Article writing homework help

 Discuss the works of two composers of the Baroque era naming  two of  their works, their country of origin, the dates of the era, Also discuss  an interesting fact about each composer. 150 words.

Computer Science homework help


  • Describe the methods organizations use to protect and label confidential e-mails.
  • Identify and describe any laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), or legal requirements, such as eDiscovery, by which organizations may be required to abide.

Nursing homework help

Short Answer

  • Describe the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve. Explain how it allows for body tissues to receive oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide wastes.
  • How are the lungs involved in maintaining normal pH of the blood?
  • Describe the relationship between intrapulmonary pressure, atmospheric pressure, and air flow during normal inspiration and expiration, referring to Boyle’s law.
  • Several physical factors that influence the efficiency of pulmonary ventilation are compliance, alveolar surface tension, and airway resistance. Briefly describe each factor.
  • Albuterol is a selective beta-2 adrenergic agonist, which means it specifically activates beta-2 adrenergic receptors on smooth muscle in the airways. How does this improve asthma symptoms?

*Some questions adapted from Pearson’s Mastering Instructor Resources for Amerman, E. C. (2019) Human anatomy & physiology (2nd ed.).

Assignment Expectations

Length: 750-1200 words

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. Please include an introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph for the case study.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Criminal homework help

Theoretical Perspectives and Delinquency

There are many perspectives used to explain juvenile delinquency. One such perspective, the psychodynamic theory, suggests delinquent behavior is rooted in both social experiences and individual characteristics. The routine activities theory suggests that delinquency is the result of criminal opportunities present to would-be offenders.

On the basis of the given information, answer the following questions:

Is delinquency learned, or is it just a part of one’s genetic makeup?

Should juveniles be treated for their delinquent behaviors, or should they be punished?

Do you think juvenile delinquent theories can be applied to all behaviors of juveniles?

How would you apply psychodynamic theory and routine activities theory to delinquent acts, such as shoplifting and burglary?

Justify your answers with reasons and examples. Comment on the postings of at least two of your classmates.

Psychology homework help

This has 3 separate discussion assignments. Each discussions has to be at least 250 words and cite relevant academic source(s) for each discussion

Discussion 1:

On the USW website,, click on the Academics tab at the top of the page, and then click on the Institutional Review Board option This will take you to a page explaining the IRB at USW.  At the bottom of the page you will see links to the IRB Handbook, and to the USW IRB Application.

Review these materials carefully.  How do you think human subjects participating in counseling research can be harmed?  Explain your position using what you have been reading so far in the course.

Next, find an example on the internet (no “.com sites, wikipedia etc.), in USW’s online library, or in your local library of research where human subjects were harmed.  Briefly explain the research, including how it was set up, what it was trying to find, how the results could benefit the greater good, and how the human subjects were harmed.   Summarize your post with your thoughts about how this harm could have been avoided.  Did the ends justify the means?

Discussion 2:

Compare and contrast the characteristics of the positivist and qualitative research paradigm.

Discussion 3:

Locate an example of a single-subject research design published in a professional journal. Identify the type of design, the outcome measure, and how well the intervention is described.  Judge for yourself whether the author’s conclusions are justified by the data. Provide your rationale for why the conclusions are, or are not, justified.

Psychology homework help

Week 1 – Journal

Interactive Mindfulness Activity and Reflection (IMAR): The Raisin Exercise

For this IMAR, you will need a few raisins; any color will do.

  1. Place the raisins in front of you on a table or similar surface.
  2. It is helpful to walk out of the room and re-enter since this can foster a sense of newness or curiosity.
  3. Approach the spot where you’d placed the tiny objects and look at them as if for the very first time. Allow yourself to feel a sense of wonder and interest while resisting the mind’s tendency to label what you are seeing.
  4. Take a few moments to pay careful attention to:
    • The way they our item looks
    • How it feels
    • How your skin responds to its manipulation
    • Its smell
    • Its taste

If thoughts or judgments arise during your examination, that is okay; simply notice that your mind veered and bring your awareness back to your object with fresh eyes. You may find it helpful to spend one minute on each of the five aspects noted above.

It’s useful to repeat the exercise more than once. See if you can maintain a sense of openness and curiosity throughout each step.

Focusing on a single object such as a raisin is meant to bring your mind to the present, to what is right in front of you. It also allows for the practice of fostering curiosity and openness, which are useful in suspending judgments and preconceptions.

It is nearly impossible to avoid practicing mindfulness when you follow these instructions and take notice of what is in front of you in the present moment.


Consider the following statement: By focusing on the raisin in your hand and making a point to notice everything about it, you are unlikely to be expending energy, time and attention on worrying or ruminating about other parts of your life.

  • Describe your experiences (good or bad) with the Raisin Exercise.
  • Did you notice your attention shifting away from worries or ruminations about other parts of your life as you did this activity?
  • How did this activity affect your mood or emotional state? (Consider how you may have felt before, during, and immediately after completing the activity.)
  • Management experts like Peter Senge and others suggest that dialogue involves balancing inquiry and advocacy. With respect to leadership of human service organizations, do you see the mindfulness activity you just completed as relevant to this statement? If so, in what way? If not, why not?

350- 400 words




Co-Intelligence Institute. (2003). Dialogue. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

George, B. (2015). The power of mindful leadership. Huffington Post. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Harker, R., Pidgeon, A. M., Klaassen, F., & King, S. (2016). Exploring resilience and mindfulness as preventative factors for psychological distress burnout and secondary traumatic stress among human service professionals. Work, 54(3), 631

Power, A. K. (2010). Transforming the nation’s health: Next steps in mental health promotion. American Journal of Public Health, 100(12), 2343-6.





Education homework help

The paper must be supported by the Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations text (Griffin, Phillips, and Gully), as well as five other outside sources.

The intent of the paper is to provide students the opportunity to further explore topics from the course, demonstrate an informed understanding of the topics, and apply relevant knowledge to analyzing and evaluating the case.

The final case analysis (critical assignment) must include the following components which will be graded according to the standards that are established in the Final Case Analysis Grading Rubric attached to the assignment in Blackboard.  The schedule for submitting each section and the final case analysis is as follows:

Week 1: Summary of Background and Facts
Week 2: Statement of Core Problem
Week 3: Secondary Problem
Week 4: Solutions
Week 5: Constraints and Limiting Factors
Week 6: Implementation of Best Solution
Week 7: Evaluate Leadership Decisions
Week 8: Final Case Analysis (Critical Assignment)
Each of the above components must have a section heading and address the requirements as specified in the grading rubric.  In addition, writing quality and adherence to APA standards will be graded.

History homework help

What type of political systems were common during this century ?

How was commerce regulated and goods/services exchanged?

What god(s)/religion affected the way they viewed the world during this century?

What technologies were   popular during this century?

 How (if at all) were citizens trained and educated during this century?

What did the century contribute to the development of Western Civilization?

How did they view sexuality, reproduction, and the family unit?

What are major works of literature, philosophy, art, etc. that reflect the century?

What artistic forms of expression were popular during this century? What did they   do for fun, games, and relaxation?

What philosophies, if any, guided the decisions made during the century?

Management homework help

Course Learning Outcomes-Covered

  1. Analyze the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact on organizational performance.
  2. Identify and apply the basic steps of the organizational development process.


Assignment Instructions:

  1. Login to Saudi Digital Library (SDL).
  2. Click on “Open Access” The search engine page will open
  3. In search engine of SDL write the following title as keyword and click search button.
  4. “Organizational development as a modern management tool for transformation of the company (case of Ukrainian energy company)”
  5. Open the research article, read it thoroughly and answer the assignment questions.
  6. Besides this research paper use other relevant material also to support your answers.


Assignment Question(s):                                                     (Marks 05)

  1. How to increase the overall company performance through organizational development in the energy company. (Marks 2)
  2. Discuss the approaches and stages of organizational development in the case of Ukrainian energy company? (Marks 2)
  3. Discuss the employee involvement in organizational development? (Marks 1)