Architecture and Design homework help

Healthy, building inclusive, productive, and functional cities is maybe one of the biggest issue facing cities currently, and there lacks an easy solution to these challenges. However, one main problem within cities lies in public spaces. In order to attain all-inclusive urban plans that incorporate public space, people behaviors, and transport system in these areas, it is important to consider all the possible solutions available. Development and urbanization of cities is important in contemporary society, yet, the advancements are creating problems in these cities, like density problems, absence of open green areas, over population and traffic issues. Also, the available buildings are not fully providing particular functions that are required currently because they were build and designed long time ago. Hence, mixed buildings and plaza that are regarded as unit space, must be mentioned when referring to publicity, which is a component of urban components as a broad spatial notion. To be specific, mixed use structures as facilities for multiply functions are required for a specific study involving urban plaza and publicity. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the theory of publicity in towns as a planned space that will help vitalize these cities. The study involves analyzing the connection between architectural design, urban plaza, and suggesting mixed use buildings design strategies that will enhance interactions between the buildings and urban context.

Architecture and Design homework help

In the context of portfolio management list three main differences between capacity management and capability management. How do they both contribute to the management of resources within an organization?
Connect your post to the assigned reading from Week 5. You will not see other’s postings until you post your first one, and importantly, you need to reply to at least two of your peer’s postings.  This medium is instrumental in gaining an understanding through peer sharing.

  • Prepare your initial post (a minimum of 250 to 300 words) response by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. ET, and provide a minimum of two peer responses (a minimum of 150 words for each) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET
  • Be sure your posts make substantive contributions. A substantive post will explain or analyze the topic in detail, ask a thoughtful question about the topic, or share a relevant personal experience or additional resources concerning the discussion topic.
  • Cite current credible references and format your posts according to the APA style.


Architecture and Design homework help

In the context of portfolio management list three main differences between capacity management and capability management. How do they both contribute to the management of resources within an organization?
Connect your post to the assigned reading from Week 5. You will not see other’s postings until you post your first one, and importantly, you need to reply to at least two of your peer’s postings.  This medium is instrumental in gaining an understanding through peer sharing.

  • Prepare your initial post (a minimum of 250 to 300 words) response by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. ET, and provide a minimum of two peer responses (a minimum of 150 words for each) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET
  • Be sure your posts make substantive contributions. A substantive post will explain or analyze the topic in detail, ask a thoughtful question about the topic, or share a relevant personal experience or additional resources concerning the discussion topic.
  • Cite current credible references and format your posts according to the APA style.


Architecture and Design homework help

Submit your final report for the Trello Project as a single PDF file that consists of the following two components:

  1. A ten-slide (excluding the title slide) presentation highlighting the agile principles and practices that you used in developing the Trello Board (including lists and cards) to track the progress you made in the class.
  2. Screenshots that you saved during your weekly updates.

Milestone 2 is due on or before December 10, 2020, 11:59 pm.
Refer to the course syllabus and Milestone 1 for the complete description of the Trello Project.
Trello Milestone 2 Rubric

Trello Milestone 2 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAgile principles used and explained
10.0 to >7.0 pts
Application and explanation exceeds expectations
7.0 to >4.0 pts
Application and explanation meets expectations
4.0 to >2.0 pts
Application and explanation below expectations
2.0 to >0 pts
Agile principles not followed and explained
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat of the Trello board, lists and cards
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Above expectations
3.0 to >1.0 pts
Meets expectations
1.0 to >0 pts
Below expectations
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWeekly updates
5.0 to >3.0 pts
Activities captured during weekly progress updates by using cards and lists.
3.0 to >1.0 pts
Some activities captured during weekly progress updates by using cards and lists.
1.0 to >0 pts
Activities not properly captured during weekly progress updates by using cards and lists.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0


Zen 10

1) In his article, Bodiford describes several “practical” benefits of preserving and enhancing the memory of Dōgen for the temple Eiheiji. How do these benefits, as well as the image of Dōgen (re)crafted in the Tokugawa era, counter or oppose images of Dōgen in earlier centuries?
2) Think broadly: What does the utility of a religious image mean for writers and readers in a Zen context? If we are talking about a tradition that claims itself transcendent of “words and letters,” and yet the very life breath of the tradition in the early modern era dependent on the words and letters of hagiographers, what does this mean for the religious image of Zen, if anything? What does it mean for the image of Dōgen, as representative of the “beyond words” paradigm?

Requesting Help To Fix A Formal Critique Museum Paper

NOTE: You must choose a work by looking at the collection online of any museum. YOU MUST USE ALL THE ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES FOR THE WORK OF ART THAT YOU CHOOSE.  Please be certain to complete paragraphs 4 and 5 as directed. Make sure that you include your personal evaluation as specified so that I have your opinion as part of the analysis. This essay should be more than 750 words.
The six elements
(1) line
(2) shape
(3) color
(4) value
(5) space
(6) texture
The six principles
(1) scale
(2) proportion
(3) balance
(4) unity
(5) focal point
(6) emphasis

PARAGRAPH #1: Descriptive Phase

Describe the artwork you have selected. Identify the work of art with the title, artist, and medium (see the label). Write your initial response (item A below) to the work. What do you think the artwork is about (story)?  What message (idea) are you receiving from the work?  You may find both.

PARAGRAPH #2: Analytical Phase A

Analyze the artist’s use of the Elements of Art in the artwork you select.  Locate and write about specific examples (item B below) in your selected artwork. Think about how the artist’s use of the Elements affects your response to the artwork for Paragraph 5.

PARAGRAPH #3: Analytical Phase B

Analyze the artist’s use of the Principles of Art/Design in your selected artwork.  Locate and write about the specific examples (B below) in your selected artwork.  Think about how the artist’s use of the Principles affects your response to the artwork for Paragraph 5.

PARAGRAPH #4: Interpretative Phase

Using the information provided by the book, event program, or museum label information as research, write about how your selected artwork fits in with the body of work and the intent of the artist—if you don’t know, then compare it to what else you see around you in the area. DO NOT CONDUCT ANY ADDITIONAL RESEARCH FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.  THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER.

PARAGRAPH #5: Evaluative Phase

In CONCLUSION, state whether your personal response was changed by both your formal analysis (the Elements and Principles) and the research from the text. Be sure to include more than this simple statement. Qualify your response with reasons why (how), or why not, 2, 3, and 4 affected your first response.  ADDITIONALLY, by visiting a museum, even virtually, you support the arts community. After your personal response to the work of art you chose, think about the work and where you saw it. Write a few sentences that demonstrate your understanding of the value of the work, the place you saw it, and its impact on the community.
NOTE on this assignment and on writing in general:
A. First responses should be just that. Resist the urge to over-think this. React and respond and describe that feeling or response in your writing.  If the artwork tells you a story, then communicate that story in your writing.  If it makes you sad, then express that in your writing, and explain why.
B. You MUST give specific examples of how and where the artist uses them in your selected artwork.  Do not simply list the elements and principles used in the image. Additionally, the examples you provide must reflect the artist’s use and application of the Elements and Principles in the making of the artwork, NOT about the story, meaning, or responses.
A well-constructed paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long. Also, all material related to the topic of the paragraph stays in that paragraph. You may refer back to that information in other places in your essay, but introduce the information in its appropriate place.
Essays and individual paragraphs have a beginning, middle, and end.  In this essay, the beginning is your initial response; the middle represents your analysis and research (2, 3, 4), and your conclusion is paragraph 5 which ties back to your beginning.
don’t, use do not. You may you “I” because this is a subjective paper. College-level grammar is expected. Use MLA formatting.