Economics homework help

Last week, you identified a topic and research question for your final paper, which is due in Week 5. This week, you will spend some time locating research sources that will support your argument in that paper. This assignment will guide you through how to locate your sources.

Explore the information in “Locate Peer-Reviewed/Scholarly Materials” on the Week 2 University Library page.

Read “Develop a Search Strategy” from the Week 2 University Library page. Click each of the tabs on the main page and review each step in the process.

  • Identify Main Concepts & Keywords: The guidelines on this page can help you create a list of keywords for your research question.
  • Choose a Database: The guidelines on this page will help you select the database that will work best for your topic, or you may discover that library search box is the best place to start.
  • Improve Your Results: These strategies will help you narrow your results or conduct advanced searching to get more specific.

Using what you learned about search strategies, conduct a basic keyword search of your topic. Filter your search to include resources from the last 5 years. Improve your results using the advanced search techniques.

Choose articles from your search results to save and read. Select at least 3 articles, including at least 1 peer-reviewed article, for your final paper.

Complete the Library Research Worksheet.

History homework help

Watch the PBS Documentary War and Peace (Links to an external site.), episode 3

Moves into the World War II years and those that follow, as Latino Americans serve their new country by the hundreds of thousands — but still face discrimination and a fight for civil rights back in the United States.

Post a response to War and Peace of at least 300 words (80%) credit:

  1. Give a summary of episode 3, War and Peace: who? what? when? where? (20%)
  2. Give your critical and personal reaction to the documentary. (20%)
  3. Discuss who were some of the Hispanics who served in the war with distinction? What kinds of challenges did they face back home?   Back up your argument with examples. (20%)
  4. Do not forget to proofread your post for grammar, punctuation and verb agreement. Use the spell checker! (20%)

Accounting homework help

The assessment is designed around the core question for this course- ‘how do we deliver value to our customers in a sustainable manner?’ Or even more simply ‘how do we make truly sustainable products?’  The report is a basically a marketing plan but one uses frameworks learned on the course (Circular Economy, NSF, Input-Output analysis) to ensure that what is proposed is moving the product to a point in the near future, where you can say with confidence, that it is sustainable. Be careful when choosing a product (I am using the broad definition of product here- a physical good, a service or an idea).  You will need to be able to find out information on what it is made of and its supply chain, so avoid complex goods and services.  I cannot expect you to find out exact details of the materials used and where they come from but you should be able to find out about similar or approximate materials and processes.  For example, I can’t expect you to find out the exact process by which Zara make a wool/nylon blend of fabric and where exactly these come from.  But you can find out where and how nylon is made and the modern supply chain for wool.  You can build your case from here on what you would change, though you should mention and appraise the limitations of your data.

You have to write the assignment by answering the part 1 questions bellow :


Part 1:  The Current Product and Sustainability Diagnosis

  1. Executive Summary*
  2. Short overview of key findings.  NOT a section that just tells me about what you did.  Tell me what you found and plan to do.
  3. Company and Brand Introduction
  4. A brief overview of the company, its capabilities and the product
  5. Table of Contents*
  6. Situational Analysis
  7. Macro-environmental analysis
  8.    Micro-environment analysis
  9. SWOT
  10. Market and Marketing Summary:
  11. Segments, Targets, Current Position
  12.    Statement of Value (Market needs being satisfied) and Customer benefits.
  13. Marketing Mix (4 or 7 depending on product chosen)

Examine the current mix to set out how value is created, communicated and delivered whilst using sustainability frameworks to highlight issues that need t be addressed.  For example, the Product section would include a review of what it is made of, packaging, labelling, product range) AND an analysis using sustainability framework to highlight for example, an LCA or Input-Output based assessment of the impact of the product and issues diagnosed using the NSF and CE.


  1. Product (Idea, good, service)
  2. Price (Including cost to Citizen Consumer)
  3. Distribution (Channels)
  4. Promotion (Communication)
  5. Process
  6. People
  7. Physical Evidence
  8. Summary of Key sustainability and broader value based issues
  • i.e. what issues must changes to product address, ‘broader value’ means the output of the ‘Understanding value phase highlight changes required to Creating, Communicating and Delivering value

Article writing homework help

Below is a link to a couple of videos which will make for one (1) Concert Attendance requirement. You can click on the link below or copy it and paste it in your browser. (Links to an external site.)

In these two videos, I want to present to you one of my most favorite and passionate conductors: Teodor Currentzis.

You will get an inside look into the mind of this conductor and how music within the orchestra is envisioned by him. Certainly, Teodor is a very eccentric and a truly unique individual, but I want you to understand how he is able to shape the artistic and architectural value of a piece by a having a precise vision on how to perform it. This is not a concert and indeed there is not much music in these two videos but you should see a great amount of preparation both musically and philosophically.

Your task is to comment on how your perception of music changed after you have watched both videos. The second video starts with a summary of the first one and on the 3:52 minute mark begins the second part.

Your report should include not less than 350-400 words and should reflect your new understanding of this vibrant and fresh interpretation of classical music. You are invited to view other videos in which Currentzis conducts full works of music to complement your report. This should be a discovery report and it would be lovely if you could reach a deeper meaning of music through the presentation of this video. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this project. Once you finish Concert Attendance 1, then proceed to the next video-project (Second Concert Attendance ) which I hope you will enjoy as much as this one. I would love for you to indulge in watching these videos.

Biology homework help

7 Eukaryotic Cell Structure


Cells come in all different sizes and shapes. They are classified into two major groups based on structure. Prokaryotic cells are much smaller and do not contain any membrane-bound organelle. Eukaryotic cells are larger and contain numerous membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells will be examined in the laboratory exercise that will survey the diversity of life on earth. This laboratory exercise will focus on the structure of the two most common types of eukaryotic cells: plant and animal cells.

To appreciate the cell in action, watch The Inner Life of the Cellby BioVisions at Harvard University (3 min 12 sec). This video  shows movement of organelles and substances inside your cells in real time.


  • Prepare wet mounts of plant and animal cells for microscope observation.
  • Use the light microscope to compare and contrast the structure of plant vs. animal cells.

Materials (demonstrated in video)

  • Microscope
  • Microscope slides  and cover slips
  • Toothpick
  • Water (or 0.9% sodium chloride solution)
  • Medicine dropper
  • Methylene blue (or iodine) stain
  • Elodea plant
  • Cheek cells
  • Online: Virtual microscope with plant slide

Procedure for plant cell

  1. View how to prepare a wet mount of an Elodealeaf (2 min 30 sec) OR
  2. how to prepare a wet mount min 30 sec)

To create a wet mount of an Elodea leaf, this general procedure was followed.

  1. Put a drop of water on the center of a slide.
  2. Cut an extremely small piece of an Elodea leaf and place it on the water.
  3. Place a coverslip onto the slide.
  4. Observe the plant cell slide under the virtual microscope by following this procedure.
    1. Go to the virtual microscope.
    2. Click Launch and then Explore
    3. Click the “?” in the microscope slide box
    4. In the slide catalogue, select “Plant Slides”.
    5. Inside, select “Plant Cells.” The virtual microscope loads the Plant cell slide at the center of the stage. You will see a blurry green field of view.
    6. Click “10X” (low power objective lens). Watch as the nosepiece moves until the low power objective lens clicks in. Use your mouse to adjust the Coarse Focusuntil the image is in focus. Fine tune it using the Fine Focus. Slowly slide the Light Adjust to the right to obtain optimum brightness. Click on the field of view to move the plant side. Draw the image of plant cells in the field of view for low power.
    7. Click “40X” (high power objective lens). This time, only adjust the Fine Focus & Light Adjust to obtain the clearest image with optimum light. Moving the Coarse Focus will endanger the lens & slide and make you lose your focus.
    8. Draw the image in the field of view for high power.

Drawing of plant cells: label cell and observed organelles. 

Procedure for animal cell

  1. View Cheek Epithelial Cells (3 min 52 sec) to observe how to prepare a wet mount of human cheek cell and view images of the cheek cells under low & high power magnification.

To create a wet mount of cheek cells, this general procedure was followed.

  1. Put a drop of methylene blue on a slide. Caution: methylene blue stains clothes and skin.
  2. Gently scrape the inside of your cheek with the flat side of a toothpick.
  3. Stir the end of the toothpick in the stain and then throw the toothpick away.
  4. Place a coverslip onto the slide by lowering it at a 45 degree angle to prevent formation of air bubbles.
  5. Draw the cheek cell images under low & high power magnification as seen in the video.


  1. Stains may be used but not all organelles are seen, why?
  2. Describe the shape of the plant cell. List the organelles that were visible.
  3. Describe the shape of the human cell. What organelles of the cell were visible?
  4. Describe visible similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
  5. What observations support the claim that plant and animal cells are eukaryotic?

Nursing homework help

Week 2: Local Practice Problem Exploration

Reflect upon the selected national practice problem in Week 1 to address the following.

• From a local perspective, how does the practice problem impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, and the quality of care being provided?

• Identify the local key stakeholders related to the selected practice problem.

• Describe one approach used at your unique setting to address this problem. From your perspective, is this intervention effective in addressing the problem? Why or why not? If this practice problem is not addressed at your workplace, propose an intervention that could be implemented on a local scale to address the problem.

Please review the Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.) for complete discussion requirements.

NEED at least 3 scholarly sources not older than 5 years and APA format 6 edition with in-text citation

Nursing homework help

1. Based on the information collected in the Research Method, formulate the Results section of your selected topic. Do not forget that your Results section needs to provide a visual (table, graphic, figure, etc.) and a narrative paragraph that helps your reader understand the information presented in the visual. Please do not interpret the results!

2. Post your Results.

Attached is the research method I wrote and also the class notes for the results.


Research method:

Benefits of legalizing marihuana in the US

For this study, a meta-analysis method was used to synthesize different results found among several studies. The researcher accessed the virtual library through the MRU home page. Then, the researcher accessed the EBSCOhost databases. Once there, the researcher selected both MEDLINE Complete and CINAHL Complete. An advanced search was performed, for which the following keywords were entered in the Boolean search: “Benefits”, “in the united states”, and “legalizing Marijuana.” The search was limited to references providing full text, peer reviewed, and abstract available. A limitation was set for research published within the last five years, from 2016 to 2021. Additionally, researcher consulted only articles published in English. The search provided access to a total of 185 articles, of which only five (5) studies were selected based on their relevance with the topic; the other 180 were discarded.

Applied Sciences homework help

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

Write a three to four-page case study analysis addressing the questions below. If needed, review the Ashford Writing Center’s Writing a Case Study Analysis (Links to an external site.) resource for assistance. In addition to the course textbook, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your answers.

  • What are the steps of the practice-based evidence (PBE) process related to this case study?
  • As the health professional or informatics specialist working with the clinical team in the long-term care facilities, identify the following:
    • Elements to incorporate into the documentation that address factors identified in the original study.
    • Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools that could be incorporated into computer systems.
  • How can the cost effectiveness of the new documentation requirements and standards of care be efficiently evaluated?

The Pressure Ulcer Case Study

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Information Systems homework help

Need help writing a 3-4 page paper, you need to identify, intellectually discuss, and broadly report on at least two of the most important (in your view) strategic issues faced by your selected organization

The paper needs to be APA format, headings, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page with citing.