Business & Finance homework help

It is essential to understand whether property is a section 1221 Capital Asset or if it is an Ordinary Asset. Explain what a capital asset is, and provide examples of both capital assets and ordinary types of assets. Why do you think that we have separate reporting of capital gains and capital losses?


Also use 2 APA citation.

Education homework help

Reply: After reading your classmates’ threads, choose one to which you will respond, then write a reply that interacts with your classmate’s thread and presents a well-reasoned alternative to his or her approach to the issue. You do not have to defend a position that is diametrically opposed to your classmate’s position, but you do need to either defend a position that is significantly different from his/hers or defend the same position in a very different way. If possible, you must reply to a classmate to whom no one else has yet replied.


The goal of this is to help your classmate to improve his or her theory, so make your criticisms constructive. Be charitable – don’t assume that your classmate is making stupid mistakes, but instead where multiple interpretations are possible, assume that you classmate meant whichever interpretation would make more sense. However, don’t hesitate to point out disputable assumptions, faulty arguments, and alternative possibilities if you are convinced that they exist. In short, criticize politely. If possible, you must reply to a classmate to whom no one else has yet replied. Treat your classmate’s opinion with sensitivity and respect.


This is a university-level writing assignment. Therefore it must be carefully proofread, free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Do not use slang, emoticons, or abbreviations (as if you are texting or sending an email to a friend).

Your reply must be 500–600 words. You will be penalized for falling short or exceeding the word count. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself (including your classmate’s thread) must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian format and will not count towards the total word count.

Education homework help

Watch Celebrating 40 years of IDEA at

You will write a 3-5 page reflection of how IDEA has changed life for individuals with disabilities. Be sure to discuss conditions prior to IDEA. You should use your textbook to support your writing with what was viewed in the video. Make sure you discuss all laws and the purpose for them. You can opt to do a power point presentation in lieu of the written reflection. Your power point much answer the same things as the paper  and have a slide maximum of 12 and minimum of 8. BE sure to provide your references.

Computer Science homework help

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Goal: Implement a complete search engine. Milestones Overview

Milestone Goal #1 Produce an initial index for the corpus and a basic retrieval component

#2 Complete Search System

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PROJECT: SEARCH ENGINE Corpus: all ICS web pages We will provide you with the crawled data as a zip file ( This contains the downloaded content of the ICS web pages that were crawled by a previous quarter. You are expected to build your search engine index off of this data. Main challenges: Full HTML parsing, File/DB handling, handling user input (either using command line or desktop GUI application or web interface) COMPONENT 1 – INDEX: Create an inverted index for all the corpus given to you. You can either use a database to store your index (MongoDB, Redis, memcached are some examples) or you can store the index in a file. You are free to choose an approach here. The index should store more than just a simple list of documents where the token occurs. At the very least, your index should store the TF-IDF of every term/document. Sample Index:

Note: This is a simplistic example provided for your understanding. Please do not consider this as the expected index format. A good inverted index will store more information than this. Index Structure: token – docId1, tf-idf1 ; docId2, tf-idf2

Example: informatics – doc_1, 5 ; doc_2, 10 ; doc_3, 7 You are encouraged to come up with heuristics that make sense and will help in retrieving relevant search results. For e.g. – words in bold and in heading (h1, h2, h3) could be treated as more important than the other words. These are useful metadata that could be added to your inverted index data. Optional (1 point for each meta data item up to 2 points max):: Extra credit will be given for ideas that improve the quality of the retrieval, so you may add more metadata to your index, if you think it will help improve the quality of the retrieval. For this, instead of storing a simple TF-IDF count for every page, you can store more information related to the page (e.g. position of the words in the page). To store this information, you need to design your index in such a way that it can store and retrieve all this metadata efficiently. Your index lookup during search should not be horribly slow, so pay attention to the structure of your index COMPONENT 2 – SEARCH AND RETRIEVE: Your program should prompt the user for a query. This doesn’t need to be a Web interface, it can be a console prompt. At the time of the query, your program will look up your index, perform some calculations (see ranking below) and give out the ranked list of pages that are relevant for the query.


At the very least, your ranking formula should include tf-idf scoring, but you should feel free to add additional components to this formula if you think they improve the retrieval. Optional (1 point for each parameter up to 2 points max): Extra credit will be given if your ranking formula includes parameters to improve ranking other than tf-idf from the techniques discussed in class.

Milestone #1 (15 points) Goal: Build an index and a basic retrieval component By basic retrieval component; we mean that at this point you just need to be able to query your index for links (The query can be as simple as single word at this point). These links do not need to be accurate/ranked. We will cover ranking in the next milestone. At least the following queries should be used to test your retrieval: 1 – Informatics 2 – Mondego 3 – Irvine 4 – artificial intelligence 5 – computer science Note: query 4 and 5 are for milestone #2 Deliverables: Submit a report (pdf) in Canvas with the following content:

1. A table with assorted numbers pertaining to your index. It should have, at least the number of documents, the number of [unique] words, and the total size (in KB) of your index on disk.

2. Number of URLs retrieved for each of the queries above and listing the first 20 URLS for each query

Evaluation criteria:

● Was the report submitted on time?

● Are the reported numbers plausible?

● Are the reported URLs plausible?

Milestone #2 (45 points and 6 pts Goal: complete search engine Deliverables:

● Submit a zip file containing all the artifacts/programs you wrote for your search ● A live demonstration of your search engine

Evaluation criteria:

– Does your program work as expected of search engines? – How general are the heuristics that you employed to improve the retrieval? – How complete is the UI? (e.g. links to the actual pages, snippets, etc.)

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– Do you demonstrate in-depth knowledge of how your search engine works? Are you able to answer detailed questions pertaining to any aspect of its implementation?

Additional Information: Understanding the data dump: In Assignment-2, crawlers of all the groups collectively crawled 37,497 URLs. We collected these URLS and are providing them to you as ‘’ file. This zip file contains the following:

1. bookkeeping.json 2. bookkeeping.tsv 3. Folders 0 to 74

Folders: The 37,497 URLs are organized into 75 folders, each folder having 500 files. Every file has the extracted HTML source code of a particular URL. Bookeeping files: bookkeeping.json and bookkeeping.tsv are two different formats of the same file. These files maintain a list of all the URLs that have been crawled. Every URL has an identifier associated with it. This identifier helps locate the HTML code of the URL. The identifier is of the format: “folder_number/file_number” For example, consider the entry on line 13 of bookkeeping.json:

“0/108”: “”

This means that the HTML code extracted for the link “ BK_ICCV_2007” is located at folder 0, file number 108. Broken HTML: The HTML source code of the URLs may not be well formed. This means that the code may not necessarily have a pair of opening and closing tags. For example, there might be an open <strong> tag but the associated closing tag </strong> might be missing. The HTML parsers that you will use to parse the documents should be able to handle broken HTML. Hence, as mentioned above, while selecting the parser for your project, please ensure that it can handle broken HTML. Use of libraries: It is strictly not allowed to use libraries that perform the entire task of index creation or ranking for you. Hence, libraries such as Lucene or Elastic Search are not allowed. You may use libraries that help you achieve specific tasks. For example, you can use a tokenizer such as NLTK to tokenize your content. The HTML files

• A Zip file that contains crawl-able HTML files which you may parse/process for extracting tokens. • The HTML files have been organized and stored in numbered directories. The file names are

numbers as well. • The bookkeeping.json and bookkeeping.tsv files represent the index of all the HTML files.

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• The key value of the json file is essentially the relative file path of the HTML content. The value is the web URL of the HTML content.

• Do not confuse bookkeeping with the inverted index. It simply provides you a means to access the crawl-able HTMLs programmatically. The key values in

• bookkeeping can also be used to uniquely identify the files. This will be useful when you need to retrieve the web page and the content while displaying your search engine results.

Building the inverted index • Now that you have been provided the HTML files to index. You may build your inverted

index off of them. • As most of you may already know, the inverted index is simply a map with the token as a key

and a list of its corresponding postings. • A posting is nothing but the representation of the token’s occurrence in a document. • The posting would typically (not limited to) contain the following info (you are encouraged

to think of other attributes that you could add to the index) : • The document name/id the token was found in. • The word frequency. • Indices of occurrence within the document • Tf-idf score etc

Inverted Index

• When designing your inverted index, you will think about the structure of your posting first. • You would normally begin by implementing the code to calculate/fetch the elements which

will constitute your posting. • Modularize. For eg:- If you’re using python, use scripts that will perform a function or a set

of closely related functions. This helps in keeping track of your progress, debugging, and also dividing work amongst teammates if you’re in a group.

• You are free to choose any database system to store your inverted index. • Some possible options – Redis, MongoDB, memcached, MySQL etc. • Pro-tip : If you have a hard time choosing between the database systems. Read about their

performance and learning curves of the libraries available with the language of your choice.

Search and Retrieve • Once you have built the inverted index, you are ready to test document retrieval with

queries. • At the very least, the documents retrieved should be returned based on tf-idf scoring. This

can be done using • the cosine similarity method. Feel free to use a library to compute cosine similarity once you

have the term frequencies and inverse document frequencies. • You may add other weighting/scoring mechanisms to help refine the search results.

 Describe the role the educational experience plays in human development over the life course. In addition, discuss the association between school failure and delinquency (3 – 4 pages, Time New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced). Two scholarly journal articles should be included as references.

Psychology homework help

Engaging in Leadership Within the Counseling Profession

Assignment Instructions


As you become a counselor educator and supervisor, how will you engage in leadership within the counseling profession?

  1. Identify a niche area that you want to further by contributing your time, energy, and resources. This could be a similar area as your proposed dissertation topic, your clinical specialty, and/or counselor education classes that you want to teach.           UPLOADED FILE AND ATTACHED

2. Include the avenues and opportunities for professional leadership at the local, state, and national levels through professional counseling associations or other mental health initiatives that are aligned with your niche area. (CACREP 6.b)                         UPLOADED FILE AND ATTACHED

Once you have determined your niche area, complete the following:

  • Reach out to one professional association or mental health initiative that is aligned with your niche area and volunteer for a leadership position that you are able to successfully engage in at this time.
    • Which professional counseling association or mental health initiative did you select?
    • What was the leadership position that you volunteered for and how did you ascertain the volunteer leadership position?
    • What are the goals of the volunteer leadership position?
    • What leadership theories, models, and skills can be applied to leadership initiatives?
    • What are some methods you can develop for promoting leadership activities to facilitate the development of counselor trainees?


Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 5–8 pages.
  • Written communication: Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a professional educator.
  • References: A minimum of five recent, relevant academic resources are required to support your work.
  • APA format: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Information Systems homework help

Assignment: Steganography Detection Tools


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Examine steganography-detection tools.
  • Recommend a tool for an investigation.


Assignment Requirements
You are now an experienced digital forensics specialist for DigiFirm Investigation Company. The firm is involved in the investigation of a crime ring accused of using computers to defraud a nationwide financial institution and its customers.

A number of laptops have been seized from the crime ring in question. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the people in the outfit were fairly tech savvy and have scrambled information on those machines.

Various tools are readily available to detect steganography. The tool that is used determines how reliable steganalysis the tests are. Some tools are more efficient than others. However, none of them are perfect.

For this assignment:

  1. Research three tools used for detecting steganography.
  2. Write a paper that:
    • Describes each of the three tools.
    • Lists the advantages and limitations of each one.
    • Provides a recommendation on which one you would prefer to use in an investigation.
    • Includes justification for your recommendation.



Required Resources

  • Course textbook
  • Internet access
Submission Requirements
Format: Microsoft Word
Font: Arial, Size 12, Double-Space
Citation Style: Your school’s preferred style guide
Length: 1-2 pages


Self-Assessment Checklist

  • I researched three tools used for detecting steganography.
  • I wrote a professional paper that describes each of the three tools and lists the advantages and limitations of each one.
  • I recommended which tool I would prefer to use in an investigation.
  • I included justification for my recommendation.


Education homework help

Prop Boxes were designed as tools for the teachers to develop the language and literacy of their children. Each prop box is based on a common theme used in early childhood classrooms and contains books, concrete objects related to the theme, and lesson plans (with theme related book reading suggestions, circle time ideas,  and child centered center activities and explorations). The concrete objects were chosen to represent vocabulary in the theme that is frequently used and may be unknown to the children. In addition to being provided with the materials in the prop boxes, the teachers are also trained in how to use them as tools to further language and literacy development in their children.

The Assignment

A box of props will be collected based on a topic that would be applicable for preschool age children. A variety of props will be gathered which go along with that topic. All props should be realistic, safe, and age-appropriate. You must include props for the following areas of learning: Dramatic Play, Outdoor Play, and Blocks that incorporate the selected topic.

Grading Criteria: 

The student will:

– Name the study topic for the prop box The same topic will be used for each area.- 20 points

– Provide a list of items relevant to the topic. The items can include books, manipulatives, games, toys, real life articles, and items from nature. If you copy and paste pictures be sure to label each object.- 25 points

– Label the items for the appropriate area of learning (Dramatic Play, Outdoor Play, or Blocks) – 20 points

– Select the Domain, Sub domain, Developmental Goal(s) and Indicator(s) from NC Foundations: Early Learning Standards  EX: Domain Approaches to Play and Learning.  Sub domain Curiosity, Information-Seeking, and Eagerness Goal APL-1: Children show curiosity and express interest in the world around them.  EX: Indicator: Discover things that interest and amaze them, and seek to share them with others. APL-1j- 25 points

– Spelling and Grammar


NC Foundations: Early Learning Standards

Computer Science homework help

Answer each of the following questions for 2 points. Submit all your answers in one file.

Question 1: What are the five phases of the SDLC?

Question 2: What is the objective of each phase of the SDLC? Describe each objective briefly.

Question 3: What does iteration across SDLC phases (i.e. iterative approach) mean?

Question 4: Describe a “technique” you use to make sure you get assignments done on time.  What are some “tools” you use with your technique?

Question 5:  List any three activities of systems analysis.

Question 6:  What is the difference between functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements?

Question 7. What would you do if you got conflicting answers for the same procedure from two different people you interviewed? What would you do if one was a clerical person and the other was the department manager?

Question 8. What is a use case?

Question 9. What type of event would be named Time to produce paychecks?

Question 10. Draw an entity-relationship diagram, including minimum and maximum cardinality, for the following: The system stores information about two things: cars and owners. A car has attributes for make, model, and year. The owner has attributes for name and address. Assume that a car must be owned by one owner, and an owner can own many cars, but an owner might not own any cars (perhaps she just sold them all, but we still want a record of her in the system).

Question 11.  Draw a class diagram for the cars and owners described in the previous question but include subclasses for a sports car, sedan, and minivan with appropriate attributes.