Applied Sciences homework help

Write a paper about what are some issues the elderly must face in regard to nutrition? How are their nutritional needs different from ours? As health professionals how might we assist them? Can you envision how a nutritional analysis or dietary intake inventory might be helpful with your elderly patients? Could you see yourself referring an elderly patient to a nutritionist? Provide some current research / resources as the basis for your discussion and the resource has to be no less than 2016.

Only 250 words, APA style 7th version.

English homework help

Writing Assignment: Genre

Write a 500 word essay practicing one of the genres we explored in this week’s lecture. Use one of the writing prompts below to develop your writing assignment. Follow the guidelines in the Explore learning module in developing your essay.
1. What is one moment where you were afraid to do something but did it anyway?
2. Make a list of every area of expertise you have, e.g. writing, playing an instrument, etc. Then choose one of those areas of expertise and write for about what you’ve learned.
3. Describe the situation and how you felt the first time you saw the love of your life.
4. Share the story of one time you were betrayed.
5. Have you ever encountered death? Write about your encounter with death and how you experienced it.
Write a review of a recent book you’ve read, movie you’ve seen, concert you’ve attended/album you’ve listened to, or product you’ve purchased.
Write a commentary in response to any current event that you’ve seen in the media recently. Remember commentaries offer a new angle to an ongoing public conversation. The goal of commentaries is to convince readers that the opinion of the person writing the commentary is more convincing. When writing a commentary, it is important to make clear points that are understood easily by readers. At the same time, readers of commentaries want to learn something new while figuring out how someone else views an issue or event of interest.
Imagine you would like to see a change made at your school or place of work. Write a proposal to the decision-maker, outlining your proposal and how it should be deployed.

Criminal homework help

  • What is the typical sequence of events involved in the employee grievance process?
  • Explain the budget cycle and the four sequential steps critical for a top police executive to maintain during the budget year.
  • Assume you have been assigned to conduct an audit of a municipal police department that has been awarded a state and federal grant to reduce driving while intoxicated violations over an 18- month period. What preparation, documents, statistics and analysis, would you want to gather and review in your audit report? With the data that you gathered, support your audit findings and recommendations to see if the grant stipulations were fulfilled. (Answers may require research not found in your text.)
  • 1-2 pages

Government homework help

Identify potential online open sources that may be used by both the protection professional and the aggressor to perform intelligence assessments, and in the case of the protection professional, threat assessments. Provide an example (that has not already been posted by another student). Lastly, describe the components of the Design Basis Risk Management/Assessment Model?

The post needs to be at least 400 words in APA format. Please use the link below for resources/sources and refer to Week 3.

Social Science homework help

Human Rights policy & and law


Assignment 1

Review the a chapter assigned from our core text book, Social Policy Theory and Practice.

Create a PowerPoint and record via Adobe Connect a max 15 minimum during your lecture a presentation detailing the key points from each chapter for your peers, including your own summary and thoughts.

Upload a brief synopsis and your presentation of 1000 words to the module page.


Assigned Chapter:


Chapter 9: Principles and values




  1. What is the chapter about?
  2. Who is the chapter addressing?
  3. Concerns of this chapter.
  4. My conceptions
  5. Success of the Argument


History homework help

Primary Source Analysis Paper Assignment

Select one of the primary sources listed below. In an essay of at least three pages analyze the primary source, considering who wrote the source, why they wrote they wrote the source, and why the source is significant.

  • One of John Dickinson’s, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Especially consider one of letters 1, 2 ,5, 9, or 11)
  • One of The Federalist Papers (Especially consider one of numbers 1, 9, 10, 31, 35, or 51.)
  • Thomas Paine, “Common Sense
  • George Washington, Newburgh Address

A good essay will:

  • Begin with an introduction that explicitly names the source, provides a brief (1-2 sentence) explanation of the source and its contents, and argues as to the source’s significance.
  • Identify and analyze the source.
    • Who wrote the source?
    • When did they write the source? Why write the source at that time?
    • What did they intend the source to do? (They probably wrote it for a reason.)
    • What were actual consequences of the source (Why does this source matter?)
  • While considering the above questions, remember to relate the source to the historical context discussed in class or the textbook. (You should have to do this to answer the above questions anyways.)
  • Have a brief conclusion.
  • Be at least 3 pages long with standard formatting: 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins, page numbers in top right corner.
  • Include page numbers for all quotes and an indication of where you got the version of the source you read.
  • If you would like feedback, you must email me the assignment at by midnight on Friday, February 19.

The assignment is due via email by midnight to on:

Information Systems homework help

This is a project which requires a 2 page essay for Step 1, 2 page essay for, 2 page essay for step 3. There will be other steps and I’ll pay for those seperate. preferably want same person to do whole project. Its 10 steps total. This requires deep knowledge of cloud computing so I’ll want confirmation on that. Needs to include turnitin to show no plagerism.

As an IT analyst for BallotOnline, a company providing voting solutions to a global client base, you are working to convince the organization to move the current infrastructure to the cloud.

Your supervisor and the director of IT, Sophia, has asked you to summarize for the company executives the potential risks and compliance issues that BallotOnline will have to contend with in the transition to the cloud.

The final report will be seven to 10 pages that convey your understanding and management of risks associated with cloud computing, as well as ensuring compliance with legal requirements involved in moving BallotOnline systems to the cloud.

This project will take about four weeks. Check the Project 2 FAQ thread in the discussion area for any last-minute update or clarifications about the project.

Step 1: Research Risks Associated With Cloud Adoption

The first step in assessing risk in cloud computing will be to identify and describe risk concepts and cloud computing risk factors associated with cloud adoption. As a software as a service (SaaS) company considering an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud service provider for your hosting needs, consider third party outsourcing issues and the generally accepted best practices for cloud adoption and review relevant cloud risk case studies. You should also consider best practices for cloud adoption.

As part of the risk management process, identify and describe other types of risk, such as risks associated with having a service-level agreement (SLA). An example of a potential risk could be if your company is obligated to protect personal information, and then the cloud provider that you use suffers a security breach exposing that personal information.

Here, identify and describe other types of risks or potential liability issues that apply to BallotOnline and discuss them with your colleagues in the Discussion: Risk forum.

You will incorporate your research into your final report.

Step 2: Identify the Most Appropriate Guidelines for Managing Risks

In order to identify guidelines applicable to your company’s industry, you must have an understanding of the different types of risk management guidelines that exist and are frequently applicable in cloud environments.

There are several cybersecurity standards applicable to cloud computing environments such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework,  ISO standards, and US federal government standards (DoD/FIPS), as well as several major sets of risk guidelines for dealing with the risks involved. Also, there are organizations such as the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) that recommend best practices for managing risks.

Review the different guidelines and determine which are most appropriate for BallotOnline. For example, NIST has responsibility for developing a number of elections industry guidelines within the United States.

Identify why those guidelines are most appropriate and compile these items into a brief (one page or less) recommendation and justification of your choice. Your recommendation will also be incorporated into your final report in the final step.

Submit your recommendation to Sophia to review using the dropbox below.

Step 3: Identify Potential Privacy Issues and Mitigation Measures

Now that you have identified the guidelines most applicable to your organization, it is time to discuss privacy protections that may apply.

BallotOnline is now a global organization and may need to contend with several sets of privacy laws since these laws vary from country to country.

Sophia has recommended that you focus on European Union (EU) privacy requirements for now, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), since those are considered to be the most challenging for compliance. Many companies opt to host data for their European customers entirely within facilities in the European Union, and the companies implement restrictions to prevent data for EU citizens from crossing borders into non-EU zones. This is the approach that you have been asked to take and where you should focus your efforts. Note that some cloud providers, such as Amazon, have received special approval from EU authorities to permit data transfer outside of the EU.

Research EU privacy requirements, identify the requirements that apply to your project and why they apply, and compile your recommendations for complying with these requirements. These will be incorporated into your final report.

Before moving on to the next step, discuss the material with your colleagues in the Discussion: Privacy Issues.

Nursing homework help

Identify a behavior in the healthcare setting that you would like to change that involves extinguishing an undesirable behavior and replacing it with a healthier behavior (e.g. “increased hospital readmission in patients with diabetes” and “medical power of attorney”,). Describe how the behavior could be changed using the principles of a particular learning theory. Then describe how the same behavior could be changed using a different theory. Depending on the behavior to be changed and replaced, you might also discuss why one plan might work better for men than women, or for younger people than older people.

NOTE: Use the following as the identified behavior / problem;

(1).  “increased hospital readmission in patients with diabetes”

(2). “medical power of attorney”

Education homework help




Reading Reaction #2


Assigned Reading:  The Skillful Teacher, Chapters 15 & 16, pages 389-440


  1. Respond to the statement/question with the asterisk (*). This response is required. Be prepared to share your response during SET-UP with our Learning Community.
  2. Select 4 additional statements/questions from the menu below and respond.
  3. Use the Reading Reaction template to write your responses in a Microsoft Word. Each response should be between 250- 300 words.


*Describe the repertoires for developing and maintaining positive teacher-student relationships.



1.      Why do students more readily accept rules or (learning community standards) when they have a positive relationship with their teacher?


2.      Examine the Eight Key Teacher Traits for Personal Relationship Building. Describe a teacher from your past who exhibited many of these traits, and how that influenced your learning.



3.      Why is it important to re-establish contact after a disciplinary incident?


4.      Review table 15.1, How Student Define Respect. Did any of these examples surprise you? Explain why.


5.      Describe any connections that you see between the Community and Mutual Support (column 1 of figure 16.2) and the concept of a Learning Community.


6.      Social skills must be explicitly taught. Describe the 5 steps required for teachers to support the transfer of these social skills in student’s daily lives. 7.      Analyze the Five Beliefs That Underlie Risk Taking. Describe how positive beliefs impact risk-taking and learning and the importance of mindset regarding mistakes/errors. 8.      Reflect upon the quote on page 434, “The construction of knowledge, which takes place through negotiation, depends on the redistribution of power from teachers to students”. Explain why this is a difficult concept for many teachers.






Reading Reaction Template

































Reading Reaction Grading


Reading Reaction
Ø  Reading Response Clearly Articulated 2 points
Ø  Include Central Ideas Referenced from Text 2 points
Ø  Response Indicates Understanding of Critical Concepts 2 points
Ø  Quality Writing and Adherence to APA Format Guidelines 2 points
Ø  Responses within Word Count Expectations 2 points
Ø  TOTAL 10 points