of your product or service.
  • Consider the impact of      government and private payers on your pricing strategies. Provide specific      examples to support your response.

Week 8

Describe a health care provider with which you are familiar and discuss the function and flows that need to be performed by that provider’s marketing channel.

  • Provide specific examples      to support your response. (Again consider using the provider that you are      using in your assignments.)
  • Describe a realistic      situation that would call for channel conflict management and how that      conflict could be addressed. Provide specific examples to support your      response.

Week 9

se the health care provider selected to be the focus of your marketing plan and discuss the major elements making up their marketing communications process. From your discussion preparation research, determine the best method of setting a communications budget. Provide specific examples and a rationale to support your response.

Analyze the eight major steps in delivering effective communications for your chosen health care provider and outline the basics of an effective communications program, including recommendations for improvement. Explain your rationale.

Week 10

Select a health care provider with which you are familiar and determine the role of patient-centered care by that provider, its impact, and the best way for that provider to leverage or encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Include the role of the marketing department and recommendations for improvement.

Discuss the best way to leverage the latest electronic interactive direct-marketing tools in health care. Consider the role of social media. Is Facebook today’s form of word-of-mouth?

Week 10 part 2

  1. Read Are      You Tougher Than You Think? In this interview, Emilia Lahti      offers five specific actions you can take to build up Sisu in your      own life so that you can endure and even thrive in moments of extreme      stress.
  2. Pick one of the five actions and describe      how you will work to build your capacity to do this. How will cultivating      this specific action help you?

Nursing homework help

Richard is a 40-year-old man with a history of 4 weeks of cluster headache once each year. These began when he was 35 years old. His cluster periods occur in the fall. The cluster period begins slowly, increasing over 1 week, reaching a peak where Richard has two or three severe cluster attacks each day. They occur from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Each cluster headache lasts from 40 to 90 minutes, and the headaches are severe. The pain is always on the right side, with eye tearing and nasal congestion.

Richard comes into our office 1 week into this fall’s cluster series. The headaches are increasing in intensity, and he is miserable with the pain.

Please complete the following questions:

  • Describe Cluster Headache and its epidemiology.
  • What would be your goals for therapy for Richard? Give rationale with evidence from articles.

apa formart cite references