Accounting homework help

Review the Form 10-K for the company selected for team assignments.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the following:

  1. Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
  2. The Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
  3. The Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm’s Report on the Financial Statements

Explain the purpose and content of each of these reports.

Assuming the report you review is an Unqualified Opinion, express your thoughts on other types of financial statement reports such as Qualified Opinions, Adverse Opinions, and Disclaimer of Opinions

Human Resource Management homework help

Today’s competitive market includes international business. Actively recruiting different individuals into a workplace will not magically create a unified work environment simply because they share a common purpose; it is certain that unique challenges will arise. Some challenges include cultural differences and different religious beliefs.

This week be sure to interview at least two current or previous human resource personnel to learn unique and engaging ways to celebrate diversity within the workplace. Some large companies include diversity and inclusion staff in their human resource departments. Not all companies are large enough to have diversity and inclusion staff. Any member of the human resource team can provide insight into this topic. The insightful information that emerges should be incorporated into your assignment (annual plan).

Then, create an annual plan that explains how a human resource department could recognize and celebrate different cultures, enabling employees to understand more about the backgrounds of their fellow co-workers. The plan can include educational, cultural experiences, festivities from various cultures, etc. The experiences should include the activities, timeframe, duration, and purpose. Suggestions should come from interviews and academic research for best practices among human resource departments.

Table 1. Example of Annual Plan Template


Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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Management homework help

 Country Report/Project
Students will select a country from the list below, then research the country and prepare a PowerPoint on the country and the culture. Please feel free to be creative and create an engaging presentation which can include any photos, videos, and/or music. The project will include 11 PowerPoint slides, and should include the following on each slide:
Slide 1) Introduction to your county
Slide 2) Geography/topography/ time zones
Slide 3) Historical and leadership influences
Slide 4) Political/Governmental/legal influences
Slide 5) Demographic information – ethnicity/race, GDP per capita, average life span, mortality rates, education level, unemployment, crime, currency etc.
Slide 6) Language (s) and Religion (s)
Slide 7) Cultural values
Slide 8) Common business practices
Slide 9) Things to know before you go
Slide 10) Conclusion
Slide 11) References/Works Cited
Please choose one of the following for your project: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Vietnam

Financial markets homework help

Prepare a tabulated schedule of various sources of finance being used by the Bata India Limited company in the last 5 years and also tracking their annual increase (and/or) decrease?
 Prepare the average cost (WACC) of funds that were being deployed in the business
in the last 5 years. The Return on Equity (RoE) for the previous year may be used as a proxy to  the Cost of Equity (Ke) in calculating the WACC.
  Write your observations and interpretations on the sources of finance and the
WACC data collated  in not more than 750 words.

Management homework help

 Credo on Personal Leadership Philosophy: 1 page in length. ZERO PLAGIARISM
This philosophy should be only 1 page in length. ZERO PLAGIARISM
A leadership philosophy is the way we see ourselves as leaders. This philosophy guides our actions, our behaviors, and our thoughts. Your personal leadership philosophy is influenced by external and internal forces. You can change who we are as a leader by simply changing your philosophy of leadership. Leadership philosophies can change as you grow to understand yourself within the context of leading. Creating or finding your leadership philosophy means that you must explore and reflect upon your personal values, assumptions, and beliefs about leadership.
What Should Your Leadership Philosophy Include?
– Personal values such as honesty, commitment, respect for others
– Description of how you will carry out your responsibilities
– What your priorities are
– What you expect of your people and how you will evaluate them
– What your people can expect of you
Throughout the process, follow the advice of General Ulysses S. Grant, who said “Write as if sending a telegram to a fool that will be prepaid by a miser.” In other words, be complete, but not verbose.
Here is an example of a leadership philosophy submitted by a student in a previous semester. If you would like to use this format, please feel free to do so. This can be used as a guide as well. Credo on Personal Leadership Philosophy Example.pdf . See example pdf document attached below;
Q 1:
What are some of the common stereotypes, or previously unexamined reasonable opposites, that have influenced your thinking? (see article attached below)
Q 2:
Should differences in culture affect leadership practices?
Q 3:
Upon reading the six competencies global leaders need to succeed, which of these six competencies do you feel is most important to one’s own multicultural competence and why? (see article:
Q 4:
Reflect on the topic of shared leadership, usable? effective?
Q 5:
What products and services do you consume on a regular basis that are produced, either in whole or in part, by an organization that is not based in your home country? Probe your knowledge. Are these products the same everywhere they are sold, or did they have to be adapted for your market?
How consistently do you demonstrate emotional intelligence and treat others with respect and dignity? What do you do to demonstrate that you respect people as individuals? Any opportunities for improvement?
Q 7:
How confident are you? How do you empower yourself? What can you do to develop your confidence?
Q 8:
What are your long-term goals? What do you need to do, and what attitudes do you need to have, to accomplish them?
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Management homework help

In 1453, the Walls of Constantinople came crashing down at the feet of Mehmet the Conqueror. At the same time, Western Europeans were exploring the Atlantic and on the cusp of discovering a “New World.” In Asia, Zhang He had recently sailed across the Indian Ocean and contacted the people up and down the coast which brought into contact two great civilizations. Considering these seminal events in history, explain in detail

Management homework help

ASSIGNMENT (ZERO PLAGIARISM) Please the article below for the assignment.
Self-Development Plan for Strengthening Global Mindset
In the plan, specify the Global Mindset Intelligence (GMI) competence to be developed and the action plans necessary to improve your intellectual capital, psychological capital and social capital.  This two-page paper should include:
1) Clear opening statement on what a Global Mindset is, why cultural intelligence is important and where you currently are as a leader and your desired state or aspirations as a global leader.
2) A paragraph discussing each of the GMI capitals including your opportunities for personal and professional growth and improvement.
3) Conclusion summarizing how important it is to you to develop your cultural intelligence and global mindset and the commitments you will keep in the process.
Articles for this assignment:
Global Mindset- A 2020 Leadership Competency (  be sure to watch the video
 Is Your Mind Set to Global (
So You Think You’re Globally Minded (

>Business & Finance homework help

Minerva Mirabal learns of her father’s infidelity in Chapter 6. Re-read pages 92 – 93. What do we learn about Minerva Mirabal in this short scene? Why does she tell her father that her kindness toward his mistress and children are “thinks a woman does”?

Marketing homework help

After implementation of the computerized system, a random sample of 500 invoices showed 479 invoices with 0 errors, 10 invoices with 1 error, 8 invoices with 2 errors, 2 invoices with 3 errors, and 1 invoice with more than 3 errors.
Create appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
Justify the appropriate chi-square test to determine whether the error percentages for the computerized system differ from the normal system.