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This week, you will find peer-reviewed scholarly research studies: one should be a mixed methods study, and the others can be either quantitative or qualitative or both. Use the note-taking worksheet in the books and resources section of this week for each of the articles you find in the NCU Library.
Using the note-taking worksheet provided in the books and resources section, find the elements of research to fill in the table. In addition, make sure you use proper APA citation, form, and style. These elements are listed in the worksheet—but understand you may at first have difficulty finding them, so feel free to use the checklist elements discussed in this week’s content when reading the articles.

  • What is the type of study?
  • What is the purpose of the study?
  • What is the population and sample size?
  • What research design is being used?
  • What is the method(s) of data collection and data analysis?
  • What are the results of the data analysis?
  • How do the results of data analysis relate to the findings?
  • What are the conclusions?
  • How does the study relate to similar research?

The information you include in your note-taking worksheet can be brief, in the form of notes. Any time you enter information that is a direct quote from the original source, be sure to enclose that information in quotation marks so you can cite it correctly in your paper and include a page reference. Failure to correctly cite can lead to a violation of academic integrity. Such violations are recorded in your student record and can have serious consequences, including dismissal from your program.
Length: 3-4 pages, or however long you need to summarize your scholarly articles
References: Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly resources

Books and Resources for this Week

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Create a brochure for immigrant families in your community that contains at least three community resources that support English acquisition.
For each resource include:

  1. The name of the resource or organization.
  2. The URL of their website or relevant contact information (if applicable).
  3. A brief explanation of how each resource or organization supports English acquisition.

Include a 250-500 word statement regarding culture and learning. Your statement should include:

  1. Examples of how culture affects learning.
  2. Examples of sociocultural influences on ELLs.
  3. A discussion regarding bilingualism and home language use in ELL classroom learning.

Support this statement with at least three scholarly resources.

Education homework help

Throughout this course, you have explored the various components that need to be put into place in order to build an anti-bias, inclusive learning community that promotes respect, dignity, and fairness regardless of differences. Now is the time apply what you have been learning since the very first course in this program. For this Application Assignment, you will put all of the pieces together to develop a detailed action plan for implementing an anti-bias curriculum in an early childhood setting.
Creating an environment that cultivates positive relationships and interactions, nurtures children’s confidence, and offers children opportunities to combat biases and misconceptions takes thoughtful consideration and preparation. Your action plan will be comprised of several crucial components. Read through each of the components listed below to become familiar with the various aspects of the assignment. As needed, return to the Learning Resources in the course (and/or prior courses) to reread, reflect, and further solidify your thinking. Then, develop your ideas and record your action plan in a Word document.
The Topic

  • Review the list below and choose one to be the focus of your action plan. Issues related to:
    • family structure
    • culture and language
    • economic class
    • race
    • gender
    • sexual orientation
    • varying abilities
  • Explain why you chose this particular topic as the focus of your plan.
  • What “ism” (or “isms”) are you addressing with this topic?
  • What misinformation, stereotypes, or fears might young children have about this topic?

The Setting

  • Write a short description of the type of early childhood program for which this anti-bias action plan will be prepared. Include the ages of children, number of children and staff, demographics of children and staff, ethnic groups, racial identities, economic class, languages spoken, gender, and varying abilities.

The Goal(s)

  • What are you hoping to teach through this plan? Describe your goals and expected outcomes.
  • In what ways will you address and contradict the stereotypes associated with the topic? Provide examples to demonstrate what you might say or do to combat specific stereotypes.

The Curriculum Plan

  • Describe at least two learning experiences that will help you reach the goals of your action plan.
  • Indicate at least two ideas you will incorporate into the visual/material environment to support your curriculum.
  • List at least two examples of titles of books, music, film, and/or other media that will support your curriculum.
  • Think about at least one “teachable moment” that you anticipate will occur and describe it in detail.

Other Considerations:

  • In what ways will you connect with and involve the families of the children in your setting?
  • From the list of varying abilities that you studied in Week 7, choose one. Then, state the accommodations you will make to your classroom, your own behaviors/interactions, and/or your curriculum, to best support learning for a child with this varying ability in the context of this action plan.


  • How will you assess whether or not you have met the goals? Explain how you will know that your action plan has been effective.

Submit your completed anti-bias action plan.
Assignment length: 3 pages minimum

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Because lessons do not stop when a student leaves the classroom, purposeful collaboration with other teachers, staff, and families can help reinforce and expand the student’s knowledge and skills. Whenever possible, teachers should try to engage families in ways that encourage them to have their child practice the math skills at home. Having both the teacher and parents/guardians on the same page helps to support the student.
Read the case study to inform the assignment.
Case Study: Fiona
Grade: 9th
Age: 14
It is the beginning of the second semester, and Fiona is having a great deal of difficulty in her mainstream algebra class. Prior to this year, she was receiving instruction in the resource setting. At her eighth grade transition IEP meeting, her parents expressed their wishes that Fiona be in the mainstream algebra class, despite her special education teacher explaining that low reading comprehension negatively affects the understanding of math concepts. Fiona understands basic concepts of algebra but has not mastered the skills needed to move to the higher-level concepts her class is now working on. Currently, her math performance has been measured two years below grade level and her reading performance one year below grade level. Fiona’s general education math teacher has spoken with her parents about the possible need for additional support, and her parents have agreed to help at home, as they do not want her being pulled out for resource at this time.
The following goals have been identified by the special education teacher collaborating with the general education math teacher for Fiona:

  1. Simplify addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations [e.g., (2x + 6) + (4x + 7) = 6x + 13].
  2. Solve expressions with variables (e.g., 3x = -24).
  3. Write and solve the algebraic equation in a real-life word problem.

Part 1: Strategies
As the special education teacher, select two researched-based instructional strategies that could be used to help Fiona meet her identified goals.
Instructional strategies should include:

  • Explicitly teaching related vocabulary
  • The use of the concrete-representational-abstract strategies
  • Graphic organizers
  • Mnemonic devices
  • The use of assistive technology

In 250-500 words, summarize the recommended instructional strategies, rationalizing their appropriateness for Fiona’s goals and ability to help motivate Fiona to meet her goals. Include specific tips for implementation.
Part 2: 3 Day Unit Plan
Design a comprehensive mathematics unit plan based on the goals identified for Fiona. Outline three sequenced lesson plans, using the “3 Day Unit Plan Template.”
Your unit plan must include:

  • Appropriate augmentative and alternative communication systems and assistive technology to make the lesson content more accessible.
  • Integration of both formative and summative assessments to demonstrate mastery and support the generalization of learning for the student.
  • Integration of an appropriate ELA writing standard related to Fiona’s third identified goal.

Part 3: Home Connection
In 250-500 words, explain how you plan to involve Fiona’s parents in meeting her goals. Include a specific at-home activity to help in her continued success.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, sold academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Support your choices in Parts 1 and 3 with 1-2 scholarly resources.

Education homework help

Lesson planning is not just about planning what you want your students to know, but also planning for possible situations that might arise and solutions that can be used. Using academic and behavioral data, a teacher must plan for what each child is going to need to help them access the curriculum as well as any individual accommodations that will be needed. The time spent on planning helps to ensure successful delivery of the lesson.
Select a 3-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona or other state standard based on the Number and Operations-Fractions domain.
Compose an aligning learning objective and design appropriate activities for a selected group of 3-4 students, of varying academic levels, from the “Class Profile.”
Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” complete the lesson plan through the Multiple Means of Engagement section, making sure the activities are supported by the recommendations found in the topic materials.
For your differentiated activities, specifically address:

  • Fraction tasks, including area, length, and set/quantity models; or
  • Equivalent fractions. In the Multiple Means of Engagement section, draft five questions you could ask students during the lesson that promote conceptual understanding related to fractions.
  • In the Multiple Means of Representation section, describe five potential issues and/or roadblocks that might happen while delivering the lesson, based on the needs of the selected group of students. Provide possible solutions to each potential issue.
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I need help writing my letter for my grad school application. I have attached what I started.
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Please read attachment carefully! Due withthin 24 hours!
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Education homework help

The purpose of this Final Paper is for you to define and apply the topic you found most interesting and applicable to your career. Choose from below topics (note this aligns with each week of the course). The topic must be one of the topics below from the course or you will receive zero credit for this assignment.
1. Financial Management, Firms & Financial Markets, Understanding Financial Statements, Tax & Cash Flows
2. Operations Management: Financial Dimensions, Financial Analysis
3. Financial Merchandise Management, Pricing in Retailing
4. Mergers and Acquisitions
5. Time Value of Money, Introduction to Risk and Return
6. Investment Decision Criteria, Analyzing Project Cash Flows
7. Financial Forecasting and Planning
Write a 4 page paper discussing how and why the concepts you learned in that week are important to business. A cover page and reference page must be included but are not part of the 6 page requirement.
Your essay should include a minimum of 3-4 scholarly resources.
Make sure you address the following questions for the topic you chose.
1) What were the key concepts from the topic you chose?
2) How are those concepts relevant to the retail industry? Please thoroughly explain why they are relevant to the retail industry and use specific examples.
3) How will the concepts you learned allow you to make better decisions in current or future roles in retail or any other industry?
4) What are some of the key business challenges?
5) How can you effectively overcome those challenges?

Education homework help

Please answer both questions 250 word min-
1.  Describe how technology can be misused or overused in the early childhood classroom. Does the belief also hold true for the use of math manipulatives? Conversely, how can teachers be mindful of those students who do not have access to technology or resources in their homes?
2.  Some teachers think learning centers require a level of creativity they do not believe they possess, or are too time-consuming to create and maintain. What is your stance on the preparation and time required to provide centers to early learners?