Ecology homework help

I need a minimum of 200 words and a very detailed paper.
In your own words, summarize how a dead zone forms along populated coasts. What are the major sources of the excess nutrients? Consider your community. What are some of the major sources of nutrient runoff that you see on a regular basis? Do you contribute to this problem? Discuss at least two ways in which you, personally, can reduce your impact on ocean life. (200 words)

Ecology homework help

I have two questions the first one needs to be a minimum of 200 words and the second a minimum of 75 words.  Please clearly read the questions and be very detailed.
Describe the effects of temperature, moisture, length of photosynthetic period, and nutrient availability on net primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems. Give examples in your explanations. (200 words)
First describe three ways that nutrients can be lost from an ecosystem; then describe how nutrients are replaced in those systems. (75 words)

Ecology homework help

I have two questions the first one needs to be a minimum of 200 words and the second a minimum of 75 words.  Please clearly read the questions and be very detailed.
Describe the effects of temperature, moisture, length of photosynthetic period, and nutrient availability on net primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems. Give examples in your explanations. (200 words)
First describe three ways that nutrients can be lost from an ecosystem; then describe how nutrients are replaced in those systems. (75 words)

Ecology homework help

Interview Questions
Students enrolled in COH 300 are required to interview a professional in the field of public health. The interview may be in person, over the phone, or via e-mail. After completion of informational interview, students will write a 2 page summary of the information gathered. Paper must be double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and use APA formatting.Write in paragraphs, not quoting verbatim or writing in responses to the questions.  Submit it online by due date.
Prior to the interview, review the following questions and familiarize yourself with them.
Begin the interview by introducing yourself and explaining why you are calling.  Briefly describe the health problem and target population you are studying.  Ask if they have time to answer questions about their work and how it relates to your topic and if you may use their interview in your paper.
Thank them for their time and conclude the interview.
Include the information you learned in your needs assessment of your paper.  Be sure to properly cite the person and information in your paper.

  • Please tell me about yourself and your organization
    • Your name is?  Your position or title is?
    • How long have you worked here?
    • Your organization’s name is?
    • What is its mission?
    • What services does your organization or department provide?
    • What communities are included in your service area?


  • Are you familiar with the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) and their seven responsibilities?
    • Are you certified?
    • If no, would you ever think about becoming certified? Why or why not?


  • How do you assess needs, resources and the capacity for health education and/or promotion within the community or globally?
    • What type of tools and health models and theories are utilized for this process?


  • In what ways do you plan health education and/or promotion?


  • How do you implement your plans, or those of others, regarding health education and/or promotion?


  • Are your desired outcomes based on Healthy People 2020 goals, or are they individual to your plan?


  • What type of research would be conducted for health education and promotion?


  • In what ways do you administer health education and promotion?


  • Have you served as a health education and promotion resource person?
    • There are numerous areas of the community that can benefit from these resources, how are resources shared or divided across the community?
    • Is that more specific to the individual fiscal budget goals?


  • In what ways do you communicate, promote, and advocate for health, health education and promotion, as well as the profession of public health?
    • Are impersonal methods utilized such as via poster/flyers, message boards and websites?
    • Or are more personable methods used such as projects in the community, and seminars?
    • For those who lack the ability to access some or all of these methods, how do you reach them?


  • Looking back on your experiences in the field, your academic career, and any personal matters along the way, both positive and negative, do you feel your initial reason for pursing public health has been/is being fulfilled?
    • What would you tell your younger self about the field?
    • To prepare for?
    • To avoid?
    • To pursue?


Ecology homework help

week 6

  • What applications of CRISPR look particularly promising for improving human well-being? Justify your response.
  • Discuss the ethical issues you believe have arisen or are likely to arise with the deployment of CRISPR.

week 7

  • Explain why the relationship between these two species is considered an example of coevolution.
  • What did you find most interesting or significant about how the rattlesnake population adapts to the squirrel’s defenses against its venom?

week 8

  • Discuss the factors that make Alaskan waters in the summertime an optimal place and time for new strains of influenza to arise by genetic reassortment.
  • What do you think is the most interesting aspect of this situation?

week 10

  • Why do you think that many keystone species are predators at the top of the food chain in their respective ecosystems?
  • What do you think is the most interesting or significant facet of the video?

Ecology homework help

Plant taxonomy is the science that finds, identifies, describes, classifies, and names plants.  Where does your plant of choice fall?


Let’s explore plant breeding.
 Kingdom Protista Discussion:

  • Describe features that the members of Kingdom Protista share and the basic ways in which they differ, include one (1) picture.

Kingdom Fungi Discussion:

  • Discuss the general features that distinguish Kingdom Fungi from the other kingdoms, include one (1) picture.

Kingdom Plant- Bryophytes Discussion:

  • List the features that distinguish the Plant Kingdom from other kingdoms.
  • Explain how bryophytes as a group differ from other plants. Include one (1) picture.
  • Does your plant of choice fall into any of these 3 categories?
  • Explain your answer and include two (2) pictures.


Estimated time to complete: 4 hours
Submission Format: Word Document
Required Document Elements:

  • at least 2 written pages
  • an additional title page
  • introduction paragraph
  • required images
  • conclusion paragraph
  • references page (at least 2 references in APA format)

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors.
This assignment requires Turnitin.

Ecology homework help

 Argue if building the solar plant is better for maintaining sustainable system or is worse. Justify your position.
Length-One page
-Calibri or NewTimesRoman
-Double spaced

Ecology homework help

I need a minimum of 200 words for the below question.    No references or citations are necessary.
Globally, the human population is increasing exponentially. What are some of the reasons for this population explosion? Do you think this is something that should be controlled? And if so, how might reproduction be curbed? What effects of population growth have you seen in the area you live in?

Ecology homework help   

Week Two Discussion 2
Access the web sites of any two U.S. State health departments and discuss their structure, functions, and services. Please reference the two web sites.