Ancient history homework help

Ancient history homework help
final exam
Please provide a brief essay (500 words) to respond to one of the following essay questions:
Why is popular culture difficult to define and circumscribe? Drawing on Sanabria, explain what other important anthropological concepts might face a similar dilemma.
2. Sanabria argues that anthropology has largely sidestepped the issues of mass violence, terror and death. What are some of the reasons he offers for why anthropologists have steered clear of these tough issues? Contrast this with some of the experiences of Dr. Anastario in El Salvador.
Must site and use evidence from book.

Ancient history homework help

Word Count: 600-1200 words
Assignment: Trace the development of Buddhism through the arts in at least three Asian cultures we have covered in the course. You may choose artistic works from India, China, Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia.
Write essay in formal, objective voice for academic writing. (Avoid 1st and 2nd person)
Include at least 2-3 sources outside of your textbook in your essay.
Be sure to document your sources using parenthetical citations and matching References, following APA style.

Ancient history homework help

For this assignment you will visit an art museum online and select 1-3 cultural artifacts to analyze their cultural and historical context.
The museum you choose to visit VIRTUALLY (online) must be an art museum, not a science museum or a children’s museum. It must have Non-Western art.  The work reviewed MUST BE Non-Western in origin. It can be ancient to modern, but must relate to a culture that we have studied in this course.
If you have questions on the Museum Website or acceptable nature of the art studied, please ask me.
If you choose to attend a museum or event “in person” (not required), you are assuming all risks and responsibilities associated with attending. You are in no way “required” to go anywhere “in person” for this course for the Cultural Experience Research Essay or for any other reason.
Pre-CV-19 Crisis Suggestions (not required during the current Pandemic)
One suggested location in the St. Petersburg, Florida, area is the Museum of Fine Arts, 255 Beach Dr NE St Petersburg, FL 33701 (  The MFA has small sections for Native American, Latin American, African, Indian, and Eastern arts.
There are also exhibitions of Asian art on occasions in the Leepa Rattner Museum on the Tarpon Springs Campus LRMA Leppa Ratner Museum on the Tarpon Springs Campus LRMA Be sure to focus on Non-Western exhibits for this class.
Also check for Non-Western art exhibits at the Tampa Museum of Modern Art Be sure to focus on Non-Western exhibits for this class.

  • Respond to the essay questions (prompts)      on this worksheet to construct your body paragraphs. Use full sentences      and paragraphs for each essay prompt. Then cut and paste your responses to      a word document for your essay.
  • Utilize APA or MLA format. Writing must      be in essay format and contain a minimum of three works cited, and in-text      citations [Please remember to include the textbook as one of those      resources]. The completed essay should be 500 – 600 words total.

Use the following worksheet as a guide to your museum visit and to begin your Essay:
Museum Visit Worksheet-attached below

  • Make an original title that reflects your      thesis or main idea
  • Add an introduction providing background      information to lead into your thesis statement.
  • Provide research in your body paragraphs      with parenthetical citations.
  • End with a summary/concluding paragraph.
  • Be sure to provide Works Cited and      References at the bottom of your essay.
  • Submit your completed essay as a word      document (doc or rtf file)  in a separate attachment from your      worksheet.
  • attachment

Ancient history homework help

Final Reflective Essay:
In this essay, you will have a chance to reflect upon the interplay of various cultures covered in this class to research further. Choose one of the three topics to research further, using your text and online resources to explore in depth.
Resources: Use your textbook and online resources from previous modules to use in your Reflective Essay.
See Writing Resources at the bottom of your Course Content (left column) to help you with essay writing and documentation of sources.
Assignment: Please respond to one of the following questions in a five-paragraph essay utilizing MLA format. Include in-text citations and References or Works Cited. Check for grammar and proper spelling. This essay should be approximately 600-1000 words in formal academic style.
Essay Topic: (Choose and gather research and develop into essay.)
1. Compare and contrast the arts and cultures of Africa and Oceania. Consider the role and power of art in such areas as mask-making, dance, body adornments, and power figures in any African and Oceanic cultures. What similarities can be found?
Essay Guidelines:

  • Make an original title that reflects your thesis statement
  • Begin with context and background that leads into a thesis statement in your introduction.
  • Provide supporting research in your body paragraphs, using parenthetical citations
  • End with a summary/concluding paragraph in your own words
  • Provide References or Works Cited with full sources to match citations

Submit your completed essay as a word doc or rtf file in the drop box below.

ancient history homework help

Can you help?  All videos & requirements are included in the attachment
  • Pick 10 video reports of your review of each video & reflection (5-6 pages total), preferably using a “WORD” document. Must have a cover page:
    1. – 4. China from Inside (each part counts as one video report) DVD 592 2007
    This is a documentary produced by PBS that critically looks at major rapid changes in China. The documentary has four parts (one hour each). Episode 1: Power and the People, Episode 2: Women of the Country, Episode 3: Shifting Nature, and Episode 4: Freedom and Justice.
    5. Young and Restless in ChinaDVD 10012008
    Frontline explores the generation coming of age in China today. Shot over four years, the film follows a group of nine young Chinese from across the country as they scramble to keep pace with a society changing fast as any in history. Their stories of ambition and desire, exuberance, crime and corruption are interwoven with moments of heartache and despair. Together they paint an intimate portrait of the generation that is remaking China. Young and Restless in ChinaDVD 10012008
    6. -7. The New Silk Road (each part counts as one video report)2019
    China’s global reach and influence have made them a true global superpower, a status they are determined to widen ever further through the construction of a complex set of interconnections between Asia and all of Europe. This is one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects of the modern age. In the two-part documentary The New Silk Road, two journalists examine the intricacies of its construction, the Chinese interests that are likely to benefit most from it, and the citizens along the route who are bracing for its disastrous impact on their way of life.
    8. Nothing Miraculous about it: China’s Economic Growth 2018
    The Chinese economy is extraordinarily difficult to understand, for foreign and Chinese observers alike. Within the same prestigious financial papers, on the same day, readers are informed that China is an unstoppable economic juggernaut and that it is headed for the netherworld in handbaskets of corruption, pollution, and mismanagement.
    9. – 10. Son of Adam (counts as two video reports) 2014
    The film is a work of religious metaphors and daily realities, implicitly and skillfully using urban expansion in China, which has been the hot China-related topic in recent years, as the narrative background. The meaning is being implied through a frosty representation of the great difficulties of being human. Humanity lives in the moment and keeps on existing, while the author deliberately hides his criticism and compassion deep inside the unpretentious images…
    11. Education, Education2012
    In ancient times in China, education was the only way out of poverty – in recent times it has been the best way. China’s economic boom and talk of the merits of hard work have created an expectation that to study is to escape poverty. But these days China’s higher education system only leads to jobs for a few, educating a new generation to unemployment and despair.
    12. Lao Ma and His Family2011
    This film is about a Chinese farmer and migrant worker, Lao Ma, and his family. This documentary shows what like is like for a typical rural Chinese citizen. You must view this film yourself and form your own opinion about the other side of China’s economic development.
    13. Miles Apart2011
    Miles Apart is an observational documentary, intimately looking at the clash of different generations and cultures in a rapidly changing China. Twelve years ago, Laomao and his wife Meizi left their two children in the countryside to build a business 600 miles away. The separation of Chinese families by migration is a story shared by a quarter of rural parents, most of whom can relate to the frustrations of working hard for seemingly ungrateful children.
    14. The Chinese Bubble2011
    Don’t let the glittering towers, luxury houses and neon skylines fool you. While China has undergone a profound economic transformation in recent decades, the flashy facade of wealth hides a much more complicated reality which is currently being experienced by the country’s non-elite classes. The country’s current economic model has only deepened the imbalance between the rich and the poor.
    15. China or Bust2007
    China is a land of opportunity. It’s a place where dreams could come true. But Chinese entrepreneurs, unleashed after 50 years of communism, are taking no prisoners in their own relentless quest for wealth. In the wild east, only the toughest will survive. British businessmen are risking everything as they venture into the real dragon’s den. Who will make their fortune and who will return home penniless?
    16. The Great Wall of China2007It was the most ambitious building project ever attempted in the history of mankind.The story of its building, one of human drama, labor and loss, is told in this film through three individuals, each one central to the tale.
    17. Explore China 2006China’s rapid growth impacts the environment locally and globally. In a world affected by globalization, China embodies the phenomenon in both positive and negative ways. China’s modern society provides a better life for many but also brings with it a loss of cultural tradition and natural resources. The Explore team delves into issues such as the environment, human rights, public health, social change, philosophy and education.
    18. Getting Rich2006It is one of the most extraordinary transformations of our time – China. A country long in the grip of communism is now devoted to private enterprise. That is what they had to do for the ordinary people of China to become richer. This new economic superpower is taking on the West. But China’s surging economy has a dark side. Can China keep moving forward or will the forces of change tear it apart?

Ancient history homework help

Please edit, rewrite, or whatever you see fit. My professor gave my essay bad marks for seeming repetitive. Can you PLEASE help me? The reading sources are attached “Earliest records…” as well as my essay for revision “ESSAY BAD”
Write a 2-3 page historical analysis of one or two of the primary (from the time and not Smits or Amino) texts below. Note: if choosing more than one, be sure to choose from the SAME bullet point group.
Remember to check the rubric for general expectations.
Select one or two of the “The Earliest Records of Japan”
Please choose two from the reading attached. 
History Essay Rubric
Hist– Essay RubricCriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting MechanicsGrammar, punctuation, etc.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationHow the essay is structured overall to develop the argument in a complete and logical manner, as well as, more locally, how paragraphs and ideas proceed from one to the next
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis/InterpretationThis is an oversimplification, but consider the difference between explanation and description. UCLA’s Public History Initiative has a thoughtful discussion.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument and Thesis StatementArgument and thesis are not exactly the same thing, but are closely related. In your thesis statement, you state your argument about a given topic, and then, often in another sentence, you indicate how you will prove (support) your argument.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of EvidenceYour thesis needs to be grounded in primary materials, evidence from the time, community, person, etc.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of EvidenceYou should draw on both primary and secondary materials, appropriately selected for an academic essay and relevant to the topic.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Documentation. Please use Chicago Style notes & bib for your citations. If your in-text citations (footnotes preferred, endnotes acceptable) are complete, you don’t need to provide me with a separate works cited section at the end of your essay. Some texts may not be standard in their publication format, in which case you can check in with me and/or the TA. Lectures can be cited “Instructor, Title of the Lecture,  Course Number.” The Smits textbook can be informally cited with the author’s name, title, and “no other publication information available.”

Ancient history homework help

Teaera Raines 
Changes in Christian Education in America
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This week we learn the impact of Christian education in Colonial America as well as the 19th and 20th century. Firstly, it is important to emphasize that education was an important component of un the lives of the children and adults in colonial America. The children were expected to learn scripture as well as other life skills. Anthony and Benson (2018) highlight the fact that “the primary textbooks for these early schools included the Bible and the English catechism. Consistent with the Puritans’ reason for coming to America in the first place, religious freedom, and the ability to study the Scriptures were hallmarks of elementary education in the early colonies” (p.294). This still rings true in American society today, however since then, there has been a separation of church and state which prevents scripture from being taught in public schools.
In the nineteenth century the Bible School Movement gained significant traction. According to Anthony and Benson (2018) “in North America, the Bible institute/college came into being in part to provide a biblical education for lay workers. Courses were offered in urban areas in both daytime and evening programs, by correspondence, and at off-campus locations” (p. 230). This allowed people from all walks of life to attend, however it seemed that older people were more attracted than the younger people. Anthony and Benson states ““At the heart of the fundamentalist configuration of education was the Bible institute, which became one of the most influential types of Christian school of the twentieth century” (p. 320). Bible institutes still exist today, they are now called Seminary school and other names. This is proof of how significant the contributions from the nineteenth century are still impactful today.
Christian education in the twentieth century faced its challenges. According to Anthony and Benson (2018) “rejecting the doctrines of evangelical theology and embracing both Protestant liberal theology and many of the features of progressive education, the religious education movement attacked revivalist piety and education provided by the traditional Sunday school” (p. 346). The was a period of restructuring and redefining the way Christians learned. Anthony and Benson states “the religious education movement held an evolutionary viewpoint of the world and embraced the application of modern historical methods to Bible study. These modern forms of higher criticism undermined the authority of Scripture and rejected the notion of a degenerative human nature. To these liberals, the world was changing, and biblical passages written thousands of years earlier could not possibly have foreseen the kinds of issues facing society at the time” (p. 347).  These internal conflicts still exist today with many liberals feeling the same about the scripture not being relatable to current times.
Anthony, M. (2018). Exploring the History and Philosophy of Christian Education: Principles for the 21st Century. Retrieved from]
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17 hours ago
Teaera Raines 
Dreher and Carson
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Niebuhr’s fivefold paradigm provides readers with insight from five different perspectives involving Christian culture. This week we have been tasked with comparing Niebuhr’s fivefold paradigm with “The Benedict Option” which sheds light on the idea of Christian education and what it takes to build a successful Christian village. After reading about the Benedict option and considering Niebuhr’s five-fold paradigm, I would say that the Benedict option fits in the Christ vs. Culture Paradox describe by Niebuhr. These people are considered dualists, Carson (2018) describes them as “ the fundamental issue in life is not the line that must be drawn between Christians and the pagan or secular world, but between God and all humankind — or, “since the dualist is an existential thinker — between God and us; the issue lies between the righteousness of God and the righteousness of self” (p. 22). This thought process creates the illusion of thinking that all human culture is corrupt. According to Carson states “Hence the dualist joins the radical Christian in pronouncing the whole world of human culture to be godless and sick unto death. But there is this difference between them: the dualist knows that he belongs to that culture and cannot get out of it, that God indeed sustains him in it and by it; for if God in His grace did not sustain the world in its sin it would not exist for a moment.” And thus, the dualist “cannot speak otherwise than in what sound like paradoxes” (p.23).
It seems that in the Benedict Option, the author seeks to establish a subculture filled with a sore of Christian Utopia that supports all the foundational Christian beliefs. According to Dreher (2017) “to compartmentalize education, separating life from the church, is to create a false distinction” (p.146). The Benedict option supports the Christ Vs, Culture Paradox by rejecting the culture that exists today through creating and establishing a life rooted in Christian beliefs without any secular considerations. It provides a roadmap for how to successfully live within the world and still live a Christian life. According to Dreher (2017) “the separation of learning from virtue creates a society that esteems people for their success in manipulating science, law, money, images, words and so forth” (p. 147). This level of thinking is what makes them fit perfectly into Niebuhr’s Christ Vs.  Culture Paradox. The thought of creating a world separate from sin as a salve to save the Godless world.
DA Carson (2018). Christ and Culture Revisited. Retrieved from]
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Ancient history homework help

Prompt for Module 8 Discussion:
Argue for or against the statement: Buddhism during the Kamakura period was all about acceptance and tolerance.
General reminders:

  • There will be a prompt for each module’s discussion thread.
  • If there is an “argue for or against” kind of prompt, there should be evidence for either side of the debate in the course materials.
  • The format you use in your response will be relatively open: you can write a paragraph or two; you can write an outline or bullet point list; you can make and post a response video; you can use graphic images…if you have other ideas about format, just let me know.
  • However, you must address the prompt and demonstrate engagement with course materials (by quoting, for example), and your third essay assignment will be to develop one of your discussion posts into a full essay.
  • Cite your sources using Chicago style notes & bib.

Ancient history homework help


To write an essay in response to one of the questions below.
An essay of 3,000 to 3,200 words in length (excluding bibliography / reference list and in-text / footnote references).
You will prepare an essay according to standard essay conventions, with appropriate referencing and a list of references.
1. Content and Information: Assessment of the understanding of historical background, context and facts as well as the depth of answer to the essay question.
2. Argument and Interpretation: Assessment of how well the essay interprets
the historical context and facts; and how well an explicit and coherent argument is constructed and supported by evidence.
3. Engagement with Evidence: Assessment of how well source materials are
used in constructing and supporting an argument.
4. Research: Assessment of the breadth and depth of research. This is an assessment of both the number and quality of sources.  At least ten
(10) academic sources must be used.*
5. Structure and Written Expression: Assessment of how well the essay is structured in terms of a logical sequence of ideas and information to answer the essay question and to support an argument. Paragraph and sentence structure will be assessed as well as the fluency of the text, with a particular focus on grammar, punctuation and spelling.
6. Referencing: Assessment of appropriate referencing in accordance with academic conventions.
Due Date:
Monday, Week 10 at 11.59pm AEST

* Academic sources are books, book chapters and journal articles. Primary sources also count as academic sources. However, websites are NOT considered to be academic sources and will not count towards the minimum number of required sources.
This task involves writing a research essay of a required 3,000 to 3,200 words (excluding bibliography / reference list and in-text / footnote references).
You must use a minimum of ten (10) academic sources. Up to two (2) sources from the course readings will count towards the minimum number of academic sources.
The essay must be submitted by 11:59pm AEST on the due date.
Essays are to be submitted online via the SafeAssignment facility available under the relevant “Assessment” link on the
course website at Learning@Griffith.
Essay Questions
You must answer one of the following questions:

  1. 1. Martin Ingram suggests that a “key feature of the century after 1560, marking it out from preceding regimes of moral regulation, was an insistence on harsher punishment for moral transgressions” [‘Reformation of manners in early modern England’ in P. Griffiths, A. Fox and S. Hindle ed., The Experience of Authority in Early Modern England (London, 1996)]. Discuss and explain.


  1. Was the increase in crimes punishable by death in eighteenth-century Britain – the so-called

Bloody Code’ – a deliberate tactic of the ruling class to manipulate the poor and maintain socio- political control, as argued by some scholars such as Douglas Hay?

  1. Was convict transportation from Britain to Australia an effective deterrent to crime during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?


  1. To what extent were prisons in nineteenth-century Britain both reformative as well as punitive?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. How many words do I need to write? And can I write more or less? The required length of the essay is between 3,000 and 3,200 word There will be a penalty if you write less. You should also not write substantially more than this length as that will also be penalised. See the Schedule of Penalties for Essays under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith. The word count includes direct quotes in the text but does not include the bibliography / reference list or in-text / footnote references.


  1. 2. What do I need to do in my essay? First and most importantly, you need to answer the essay questio

Your answer must build an argument; engage with academic sources to support your argument; be clearly
expressed and have a logical sequence of ideas; be based around a conventional essay structure; and be appropriately referenced.

  1. What line spacing should I use in my essay? Essays should have double line spacing.


  1. Where can I get more information about how to write an essay? See the Essay Writing Guidelines

under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith.

  1. What is an academic source? For the most part, these are books, book chapters and journal articles.

Academic sources also include primary source documents. Websites, Wikipedia etc. do not count as academic source materials and will not count towards the minimum number of required sources.

  1. How many academic sources do I need to use? You must use a minimum of ten (10) academic sources in your essay. Up to two (2) sources from the course readings will count towards the minimum number of academic sources.


  1. 7. What referencing format should I use? You can use any referencing format in the essay, as long as it is consistent throughout. For information on the Harvard system, see the Referencing Guidelines under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith.


  1. 8. Do I need to include page numbers in my references? Yes, you should always cite the relevant page number(s) in your referenc All in-text references or footnotes (not just those for direct quotes) must include page numbers. If you use a referencing format (such as APA or AGLC) that includes page numbers only for direct quotes, you will need to modify the format to include page numbers and ensure the essay complies with the task requirements. Penalties will apply for non-compliance – see the Schedule of Penalties for Essays under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith.


  1. Do I need a reference list or bibliography? Yes, you need to include a list of references or bibliography at the end of your essay.


  1. 1 Do I need a cover page? No, you do not need a cover page. However, you must include your name; the tutor’s name; the essay question; the word count (less notes and bibliography); and the referencing format used on the first page.


  1. 11. How can I check my essay draft for text-matching before submitting? Please see the information on the following webpage for instructions on how to check your draft essay for text-matching: raft


  1. 12. How do I submit the essay? Essays are to be submitted through the SafeAssignment upload facility under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith. For information on how to submit using SafeAssignment, see the SafeAssignment Guidelines under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith.


  1. 1 Do I need to submit a hardcopy of the essay? No, you do not need to submit a hardcopy of the essay.


  1. 1 Can I email the essay to my tutor or the Course Convenor? No, essays should not be sent by email to either the tutor or the Course Convenor.


  1. 1 By what time do I need to submit on the due date? You must submit by 11:59pm on the due date.


  1. 1 I’m having trouble with my essay. Where can I get help? In the first instance, you should talk with your tutor as soon as possible. You can also seek help through peer study groups and library workshops.


  1. 17. How do I apply for an extension and what grounds are acceptable for asking for an extension? All requests for an extension of time for an assessment item must be submitted online using the form available on the following web page: assignments/assignment-extension
If you are applying for an extension of time, your application must be submitted through the online application form by the due date. Your application must also include appropriate documentation to support the grounds on which you are requesting your extension of time. You can make a request for an extension of time on one of two grounds, as follows: medical or other (e.g., family or personal circumstances, employment- related circumstances, unavoidable commitments).
Requests for an extension of time sent by email will not be considered.
If you feel your situation is likely to impact on more than just this assessment item, you should make a formal application for Special Consideration. Please note that Special Consideration applications must be received within three (3) business days of an assessment item being due. Please contact the Course Convenor if you are considering an application for Special Consideration.

  1. 18. On what grounds can I apply for Special Consideration? Special Consideration will only be considered with the provision of appropriate supporting documentation and will only be approved in the following circumstances: illness; accident; temporary disability; bereavement; or compassionate circumstanc More information on Special Consideration can be found on the following webpage:


  1. 1 What documentation do I need to support a request for an extension of time or Special Consideration? As noted in Section 3.8 of the University’s Assessment Return and Submission policy, requests on medical grounds must be supported with a medical certificate obtained during an in-person medical consultation. Requests on other grounds should include appropriate documentation such as a bereavement notice; letter from employer, practitioner or professional; statutory declaration; or accident report. In all cases, the documentation is to contain the date as well as the name and contact details of the person providing the evidence in relation to a request for an extension or Special Consideration.


  1. 2 For how long can I have an extension of time? As noted in Section 3.8 of the University’s Assessment Return and Submission policy, the maximum extension period on medical grounds and grounds of bereavement is fourteen (14) days. The maximum period an extension will be granted for extenuating or other personal circumstances is two (2) days.


  1. 21. I have had internet and/or computer problems. Can I be granted an extension? No, extensions will not be approved in the event you experience an internet or computer prob Under such circumstances, you are expected to seek a feasible alternative to complete the assessment task (such as using a computer and the internet at the University or a local municipal library). In order to minimize the risk of an internet or computer issue impacting on your capacity to complete an assessment task by the due date, it is strongly recommended that you backup assessment task files on a regular basis and avoid leaving submission of assessment items to the last minute.


  1. 22. What penalties might be applied and how have they been calculated? For a list of penalties that might be applied to your essay for failing to meet the task requirements or late submission, see the Schedule of Penalties for Essays under the appropriate assessment link on the course website at Learning@Griffith. Penalties will be itemized on the essay assessment and feedback sh


  1. 2 Can I request a re-mark of an assessment item? No, the University’s Assessment Policy does not include a provision for the re-marking of individual assessment items. More information can be found on the following webpage:


  1. 2 Do I need to complete this assessment task even though I will achieve a final total of more than 50% from the other assessment items? Yes, as noted in the Unit Outline, all assessment tasks in

this course must be completed. To be awarded a grade of Pass or higher, students must have completed 85% or more of the weighted items, with marks above zero. In other words, if you do not complete an assessment task you will automatically fail the course irrespective of whether or not the final total from the other assessment items is 50% or more.