Marketing homework help

Race and Ethnic Minorities: Research Article Summary Guidelines

Instructions: You are responsible for selecting four research articles beyond course readings and providing summaries for each. Your research summaries must be submitted to Canvas by the listed due dates.

Select a research article from any of the journals listed under Journals in the SOCI 4540 Library Guide (Links to an external site.). Your choice of article must be related to the topic of one of the course modules. For example, if you choose to submit a summary for Module 5: Immigration and Racial and Ethnic Identity, then your choice of article must be relevant to the topic of immigration.

Your research summary should cover the following, in narrative format:

  1. The primary motivation of the article (i.e., why do the authors think their study is relevant or important?) and research questions asked.
  2. Theories or conceptual frameworks used in the study – including any used to support the study’s main points and any critiqued by the study
  3. The data and methods used in the study (i.e., how was the study actually carried out?)
  4. The primary findings of the study (i.e., what did the study actually discover?)
  5. A critical assessment of the article, including:
    1. Which parts of the article did you agree with and why? What are the strengths of the article, in your opinion? For example, did the author(s) use a theory or draw a conclusion that you find particularly relevant?
    2. Which part of the article did you disagree with and why? What are the weaknesses of the article, in your opinion? For example, did the author(s) overlook an important factor or fail to take into consideration an important perspective?
  6. A concluding paragraph connecting the article to other course materials and/or to contemporary events

Formatting: You must include the full citation of the research article at the end of your summary, properly formatted in ASA-style (ASA Style Guide available on Canvas). Your research summaries should be no more than two single-spaced pages in Times New Roman (font size 12) in Microsoft Word format with one-inch margins all around. A template for the assignment is available on Canvas.


  • Most research articles include an abstract with a summary of the main points and findings of the study which is useful for deciding if you are interested in the article and for understanding key points to use in your research summary.
  • Choose an article that uses research methods you are comfortable with. If you choose an article using methods you do not fully understand, you can sign up for office hours to discuss it.
  • Make sure you read the article thoroughly – preferably more than once – to make sure you are really understanding the arguments and conclusions being made.
  • Do NOT copy and paste text directly or quote extensively from the research article – your research summary should use your own words to paraphrase the relevant points from the article.

Grading Rubric:

Comprehension (40 points)

  • Clearly describes the motivation for the study
  • Identifies the theories and/or conceptual framework used in the study
  • Accurately describes the study’s data and methods
  • Demonstrates understanding of the study’s primary findings

Critical Analysis (50 points)

  • Provides a thoughtful and well-supported critical assessment of the article
  • Draws clear connections between the article and other course materials and/or contemporary events

Composition (10 points)

  • Paper is clearly written and organized with minimal spelling or grammatical errors
  • Full citation is provided, properly formatted in ASA-style

Computer Science homework help

  Review the material on routers.

It is sometimes said that information extracted from a router or switch does not necessarily provide specific evidence of a particular crime. What is meant by that?  If true, what then is the most useful information collected from these devices in an investigation?

Information Systems homework help

Assignment Content

  1. Throughout the past few weeks, you have learned about the type of leader you’d like to be and how you can use your leadership skills in project management. This week’s reading discussed Kotter’s eight-step model of planned organization, appreciative inquiry, and the psychological and emotional processes involved in successful change. Leading an IT project will require you to use all these skills when working with stakeholders. One of the most important project tasks is to present the scoping information to the stakeholders.

    For this assignment, you will revise your team’s project plan to present to stakeholders. Access your team’s draft of the Project Plan Template from the Wk 3 Team – Apply: Project Scope, Budget, and Timeline Stakeholder Meeting Role Play assignment, and re-save it so you can work on it individually.

    Using information from the previous weeks’ assignments and instructor feedback, revise the Project Plan Template. In Section 1 of the Project Plan, you must define the scope of the project. In the following sections, you will explain how you will implement the scope of the project and how you will manage change within the project.

    Specifically, your new project plan should include the following revisions and additions:

    • A summary of the project in Section 1: Summary
    • A revision of the timeline from the Wk 3 Team – Apply: Project Scope, Budget, and Timeline Stakeholder Meeting Role Play assignment in Section 3: Schedule – Milestones
    • A revision of the list of stakeholders (refer to the Wk 3 – Apply: Project Management Flowchart and Summary assignment document) in Section 4: Resources
    • An analysis of impact of change that should occur based on the risk assessment in Section 6: Change Management
    • An explanation and justification for the changes made in your revision of your group’s decisions in an Appendix section
    • Cite two sources other than Intuit, Inc. company documents.

      Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.

Please refer to the downloads for references.


English homework help

In the first several weeks of class, we will discuss literary conventions and how writers use those conventions in poetry and short essays. To demonstrate your understanding of how writers use these conventions, you will develop and support a specific thesis about one of the poems or short essays I hand out in class. Your essay should have an introduction that ends with the thesis statement; a body that supports your claim and analyzes how the writer has used literary elements to create a particular meaning or effect; and a conclusion. You should concentrate your analysis on the literary elements that create/support the meaning/effect of the text. For example, one of the poems we’re reading for class is Alan Dugan’s “Love Song: I and Thou.” In approaching this poem, one might analyze the ways the images of carpentry and the religious metaphors work together to create a poem about love and need. No matter which text you choose, you should use the analysis of quotations from it to support your claims. Length: 4-5 pages.

Choose one of the following pieces for your analysis:

April Lindner’s poem “Our Lady of Perpetual Help”

Ross Gay’s creative nonfiction essay “The Joy of Caring for Others”

Aimee Nezhukumatathil’s creative nonfiction essay “Touch-Me-Nots”

NOTE: For this assignment, when doing in-text citations, use line numbers when quoting from a poem (Lindner’s poem) and paragraph numbers when quoting from an essay (Gay or Nezhukumatathil). Unless you are quoting an outside source (which you shouldn’t need to do), you do not need to include a Works Cited page for this assignment.

Operations Management homework help


  1. Distinguish between traditional, personal, and strategic selling.
  2. Create a strategic sales plan.
  3. Apply customer service skills before, during, and after a sale.
  4. Describe the key functions of managing a salesforce.
  5. Apply management strategies to a business-to-business (B2B) salesforce.
  6. Select appropriate software platforms for sales management and customer relationship management (CRM).

Scenario Information

You are one of the founders of a family-run business that offers bookkeeping for small businesses in your tri-state area. Your business has been level for many years, and you have a strong, healthy relationship with your clients. Many of your clients have been with you for over 10 years, and your new clients almost exclusively have come from word-of-mouth promotion from current, satisfied customers.

You want to expand the services you offer to include payroll and accounting beyond bookkeeping. You have heard from your current clients that they need assistance with those two services for their business to grow, but you have been hesitant until this last year. In the last 18 months, you have a family member that has passed the CPA exam and remains a vital employee. She has expressed interest in being more involved and leading the payroll and accounting business, but she is not very well-versed in sales.

Your sales staff has historically been the family, plus the bookkeeping staff. Your main job at the company has been in customer relations and hiring. There are 4 family members working full-time (including the new CPA), as well as 3 bookkeepers. You have 27 business that you consider your main customers, and you have about 2-3 new customers every year or two. There is also a natural attrition of about that same amount every couple of years as well.


As the co-founder and managing partner of your business, you are in charge of this new project. You will be the primary researcher, and you have decided to present a comprehensive strategic sales plan to the other owners, the new CPA, and the bookkeepers.

As managing partner you have decided to create a strategic sales plan to share your findings and the proposal using a PowerPoint presentation. Before presenting, you will share with the other co-founders using a PowerPoint with detailed presentation notes to mimic your narration for their approval. Your goals will be to expand the services you offer to current customers, and to create a prospecting list of new customers that can use the full bundle of services you can now offer.

You decided it will be important to include the following:

  • Introduce the launch of the new payroll and accounting services to the employees emphasizing the selling style you expect to implement-  Introduces the new product, and indicates the desired selling style to be used with clear explanation of choice using examples and cited research.
  • Outline how the sales program impacts personnel needs and the employee hierarchy. (For example: Will you hire a dedicated sales staff?)
    • Identify management strategy/ies being implemented to meet the goals.
    •  Outlines impact to personnel and organizational structure with clear reasoning and examples and cited research.
  • Explain the structure of the sales compensation plan.
    • Incorporate how you will compensate the bookkeepers that help convert current customers to the new bundle of services.
    •  Identifies how management strategies will meet the goals and provides clear support and examples and cited research.
  • Emphasize the role of customer service.
    • Express the value of customer service for this expansion.
    • Integrate the use of communication and psychological expertise and problem-solving skills.
    •  Confirms the value of customer service and how the skills are to be integrated with clear support and examples and cited research.
  • Explain how customer data will be collected and shared.
    • Include your recommendation whether a CRM system needs to be purchased and integrated for your business to grow and for information to be shared with the full team.
    •  Explains the collection and distribution of data with recommendation related to use of CRM with clear explanation and examples and cited research.
  • Establish metrics to evaluate the success of the sales plan.
    • Incorporate both qualitative and quantitative. – Provides qualitative and quantitative metrics that evaluate lead generation and sales conversion with clear explanation using examples and cited research.
    • Evaluate lead generation and sales conversion.
    •  Explains desired sales compensation plan, including conversion sales with clear reasoning and examples and cited research.

Computer Science homework help

Step 11: Present Written and Oral Versions of Statement

Now that you have a draft of your written statement, it is time to finalize it in order to prepare for your oral statement. Be sure to incorporate any feedback your instructor provided into the final version.

Your goal in delivering this statement is to educate Congress on the implications this legislation will have on your industry. It is important that your statement is clear, concise, and demonstrates your knowledge of the issues.

Submit your two- to the three-page written statement with the following attached as appendices: Cybercrime Awareness Summary, Computer Fraud, and Abuse Act Analysis, and Computer Crime Comparison Table. The appendices do not contribute to the length of the written statement.

Record Your Oral Statement

Congratulations! You are now ready to record your statement. The type of device that you will use to make your recording will determine how you will record the audio file. Refer to the documentation for your specific device for more information. Once you are ready to move forward, record your oral statement and submit the final version in MP3 format to the assignments folder. Your grade will be based on both the written statement and the audio recording.

Management homework help

Answer the following questions using 3-4 paragraphs total and respond to at least two of your peers to the following topics in this discussion. Some of the answers are not going to be found in the unit’s readings, but they are very important. (Note…not necessary to site the references but do include it in your answers what sources you used).

1. What percentage of those who apply for a job is actually are called in for an interview?

2. What is an ASCII formatted resume and why is it important to have one?

3. What are 5 reasons why job applicants don’t land the job?

4. What length of time is the average job search?

5. Create an “elevator pitch” about yourself to succinctly describe what you’d say to someone you were interested in working for or explaining what you did as an occupation. Be sure to include all 4 talking points. No Plagiarism

Nursing homework help

Please discuss the role of serotonin in anxiety. Also, why are SSRIs first line treatment in anxiety?

Post must be a minimum of 150 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2 references are required (other than your text). Refer to the Grading Rubric for Online Discussion in the Course Resource section.

Government homework help

For the third reading report, the assignment focuses on the case study contained within Chapter 9, “Semi-Independent Agencies”. There is no lecture for this chapter, as the material is light and self-evident and has a strong focus on statistics and totals; in other words, there shouldn’t be a need for an auxiliary lecture on this chapter. If you have trouble understanding any of the concepts in this chapter, feel free to e-mail me before constructing your report. 

For this assignment, after reading the chapter and the case study, you should write a short report about a non-city special local government with which you are familiar, or become familiar with for this assignment. After reading the chapter, you should be able to define what a non-city special local government is, but examples may be: water or sewer districts; water or sewer authorities; park authorities; port authorities; transit authorities; fire districts; ETC. The government unit you select must have some type of significant independent authority, such as the ability to extend or deny water or sewer; set transit rates or extend transit lines; regulate maritime traffic; ETC. It must also have an independent board or council that can either be elected or appointed by other units of government.

After selecting your level of government, write a short report addressing the following:

1. The name, location, and general function of the body of government – what does it do? how is it governed? does it have employees? ETC.

2. Criticisms or accolades received/perceived about the level of government – its transparency of governance, democratic process for governing, etc.

3. The government’s relationship with other units of government, the state, and/or the federal government – good, bad, ugly, whatever.

4. Your opinion of the government unit based on your personal experience with the organization (preferred) or based on the preponderance of evidence you collected regarding the level of government.

HINT: This assignment will be easy if you select a special local government with which you are already familiar. With tens of thousands of special districts throughout the United States, everyone should be able to identify one or two organizations that have had some effect on your life – maybe it’s where you get your water from, or who shows up when you call 911.

Don’t forget to adhere to all writing guidelines (refer back to the syllabus if you need more information) and to turn in your assignment on time!