American history homework help

Answer the following questions. I have the book on PDF or I can send it though email. I’ve listed the name of the book if you can find it online but I also have it downloaded. This is not a research paper you must read the book and answer the questions listed completely. One complete paragraph will be fine for each answer. Please answer each part of the question.
David Emory Shi and George Brown Tindall, America A Narrative History, Vol 1, Eleventh Edition.

American history homework help

Using your book and the provided link, compare and contrast the secession documents of different Confederate states to each other, and also to the thinking of the American Revolutionaries. Many Confederates saw the Civil War as another Revolution. What do the documents say the states are seceding for? Does it match up with your ideas of the Civil War?
-200 words

American history homework help

Using your book and the provided link, compare and contrast the secession documents of different Confederate states to each other, and also to the thinking of the American Revolutionaries. Many Confederates saw the Civil War as another Revolution. What do the documents say the states are seceding for? Does it match up with your ideas of the Civil War?
-200 words

American history homework help

Historians often disagree on the true impact of Reconstruction. Based on your reading, discuss Reconstruction as a whole: the different legislative acts (for example, the amendments), the progress that was made, and the opposition to all of it. Be sure to talk about different groups reactions, i.e. freedmen, northern whites, southern whites, Congress, etc. In your opinion, was Reconstruction a success? What consequences did it have for the future?
There is no word limit, however, as this is not a timed assignment, your essay should have some length (meaning more than one paragraph).

American history homework help

Watch “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” available on Youtube.  It is the movie that is 1 hour and 35 minutes long and answer the following questions:
I will also attach the questions below as well.
1.  Write a brief summary of the ENTIRE film, imaging that you are describing it to
someone who has not seen it yet. (1 paragraph)
2.  What is the main theme or themes of the film?  What is the overall message that
the filmmaker wants his/her audience to get? (Give two-three examples for
each theme). (2 paragraphs)
3.  What character or characters resonated with you and why?  Is there any
character that is most like you and if so, in what ways? (1-2 paragraphs)
4.  What scenes vividly demonstrate what you have learned about the particular
era/topic?  Describe those scenes in detail when explaining how they exemplify
what African Americans faced during that time period. (2 paragraphs)
5.  Would you recommend this film or not and why?  If you do, is there any specific
audience(s) that you feel would benefit the most from viewing this film?
(1 paragraph)
Answer each question using complete sentences in paragraph form.  Answers need to be complete and comprehensive, demonstrating that you paid attention and have invested significant thought in what you witnessed.  All responses should conform to proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.  Certain questions ask personal questions and should be in the first person.  All other responses should be in third person (this reviewer, this author, etc.)  The entire review should be on 3 FULL.  It should be typed, double-spaced, size 12” font, Times New Roman style.
HEED 102
Healthy People 2020 Health Topic Research Paper 
Choose a health topic or issue from the Healthy People 2020 list to research. This list is found on under topics and objectives.
The requirements for this health research paper are as follows:

  • Length of research paper: 3 pages, double spaced and no spelling/grammatical errors
  • Research articles used cited correctly in APA, 6th edition format
  • Use 3 or more appropriate research articles (empirical article on the health topic), and provide an explanation of the articles, and relevance to wellness and your topic.
  • Describe the physiology of the health topic and relate it to the concept of general wellness. Describe in detail which of the dimensions of wellness the health issue most directly affects and how.
  • Describe your personal experience with the topic, or your personal and/or intellectual growth due to researching the topic.
  • Includes an abstract and summary paragraph on the analysis of the research and topic.

American history homework help

Write a 6 paragraph essay describing the history of jazz from its origins through the present day.
Your essay must consist of each of the eras studied replete with examples of musicians, seminal albums, and groups of consequence for each era.
Paragraphs must be at least five sentences long.

American history homework help

The events leading up to the issues of slavery in the 1850s began when the Constitution included the Three-Fifths Compromise, confirmed that the slave trade could continue until 1808, and included a clause requiring states to return runaway slaves. However, the events of the 1850s brought slavery to the forefront of national politics and social reform. Which event(s) in this period did the most to push the nation toward civil war (the Wilmot Proviso, the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the debate over the Lecompton Constitution, the Fugitive Slave Act, the Dred Scott Decision)? Explain your answer with specific examples from your assigned reading and media. USE PRIMARY SOURCES LISTED BELOW!!

Primary Sources

  • 12.1 Chief John Ross, The Petition and Memorial of the Delegates and Representatives of the Cherokee Nation (1840)
  • 13.3 James H. Hammond, Speech On The Admission Of Kansas (1858)
  • 13.4 Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Springfield, Illinois

American history homework help

  • Each Essay must be 3 full pages minimum (excluding the title page, works cited, and citations).
  • Double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins all around.
  • Each essay should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.
  • Each essay will not be just a report presenting information, but will be an essay that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.
  • These essays will be submitted via the assignment link in the appropriate lesson. You will be directed to do the essay in the lesson.
  • You must use three sources to develop your essay, one source should be the textbook, (other sources may include books, journals, Internet, etc…).
  • You must submit
    • a works cited page listing all the sources from which you gather information to use in the essays.
    • a title page that includes a title, date, your name, and which essay it is
  • MLA format

American history homework help

  • Each Essay must be 3 full pages minimum (excluding the title page, works cited, and citations).
  • Double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins all around.
  • Each essay should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.
  • Each essay will not be just a report presenting information, but will be an essay that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.
  • These essays will be submitted via the assignment link in the appropriate lesson. You will be directed to do the essay in the lesson.
  • You must use three sources to develop your essay, one source should be the textbook, (other sources may include books, journals, Internet, etc…).
  • You must submit
    • a works cited page listing all the sources from which you gather information to use in the essays.
    • a title page that includes a title, date, your name, and which essay it is
  • MLA format