American history homework help

1000 word Discussion about the first invasion: War of 1812, with 8-10 quotes from video link below.

American history homework help

Explain why learning history is important and share your final thoughts regarding the Course
some topics were ,
2000 election
bill Clinton impeachment
princess Dianne
cults – jonestown
more mysteries and scandals

American history homework help

read the attachment carefully
  • History Department
    El Centro College
    HIST 1302: Research and Writing Assignment


    Critical Thinking

    This assignment will engage you in critical thinking by requiring you to explain your thought process, reasoning, and research when selecting an historical issue and developing and explaining your thesis statement.

    Written Communication

    You will demonstrate a mastery of written communication skills by authoring an academic paper comprised of reliable sources and evidence. Your final paper will be free of mechanical and technical errors and demonstrate careful revision. Your final paper will demonstrate mastery of MLA Formatting.

    Personal Responsibility

    You will demonstrate your mastery of personal responsibility as this assignment will require you to present a specific historical issue and thesis and explore the ethical issues relating to the events. You will support your analysis with facts.

    Social Responsibility

    You will demonstrate social responsibility as this assignment will require that you consider cultural competency when establishing and presenting your historical thesis statement. You will discuss the effect on the community in relation to your historical thesis statement.

    Visual Communication

    You will demonstrate a mastery of visual communication by using an image, graph, photograph, political cartoon or collage to frame and describe the historical issues discussed in your paper in a visual way.



    You must use MLA format for the paper.  A sample paper in MLA format, MLA template and MLA tips are available on the History Library Page.  You need to use In-Line citations in the text.


    You will need to find and use three reliable, primary or secondary sources (note that Wikipedia and Google are not reliable sources). Note: the type of sources you choose will be ranked … use of at least 1 Primary source will count for more points and for the secondary source/sources, a book earning most points.

    Font and Spacing

    You need to use 12-point Times New Roman Font (like this font) and it should be Double-spaced


    Three full pages of writing. In text citations must be used within the body of your paper.

    Visual Medium

    You must use at least one chart, graph, photo, political cartoon, collage or other visual representation to interpret, explain or comment on your paper. This visual representation is required and is not part of the three full pages of writing.

    Works Cited Page

    Using MLA format, you must include a Works Cited Page at the end.


    Papers must be turn in on BlackBoard. This assignment is part of the assessment criteria for the History Department and the department must have access to the papers on Blackboard.
    Research Paper Topic Suggestions:

    Research Paper Topic Suggestions

    Below is a list of suggested research project topics. If you wish to write on a topic not appearing on this list, you must get permission from your professor first. The questions below are not thesis statements. Your thesis statement is your answer to the question you chose.
    Transcontinental railroad: What was its impact on westward expansion?
    United States and Native American policy: What was the impact of the Dawes Act and/or other pieces of legislation? What was the impact of the reservation policy?
    Inventors/inventions of the 19th Century: Choose a significant inventor or invention and examine the challenges of developing the item or the impact of the invention on the American society/economy.
    Wealthy industrialists in the late 1800s: “Robber Barons” or “Captains of Industry”?
    The Gilded Age: Discuss the origin of the term and why it is an appropriate metaphor for the United States in the late 1800s.
    Labor unions in the 1800s: What economic, social, and philosophical factors contributed to their formation?
    Immigration in the late 1800s: What were the difficulties faced by immigrants, and how did they adjust to life in America?
    Immigration in the late 1800s: Discuss the “melting pot” vs. “salad bowl” metaphors.
    Chinese immigrants: Why did they come to the U.S.? What discrimination did they face? (Chinese Exclusion Act)
    Settlement house movement of the late 1800s: What prompted the development of the movement? What was its impact on urban neighborhoods? Specify area (e.g.: Chicago’s Hull House)
    Child labor in the late 1800s/ early 1900s: What was the impact on society? How were reforms made?
    Galveston hurricane of 1900: What were the effects on the city? How did city government change after the hurricane?
    World War I: What were the reasons for U.S. involvement?
    Red Scare of the 1920s: What were the causes? What was the impact on immigrants and/or radicals? What was the role of A. Mitchell Palmer and/or J. Edgar Hoover?
    Sacco-Vanzetti case: What role did discrimination play in the trial and verdict?
    Prohibition: What were the causes? What was its impact on the development of organized crime?
    Tuskegee Airmen: What obstacles did they face? How did they influence the struggle for African American rights?
    World War II: What contributions were made by Americans on the home front?
    Japanese Internment: Why did it occur? How did it affect Japanese-Americans?
    World War II: What were the contributions of women? How did it affect women’s employment?
    World War II: What were the contributions of African Americans?
    Bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki: Was it necessary? Argue one side.
    Brown v. Board of Education case: What was its impact?
    My Lai Massacre: What were the causes? Who was responsible?
    American Indian Movement (AIM) and the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee: What motivated the takeover? What was its impact on relations between Native Americans and the government?

American history homework help

4 Page Book Essay
Instructions on attachment below
  • Book Essay2
    For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War
    by James M. McPherson
    Required Sources:
    McPherson, J. M. (1999). For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil
    War. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195124996
    Shi, David E., and Tindall, George B., America: The Essential Learning Edition.
    New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2015.
    One Primary Source written around or during the Civil War
    Book Report Guidelines –
    At Least a 4 Full Page Essay
    The paper is required to use and cite the Assigned Book, the Textbook, and at least One Primary
    Source for any and all details, facts, and quotes included in the paper. Do not include any
    alternative sources or website sources (i.e. Wikipedia,, etc.). At least 6 direct
    quotes are required to be included from For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil
    War and another 6 from the textbook America: The Essential Learning each, plus another 3
    quotes from one or two Primary Source are expected, totaling at least 15 direct quotes.
    The Textbook should be used to provide historical facts and details about the American
    Revolutionary War time, requiring that information to be cited many times throughout the
    paper. You should directly quote the Textbook for any of the author’s wording, but do not
    include too much quoting and describe some of the events in your own words. However, all
    wording taken directly from the sources should be put in quotations, even if only a few words
    are borrowed from the author. The authors’ last names should be properly cited for all
    important historical facts and details, which will require a proper citation at the end of each of
    those sentences (Shi & Tindall, 2015, p.101) or (McPherson, 1999, p. 85) or (Lincoln, 1863). This
    may seem excessive at times, but you will notice that the Textbook or any other historical
    source cites author quite often and your writing should be similarly frequent in its citations.
    Cover Page
    Identify Title of Book, Student, Class, Assignment, Date, and Instructor- name. Center it on the
    page, not underlined, below the heading and above the first paragraph. Double space and use a
    legible 12-point font and one-inch margins throughout.
    Introduction (first paragraph)
    Begin with a catchy opening statement. Go on to identify the book’s title (italicized), author,
    and history that it covers. Briefly introduce the main subtopics, events, or themes covered in
    the book. If you wish, you may also mention other titles by the author and /or pertinent details
    of the author’s background.
    Body of Paper/Following Paragraphs
    Observations and summaries of each chapter should make up each of the following paragraphs,
    which should be supported by some details and facts from about time period to put the writing
    in historical perspective. These will likely be cited from your Textbook. Begin each paragraph
    with a topic sentence that makes an observation about a particular aspect of the
    Conclusion (Last Paragraph)
    Begin this paragraph with your reaction to the history book. Avoid writing, “I think,” “I feel,” “I
    believe,” or “In my opinion,” but do try to express how the work has affected you, deepened
    your understanding, alerted or enlightened you (or even a wider audience) in some way. Go on
    to integrate the themes of various chapters. End with a thoughtful closing statement: a
    concluding remark for the whole report. This could be your most important evaluative point or
    a compelling historical observation.
    A properly formatted bibliography that includes all the proper information from the McPherson
    book, Keane textbook, and the Primary Sources you chose for your paper. Chicago style.
    Lincoln, Abraham. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg, PA, 1863.
    McPherson, J. M. (1997). For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. New York: Oxford
    University Press.
    Shi, David E., and George Brown. Tindall. America: The Essential Learning Edition. New York: W.W.
    Norton & Company, 2015.

American history homework help

Visit the following site and read the transcript of, or listen to, the podcast “A More Perfect Union?: the Reconstruction Era”:
Then make a post of at least 300 of your own words on the forum, summarizing the main points of this podcast, as well as offering your own reflections and analysis. What was Reconstruction? What was it intended to accomplish, and what did it actually accomplish? Do you consider Reconstruction a success? Why or why not?
After posting, read some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of them.

American history homework help

 Read the “Speech of Henry Benning to the Virginia Convention” online at the following site, AND one of the other speeches (your choice which) by a “secession commissioner” sent by the first states to secede to the other Southern states to help persuade them to join the Confederacy as well:
After reading the speeches, post a response to it of at least 300 of your own words on the forum. Why, according to Benning and the other “secession commissioners,” did the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 make the secession of the Southern states necessary? Then respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

American history homework help

Book Essay2
For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War
by James M. McPherson
Required Sources:
McPherson, J. M. (1999). For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil
War. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195124996
Shi, David E., and Tindall, George B., America: The Essential Learning Edition.
New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2015.
One Primary Source written around or during the Civil War
Book Report Guidelines –
At Least a 4 Full Page Essay
The paper is required to use and cite the Assigned Book, the Textbook, and at least One Primary
Source for any and all details, facts, and quotes included in the paper. Do not include any
alternative sources or website sources (i.e. Wikipedia,, etc.). At least 6 direct
quotes are required to be included from For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil
War and another 6 from the textbook America: The Essential Learning each, plus another 3
quotes from one or two Primary Source are expected, totaling at least 15 direct quotes.
The Textbook should be used to provide historical facts and details about the American
Revolutionary War time, requiring that information to be cited many times throughout the
paper. You should directly quote the Textbook for any of the author’s wording, but do not
include too much quoting and describe some of the events in your own words. However, all
wording taken directly from the sources should be put in quotations, even if only a few words
are borrowed from the author. The authors’ last names should be properly cited for all
important historical facts and details, which will require a proper citation at the end of each of
those sentences (Shi & Tindall, 2015, p.101) or (McPherson, 1999, p. 85) or (Lincoln, 1863). This
may seem excessive at times, but you will notice that the Textbook or any other historical
source cites author quite often and your writing should be similarly frequent in its citations.
Cover Page
Identify Title of Book, Student, Class, Assignment, Date, and Instructor- name. Center it on the
page, not underlined, below the heading and above the first paragraph. Double space and use a
legible 12-point font and one-inch margins throughout.
Introduction (first paragraph)
Begin with a catchy opening statement. Go on to identify the book’s title (italicized), author,
and history that it covers. Briefly introduce the main subtopics, events, or themes covered in
the book. If you wish, you may also mention other titles by the author and /or pertinent details
of the author’s background.
Body of Paper/Following Paragraphs
Observations and summaries of each chapter should make up each of the following paragraphs,
which should be supported by some details and facts from about time period to put the writing
in historical perspective. These will likely be cited from your Textbook. Begin each paragraph
with a topic sentence that makes an observation about a particular aspect of the
Conclusion (Last Paragraph)
Begin this paragraph with your reaction to the history book. Avoid writing, “I think,” “I feel,” “I
believe,” or “In my opinion,” but do try to express how the work has affected you, deepened
your understanding, alerted or enlightened you (or even a wider audience) in some way. Go on
to integrate the themes of various chapters. End with a thoughtful closing statement: a
concluding remark for the whole report. This could be your most important evaluative point or
a compelling historical observation.
A properly formatted bibliography that includes all the proper information from the McPherson
book, Keane textbook, and the Primary Sources you chose for your paper. Chicago style.
Lincoln, Abraham. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg, PA, 1863.
McPherson, J. M. (1997). For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Shi, David E., and George Brown. Tindall. America: The Essential Learning Edition. New York: W.W.
Norton & Company, 2015.

American history homework help

There are two essays and need to read some articles. Each of them is 750 words.
BlackPantherParty10PointProgram CuordileonePoliticsinanAgeofAnxiety LinenthalfromHistoryWars GinsbergHowlOtherPoems KingLetterFromaBirminghamJail PerlsteinMayday Thefinalexamwillconsistoftwoessays SontagWhatsHappeninginAmerica ReaganNeshobaCounty PeterSchragTheForgottenAmerican WilliamsTheGrassrootsCampaigntoSavetheFamily Belew_TheBombingofOklahomaCity 1990OBrienOntheRainyRiver ValerieSolanasSCUMManifesto

American history homework help

I need journal entries for History class.