Applied Sciences homework help

List two areas in society: at home, school, or work where you think you people are most vulnerable to cybercrime.

Applied Sciences homework help

List two areas in society: at home, school, or work where you think you people are most vulnerable to cybercrime.

Applied Sciences homework help

From explaining the structure of the atom to creating medicines and iPhones, Science has influenced all of our lives in incalculable ways.
1) What, precisely, is the relationship between science and philosophy?  Will science one day completely replace philosophy as an explanation for the universe? 
2) Mention one topic from this course that you would like to explore further.  Explain why.
Use only the course sources.  For the second question, you may use Modules or course chapters from the previous weeks. Do NOT use outside websites.  And I want to see some original thought in your discussion board posts for this week.

Applied Sciences homework help

What do you believe the U.S. policy should be in terms of immigration and security?  How would you implement this policy?  Explain your rationale.

Applied Sciences homework help

This week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper (minimum 1000 words) utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in COE1005. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections throughout the course (including Unit 5) and at least three scholarly sources to address the items listed below. Use in text citations and do not self plagiarize from the previous weeks.  If you need support on how to formulate your APA Analysis paper, you may refer to your APA Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to your grading rubric for guidance. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit your paper for grading.
•    What areas of your own practical experience and skills can you apply to your academic career? To your professional career? How will these experiences and skills benefit you as a student and as an employee? How will you apply them?
•    How can the reading and listening skills you learned in this class benefit your interpersonal communication in the classroom and beyond? How can this improved communication help you build supportive and diverse relationships? Why is this important?
•    Why are critical thinking and effective research strategies important not only to your academic career, but to your professional career as well?

Applied Sciences homework help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Why is it important to have a firm understanding on all information systems, regardless of department you work in? Provide details.

Applied Sciences homework help

Choose 2 different information systems used in health care.
Create a 5- 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you define and describe each information system, including a discussion of its purpose and use.
Write a 1-page handout to accompany your presentation and develop speaker notes.
Cite any outside sources to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Applied Sciences homework help

1) C.D    Re: Topic 7 DQ 1
There are many key elements to coordinating a face-to-face group presentation successful. The most significant element is the delivery. A group could have all the credibility, organization and content, but if the delivery isn’tthere then the presentation could potentially fail. Delivery consists of different forms, vocal and physical. The two forms of delivery include impromptu, which the group speaks without prior preparation or practice. This is best used at the end of a group presentation when follow up questions are asked by the audience. The second form is Extemporaneous, this is when the group is fully prepared but use an outline or notes to guide you through your presentation. This is a great way for a group to stay focused on the key points of their presentation because it is easy to venture off topic, especially when nervous. The vocal aspects of the delivery involve volume, rate andpronunciation. While the physical contain eye contact, posture and gestures. There are significant because this is what the audience will reflect. If a group seems unsure of their presentation so will the audience, but if all the delivery elements are put to use then the group will come off as very confident.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
2) L.L   Re: Topic 7 DQ 1
Hello everyone,
The first and most important principle in developing a successful presentation is to determine your purpose (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). Once the purpose is clear, the most significant element for coordinating a face-to-face group presentation is by practicing how the message will be delivered. According to (Engleberg & Wynn (2017), The key to a successful delivery is practice, you can learn to control, improve, and practice your vocal delivery by focusing on characteristics, such as volume, rate, articulation, and pronunciation. Every area of the presentation could be neatly and effectively pulled together, however, if the individual that is presenting the information is not clear on how they will deliver it, the content in the presentation could be missed. How you speak may reveal more about what you really mean than what you say, also, how you speak also affects how well listeners hear, understand, and remember your message (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). By practicing how to let the contents flow when delivering the message can set the tone of how the members receiving it would react to it.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
3) J.G         Re: Topic 7 DQ 1
There are seven important elements that commonly attributed to a successful presentation that includes purpose, audience, credibility, logistics, content, organization, and delivery. Of the seven, the purpose is the most important element from my perspective. The first step to a presentation is determining the purpose and it is fundamental to establishing a purpose for the presentation (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). During the purpose element, the presenter enlightens the audience on the reason for the presentation but also during the purpose element the presenter influences the mind of the audience. The purpose is the starting point that sets into motion the other element because without purpose there is only misguided energy. So, the purpose is the most essential element to presentations as it captures the mind of the audience and gives a semblance of direction for the audience.
Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. Retrieve from
4) is missing
DQ 2
1) L. L      Re: Topic 7 DQ 2
Considering both forms of group presentations, the seven key elements and guiding principles—purpose, audience, logistics, content, organization, credibility, and delivery can be applied to any presentation you make to your group (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). However, the most significant element for virtual meetings is appearance. Participating in a video conference adds physical delivery to the mix, in a visual medium, how you look matters (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). Although, all of the other elements matter, those seeing the presentation may not be as intrigued by it, if they see that the presenter is not up to par with dress code. Therefore, how one looks matters the most when it comes to presenting a virtual presentation. Another significant element is being brief and clear when delivering.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
2) J.G   Re: Topic 7 DQ 2
The advancement in technology has led to several ways to present presentations without being done in a face-to-face format. Face-to-face and virtual group presentations share several similarities. Both face-to-face and virtual group presentations pull from the key element buts there are distinct differences. In virtual presentations, people can communicate through audio presentations and visual presentations. Audio presentations are virtual presentations that only have audio communication between the presenter and the audience (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). For audio presentations, certain portions of delivery become unimportant such as making eye contact, posture, gestures, and overall appearance because the audience cannot see the presenter. There are also visual presentations that utilize a visual medium to communicate and convey messages (Engleberg, &Wynn, 2017). Similar to audio certain areas of delivery become unimportant such as eye contact for the presenter as they will be looking at the camera instead of trying to equally spread time making eye contact with an audience if it were face-to-face presentation. Even though there some distinguishable differences in both physical and virtual presentations they are very similar in the most important elements. Both pull heavily from the purpose and delivery elements. The purpose is the foundation and direction, while delivery can create a positive or negative about the presenter in the eyes of the audience. Overall, there are noticeable differences between face-to-face and virtual presentations but the most significant elements are similar.
Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. Retrieve from
3) Missing
4) Missing,  I will return for the rests.

Applied Sciences homework help

 Write a paper on how U.S. manned spacecraft engineers decided on the blunt shape for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo capsules. What other alternatives exist for safe re-entry of humans? What are the primary issues?