American history homework help

American history homework help
1. The reason Columbus “discovered” America and the events leading up to that.
2. The settling of the Jamestown colonies – its shortcomings and why it eventually became a success
3. The different characteristics of the early American colonies.
4. The general approach of the English government to the colonies from 1607 up to the 1750s. Including the Navigation Acts and trade policy
5. The events leading up to the American Revolution – e.g., the French & Indian War, the Royal Proclamation, the Stamp Act, The Townshend Acts, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable and Coercive Acts.
6. The Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and why things were designed that way.
7. The Philadelphia Convention of 1787 and the Annapolis Convention of 1786.
8. Locke, Montesquieu, and the theory of “enumerated” powers.
9. The Great Compromise, the 3/5 Clause, and the 1808 Clause.

American history homework help

American history homework help
1250-1500 words
Final Essay on Half Slave and Half Free
Here is the link of Half slave and half free : the roots of civil war by Levine:
You can look through this book by signing up an account, and any email is fine.
Essay Requirements:
The final essay needs to be 1250-1500 words (about 4-5 double-spaced pages).
The final essay should be typed, double-spaced, spell and grammar checked, and contain a word count at the end of the essay.
The essay must have a thesis that responds to the prompt and your thesis must be supported with evidence/examples from the Levine book. Underline your thesis statement in the final draft. The thesis should be in the first or second paragraph of the essay.
Just like for the short papers, there should be proper use of MLA parenthetical citations.
Levine writes, “the original project of the Founding Fathers—to hold together a society half slave and half free—became untenable” by the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 (Levine 16). What went wrong? According to Levine, what caused the United States to fracture into a Northern Union and a Southern Confederacy in 1861?
Essay Tips:
When answering the essay prompt, make sure to analyze the economic, social, and cultural transformations in the North and South after the American Revolution that help to explain the causes of Civil War.
Before writing your essay, make sure to review the introduction, where Levine provides a detailed breakdown of the main argument for the entire book on pp. 14-16.

American history homework help

The Supreme Court and Judicial Review
“If children do not understand the Constitution, they cannot understand how our government functions, or what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens of the United States.” – John Roberts
Although the Judiciary Act of 1789 established the legal concept of judicial review, it was the 1803 Supreme Court Case, Marbury v. Madison, which established the Supreme Court as the arbiter of whether the executive actions, congressional legislation, or lower court judicial decisions are constitutional.
In 1803, the Supreme Court heard the case, Marbury v. Madison. Chief Justice John Marshall, writing on behalf of a unanimous court, stated “it is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.” (Marbury v. Madison, 1803) In other words, the Supreme Court has the power to the final decider on what is constitutional or unconstitutional – be it congressional legislation, executive action, or judicial decisions. The Supreme Court’s power of judicial review is a salient component of this country’s ‘checks and balances’ system. Here is a full account of Marbury v. Madison from the U.S. Archives.
Today, the Supreme Court routinely hears cases that evaluate the constitutional authority of executive actions, congressional legislation, and lower court judicial decisions.
Directions: Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric:
Identify the constitutional powers of judicial branch.
How does the Supreme Court act as a check against executive authority?
How does the Supreme Court act as a check against legislative authority?
Select a specific Supreme Court case from one of the following fields:
Economic policy
Education policy
Environmental policy
Healthcare policy
Identify the historical circumstances of the Supreme Court case.
Speculate as to why the Supreme Court justices decided to hear this case.
Explain the Supreme Court’s decision.
Explain how this Supreme Court case discussed the U.S. Constitution and/or subsequent federal and state laws, and/or lower court judicial decisions.
How did this Supreme Court case affect the legislative, executive, and/or judicial branch?
Evaluate the resulting impact of the Supreme Court case on U.S. society.
Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court decision?
Evaluate the resulting impact of the Supreme Court case on you.
Why did this Supreme Court case interest you?
How did this case affect you and society?
Marbury v. Madison (1803). (n.d.). Retrieved from

American history homework help

Someone good at History

Name _________________________________







Sojourner Truth, John Brown, William L. Garrison and Frederick Douglass were noted advocates of the __________ movement in the United States.

a. Suffrage

b. Abolition



1. The concept of “________ _________” was the non-governmental plan to control the “Lower 48.”

a. Manifest Destiny”

b. Freedom Trail

2. “________ ________” are property and can be traded as such. They have no rights, are expected to perform labor (and sexual favors) at the command of a slave master. This is the form of slavery which was carried out in the Americas as a result of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.”

a. Contract Laborers

b. Indentured Servants

c. Chattel Slaves

d. Migrant Workers

3. The ________ Amendment prohibited the denial of suffrage because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

a. 27th

b. 13th

c. 15th

d. 19th

4. The Three Branches of the federal government of the United States include:

a. Executive, Legislative and Centralist

b. Judicial, Executive and Progressive

c. Legislative, Executive and Judicial

5. Which of the following individuals penned the classic anti-slavery novel: Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

a. Michelle Obama

b. Harriett Tubman

c. Susan B. Anthony

d. Charlotte Forten

e. Mary Chestnut

f. Harriett Beacher Stowe

6. On December 20, 1860, ___________ ____________ left the Union and soon thereafter followed by ten states.

a. North Carolina

b. South Dakota

c. South Carolina

d. South Central

7. Dr. Kevin Waite noted in his essay “When Mexico Needed a Wall to Keep Americans Out” that at one time ___________ controlled the majority of land in North America.

a. Canada

b. The Falkland Islands

c. Cuba

d. United States

e. Mexico

f. Brazil

8. Which of the following amendments includes the idea of petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

a. 13th

b. 14th

c. 1stth


9. Which of the following women led over three hundred slaves to freedom?

a. Biddy Mason

b. Sojourner Truth

c. Rosa Parks

d. Ida Tarbell

e. Harriett Tubman

f. Lucretia Mott

g. Harriett Jacobs


10. The “Grandfather Clause”, Poll Taxes and _____________ _____________ were passed in several Southern states to prohibit freedmen from exercising their right to vote.

a. Manumission Papers

b. Service Records

c. Literacy Tests

11. Which of the following constitutional amendments did the Confederacy rely on to support their secession from the Union?

a. 14th Amendment

b. 26th Amendment

c. 16th Amendment

d. 10th Amendment

e. None of the Above





12. “In the United States in the 19th century, Manifest Destiny was the widely held belief that American settlers were destined to expand across the continent. The historian Merk says this concept was born out of “A sense of mission to redeem the Old World by high example … generated by the potentialities of a new earth for building a new heaven.





13. Which of the following amendments stipulated that Citizenship would be viewed as a national priority?

a. 1st

b. 20th

c. 14th

14. Which of the following is not a Historic Black College and University (HBCU)?

a. USC

b. Howard University

c. Morehouse College

d. Spelman College

e. Hampton University

15. The Mexico’s 1824 Colonization Act stipulated the following:

a. Permitted foreign immigration into the Southwest

b. Plan intended to populate the region

c. Develop the region economically

d. Link the region with interior Mexico

e. An attempt to “Mexicanize the region”

f. This would serve as a buffer against American expansionism

g. ALL of the Above

h. None of the Above


16. The _______ Amendment was ratified on December 18, 1865, and slaves in Kentucky and Delaware were declared free. The amendment was the culmination of the Civil War, which was initially undertaken to preserve the Union.

a. 13th

b. 2nd

c. 19th

d. 14th


17. Much of California’s history began with the Spanish Missions. The chain of 21 missions along California’s El Camino Real (“The Royal Highway”) represent the first arrival of non-Native Americans to California. Life for the California Native Americans was forever changed. In addition to Christianity, the missions brought many other things to California such as livestock, fruits, flowers, grains and industry.



18. ___________ __________ ____ was issued by General William Tecumseh Sherman, which granted confiscated and abandoned Confederate lands to former slaves. Each head of household could receive up to forty acres of land along Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

a. Special Field Order 15



19. The Declaration of Impendence was primarily written by _______ _______.

a. Thomas Jefferson

b. Thomas Paine

c. Cotton Mather

20. In July 1863 President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most important speeches in American history. The central focus of his speech was to honor the 51,000 plus men that lost their lives in the Battle of ____________.

a. Shiloh

b. Gettysburg

c. Spotsylvania

d. Manassas

21. The Union victory in the Civil War may have given some _________ million slaves their freedom but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction introduced a new set of significant challenges.

a. 38

b. 110

c. 2

d. 4


22. On February 15, 1870 the _______ Amendment prohibited denial of suffrage because of race, color or previous condition of servitude.

a. 1st

b. 26th

c. 13th

d. 15th

23. Which of the following individuals is not a graduate of a Historic Black College and University?

a. Jerry Rice

b. Celeste Farrar

c. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

d. Barack Obama

e. Oprah Winfrey

24. Lewis and Clark were assisted by _______ on their journey to the Oregon Territory in the early 1800s.

a. Sacagawea

b. Pocahontas


25. Which of the following countries established the institution of slavery in the colonial territories of North America?

a. Botswana

b. Belgium

c. Norway

d. Sweden

e. Great Britain


26. According to your instructor the Civil War was fought over issues related to States’ Rights, Cultural, Political and Social Differences and the Institution of Slavery.



27. _________ _________ worked tirelessly to support both the Suffrage and Abolition causes.

a. Hillary Clinton

b. Mary McLeod Bethune

c. Sojourner Truth

28. “Chattel slaves are property and can be traded as such. They have no rights no rights, are expected to perform labor (and sexual favors) at the command of a slave owner.”




29. According to Dr. Kevin Waite, Mexico won its impendence from __________ in 1821.

a. France

b. Greenland

c. Spain

d. Portugal

30. __________ ________ was noted for her yeoman efforts to address the concerns of the conditions of mental and prison institutions in the United States.

a. Cary Nation

b. Doretha Dix

c. Harriett Tubman


31. There were numerous individuals, organizations and governmental officials that worked for the suffrage movement in the post-Revolutionary War Era. One of the prominent religious groups that advocated for the suffrage rights of women were the ____________.

a. Baptists

b. Quakers


32. This woman was known to have carried an axe and a Bible, and traveled around the United States displaying her aversion against the consumption of alcohol.

a. Gloria Steinem

b. Cary Nation

c. Susan B. Anthony


33. Which of the following social reform movements is not included in the Constitution?

a﷒ Suffrage

b﷒ Abolition

c﷒ Temperance/Prohibition

d﷒ Mental and Prison

34. Which of the following governmental agencies supported the educational aspirations of emancipated African Americans?

a. Department of Commence


c. Freedmen’s Bureau

d. National Park Service

35. The United States Constitution includes two major sections: The Articles and the Amendments.



36. The ______ is responsible for passing the laws in the United States.

a. President

b. Cabinet

c. Congress

37. Which of the following individuals traveled from Utah to California, won her freedom in a court of law, became a prominent mid-wife and co-founder of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles?

a. Lola Folana

b. Clara Barton

c. Lola Montez

d. Biddy Mason

38. Which of the Constitutional Amendments provides access for individuals to arm themselves as a part of a well-armed militia?

a. 1st

b. 9th

c. 10th

d. 2nd

39. Which of the following amendments protects the citizens from illegal “searches and seizures?”

a. 4th

b. 27th

c. 10


40. By a treaty signed on Apr. 30, 1803, the United States purchased from ________the Louisiana Territory, extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. The price was about $15 million; $11,250,000 was to be paid directly.

a. England

b. Botswana

c. France


41. Eleven Southern states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi) seceded from the 

Union in 1861, precipitating a Civil War with the North. The Confederacy was defeated in 1865 and the South was reincorporated into the United States.




42. Which of the following abolitionists led the raid on Harper’s Ferry in 1859?

a. Sojourner Truth

b. Nat Turner

c. Susan B. Antony

d. John Brown

43. Which of the following explorers helped to establish colonies in the Americas?

a. Christopher Columbus

b. Elon Musk


44. This course focused its attention on the chronological, thematic, and analytical study of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic history of the United States to Reconstruction.



45. In January 1865 _________ ________ took land from Charleston to Florida to give black heads of households forty acres and a mule.

a. Gen. Forrest

b. Gen. Grant

c. Gen. Lee

d. Gen. Sherman

46. Based on the copious research and documentation of Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., approximately _____ million Africans were brought to the Americas illegally.

a. 100

b. 60

c. 10.7

47. Those who supported the notions of the separation from Great Britain became known as Patriots.




48. Although the Revolutionary War did indeed drag on for eight years, in 1783, the thirteen colonies, now the United States, ultimately prevailed against the British.




49. The Three Branches of the Federal Government of the United States include the Executive, Environmental and Judiciary divisions.



50. Nineteenth-century Chinese-Americans had a leader and a fighter in Wong Chin Foo (1847–98), a compelling and controversial figure whose story is a forgotten chapter in the history of the struggle for equal rights for all.




51. Dr. Kevin Waite, a noted academician noted that in his article, When Texas Needed a Wall to Keep Americans Out.” Texas won its independence from Portugal in 1821, and it was the largest nation in North America. But three decades later, it had lost over half of its landmass. The events that culminated in that dramatic territorial reduction were set in motion by Mexican border-crossers.



52. The non-fictional book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was widely received and cherished in southern states after its publication in the 1900s.


b. False

53. At the battle Shiloh the Confederate Army defeated the Union Army



54. John Brown, William L. Garrison and Frederick Douglass were noted advocates of the Temperance Movement in the United States.



55. Which of the following ‘Founding Fathers” was responsible for establishing the University of Rhode Island?

a. George Washington

b. Thomas Paine

c. Samuel Adams

d. Benjamin Franklin

e. John Harvard

f. Elijah Yale

g. None of the Above




56. __________ __________ is oftentimes referred to “The Father of the Constitution.”

a. Dr. R. Farrar

b. Alexander Hamilton

c. John Winthrop

d. Cotton Mather

e. John Adams

f. James Madison

57. Which of the following American presidents did this instructor spend two summers learning about the legacy of this “Founding Father”

a. George Washington

b. Thomas Jefferson

c. Thomas Paine

d. Jefferson Davis

e. James Madison

58. Which of the following was not one of the Original Colonies?

a. Maine

b. Georgia

c. Virginia

d. West Virginia


59. “The Union victory in the Civil War in 1865 may have given some ten million slaves their freedom, but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction period.”



60. Which of the following states was identified as a military district after the Civil War?

a. North Carolina

b. Oregon

c. California

d. Iowa

61. Which of the following Articles of Constitution focuses on the Legislative Branch of Government?

a. Article I

b. Article II

c. Article III

62. The lynching of African Americans were acts of terrorism, a widely supported campaign to enforce racial subordination and segregation. Lynching in America documents more than 4,400 racial murders in the United States during the period between Reconstruction and World War II.



63. According to the Southern Poverty Center’s annual census of hate groups there are 940 hate groups in the United States.



64. The Bill of Rights is a collection of Amendments that provides protection against Jim Crow Laws, “red lining”, “sun down towns” and forced imprisonment of immigrants.



65. A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, or a dead person. Primary sources include podcoasts, social media information and recorded speeches.



66. _________________ Nathan Bedford Forrest was the founder of the White Citizens Council; a peaceful organization that has developed a non-violent political platform in Vicksburg, Mississippi.



67. The 55 signers of the ___________ ___ __________ were delegates from the original colonies who gathered several times and in several places, first drafting the Declaration of Independence, and then, after the colonists defeated the British army and won independence, writing the U.S. Statute of Laws. The signers of the two documents have some overlap — Thomas Jefferson signed both, but John Hancock wrote large only on the Declaration of Independence.

a. Treaty of Paris

b. Magna Carta

c. Rite of Passage

d. Book of Masonry

e. Declaration of Independence


68. _ ____________ The 16th Amendment in the Constitution provides equal access for women in employment settings.



69. According to _________ ___ ________”I pray every single moment not on my knees but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Worship and work are one with me. “

a. Harriette B. Stowe

b. Angela E. Davis

c. Lucretia Y. Mott

d. Susan B. Anthony

70. William Lloyd Garrison was the Editor of The Liberator, an anti-slavery publication that was extremely important during the 1800s.


american history homework help

Multiply choices and True or False questions

Name _________________________________







Sojourner Truth, John Brown, William L. Garrison and Frederick Douglass were noted advocates of the __________ movement in the United States.

a. Suffrage

b. Abolition



1. The concept of “________ _________” was the non-governmental plan to control the “Lower 48.”

a. Manifest Destiny”

b. Freedom Trail

2. “________ ________” are property and can be traded as such. They have no rights, are expected to perform labor (and sexual favors) at the command of a slave master. This is the form of slavery which was carried out in the Americas as a result of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.”

a. Contract Laborers

b. Indentured Servants

c. Chattel Slaves

d. Migrant Workers

3. The ________ Amendment prohibited the denial of suffrage because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

a. 27th

b. 13th

c. 15th

d. 19th

4. The Three Branches of the federal government of the United States include:

a. Executive, Legislative and Centralist

b. Judicial, Executive and Progressive

c. Legislative, Executive and Judicial

5. Which of the following individuals penned the classic anti-slavery novel: Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

a. Michelle Obama

b. Harriett Tubman

c. Susan B. Anthony

d. Charlotte Forten

e. Mary Chestnut

f. Harriett Beacher Stowe

6. On December 20, 1860, ___________ ____________ left the Union and soon thereafter followed by ten states.

a. North Carolina

b. South Dakota

c. South Carolina

d. South Central

7. Dr. Kevin Waite noted in his essay “When Mexico Needed a Wall to Keep Americans Out” that at one time ___________ controlled the majority of land in North America.

a. Canada

b. The Falkland Islands

c. Cuba

d. United States

e. Mexico

f. Brazil

8. Which of the following amendments includes the idea of petitioning the government for a redress of grievances?

a. 13th

b. 14th

c. 1stth


9. Which of the following women led over three hundred slaves to freedom?

a. Biddy Mason

b. Sojourner Truth

c. Rosa Parks

d. Ida Tarbell

e. Harriett Tubman

f. Lucretia Mott

g. Harriett Jacobs


10. The “Grandfather Clause”, Poll Taxes and _____________ _____________ were passed in several Southern states to prohibit freedmen from exercising their right to vote.

a. Manumission Papers

b. Service Records

c. Literacy Tests

11. Which of the following constitutional amendments did the Confederacy rely on to support their secession from the Union?

a. 14th Amendment

b. 26th Amendment

c. 16th Amendment

d. 10th Amendment

e. None of the Above





12. “In the United States in the 19th century, Manifest Destiny was the widely held belief that American settlers were destined to expand across the continent. The historian Merk says this concept was born out of “A sense of mission to redeem the Old World by high example … generated by the potentialities of a new earth for building a new heaven.





13. Which of the following amendments stipulated that Citizenship would be viewed as a national priority?

a. 1st

b. 20th

c. 14th

14. Which of the following is not a Historic Black College and University (HBCU)?

a. USC

b. Howard University

c. Morehouse College

d. Spelman College

e. Hampton University

15. The Mexico’s 1824 Colonization Act stipulated the following:

a. Permitted foreign immigration into the Southwest

b. Plan intended to populate the region

c. Develop the region economically

d. Link the region with interior Mexico

e. An attempt to “Mexicanize the region”

f. This would serve as a buffer against American expansionism

g. ALL of the Above

h. None of the Above


16. The _______ Amendment was ratified on December 18, 1865, and slaves in Kentucky and Delaware were declared free. The amendment was the culmination of the Civil War, which was initially undertaken to preserve the Union.

a. 13th

b. 2nd

c. 19th

d. 14th


17. Much of California’s history began with the Spanish Missions. The chain of 21 missions along California’s El Camino Real (“The Royal Highway”) represent the first arrival of non-Native Americans to California. Life for the California Native Americans was forever changed. In addition to Christianity, the missions brought many other things to California such as livestock, fruits, flowers, grains and industry.



18. ___________ __________ ____ was issued by General William Tecumseh Sherman, which granted confiscated and abandoned Confederate lands to former slaves. Each head of household could receive up to forty acres of land along Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

a. Special Field Order 15



19. The Declaration of Impendence was primarily written by _______ _______.

a. Thomas Jefferson

b. Thomas Paine

c. Cotton Mather

20. In July 1863 President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most important speeches in American history. The central focus of his speech was to honor the 51,000 plus men that lost their lives in the Battle of ____________.

a. Shiloh

b. Gettysburg

c. Spotsylvania

d. Manassas

21. The Union victory in the Civil War may have given some _________ million slaves their freedom but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction introduced a new set of significant challenges.

a. 38

b. 110

c. 2

d. 4


22. On February 15, 1870 the _______ Amendment prohibited denial of suffrage because of race, color or previous condition of servitude.

a. 1st

b. 26th

c. 13th

d. 15th

23. Which of the following individuals is not a graduate of a Historic Black College and University?

a. Jerry Rice

b. Celeste Farrar

c. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

d. Barack Obama

e. Oprah Winfrey

24. Lewis and Clark were assisted by _______ on their journey to the Oregon Territory in the early 1800s.

a. Sacagawea

b. Pocahontas


25. Which of the following countries established the institution of slavery in the colonial territories of North America?

a. Botswana

b. Belgium

c. Norway

d. Sweden

e. Great Britain


26. According to your instructor the Civil War was fought over issues related to States’ Rights, Cultural, Political and Social Differences and the Institution of Slavery.



27. _________ _________ worked tirelessly to support both the Suffrage and Abolition causes.

a. Hillary Clinton

b. Mary McLeod Bethune

c. Sojourner Truth

28. “Chattel slaves are property and can be traded as such. They have no rights no rights, are expected to perform labor (and sexual favors) at the command of a slave owner.”




29. According to Dr. Kevin Waite, Mexico won its impendence from __________ in 1821.

a. France

b. Greenland

c. Spain

d. Portugal

30. __________ ________ was noted for her yeoman efforts to address the concerns of the conditions of mental and prison institutions in the United States.

a. Cary Nation

b. Doretha Dix

c. Harriett Tubman


31. There were numerous individuals, organizations and governmental officials that worked for the suffrage movement in the post-Revolutionary War Era. One of the prominent religious groups that advocated for the suffrage rights of women were the ____________.

a. Baptists

b. Quakers


32. This woman was known to have carried an axe and a Bible, and traveled around the United States displaying her aversion against the consumption of alcohol.

a. Gloria Steinem

b. Cary Nation

c. Susan B. Anthony


33. Which of the following social reform movements is not included in the Constitution?

a﷒ Suffrage

b﷒ Abolition

c﷒ Temperance/Prohibition

d﷒ Mental and Prison

34. Which of the following governmental agencies supported the educational aspirations of emancipated African Americans?

a. Department of Commence


c. Freedmen’s Bureau

d. National Park Service

35. The United States Constitution includes two major sections: The Articles and the Amendments.



36. The ______ is responsible for passing the laws in the United States.

a. President

b. Cabinet

c. Congress

37. Which of the following individuals traveled from Utah to California, won her freedom in a court of law, became a prominent mid-wife and co-founder of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles?

a. Lola Folana

b. Clara Barton

c. Lola Montez

d. Biddy Mason

38. Which of the Constitutional Amendments provides access for individuals to arm themselves as a part of a well-armed militia?

a. 1st

b. 9th

c. 10th

d. 2nd

39. Which of the following amendments protects the citizens from illegal “searches and seizures?”

a. 4th

b. 27th

c. 10


40. By a treaty signed on Apr. 30, 1803, the United States purchased from ________the Louisiana Territory, extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. The price was about $15 million; $11,250,000 was to be paid directly.

a. England

b. Botswana

c. France


41. Eleven Southern states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Mississippi) seceded from the 

Union in 1861, precipitating a Civil War with the North. The Confederacy was defeated in 1865 and the South was reincorporated into the United States.




42. Which of the following abolitionists led the raid on Harper’s Ferry in 1859?

a. Sojourner Truth

b. Nat Turner

c. Susan B. Antony

d. John Brown

43. Which of the following explorers helped to establish colonies in the Americas?

a. Christopher Columbus

b. Elon Musk


44. This course focused its attention on the chronological, thematic, and analytical study of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic history of the United States to Reconstruction.



45. In January 1865 _________ ________ took land from Charleston to Florida to give black heads of households forty acres and a mule.

a. Gen. Forrest

b. Gen. Grant

c. Gen. Lee

d. Gen. Sherman

46. Based on the copious research and documentation of Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., approximately _____ million Africans were brought to the Americas illegally.

a. 100

b. 60

c. 10.7

47. Those who supported the notions of the separation from Great Britain became known as Patriots.




48. Although the Revolutionary War did indeed drag on for eight years, in 1783, the thirteen colonies, now the United States, ultimately prevailed against the British.




49. The Three Branches of the Federal Government of the United States include the Executive, Environmental and Judiciary divisions.



50. Nineteenth-century Chinese-Americans had a leader and a fighter in Wong Chin Foo (1847–98), a compelling and controversial figure whose story is a forgotten chapter in the history of the struggle for equal rights for all.




51. Dr. Kevin Waite, a noted academician noted that in his article, When Texas Needed a Wall to Keep Americans Out.” Texas won its independence from Portugal in 1821, and it was the largest nation in North America. But three decades later, it had lost over half of its landmass. The events that culminated in that dramatic territorial reduction were set in motion by Mexican border-crossers.



52. The non-fictional book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was widely received and cherished in southern states after its publication in the 1900s.


b. False

53. At the battle Shiloh the Confederate Army defeated the Union Army



54. John Brown, William L. Garrison and Frederick Douglass were noted advocates of the Temperance Movement in the United States.



55. Which of the following ‘Founding Fathers” was responsible for establishing the University of Rhode Island?

a. George Washington

b. Thomas Paine

c. Samuel Adams

d. Benjamin Franklin

e. John Harvard

f. Elijah Yale

g. None of the Above




56. __________ __________ is oftentimes referred to “The Father of the Constitution.”

a. Dr. R. Farrar

b. Alexander Hamilton

c. John Winthrop

d. Cotton Mather

e. John Adams

f. James Madison

57. Which of the following American presidents did this instructor spend two summers learning about the legacy of this “Founding Father”

a. George Washington

b. Thomas Jefferson

c. Thomas Paine

d. Jefferson Davis

e. James Madison

58. Which of the following was not one of the Original Colonies?

a. Maine

b. Georgia

c. Virginia

d. West Virginia


59. “The Union victory in the Civil War in 1865 may have given some ten million slaves their freedom, but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction period.”



60. Which of the following states was identified as a military district after the Civil War?

a. North Carolina

b. Oregon

c. California

d. Iowa

61. Which of the following Articles of Constitution focuses on the Legislative Branch of Government?

a. Article I

b. Article II

c. Article III

62. The lynching of African Americans were acts of terrorism, a widely supported campaign to enforce racial subordination and segregation. Lynching in America documents more than 4,400 racial murders in the United States during the period between Reconstruction and World War II.



63. According to the Southern Poverty Center’s annual census of hate groups there are 940 hate groups in the United States.



64. The Bill of Rights is a collection of Amendments that provides protection against Jim Crow Laws, “red lining”, “sun down towns” and forced imprisonment of immigrants.



65. A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, or a dead person. Primary sources include podcoasts, social media information and recorded speeches.



66. _________________ Nathan Bedford Forrest was the founder of the White Citizens Council; a peaceful organization that has developed a non-violent political platform in Vicksburg, Mississippi.



67. The 55 signers of the ___________ ___ __________ were delegates from the original colonies who gathered several times and in several places, first drafting the Declaration of Independence, and then, after the colonists defeated the British army and won independence, writing the U.S. Statute of Laws. The signers of the two documents have some overlap — Thomas Jefferson signed both, but John Hancock wrote large only on the Declaration of Independence.

a. Treaty of Paris

b. Magna Carta

c. Rite of Passage

d. Book of Masonry

e. Declaration of Independence


68. _ ____________ The 16th Amendment in the Constitution provides equal access for women in employment settings.



69. According to _________ ___ ________”I pray every single moment not on my knees but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Worship and work are one with me. “

a. Harriette B. Stowe

b. Angela E. Davis

c. Lucretia Y. Mott

d. Susan B. Anthony

70. William Lloyd Garrison was the Editor of The Liberator, an anti-slavery publication that was extremely important during the 1800s.


American history homework help





For this assignment, you must select one theme, event, or concept from this lesson’s lectures (NOT the textbook readings and NOT the Crash Course history videos). You will then compare your selection to an ongoing social, political, cultural, or economic issue in the United States today, explaining how events and phenomena from the past influence or shape the present. Whereas the quizzes are designed to test your empirical knowledge of U.S. history, this discussion post is designed to evaluate your ability to make broader, analytical connections from the past to contemporary events. Your discussion post should reflect your critical analysis of the past and present.
1. Watch the lecture and read the scholarly article in their entirety. Select one of the materials which interests you the most.
2. From one of those materials, determine what the main argument is. In other words, all academic lectures and articles have a key point that is being supported by evidence, which is what we call the argument. Figure out what that key point is.
3. In your discussion post, explain the argument by analyzing the evidence. As you are explaining the argument, you should discuss how that argument is significant for U.S. history. In other words, tell me why this topic is important for U.S. history.
4. Next, make a connection between the topic and any political, social, or cultural issue that we face today in the United States. You should explain how and in what ways the past informs or have shaped the present.
5. Your discussion post should reflect how you interpret the past and connect it to present events.
6. Please, be creative; be bold! There is no right or wrong answer! I will evaluate you based upon the quality of your analysis.
Guidelines and Requirements:
1. A minimum of 350 words. By all means, feel free to write more.
2. Use formal, well-written English. You will be penalized points if your discussion post is sloppy and incomprehensible.

American history homework help

1. Describe some of the strategies implemented by the U.S. government to improve the U.S. economy during the Great Depression (1929-1941)? Provide specific examples of President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs or legislations. What drug law reforms were made during this era and why? What economic programs did the U.S. government undertake during the 1930s to improve the economy and conditions among people? Provide statistics to support your answer.
2. What factors influenced the U.S. government to enter the war against Japan, Germany, and Italy in December, 1941? What type of fanatical warfare did the Japanese rely upon and how did the U.S. plan to counter this? What measures did the U.S. military take to knock Japan out of the war in 1945? How did the U.S. economy improve as a result of involvement in World War II? Provide statistics to support your answer.
3. Describe some of the social conditions found among many U.S. women during the 1950s. What physical and social pressures did many women during the 1950s encounter? What information and insight did feminist author, Betty Friedan, provide in The Feminine Mystique that described women’s roles in U.S. society? Draw a few comparisons between the employment status of women during the 1950s and during the current 2000s. Name several historical factors which influenced employment statuses between U.S. men and U.S. women between the 1950s and 2000s. Provide statistics to support your answer.
4. Describe some examples of segregation between skin-color groups within the U.S. southeastern states during the 1950s. What efforts were made to desegregate southeastern states among civil rights organizations? Describe the differences between the civil rights efforts of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. What sort of statements did these two men use in their speeches to further their causes? Provide statistics to support your answer.
5. Define the term ‘counterculture’. What specific circumstances related to the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Watergate scandal influenced counterculture movements during the 1960s and 1970s? Provide any relevant statistics that influenced these movements. Provide statistics to support your answer.
6. Outline three main factors which maintained the Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991. What were the differences in the U.S. and Soviet economies? What conditions influenced the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s?
Writing Instructions:
Writing Instructions:
1. Choose 1 of the 6 essay questions to answer.
2. Write 3-5 pages to explain your position.
3. Paragraphs in this assignment need at least 5 sentences.
4. Type and double-space your answers.
5. Use at least two sources to support your answer. (The textbook and/or notes from class may be used as references). Do not use Wikipedia.
6. Use parenthetical citation format within your essay anytime you use one of your sources.
7. Use MLA or APA format.
8. Provide a work cited page in addition to your 3-5 pages essay.
APA Citation examples
APA style includes the author(s) and the year of publication.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped influence anti-slavery attitudes in the North due to its stated policy that slavery was prohibited in new states north of the Ohio River (Brands, Breen, Williams, and Gross, 2012).
The Articles of Confederation was replaced with the U.S. Constitution in part because the federal government lacked the central authority and tax collecting initiative needed to stabilize the infant nation (19th Century Urbanization notes, 2015).
Any quotation or statistics taken from a book or article must include author’s name, publication year, and page number.
MLA Citation examples
MLA style includes the page number(s) and the author(s).
Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).
Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
Multiple authors from a source:
After using a source with multiple authors more than once, you are able to shorten the citation by writing the first author’s name and then “et al”. This is a Latin term meaning “and others”. The page number should follow after a comma.
Example: Example: 17th and 18th century New England women were presented with greater financial opportunities through involvement in poultry sales (Brands et al., 2012).

American history homework help

1. Describe some of the strategies implemented by the U.S. government to improve the U.S. economy during the Great Depression (1929-1941)? Provide specific examples of President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs or legislations. What drug law reforms were made during this era and why? What economic programs did the U.S. government undertake during the 1930s to improve the economy and conditions among people? Provide statistics to support your answer.
2. What factors influenced the U.S. government to enter the war against Japan, Germany, and Italy in December, 1941? What type of fanatical warfare did the Japanese rely upon and how did the U.S. plan to counter this? What measures did the U.S. military take to knock Japan out of the war in 1945? How did the U.S. economy improve as a result of involvement in World War II? Provide statistics to support your answer.
3. Describe some of the social conditions found among many U.S. women during the 1950s. What physical and social pressures did many women during the 1950s encounter? What information and insight did feminist author, Betty Friedan, provide in The Feminine Mystique that described women’s roles in U.S. society? Draw a few comparisons between the employment status of women during the 1950s and during the current 2000s. Name several historical factors which influenced employment statuses between U.S. men and U.S. women between the 1950s and 2000s. Provide statistics to support your answer.
4. Describe some examples of segregation between skin-color groups within the U.S. southeastern states during the 1950s. What efforts were made to desegregate southeastern states among civil rights organizations? Describe the differences between the civil rights efforts of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. What sort of statements did these two men use in their speeches to further their causes? Provide statistics to support your answer.
5. Define the term ‘counterculture’. What specific circumstances related to the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Watergate scandal influenced counterculture movements during the 1960s and 1970s? Provide any relevant statistics that influenced these movements. Provide statistics to support your answer.
6. Outline three main factors which maintained the Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991. What were the differences in the U.S. and Soviet economies? What conditions influenced the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s?
Writing Instructions:
Writing Instructions:
1. Choose 1 of the 6 essay questions to answer.
2. Write 3-5 pages to explain your position.
3. Paragraphs in this assignment need at least 5 sentences.
4. Type and double-space your answers.
5. Use at least two sources to support your answer. (The textbook and/or notes from class may be used as references). Do not use Wikipedia.
6. Use parenthetical citation format within your essay anytime you use one of your sources.
7. Use MLA or APA format.
8. Provide a work cited page in addition to your 3-5 pages essay.
APA Citation examples
APA style includes the author(s) and the year of publication.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped influence anti-slavery attitudes in the North due to its stated policy that slavery was prohibited in new states north of the Ohio River (Brands, Breen, Williams, and Gross, 2012).
The Articles of Confederation was replaced with the U.S. Constitution in part because the federal government lacked the central authority and tax collecting initiative needed to stabilize the infant nation (19th Century Urbanization notes, 2015).
Any quotation or statistics taken from a book or article must include author’s name, publication year, and page number.
MLA Citation examples
MLA style includes the page number(s) and the author(s).
Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).
Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
Multiple authors from a source:
After using a source with multiple authors more than once, you are able to shorten the citation by writing the first author’s name and then “et al”. This is a Latin term meaning “and others”. The page number should follow after a comma.
Example: Example: 17th and 18th century New England women were presented with greater financial opportunities through involvement in poultry sales (Brands et al., 2012).

American history homework help

Answer the following questions. I have the book on PDF or I can send it though email. I’ve listed the name of the book if you can find it online but I also have it downloaded. This is not a research paper you must read the book and answer the questions listed completely. One complete paragraph will be fine for each answer. Please answer each part of the question.
David Emory Shi and George Brown Tindall, America A Narrative History, Vol 1, Eleventh Edition.