Criminal homework help

Discuss the particulars of the Mapp v. Ohio court case. Mapp v. Ohio had an effect upon search and seizure.

  • Research this case, and give an explanation of the case and why it would be deemed illegal.
  • How could this have been prevented?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. For more information on APA, please visit the APASTYLE Lab

Information Systems homework help

Qualys provides a cloud-based security and compliance solution. The Qualys Cloud Platform and its integrated apps help businesses simplify security operations and lower the cost of compliance by delivering critical security intelligence on demand and automating the full spectrum of auditing, compliance, and protection for IT systems and web applications.

Nessus Agents are lightweight, low-footprint programs that you install locally on hosts to supplement traditional network-based scanning or to provide visibility into gaps that are missed by traditional scanning. Nessus Agents collect vulnerability, compliance, and system data, and report that information back to a manager for analysis. With Nessus Agents, you extend scan flexibility and coverage. You can scan hosts without using credentials, as well as offline assets and endpoints that intermittently connect to the internet. You can also run large-scale concurrent agent scans with little network impact.

Article writing homework help

Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with one’s philosophical worldview and the methodological approach the researcher chooses. In this case, you are using a quantitative methodology. As we have discussed in this course, quantitative research designs can be experimental and non-experimental. You will be using a non-experimental design that can include descriptive statistics, correlational or causal-comparative research methods.

Research methods refer to specific procedures selected based on the chosen design. This is where you will provide detail on how you collected and analyzed your data. For quantitative methodologies, research methods can be quite detailed and require that attention be paid to recruitment, sampling, sampling frame, sample size, surveys, pilot tests, observations, data collection, data analysis, statistical procedures, data interpretation, coding, validity, reliability, generalizability, reporting, etc.

For this assignment, you will develop the research design for the Sun Coast project, utilizing this  template to complete your assignment (ATTACHED).

Your Unit III research design submission should include the below elements.

1) Research Methodology: Describe and justify the choice of research methodology and why it was most suitable to solve the problems. Be sure to compare and contrast this choice with the design that was not selected.

2) Research Design: Explain whether the research design is exploratory, causal, or descriptive. Provide the rationale for the choice.

3) Research Methods: Review the research questions and hypotheses you developed in Unit II, and then decide on the most appropriate research methods to test your hypotheses. They might include a combination of experimentation, descriptive statistics, correlation, and casual-comparative methods. Be sure to specify which method will be used to test which research question and hypotheses, and explain why that method was most appropriate.

4) Data Collection Methods: Specify how the data were most likely collected to test the hypotheses. Data collection methods include, but are not limited to, survey, observation, and records analysis. Be sure to specify which data collection method was used to collect the data needed for each research question and hypothesis. Please note that one data collection method could capture the data for several research questions and hypotheses.

5) Sampling Design: Briefly describe the type of sampling design that was most likely used for the data that were collected. Choices include, but are not limited to, random sample, convenience sample, etc. Explain your rationale for your sampling design selection(s).

6) Data Analysis Procedures: Specify which statistical procedures will be used to test each of your hypotheses from among correlation, regression, t test, and ANOVA. Explain why each procedure was the most appropriate choice.

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

Nursing homework help

1 postsRe: Topic 4 DQ 2

Organizational culture describes the suitable way of conduct on a company. In other words, organization culture creates principles that govern the behavior of workers in an organization. It is important to note that, organizational culture comprise of the common beliefs and principles that are created by the organization leaders and then conveyed and supported via different approaches, eventually molding worker perception, conducts and understanding. It is correct to state that, cultural barriers impact communication in the organization and can negatively influence the efficiency of the organization. Moreover, barriers may exist in terms race, gender, education level of the workers, and seniority or ranking in the company. In an organization such as healthcare organizations, there are people who come from various settings and also have different cultural beliefs. Therefore, one organizational culture can create difficulty for such individuals to adjust in the atmosphere which can in turn lead to discouragement as well as lack of motivation. Other barriers like disagreements between the nurses, despondent workers as well as absence of effective communication and trust can lead negative impacts on nursing leaders by causing discouragements.

Reply 2

Re: Topic 4 DQ 2

An organizational culture, as defined by Nightingale in her article, are “ideas, customs, behaviors, mission, beliefs, etc. that define the environment of an organization.” (Nightingale, 2018). We like to believe that these concepts are all positive but there are things within an organization’s culture that do make nurses and other staff powerless. Some barriers that would have a negative effect would be shortages of resources and supplies, not enough staff to support the patient census, bullying in the work place, and lack of available time to meet with administration to propose new ideas. Unfortunately, barriers can cause struggles between nurses and nursing leaders. A good nurse leader will rise above the barriers and continue with a good attitude while promoting the employer to the rest of the nurses and staff to ensure a calm throughout the nursing departments.


Nightingale, A., (2018). Nursing Standard. Developing the Organisational culture in a healthcare setting. Retrieved from:

Education homework help


In the future you may be asked to design a communication strategy for an organization experiencing a crisis or be asked to be the crisis communicator for the organization.

Identify at least four concepts from the material in chapters 1-12 that you expect will be essential to your work developing a strategy or serving as a crisis communicator.  Explain why you selected the topics you did and how you expect to incorporate them in your role as strategy designer or communicator.

• Your initial post is at least 400 words written grammatically correct; and • Include citations to support your points from the main text (APA format) and at least one (1) outside source (APA format), making sure to document your citations in a reference section at the end of the entry

Operations Management homework help

Monitoring and Responding to Risk

In developing documentation for the risk management plan, project teams determine early warning signs or triggers, which help with risk monitoring.

  1. Identify      a project with which you are familiar, a case study, or a project/case      study from your textbook, and develop a set of at least four early warning      signs. Categorize the triggers in terms of their impact on the quality of      work performed, the schedule, and/or the budget. (Note: Chapter 7 in your      textbook may be helpful to you.)
  2. Support      your positions with at least one current (no older than five years)      scholarly source, beyond the course materials and textbooks. Library is a      good place to find sources. Make sure to cite your sources following      the APA new format.

Chapter 7 in Mastering Risk and Procurement

Part I, Sections 11.5 & 11.6 in PMBOK® Guide

Part I, Chapter 2 in PMBOK® Guide

Domanski, J. (2016). Risk categories and risk management processes in nonprofit organizations. Foundations of Management, 8(1), 227-242.

Zhang, Y., & Zuo, F. (2016). Selection of risk response actions considering risk dependency. Kybernetes, 45(10), 1652-1667.

Domanski, J. (2016). Risk categories and risk management processes in nonprofit organizations. Foundations of Management, 8(1), 227-242.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide®) (6th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management.

Wilson, R. (2015). Mastering risk and procurement in project management: A guide to planning, controlling, and resolving unexpected problems (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Science homework help

Think of an ecotourism event you have experienced or research one that occurs near your community. Describe the event or destination by explaining the environmental features that attract tourists. What are the benefits of that ecotourism? What are some disadvantages? Consider incorporating the details above in your response.

Article writing homework help

You must find it in one of the five

approved sources listed in the Week 3 discussion assignment, and it must have been published within the past two years.  

  1. Using pp. 55-70 (“Rhetorical Situations: Purpose, Audience, Genre, Stance, and Media/Design”) of your Norton Field Guide to Writing, list the five elements of the rhetorical situation of your article (purpose, audience, genre, stance, and media/design). Re-read your article and then, next to each of the five elements, write as much as you can about how each applies to your article. (This is prewriting for your proctored essay exam, so good answers here should help you tremendously when you sit down to write your outline for your proctored exam.) You may find it very helpful to review this Rhetorical Analysis Toolkit.
  2. Identify the author’s argument by putting the thesis, or main claim of the article, into your own words. I am looking for you to identify the author’s stance on the issue s/he discusses in the article. If the author of your article appears to remain neutral on the argument s/he presents, state this fact. This part of your assignment should be a single sentence or two at the most.
  3. Explain the author’s purpose for writing the article in your own words. Who is the target audience?
  4. Identify the genre of your article, and discuss the media/design of the article. What is the layout of the information like? Are any pictures included with the text? Do the pictures heighten the overall effectiveness of the article? If included, explain how the included images engage a particular rhetorical appeal(s).
  5. Analyze the way the author engages different rhetorical appeals to support his or her claims. Please break down various uses of ethos (the credibility of the writer), logos (the internal logic of the article, i.e.- facts, figures, statistics, etc.), and pathos (the writer’s use of emotion, i.e.- emotionally charged diction, tone, etc.) Again, this activity is designed to help you come up with plenty of examples and support for your proctored critique essay, so coming up with lots of examples and ideas now will allow you to narrow and refine your thoughts later.
  • You may complete this homework assignment in list form, as an outline or a series of bullet points, or short sentences or paragraphs. The goal for this assignment is to help you understand the article, generate ideas, and prepare you to write the critique essay.

My topic is “ The News effort to clean up it’s misinformation after the election”

Management homework help

Business-Level Strategy :

In order to bring current examples of strategic issues and problems into the class, each student will prepare a current event analysis. The analysis should be drawn from material in the business press and must deal with a topic within the last 12 months. The article/material should highlight the strategic issues facing a particular firm or industry and should be directly related to specific topics of this course. Your presentation should include the following points:

  1. A very brief review of the key facts of the story.
  2. Identification and explanation of the key course concepts, tools, topics that this report relates to.
  3. Your analysis/evaluation of the actions or situations with respect to the relevant topic.
  4. One question for the class discussion

Each presenter should submit your analysis report by 5 PM of the day before the presentation. 

The length of the outline should be one to two pages. Be sure to attach a link/copy of the article and any other materials from which the outline is derived.

Each presentation should be about 3 minutes. You may be randomly selected to do an oral presentation.

The grading template for the individual case presentation is as below:

Component (total 5%)


The event is well explained to understand (1%)

The event is relevant to the topic of the week (1%)

Great analysis of the event (1%)

The question is interesting (1%)

The report was submitted by the due (1%)