Nursing homework help



Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

  • Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
  • Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.

The Assignment (5-6 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following:

  • Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
  • Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.

Law homework help


·  Individual written task.

·  Questions answered in order, numbered (1.a.) and in essay format.  No bullet points.

·  Answer the following questions in a single document using the information given to you throughout the course and additional research.

·  Your answers are to be based on laws in the USA, you must choose a particular state. IE. California, Illinois, etc

·  You must research and find the laws or regulations that correspond to the questions that you are answering from the USA.

·  Remember to use Harvard citations in the document. Use in-text citations to indicate your sources.

1.  James   has asked you to help him identify and analyze what company formation options he hasavailable in a particular state. (Cite the Laws)

a.  Please advise him on what it means to be a sole trader and the advantages and disadvantages.

b.  Then explain to him the significance of opening an incorporated business. What are theadvantages and disadvantages of this type of business?

c.  Then explain to him what is a Limited Liability Partnership? What responsibilities and liabilities do the partners have for themselves individually, to the firm/to each other in the firm and to thepublic?

2.  James realizes a few years later that he has several competitors, and he would like to have an advantage over them. James is interested in the idea of merging with one of his competitors. Cite your sources.

a.  Explain to James what it means to merge with another company in the chosen state.

b.  Then identify and explain the steps that he and the other party would need to take to merge their businesses together – remember to cite the laws from your chosen state.

c.  James was able to convince Mike, a competitor, to merge their companies together, explain to James what three separate groups of professionals are recommended to be consulted to assist him with this merger. What are their purposes?

3.  Unable to merger with one of his competitors James would like to know how he can acquire one of his competitor’s business even though his competitor does not want to sell it to him. Cite your sources.

a.  Explain to James what it means to acquire another company in the chosen state and the laws that govern.

b.  Then identify and explain the steps that he would need to take to acquire a company when the owner does not want to sell – remember to cite laws from your chosen state.

4.  Imagine James merged with Mike’s company and they had signed a formal agreement merging the two companies and this arrangement worked well for a few years but then James and Mike began to have serious problems inside the new company and James is threatening to sue Mike in court.  Cite your sources.

a.  Explain to James what is means to sue for breach of contract in your chosen state and what James must prove to win a breach of contract lawsuit.

b.  Explain to James what it would mean if he wins the breach of contract case, what is the legal significance to their original contract?

c.  Explain to James what it would mean if their original contract contains an Arbitration clause, how would that affect a potential lawsuit?


·  Word count: 1000 to 1500

·  PDF Format

·  Cover page, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total word count.

·  Font: Arial 11 pts.

·  Text alignment: Justified.

·  You are encouraged to quote, laws, regulations, relevant publications, such as academic journals and books, case studies or business reports to support your arguments.

·  To find relevant publications, you may browse through EBSCO (link is on Moodle) and/or GoogleScholar, where you’ll find access to many publications.

·  The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Computer Science homework help


Locating a Missing Child:

A 15-year-old girl left for school in the morning but never returned home. Her mother knows she never left home without her iPhone. She was also wearing her Apple Watch 6. Information we know:

  • The girl was present in school that day but did not return home at the usual time.
  • The young girl has a Facebook and an Instagram account and uses them to communicate with her friends daily.
  • She posts photos and messages frequently in Facebook when she is able and the last photo she posted was two hours ago.
  • The family mobile account is with Verizon.
  • When her parents spoke with the girl’s friends, they were told she had recently ‘friended’ a new boy who had asked her to ‘meet up’.
  • There are video cameras in the school hallways and around the school grounds, and many of the local businesses also have digital cameras

Marketing homework help




Individual project, each student will be assigned a different brand by the professor. Students may consider their brand from a global perspective or from theirown country’s perspective.

Use official cover provided on Moodle, table of contents and introduction. Each question should be clearly identified as a headline and answered as a separate section of the paper.



  • Describe the consumer behavior typology for your brand (how do consumers act/react in front of this brand, perception)
  • Describe the segment/ segments your brand is targeting.
  • Apply the Consumer buying process to one product of your brand and explain how the brand is influencing them in the process.
  1. Formalities:
    • Wordcount: 1.000-1.500 words
    • Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
    • Font: Arial 11 pts.
    • Text alignment: Justified.
    • The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
    • Upload either MS Word or PDF to avoid Turnitin rejection.
    • Submission: Week 7– Via Moodle (Turnitin). Due date: 14th March
  • It assesses the following learning outcomes:
  • Understanding of the role of consumer behavior in the marketing process and the role of the marketing process on consumer behavior.
  • Identify the different typologies of consumer behavior for a specific brand.
  • Be able to apply the consumer buying process and develop the segmentation tools.

Marketing homework help

Assignment description: This assignment requires students to present a comprehensive marketing plan for a hospitality business, assembled from 8 smaller assignments developed throughout the course.  The deliverable is in powerpoint associated with a 15 – 20 minutes in-class presentation demonstrating application of the following 8 core marketing concepts:  Environmental Analysis, Market Segmentation, Internal Analysis and Objectives, Competitive Positioning, Marketing Strategies (4Ps), Promotional Mix, Value Proposition and Communications Strategy, and Budget/ROI.  This assignment is the signature assessment for the Hospitality Management Program Learning Outcome PLO-4: Marketing: Students will be able to apply marketing and sales principles, tools and techniques to solve hospitality business problems.  The PLO is assessed again at the end of the program (Senior Integrative Project or Capstone).

Assignment outcomes:

  1. Appropriately applies marketing theories and concepts to a specific hospitality or tourism enterprise.
  2. Uses strategic marketing planning terms, concepts and methods.
  3. Demonstrates analytical and research skills.
  4. Uses data logically to justify marketing-related judgments.
  5. Expresses ideas in writing for a business document, citing sources appropriately.
  6. Presents findings compellingly and with poise, supported by creative, engaging visuals.


Category Outcome Description Exemplary Competent Developing Beginning Unacceptable
Assignment -Specific  
Applies Theories and Concepts

(40 points)


Environmental Analysis (5) Identifies all relevant outside forces (2.5) Identifies many relevant outside forces (2) Identifies some relevant outside forces  (1.75) Identifies few relevant outside forces (1.5) Identified no relevant outside forces ( 0)
Explains all their implications (2.5) Explains most of their implications (2) explains a few of their implications (1.75) Poor explanation of implications (1.5) Doesn’t explain implications (0)
Market Segmentation (5) Identifies 3+ relevant target segments (2.5) Identifies 3 target segments but one lacks relevance (2) Identifies < 3 relevant target segments or more than one lacks relevance (1.75) Identifies only 1  target segment or all lack relevance (1.5) Identified no relevant target segments ( 0)
Profiles thoroughly detail demo, psycho and behavioral characteristics (2.5) Profiles detail most demo, psycho and behavioral characteristics (2) Profiles lack details in one category of characteristics (1.75) Profiles lack details in two or more categories (1.5) Doesn’t provide profiles  (0)
Internal Analysis and Objectives (5) SWOT lists > 4 items per category and differentiates internal and external factors (2.5) SWOT lists 4 items per category and differentiates internal and external factors (2) SWOT lists < 4 items per category or confuses internal and external factors (1.75) SWOT is missing categories (1.5) SWOT is missing     ( 0)
Objectives are SMART (1) Objectives are mostly SMART (.75) Objectives are missing some SMART elements (.75) Objectives are missing most SMART elements (.5) All SMART elements are missing (0)
Objectives relate to external and internal analysis (1.5) Objectives mostly relate to internal and external analysis (1.25) Objectives loosely relate to internal and external analysis (1) Objectives don’t follow from external or internal analysis (1) Objectives are missing or unconnected to external or internal analysis (0)
Competitive Positioning (5) Correctly analyzes direct and indirect competition (3) Analyzes most of the direct and indirect competition (2.25) Analyzes some competitors but confuses direct and indirect (2) Competitive analysis is incomplete (1.75) No competitors identified or there is no analysis provided (0)
Competitive advantage is well articulated (2)


competitive advantage is adequately (1.75)


competitive advantage is poorly identified (1.5)


Competitive advantage is lacking (1.25)


No competitive advantage is provided (0)
Marketing Strategies (4Ps) (5) Recommends >3 Product, Price or Place strategies (2.5) Recommends 3 Product, Price or Place Strategies (2) Recommends at least 2 Product, Price or Place Strategies (1.75) Recommends <2 Product, Price or Place Strategies (1.5) No Product, Price or Place Strategies (0)
Strategies strongly support marketing objectives (2.5) Strategies mostly support marketing objectives (2) One or more strategies fail to support marketing objectives (1.75) Strategies fail to support marketing objectives (1.5) Makes no connection to marketing objectives (0)
Promotional Mix (5) Chooses >3 appropriate promotional media per target market (3) Chooses 3 appropriate promotional media per target market (2.5) Chooses 2 promotional media per target market or some of the media are inappropriate (2.25) Chooses <2 Promotional media per target and most are inappropriate (2) No promotional media are selected for some targets (0)
Timing and frequency are exemplary (2) Timing and frequency are good (1.5) Timing or frequency are inadequate (1.25) Missing either timing or frequency (1) Timing and Frequency are missing (0)
Value Proposition and Communication Strategy (5) Value proposition expresses compelling emotional benefits and supporting facts (2.5) Value proposition expresses adequate  emotional benefits and supporting facts (2) Value proposition expresses few emotional benefits or confuses with some  supporting facts (1.75) Value Proposition does not express emotional benefits and confuses with supporting facts (1.5) No value proposition provided (0)
Messages are highly motivating for target markets and objectives.  (2.5) Messages are somewhat motivating for target markets and objectives.  (2) messages are a mix of motivating and un-motivating for target markets and objectives.  (1.75) Messages are not motivating for target markets and objectives.  (1.5) No or incomplete messages provided (0)
Budgeting and ROI (5) Budget is complete and realistic (2.5) Budget is realistic but has small gaps  (2) Budget is realistic but  has significant gaps (1.75) Budget is sketchy or unrealistic (1.5) No budget provided (0)
Correctly calculates ROI with full explanation (2.5) Correctly calculates ROI with some explanation (2) Correctly calculates ROI with no explanation (1.75) ROI is incorrect and explanation is missing (1.5) No ROI provided (0)
General Requirements  
Critical thinking (15 points) Relevance Only uses data that is correct and appropriate to the problem (5) Most of the data is correct and appropriate to the problem (4) Only some data is correct or appropriate to the problem. (3.5) Data is completely lacking or incorrect (3) No relevant data (0)
Analysis Interprets data correctly with full understanding of implications. (5) Interprets data mostly correctly with good understanding of implications.(4) Misinterprets some data or shows limited understanding of implications. (3.5) Relies on limited information or misinterprets it. Doesn’t recognize implications. (3) No analysis provided (0)
Logic Conclusions follow logically from information provided. (5) Conclusions mostly follow logically from information provided (4). There is some disconnection between conclusions and information provided. (3.5) Conclusions do not follow logically from information provided. (3) No conclusions provided (0)

(15 Points)

Scope Research is comprehensive (5) Research is extensive but incomplete (4) Research is adequate but incomplete (3.5) Research is insufficient and incomplete (3) No research provided (0)
Credibility Cites credible sources from (5) Cites mostly credible sources (4) Cites some credible and some questionable sources (3.5) Cites slanted or questionable sources (3) Does not cite sources (0)
References Includes many matching in-text citations and references (3) Includes some in-text citations and references or some don’t match (2.5) Includes a few in-text citations and references; many don’t match (2.25) In-text citations or references are missing or don’t match at all (2) No in-text citations or references (0)
All references and in-text citations are properly formatted in APA (2) Most references and in-text citations are  properly formatted in APA (1.5) Some references and in-text citations are properly formatted in APA (1.25) References and in-text citations are not properly formatted in APA (1) No references (0)
Written Communication (20 points) Mechanics Writing is clear and concise (5) Writing is mostly clear and concise (4) Writing is unclear and difficult to follow (3.5) Writing is very hard to understand and follow (3) Writing does not meet college level expectations (0)
Vocabulary Incorporates  terminology correctly (5) Incorporates some terminology, mostly correctly (4) Rarely incorporates terminology or occasionally misuses it. (3.5) Fails to use or misuses terminology (3) No terminology used (0)
Organization Ideas are organized (5) Ideas are mostly organized (4) Ideas are somewhat disorganized (3.5) Ideas are very disorganized (3) Ideas are impossible to follow (0)
Grammar and Typos Grammar and spelling is correct throughout (5) Grammar and spelling is mostly correct(4) There are numerous errors in grammar and spelling. (3.5) Riddled with grammatical errors/typos (3) Excessive number of grammatical errors/typos (0)
Oral Communication (5 points) Content Presentation is compelling and generates audience enthusiasm (2) Presentation is interesting and holds audience’s attention  (1.5) Parts of presentation are interesting for the audience (1.4) Presentation is uninteresting and loses audience  (1.25) Presentation is incomplete or garbled (0)
Delivery Presenter shows confidence and poise. (2) Presenter shows some confidence and poise (1.5) Presenter’s confidence and poise fluctuates (1.4) Presenter is lacking confidence and poise  (1.25) Presenter is unable or unwilling  (0)
Visuals Visuals are creative and engaging (1) Visuals are somewhat creative and engaging (.75) Visuals lack creativity but cover the material adequately (.7) Visuals are unappealing and difficult to follow (.5) No visuals provided (0)
Timeliness (5 points) Timeliness Submitted on time (5) < one day late (4) 2 days late (3.5) 3 – 5 days late  (3) >5 days late (0)
    90 – 100 points 80 – 89 points 70- 79 points 60  – 69 points 0  – 59 points



Biology homework help

You were given an Aedes aegypti gene (SHAKER GENE) of unknown function. Using Blast you were able to find the homologs of your gene. You have done research regarding the function of the homologs. Using this information:

A.Construct a hypothesis

Give a hypothesis on the function of your gene is in Aedes aegypti.

B.Design an experiment to test your hypothesis.

Include a labeled sketch and written summary of experiment. (include drawing of all conditions, negative/positive etc)

C. Variables

List the  Dependent and Independent
List Control variable
List a Positive and /or Negative controls

D. Create a data set  and figure

Create a graph that clearly conveys to the reader what your experiment is about.


Give an interpretation of the possible meaning of your data. (although this isn’t conclusive since we are not doing statistics) . Does it align with your hypothesis?

G.Self-critique  and follow-up questions:

Why might your conclusion be wrong, what other questions do you have.

Education homework help

Please answer this question. 250 word min of each-

1. For this weeks practical dilemma, I would like you to participate in a 3-2-1 Countdown. Respond to the following:

List 3 things you did not know before about engaging students in real-world connections?

List 2 things that surprised you about how students were engaged in a real-world connection you have used in your classroom? (or observed being implemented in your mentor teacher’s classroom or colleague’s classroom).

List 1 thing you want to start doing in your classroom with what you’ve learned. (or in your future classroom).

English homework help



  1. While reading the following texts, fill in the whole table:


Pro arguments Counter arguments


Pro arguments


Why is it important to include computer classes in schools around the world?

  1. The use of technology in the classroom can enhance learning.
  2. Learning how to use a computer can provide even the youngest students with early knowledge of necessary job skills, from typing and basic research, to learning graphic design, for example.
  3. Computer skills allow a child to become exposed to new ways of thinking, using both their creative and logical thought processes. Math, science, art, and other subjects can be incorporated into lesson plans in fun and interesting ways for children of all ages and learning capabilities.

As any teacher knows it is essential to keep students engaged. With today’s tech-savvy generation the key is using technology like laptops, smartphones, and iPads in the classroom. Today’s students have grown up with all this technology, so schools must change with the times and adapt to the way students learn best. Classrooms all across the US have already or plan to implement 1:1 (1 device per 1 student) and BYOD (bring your own device) solutions to facilitate the use of all these great technological learning tools.

Technology is a central part of our everyday lives now, so of course it should be a key aspect to education in order to prepare students for the real world and their future careers where they will most likely be using mobile devices. With devices like iPads for example, students are no longer confined to a computer class. As soon as an assignment is available students can work on it inside their classroom, at home, while waiting on the bus, in between classes, etc. Mobile classroom technology can bridge the gap between classroom and home learning.

In the future the textbook is becoming extinct. One of the favourite pre-school activities for many children is making book covers for the textbooks but this ritual will soon be unheard of with the impending extinction of the textbook. With all these mobile devices in the classroom, eBooks are becoming more popular. Which makes sense; they are cheaper, more up-to-date, quickly accessed, and more interactive.

Also, with technology in the classroom the traditional student and teacher roles have changed. The student has become a lot more active and engaged. The teacher has become more of a facilitator than just a dispenser of information. With classroom technology students can collaborate with other students and their teachers in and outside of the classroom quickly and easily.

Finally, lessons can be customized to fit each student’s progress and learning style. Through these learning tools teachers can provide opportunities for students to be able to work and excel at their own level and pace.

These are just a few examples of how mobile technology in the classrooms is enhancing education. The list goes on and on and will only continue to grow. What an exciting future our kids have to look forward to! Technology in the classroom is changing the face of education as we speak.


  1. Translate the following words from the text into Estonian. Make sure that your translation is appropriate!
enhance learning   impending extinction  
early knowledge of   up-to-date  
learning capabilities   quickly accessed  
essential to keep engaged   facilitator  
tech-savvy generation   dispenser of information  
implement solutions   customize lessons  
mobile  devices   fit each student’s progress  
key aspect   learning tools  
assignment   provide opportunities  
bridge the gap   excel at one’s own level  


Con arguments


One day I saw a little girl pointing at the sweets at the checkout and her mother said: ‘No, they’re bad for your teeth.’ So her daughter, who was no more than two, did what small children often do at such times. She threw a tantrum. What happened next horrified me. The embarrassed mother found her iPad in her bag and thrust it into her daughter’s hands. Peace was restored immediately.

This incident, which happened three years ago, was the first time I saw a tablet computer used as a pacifier. It certainly wasn’t the last. Since then, I’ve seen many tiny children barely able to toddle yet expertly swiping an iPad – not to mention countless teenagers, smartphone in hand, lost to the real world as they tap out texts.

It’s ten years since the publication of my book, Toxic Childhood, which warned of the dangers of too much screen-time on young people’s physical and mental health. My fears have been realised. Though I was one of the first to foresee how insidiously technology would penetrate youngsters’ lives, even I’ve been stunned at how quickly even the tiniest have become slaves to screens.

Indeed, when my book came out, Facebook had just hit our shores and we were more concerned with violent video games and children watching too much TV. Today, on average, children spend five to six hours a day staring at screens. And they’re often on two or more screens at once – for example, watching TV while playing on an iPad.

Because technology moves so fast, and children have embraced it so quickly, it’s been difficult for parents to control it. And when it comes to spending a childhood in front of a screen, this generation are like lab rats. The long-term impact is not known. Even before iPads hit the market in 2010, experts were warning that 80 per cent of children arrived at school with poor co-ordination, due to a sedentary lifestyle.

            Along with colleagues in the field of child development, I’d seen a rise in prescriptions for Ritalin, a drug for attention deficit and hyperactivity – a four-fold increase in less than a decade. And we’d collected a mass of research showing links between excessive screen-time and obesity, sleep disorders, aggression, poor social skills, depression and academic under-achievement. It’s little wonder, then, that the boom in iPads and smartphones has coincided with further deterioration in the physical and mental health of children of all ages.

Few know that the late Apple boss Steve Jobs didn’t let his own children have iPads. I wish he had gone public on this as other parents might have followed suit. Because the earlier children are hooked on screens, the more difficult it is to wean them off.

This is not the only worry. Today’s children have far fewer opportunities for what I call ‘real play’. They are no longer learning through first-hand experiences how to be human and are much less likely to play or socialize outdoors or with others. The change in children’s play has happened in little more than a couple of decades. While many parents feel uneasy about all that screen-time, they haven’t tackled it as they’ve been so busy keeping up with changes in their own lives. But real play is a biological necessity. One psychologist told me it was ‘as vital for healthy development as food or sleep’. A whole generation can grow up without the mental ability to create their own fun, devise their own games and enjoy real friendships – all because of endless screen-time.

It’s getting out and about – running, climbing, making dens and so on – that allows little children to gain physical skills. Playing ‘let’s pretend’ is a creative process requiring lots of personal input. Real play develops initiative, problem-solving skills and many other positive traits, such as a can-do attitude, perseverance and emotional resilience. It’s vital for social skills, too. By playing together, youngsters learn to get along with other people. They discover how others’ minds work, developing empathy. And, as real play is driven by an innate desire to understand how the world works, it provides the foundation for academic learning.

The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends no screen-time for children under two and a maximum two hours a day there-after. This is not just due to a proven link between screen-time and attention disorders, but because it eliminates other activities essential for building healthy bodies and brains.

It’s understandable parents feel unable to tackle their children’s social media use. After all, it has spread like a virus. But we can’t go on letting our children ‘be like everyone else’ when it’s damaging them. If the next generation is to grow up bright, balanced and healthy enough to use technology wisely, parents need to take action. And that means limiting screen-time, spending time together as a family and making sure get children out to play. Some say children need to use technology because that’s the way the world is going. But there’s no need to give little children high-tech devices.

Modern technology develops at a phenomenal rate – any IT skills that children learn before the age of seven will be long past their sell-by date by the time they reach their teens. But self-confidence, emotional resilience, social skills and the capacity for focused thought will stand them in good stead whatever the future brings.

(Psychologist Sue Palmer, abridged)


  1. Translate the following words from the text into Estonian. Make sure that your translation is appropriate!
at the checkout   coincide with  
throw a tantrum   further deterioration  
embarrassed mother   the late  
pacifier   follow the suit  
barely able to toddle   hooked on screens  
Swipe an iPad   wean off  
not to mention   much less likely  
tap out   socialize outdoors  
mental health   tackle  
insidious technology   keep up with changes  
penetrate youngsters’ lives   out and about  
slaves to screens   problem-solving skills  
concerned with   positive traits  
embrace   perseverance  
long-term impact   emotional resilience  
hit the market   get along  
due to a sedentary lifestyle   attention disorders  
prescription   to take action.  
attention deficit   long past their sell-by date  
a four-fold increase   creative thinking  
excessive screen time   in good stead  
obesity   abridged  


  1. Answer the following questions:


  1. How should teachers teach the today’s tech-savvy students?
  2. What is the aim of BYOD?
  3. Why should technology be the key aspect to education today?
  4. How to bridge the gap between classroom and home learning?
  5. What is the destiny of the textbook? Why?
  6. How have the teacher-student roles changed?
  7. Why do the lessons become more effective?
  8. How do the contemporary parents pacify their kids?
  9. What concerned parents years ago and what concerns them today?
  10. Why can’t parents control their kids using technology?
  11. What problems does the excessive screen-time cause?
  12. How has children’s play changed?
  13. What does playing together develop?
  14. What should parents do to bring up a healthy generation?




  1. And now, based on the above, write an essay by using con arguments and pro arguments (advantages and disadvantages). You can also use the Internet to get MORE ideas, but don’t forget that copy-paste from the Internet pages is plagiarism and you will not be assessed. Will you follow the essay rules described below! You must write 200 words. You can write 20 words less.


Should the future school become book and paper-free?




What is an essay?


Essee on kirjatöö vorm, mis võimaldab sul ideid ja teemasid sügavuti käsitleda just sellisel moel nagu

sina seda soovid. Essees peaks sisalduma kolm põhiosa:


Sissejuhatus: annab lühikese ülevaate essee sisust ja sinu eesmärgist ning kirjeldab, kuidas sa seda kavatsed teha.


Põhiosa: annab edasi informatsiooni, argumendid või põhipunktid.


Kokkuvõte: võtab kokku eelpool kirjutatu ning toob välja peamised järeldused ja seisukohad, mida essee põhiosas kirjeldati.


Essee eeldab ametlikku stiili, seega lühendvorme ja slängi kasutada ei tohi. Kui tahate väljendada sõna

tema, ega oska valida he ja she vahel, kasutage s/he. Laused ei tohiks olla väga pikad ega ka väga lühikesed. Kasutama peaks üldiselt present ajavorme. Hüüumärki essseedes ei kasutata. Iga üksik lause peab olema tähendusrikas ja loogiliselt jätkama eelmises lauses väljendatud mõtet.


Esseesid on kolme erinevat liiki. Antud essee kuulub kategooriasse –


For and against essay



Sissejuhatavas osas esitame probleemi, aga arvamust ei avalda.


1.lõik – argumenteerime poolt.

2.lõik – argumenteerime vastu

  1. Kokkuvõte – tasakaalustatud isiklik arvamus või võtad poolt ja vastuargumendid kokku.



Teemat sisse juhatades:

Firstly/To begin with/In the first place;

One point in favour of/against is/,

One (dis)advantage of … is


Et lisada mõtteid:


What is more/Furthermore/Both….and/not only ….

But also/ In addition/Besides/A further advantage…. is/ not to mention the fact that/Lastly;


Et võrrelda:

However/ On the other hand/Although/In spite of/Contrary to what most people believe/As opposed to the above ideas/Some people argue that;



In conclusion/To sum up/All things considered


6.      Write a LETTER OF COMPLAINT. Loe alljärgnevalt kirjakirjutamise põhinõuded. Vaata ka Moodle – Inglise keele riigieksam – kirjutamisosa – Kuidas kirjutada kirja


Alates 2013.aastast peab kiri koosnema 120 sõnast. Lubatud on kirjutada 10% sõnu vähem. Sõnade ülemist piiri pole, kuid mida rohkem kirjutad, seda suurem on võimalus eksida.


Kiri peab olema kirjutatud ametlikus stiilis, keelatud on lühendid (don’t, hasn’t) ja samuti slängisõnad.


Kirja on võimalik vormistada kahel viisil, kas kasutades taandridu või plokkida: (sel juhul on lõikude vahel taandrida). Paremale üles kuupäev (viimastel eksamitel ei paluta enam aadressi kirjutada) ja selle alla vasemale pöördumine. Kui nimi teada, Dear Mr/Ms Brown, kui ei, siis Dear Sir/Madam. Lühendite taga punkte pole, kui paned pöördumise lõppu koma, peab koma olema ka Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely taga kirja lõpus, kui pöördumise taga koma ei ole, pole ka lõpus koma. Kiri tuleb lõpetada Yours faithfully kui sa ei tunne inimest nimepidi (s.t. alustad kirja Dear Sir/Madam), Yours sincerely kui tunneme (s.t. alustame kirja Dear Mr Brown).


Vali endale sobiv kirjutamisstiil (plokkimine või taandread) ja kirjuta kiri, jagades see paari- kolme lõigu vahel. Igat lõiku tuleb alustada sissejuhatava sõnaga.


Kõiki ülesandes küsitud punkte PEAB käsitlema! Muidu kaotad punkte.


Palun kasutage iga erineva kirja juures just seda kirja puudutavaid väljendeid! Alljärgnevalt kaebekirja terminoloogia:


Kirja alustuseks: I am writing to complain about the iron I purchased from your shop last week.


Seejärel 1 või 2 lõiku oma kaebuse õigustamiseks: Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly/What is more/Furthermore/ But also/ In addition/Besides.


Kirja lõpetamiseks:


I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matters.

I look forward to receiving your payment.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly.




You recently bought some clothes from an online shop, but some issues occurred:

  • Item quality
  • Wrong size
  • Wrong colour.


Write a letter to the customer service representative of the shop, complaining about the issues, saying exactly what was wrong and requiring action.













  1. Speaking task. Monologue.

Loe läbi teooria, kuidas lahendada ülesanne monoloog. Seejärel pane oma monoloog kirja kõiki reegleid järgides ja kanna see endale ette, proovi jutustada, mitte lugeda! Lugemine võtab tunduvalt vähem aega kui rääkimine. Kas tuli 2 minutit täis? Kirjapandud monoloog saada minule.

Some people say that computers will soon replace face-to-face communication.

Why do you think they say that? Do you agree? Give reasons.



Antud ülesandes tuleb esmalt kommenteerida vaieldavat/vastuolulist väidet. Selles ülesandes on õpilasel kaks minutit aega, et mõelda esitatud väite üle ja ta võib teha ka kirjalikke märkmeid. Märkmete tegemine ei ole kohustuslik. Märkmeid tehes ära hakka kirja panema terveid lauseid, vaid ainult märksõnu, millest sa rääkida tahaksid. Nendele toetudes saad sa oma mõtteid edasi arendada, et kaks minutit rääkida.

Ülesandes tuleb:


1.Öelda, miks mõned inimesed võiksid niimoodi arvata. Sa peaksid alustama oma monoloogi antud väite kordamisega: Some people say that computers will soon replace face-to-face communication.


2.Põhjendada nende arvamust, miks nad niimoodi arvavad: I think they say so because ….


3.Anda oma isiklik arvamus. Kasuta allolevaid väljendeid, et antud väitega nõustuda/mitte nõustuda. (näiteks, I totally agree with this prompt. In my opinion ….)


4.Toetama oma arvamust põhjenduste ja näidetega.


5.Monoloog peab lõppema lühikese kokkuvõttega. (näiteks: The way I see it….)





·         In my opinion…

·         The way I see it…

·         If you want my honest opinion….

·         According to…

·         As far as I’m concerned…

·         If you ask me…




·         I don’t think so.

·         I’m afraid I disagree.

·         I’d say the exact opposite.

·         Not necessarily.

·         That’s not always true.

·         That’s not always the case.

·         No, I’m not so sure about that.






















Exercise 1








Exercise 2





















Exercise 3







Nursing homework help


Research inpatient and ambulatory or ancillary health care organizations.

Inpatient health care organization:

Hospital – Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago

Ambulatory or ancillary health care organization:

Laser eye clinic –  LasixPlus Eye Center Chicago

select one inpatient health care organization and one ambulatory or ancillary health care organization.

Create a 2 to 3 Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (the title and reference slides do not count toward the total slide count), with detailed speaker notes, in which you compare each organization and their quality management performance as an organization. Include the following in your presentation:

  • Explain transformational improvement in relation to organizational performance.
  • What transformational model(s) can be used to help with transformational improvement in relation to organizational performance?

Note: Speaker notes are to be provided for each slide.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and to support your assignment.