Management homework help

  1. Leadership Strategies for HR
    For this assignment, resume the role and use the same company that you used in your last assignment. Your company must have leadership strategies in place for HR. Your company is holding a leadership training workshop in which you will present leadership strategies to your new HR employees.
    Create a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

    1. Provide the company’s mission statement.
      • Write one if you are using an imagined company.
    2. Explain why the HRM function is important to employee management and labor relations.
    3. Explain 3–6 leadership strategies that HR will use for conflict management, communication improvement, employee motivation, and behavior improvement. Provide a rationale for your choices.
    4. Discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each leadership strategy.
    5. Include speaker’s notes or record audio for each slide, as if you were actually presenting in front of your new HR employees.
    6. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
    7. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. For support creating your PowerPoint, view the Strayer Writing Standards slideshow and Linkedin Learning’s Adding Speaker Notes. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Examine leadership strategies used for conflict management, communication improvement, and employee motivation.
    • Attn: For Week 6 Assignment 2, please check out my assignment announcement instructions below.
      Hello My BUS302 Students!
      Please check out my lecture video on the Week 6 Assignment 2 before you start working on it. I go over the entire assignment from start to finish. I’ve also created a template in MS PowerPoint that you can submit your assignment on. The template is set up for each section you need to discuss, you just need to plug in your information delete my information. Please make sure you add at least 100 words in the speaker notes to each slide and do not record any audio. Your speaker notes will be what you are graded on per the grading rubric/scale. I wish you well on this assignment!Week 6 Asignment 2 Template and Instructions.Final.pptx
      Click on the MS PowerPoint template to download so you can submit your work on it. Please delete my instructions off the template before you submit it.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse agains

Social Science homework help

Read article Senator Ted Cruz left Texas for Cancún as the state was battered by a winter storm and write a 2 pages summary.



American history homework help

Bartolome de Las Casas. A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies.


What is the main argument that Del la Casas presents in the reading? Europeans of the time period argued that they engaged in exploration to in engage in missionary work, to convert foreign peoples and to gain fame and wealth for their country. The Native American Hatuey argues that the Spanish were only interested in the riches of the New World. Is his argument sound? What do you think based off the reading? Prove a historical argument using evidence from the book. Please make sure to cite your evidence and include a thesis statement.

Submission Instruction:

  • Essay length: 1200-1500 words (4-5 pages, double spaced).
  • Must include an introduction paragraph containing a thesis statement that expresses your argument and how you intend to defend it.
  • Must include source material from Del la Casas’ book as evidence. You may also use your textbook and other source material in addition to Del la Casas.
  • All source material must be cited and referenced (Reference page is required).
  • Must contain a conclusion paragraph briefly summarizing your main points.
  • Essay needs to be in APA format.

Business & Finance homework help

The collapse of W. T. Grant, the 17th largest retailer in the U.S. with 1,200 stores and 82,000 employees in 1975, came as a surprise to the capital markets!

Which types of risk were present? List and discuss them.

What types of ratio calculations and analysis should have taken place to better predict Grant’s demise?

Which ratios in particular were likely indicators of Grant’s impending demise?

Provide examples and include outside research to strengthen your responses. Cite outside research using APA (or similar) formatting.

Nursing homework help

Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper in which you explore decision-making methods that can be used to resolve an ethical dilemma using the scenario provided in the assigned reading, “An Unconscious Patient With a DNR Tattoo.” Describe how to use the principles of ethical decision making (reviewed in this topic) to help resolve this ethical dilemma. Address the scenario to generate your conclusions about how you would proceed.

  1. What are the dimensions of the ethical dilemma?
  2. What are the potential organizational policies to which you will refer?
  3. Analyze the situation using one of the ethical theories discussed in the textbook. Describe how one might formulate assistance to the clinical staff using this theory.
  4. Describe the importance of reasoning in the decision-making process.
  5. Considering this dilemma, describe how a Christian worldview would inform ethical responsibilities?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance

Article writing homework help

For a long time, Korean food was not a globally preferred food compared to other Asian foods, but from some point on, its popularity increased significantly. Korean food, like other sectors of the Korean Wave, tends to increase in popularity with support from the Korean government and media, especially due to the frequent exposure of Korean food from Korean dramas and YouTube.


– When was it that you began to recognize Korean food, and was it related to what you learned in today’s lecture? How does Korean food relate to the flow of the Korean Wave?


– Which Korean food do you think is the representative food, and why did you choose it? If you like Korean food, what is attractive about it? If you don’t prefer Korean food, in what way?


– Lastly, if you are a fan of Korean dramas, Korean movies, and Korean YouTube content, what is the scene where the most impressive food appears?

Biology homework help

A baby boy is brought to the clinic suffering from impetigo (a bacterial skin infection).  Looking at his history he has had 7 bacterial ear infections, pink eye, has been hospitalized twice with bacterial pneumonia, and his parents report chronic diarrhea.  Suspecting an immunodeficiency, you have the lab sequence his genome and find the following mutations in the coding regions of genes encoding for 3 immune components.

  1. For each of these mutations say what the normal role of the immune component is including if it is on a certain type of cell or in fluids (6 points)  and what type of mutation was found in each of those genes (3 points NOTE: the whole gene is not shown, only the region with the mutation divided by codons).  Your group should decide which of these mutations is most likely to be playing a role in the boy’s problems and explain why you chose that mutation and not the other two (3 points).

NADPH oxidase  Normal sequence   5′- ATT CGA  AAC- 3′

patient sequence    5′ ATT CAA AAC- 3′

C3                       Normal sequence 5′- TTT CGA ACG- 3′

patient sequence 5- TTT AGA ACG- 3′

MHCII                 Normal sequence 5′-ATC TAC TAA -3′

patient sequence 5′ ATC TAT  TAA- 3′

  1. Is it safe for this patient to receive live-attenuated vaccines- why or why not (2 points)?  How about inactivated or subunit vaccines (2 points)?  Would vaccines benefit this patient, why or why not (2 points)?
  2. You also found a mutation in the promoter region for the gene for VDJ recombination.  Could a mutation in a promoter region lead to an immune problem, discuss why or why not (2 points).   Bonus: What immune cells require VDJ recombination, be specific, and could problems with VDJ cause your patients problems, be less severed, or more severe (2 points)?

Computer Science homework help

Change theories help higher education administrators understand and develop applications of change processes. Explain why identification of change theories is important and then present three change theories; describe how the different change theories influence the different ways key questions or strategies needed for change are analyzed. Provide an example from your own professional change experiences to illustrate your conclusions; identify the type of change it represents.

Book link: How colleges change

chapter 3&4

Computer Science homework help

1. A synchronous TDM combines 10 digital sources where each has data rate of 500-kbps. Each output slot carries 4 bits from each digital source, but one extra bit is added to each frame for synchronization. Determine the frame size and output data rate of this TDM. (10 points)

2. Assume synchronous time division multiplexer with three inputs – channel 1, channel 2, and channel 3. The output of this multiplexer produces synchronous 18-bit frames that are provisioned for stuffing as shown in the figure. The stuffing process can occur with each frame. The output link of this multiplexer operates at 36 Mbps. Determine the upper and lower bound of data rate at each input channel.  (10 points)


A close up of a logo  Description automatically generated

3. Find the random numbers generating by x3 + x2 + x + 1 using Viterbi algorithm. Is it primitive? (5 points)

4. Assume that the BER is 10-6.

(a) Determine the probability that the 1000-bit frame would be received without an error. (5 points)

(b) Assuming that the Stop-and-wait flow-control is implemented in data-link layer communication, determine the probability that the sender transmits 3 of same frames to receive a positive acknowledgement. Assume that no packet loss occurs during these transmissions. (5 points)