Geography homework help

The topic of this homework assignment is to identify and explain a sustainability solution at your campus or local community level. Complete the following steps:

  • Identify two organizations near you (e.g., your city, county, or state) that are involved in creating local sustainable solutions. Examples would be a community garden, green building initiatives, recycling programs, renewable energy projects, public transportation, etc.
  • Once the two organizations have been identified, write a two-page report on those organizations that includes a brief summary of what they do, the goals of the organizations in terms of sustainability, and finally, how people in the community can contribute.
  • 2 full pages minimum in paragraph form

Management homework help


This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached  Unit VI Homework 

Template .Part 1: Imagine someone who believes gravity is not a real force in nature. Using the Unit VI Assignment template, write at least two to four paragraphs explaining to this person that gravity is a real force in nature. Note that you will be defending a very specific conclusion: Gravity is a real force of nature. Your assignment must address and demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts: scientific explanation, theory, and the scientific method (observation, experiment, and measurement).Part 2: After writing your paragraphs, fill out the premises in the attached template. The Unit VI Lesson may be helpful since it addresses Newton’s theory of gravity.View the  Unit VI Sample 

Homework for an example of how your completed assignment should look. The first part of your completed assignment must be at least one page in length, and you must use at least one resource from the CSU Online Library to support your defense. This Developing Keywords for Database Searches video will help you with research for your assignment.Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. No more than 15–20% of your assignment should include outside information. The idea is to use some evidence to help defend your argument.

Government homework help

What steps can a principal/citizen take to ensure National/State agents/representatives act on behalf of their constituents?

In what specific participation in government activity have you taken part? Explain and describe the outcome.

Reading homework help


In Document Sharing you will find a copy of the following study:

Unauthorized Copying of Software – An Empirical Study of Reasons For and Against by Siponen and Vartiainen.

Using this study, prepare a short paper (1-2 pages) which summarizes the following:

  • The practical problem that created the need for research
  • The research problem that the study addressed
  • The research question(s) that guided the study

2) Give an example of a dependent variable you might be interested in studying and describe the different ways you might operationalize it. Why do you think it’s important to correctly match the variable with the data type? What will it affect?

History homework help

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Minimum of 8 scholarly resources (These are from the Week 4 Annotated Bibliography. Conduct additional research as needed.)

You will work on a research project for the duration of this course that you will deliver as a presentation. Here is a brief breakdown of the project so that you can plan your time in the course:



Week 3

Topic Selection

Week 5

Annotated Bibliography

Week 6

Script ( this what you need to do for this ass) 

Week 8


The next step in the course project is to develop a script that you will use to record the narration for your presentation. Include headings for the slide number. Your final presentation should have 5-8 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide). Here are a few tips:

  • Address all requirements for the content.
  • Balance the amount of content for each slide. If there is too much content on one slide, try to break it up into two slides or consider where you can be more concise with your wording.
  • Include citations where needed (e.g., quoted material and paraphrased/summarized ideas from a source that are not common knowledge). Note: When you get to the recording phase – you will need to read your in-text citations aloud, but you do not need to read your references slide.

Looking Ahead
Practice reading their script now so that you will be ready to record by Week 8. You may use PowerPoint or another method (mp4 file) approved by your instructor.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: minimum of 3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 8 scholarly sources)

Nursing homework help

 Share the research framework that you are using to bring about your change project. Explain why you chose this framework. How do you see this change affecting/helping the identified population or facility/policy?

Management homework help

Unit V Assignment Template




Timothy: We had another rough week with our fundraising efforts. It seems like no one wants to contribute to our non-profit. We will either have to close down our non-profit or increase our fundraising efforts significantly. Since we are not significantly increasing our fundraising, we will have to close down our non-profit.


Felicia: Yeah, things are not looking good for us, but Timothy, I am not sure that this is an either-or situation. There are other possibilities besides the two that you presented. It is possible, for example, that we can increase our fundraising a little more (and thus not significantly) without having to completely close down our wonderful tutoring non-profit. We just need enough money to continue to pay our tutors who are doing a great job in offering tutoring to students who cannot afford expensive math and science tutoring.


Amanda: That’s true, Felicia, but we need some smart fundraising ideas. I think advertising our fundraising dinners on social media sites is a good idea. We should advertise on those sites. It is a good idea because millions of companies are advertising on social media sites.


Felicia: Amanda, you are absolutely right! Advertising our fundraising dinners on social media sites is a good idea, but it is not a good idea because it is popular. Sometimes, things that are popular are not necessarily good.


Timothy: That sounds great! Does anyone have any other ideas?


Amanda: Well…for 30 years now we have advertised in our local newspaper. It has been a strong tradition since our founder, Jason Smith, started Smith Tutoring 40 years ago. Since it has been a tradition, I think we should keep advertising in our local newspaper.


Felicia: I disagree, Amanda. Just because something is tradition does not mean it is good. Besides, people do not buy the newspaper as much as they used to, and that is because of the internet. Our local newspaper has seen a significant drop in readership.


Amanda: I see your point Amanda. How about this? How about we go to the advertising firm that is right next door, Smart Ads. They are a very successful advertising company as a whole. I have seen their ads. Since they are a great advertising company as whole, I bet their individual employees are also great. We can go in there first thing tomorrow and talk to one of their employees because they will be phenomenal.


Timothy: That sounds like a great idea! It might not be the case that every employee is great just because the company is great. What is good about a group is not also good about the individual member of that group, but I think we should definitely go and talk to someone there.


Amanda: Sounds good to me!


Felicia: Me too!





Fallacy: Conclusion: Premise(s): How it is corrected:


Article writing homework help

Michael Bull makes the argument in his essay, “The Audio-Visual iPod” that the iPod aestheticizes’ the city and transforms the public experience of the street into a private one. Bull is quite critical of iPod use in the city, arguing that it ‘distracts’ and ‘isolates’ the user and he asks us to consider the moral consequences of iPod use.

What does it mean to ‘share’ public space with each other when we are sequestered into our own privatized and commoditized experiences? What does it mean for our ability to see and tolerate others in public space? As you have, most likely, had the experience of using an iPod (or similar device) in public, do you agree with Bull? specifically, what parts of his essay do you agree with? or do you disagree with him? if so, what parts of his argument do you disagree with? or maybe its a bit of both?

Information Systems homework help

Interactivity Research Assignment


Background: Applying the material covered in Chapter 6 and now in Chapter 7 specifically focusing on Interactivity, the assignment for this chapter will analyze the gallery of 49 chart types from Chapter 6 and provide the following for 5 of your choice.


  1. Select 5 chart type options from the gallery of 49 presented in Chapter 6
  2. For each, select 3 of the 5 most often used data adjustment features and for each describe in detail how you would apply each to each of the 5 chart types. Example for one: Chart Type Selected – Word Cloud.  The 3 Data Adjustments selected: Contributing – force input from the viewer/user to select one word from a drop-down list before moving forward with the display. The results would display the visualization with the stats for the word the viewer/user selected.  The format for this information should be in a table format with no attempt for full sentences.
  3. Immediately following this table, provide your perspective related to any problems, issues or constraints in selecting 3 data adjustment features for each chart type selected. You do not have to use the same data adjustment features for each chart type.  An example of issues could be after selecting a Stream Graph and a Framing data adjustment feature, any example I developed did not make sense.  I also had to change the data adjustment feature of navigating as my first choice because I could not think of an example to fit the data and chart type.   Do NOT use any suggestion if any is provided in the text for interactivity.  Do not copy my examples. You must not copy and paste any information from the text from the pages in the gallery.  You must apply what you have learned from the previous chapters and not copy and paste from other sources.  When you do use other sources to help gather any knowledge such as the text and other online materials such as the book companion site or the library, include each as a source on the reference page following APA formatting.
  4. For each chart type selected, provide examples for each of the 3 Presentation adjustments and why those examples fit the data and chart type.  Again, use a table format instead of attempting sentences.
  5. Immediately following this table, provide your perspective related to any problems, issues or constraints in developing the examples of the 3 Presentation adjustments for each chart type selected. An example could be after selecting a Waffle Chart and a Focusing presentation adjustment feature, I had to develop 4 examples before the final choice made sense.  Do NOT use any suggestion if any is provided in the text for interactivity. Do not copy any example I provided.  You must not copy and paste any information from the text from the pages in the gallery.  You must apply what you have learned from the previous chapters and not copy and paste from other sources.  When you do use other sources to help gather any knowledge such as the text and other online materials such as the book companion site or the library, include each as a source on the reference page following APA formatting.
  6. In a conclusion, provide your reflection on the chapter contents, the material and discussions in the discussion forum, and the efforts to complete the above requirements to include how these activities and knowledge will assist you in the future for your data visualization projects.  These future projects could be the possible initiations at your organization or personal effort or maybe an upcoming class or degree requirement.