Architecture and Design homework help

Total 6000 words excluding references. Include intext citation and use harvard referencing style.
· Abstract (200 words)
o What is already known in the field?
o What is the study about or purpose of research?
o How research was done?(Describe material samples and methods)
o What did the research find out?(Research outcome)
o Interpret results giving implications.(What does the results mean?)
Body of Dissertation
1. What is bamboo construction.
a. Typology of Construction
i. Height, Climatology, Limitations
b. Process of Bamboo Construction
i. Types of components and joints
2. Can robotic fabrication assist in improving or bridging the limitation in bamboo construction?
a. Where?
b. How?
c. Robotic Construction Case Studies
3. Findings
a. Opportunity
b. Limitations
c. Improvements and Future research

Architecture and Design homework help

Compare and contrast two aspects (old Greek architecture and imperial rome architecture). It should be 4 pages long plus one bibliography page and one page citations. So in total it should be 5-6 pages.

Architecture and Design homework help

please wirte a 10p long paper on this topic
I’ve attached bibliography and some key ideas, feel free to contact if you have questions
Annotated Bibliography

  1. Crone, Diane M, Elaine E O’Connell, Phillip J Tyson, Frances Clark-Stone, Simon Opher, and David V.B James. “Art Lift”Intervention to Improve Mental Well-Being: An Observational Study from UK General Practice. International journal of mental health nursing, 3, 22 (2013) p. 279-286

This article focused on an intervention for art to cure mental illness. The intervention is about 10 weeks, with eight artists in a sorts of creative arts activities.

  1. Beauchet, Olivier, Liam Cooper-Brown, Yoko Hayashi, Kevin Galery, Christine Vilcocq, and Thomas Bastien. “Effects of ‘Thursdays at the Museum’ at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the Mental and Physical Health of Older Community Dwellers: the Art- Health Randomized Clinical Trial Protocol.” Trial 21, no. 1 (2020).

Participatory practises focused on art have been shown to promote facets of  mental health, such as positive feelings and self-esteem. Art-based programmes allow patients to develop a sense of self, transform the experience of illness into a positive experience and increase the well-being and quality of life of patients, regardless of their disease.
3.   Service, Shannon. “How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?” eScholarship, 2011.
This article briefly touched on how love was seen as the top list of addiction. It documented the experience of the author meeting the creators of the Museum of Broken Relationships. The article also mentioned ways of mending broken hearts based on the author’s research along with the author’s experience of curing his own broken heart.
4. Scherb, H. (2018). The Kintsugi Metaphor to Conceptualize Healing and Repair After Torture and Trauma: A Training Program (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University, 2018). ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from
The goal of this dissertation was to create and evaluate a model training workshop for clinicians seeking to increase awareness of the use of therapeutic metaphors and learn about a novel metaphor to visualise trauma recovery (Kintsugi, a Japanese gold-joinery process of pottery repair).
5. Nelson, B. (2017). The art of caring. ACS JOURNALS, 125(9), 665-666. Retrieved October 20, 2020, from
This article focused on using art as a tool for patients to achieve narrative reconstruction. “A 2013 meta‐analysis of creative art therapies agreed with earlier reviews that such interventions can improve anxiety, depression, and pain symptoms as well as quality of life among patients with cancer”

  • attachment


Architecture and Design homework help

Compare and contrast two aspects (old Greek architecture and imperial rome architecture). It should be 4 pages long plus one bibliography page and one page citations. So in total it should be 5-6 pages.

Architecture and Design homework help

Compare and contrast two aspects (old Greek architecture and imperial rome architecture). It should be 4 pages long plus one bibliography page and one page citations. So in total it should be 5-6 pages.

Architecture and Design homework help

The 20th century bore witness to the emergence of a trend towards art that explored the human condition—art that explored human psychology with bizarre, irrational, and nonsensical ideas and images.  Such ideas and images are usually associated with our dreams and nightmares (our subconscious experiences).  You will write an essay on this trend.  To do so, you must follow these criteria:
Focus your attention on the Surrealists—an early 20th-century group of artists who created fantastical, bizarre, and irrational art.  You must explain Surrealism’s artistic agenda and pay particular attention to what the Surrealists intended to say with their art.  You must also explain why the strange works of artproduced by the Surrealists were timely—what they said about culture and society during the early 20th century.  Do not forget to cite specific artists and their works of art.  You cannot successfully write about this topic unless you do so.

Architecture and Design homework help

I’m looking for somebody to write a research proposal related to fashion industry.

Architecture and Design homework help

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Architecture and Design homework help

Security breach
Review a Security Breach which occurred over the past year and present a research paper providing the below point!! • Describe the incident • Provide Specifics about the incident. • What data or information was impacted? • Describe threat modeling techniques which could have assisted in the mitigation of breach. • How can the organization be better postured for future attacks?