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The Outside of Class Speaker Evaluation Essay
At some point during the semester, you will need to watch an online speaking event that is outside of a classroom environment.  The essay should be over 500 words in length.  If there are many speakers in the video you watch, focus your term paper on only one speaker.
Submit your term paper as a file upload within the assignment on Canvas.
The essay should be arranged in the following format:
Part 1- Describe the event, the audience, who was speaking, where it was, and when it happened.
Part 2- What did the speaker do to make a good impression?  Use concepts learned in class to explain your ideas.
Part 3- How could the speaker improve for future presentations? Use concepts learned in class to explain your critique.

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Make sure to enhance your argument by using a variety of sources and different methods to incorporate those sources into your paper.
You can summarize, paraphrase and quote sources of information.
Summarizing – When writing a summary, you find the most important ideas in a text and restate them in your own words in shortened form.
Paraphrasing – Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas in your own words—not necessarily shortened.
Quoting – Use quotes to back up your main points. Every quotation should be introduced and integrated into your essay to show the relationship between the quotation and your own ideas. When you use a quote, you should always explain what the quote means in relation to what you are trying to explain.
Don’t forget that whether you are quoting, summarizing or paraphrasing, you must tell your reader where and/or from whom you got your information from.

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ELL1080 – Summary and Response Date due: Sunday, December 6
What is the assignment?
Write a 5 paragraph Summary and Response Essay. This includes:
a formal, one-paragraph summary of one on the articles titled, “3 Big Reasons the Food Industry Needs Immigrants.” OR the article titled, 4 Myths About How Immigrants Affect the Economy”. This paragraph should be 10-15 sentences in length. Make sure you read my comments on the last assignment so you can improve on this one.
3 paragraphs of response to the article (text to self, text to the world, and text to text). Each paragraph should be no less than 7 sentences.
a one paragraph conclusion. This paragraph should be no less than 5 sentences.
Why do I have to write this essay?
The purpose of this assignment is to test your summarizing skills and your ability to use sources appropriately in your writing. I’d also like to see that you can complete a deep reading of a text.
What is my purpose as a writer?
Your purpose is to explain the main and supporting points of the article to your reader and to respond thoughtfully to its content.
Who are my readers for this essay?
I am your audience, so please show me you have learned how to write a summary using strong (reporting) verbs and respond to the text in three different ways.
What is a Writing Reflection and why do I have to complete one?
A Writing Reflection is an informal writing assignment that asks you to think about the essay once it is finished. It’s important that you learn about yourself as a writer; this informal task will help you do that.
Your Writing Reflection must be word processed (typed). It will not be graded for grammar or mechanics, but it is a separate grade, so complete it carefully. In order to earn full credit, your responses should include at least 3 complete sentences in response to each item below. Submit this with your essay. This is worth up to 10 points.
Explain your reading process. What steps did you take to complete a deep reading of the article?
Did you underline, highlight, etc. for specific reasons?
What was your process for completing this assignment? Are you satisfied with the amount of time you spent on the essay?
What are your strengths in writing this essay – what have you done especially well? What are your weaknesses – what needs improvement?
**Edit your paper carefully to earn a grade of C or higher. You will have an opportunity to rewrite this assignment but the highest grade you can earn on a rewrite is C. To earn a C or higher you must turn this in on time.
How do I earn a “C” (53-59) on this assignment?
Make sure the paper is formatted correctly – proper settings for font size and style (12 pt. Times New Roman), margins (1” top, left, right, and bottom), headings (a four-line first page header that includes your name, my name, the class and date), page numbers (top left side of page), and 2.0 line spacing (double-spaced).
Use your own words, i.e. summarize and paraphrase without plagiarizing.
Begin with a one-paragraph summary of the essay that includes:
A summary sentence
The author’s full name
The full title in quotations and capitalized correctly
When it was written
Where it was published (this is not a geographical location)
The authors’ main point(s) and supporting points
Include at least 3 more paragraphs in which you respond to one or more of the author’s ideas-text-to-self, text to world, and text to text.
End with a concluding paragraph that predicts the future of the article’s topic.
Edit carefully to avoid 9 or more errors in sentence boundaries, subject/verb agreement, verb tense, and capitalization.
How do I earn a “B” (60-67)on this assignment?
Include the items in the C category above.
Begin the essay with a hook – an anecdote, definition, question, quotation, or statistic that engages the reader and makes them want to keep reading.
Use the author’s full name when first mentioned; use only last name(s) after that.
Include an annotated bibliography of the article you used in this assignment with the article properly cited according to MLA and a short summary of the article.
Edit carefully to avoid 7 or more errors in sentence boundaries, subject/verb agreement, and verb forms, and capitalization; make sure that other errors do not distract from understanding.
How do I earn an “A” (68-75) on this assignment?
Include items in the C and B categories above.
Demonstrate a deep reading of the text with a response that goes beyond text-to-self, i.e. respond to the text using text-to-world and text to text.
Include an annotated bibliography of the article you used in this assignment with the article properly cited according to MLA and a short summary of the article.
Edit carefully to avoid 5 or more errors in sentence boundaries, subject/verb agreement, verb forms, capitalization, and 3 or less errors with singular/plural nouns.
How would a student earn a “D” or a 0 on the assignment?
A D will be earned if the final paper does not meet the requirements of the “C” category. A 0 will result if the paper is not handed in or if there is evidence of plagiarism.

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3 paragraphs only. Please see attachment below .

English homework help

Literary Paper – Paper 4
Due date is next week the 12th
My chosen story is the story is D.H. Lawrence’s “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter
Developing each point sufficiently should yield the required 3- to 4+-page paper. Remember to format the paper according to Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines.
I sort of summarized the story below just follow along
The Horse Dealer’s Daughter
The story I have chosen is D.H. Lawrence’s “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter”. The story is about the plights of a woman who is the main character in the story. Mabel is a sad and hopeless character. She undergoes disregard and disrespect from her brothers due to their views about feminism. The story shows the transformation of Mabel from one state to another. The transformation is accompanied by a change of tone and language from sad to happy. The main themes such as the position of a woman in society make the story easy to follow. The author also uses other literacy skills like the symbolism of the pond to indicate things like transformation. Other literacy skills applied include a vivid description
Writing the Fiction Paper
In writing this paper, you do not write a story: you write a critical paper ABOUT your chosen story, thus becoming a literary critic.
This particular literary analysis is basically reader-response criticism. You state a particular meaning that the story communicates to you and explain how you found this meaning.
After focusing the subject on a particular relationship or issue, the next step is to consider your short story for help in formulating a theme―an assertion (claim) about the particular aspect of your issue. The assertion of theme will provide the central idea for your paper.
After formulating a central idea, the next step is to formulate a thesis statement as the primary claim of your argument. The assignment directs you to use fictional elements as your thesis points. While forming the thesis, you will want to give some thought to which elements to choose and how you can order them most effectively in your thesis statements.
After delineating the structure of the paper, you must develop each point with specific support from the fictional work and with your own commentary. While you may use more than one piece of evidence to develop a point in the story, you must use at least one specific quote to support each point. Surround each piece of evidence and each quote with commentary and explanation that links it specifically to the point and the central idea (which should already be linked in the topic sentence). Also, be sure to punctuate and cite each quote correctly.
You may use outside source material if you choose, but it is not mandatory.   If used, be sure to include in-text citations following quotes or paraphrases from the source.   Include any source material on the Works Cited page which should also have the listing of the author, title and source of the story.    All entries must be alphabetical by the authors’ last names!!!!!!!
The following is an example of an introductory paragraph based on the story Everyday Use which you have read but CANNOT use for the essay.
Student name
English 1302
Professor Bob
The Importance of Family Heritage in Everyday Use
Family members are inclined to value their heritage in different ways.  Some value the history of the family as it relates to political importance and influence.  Some value the history of family as it relates to ownership of land and the length of possession by succeeding generations.  Others value the financial holdings of the family.  Still others value the heritage of the family by treasuring the possessions of earlier family members whose influence continues to be felt in their lives.  The symbolic settings, the development of character, and the resolution of Alice Walker’s Everyday Use highlights the importance of family heritage and features the tension between a mother and her two daughters as they discover the value of that heritage.
Notice that the thesis sentence contains the three fictional elements on which the remainder of the paper will be based, as well as the name of the author and of the story.  The title and author should be included early in the presentation of the paper.
As the paper continues, several paragraphs will discuss the importance of setting as it relates to the way in which the author makes use of this element of writing.  Quotes from the story will be used as evidence of the importance of setting.
Next, several paragraphs will study the character development of Dee, Mama, and/or Maggie.  Quotes from the story will also be used to support the assertions of the writer of the paper.
Finally, concluding paragraphs will explore the resolution to the problems of the story.  Again, quotes will also be used as support.
Remember that the key to a good paper is that it be organized, and the thesis points make that very easy for you.
Call or e-mail me if you have questions or if you need help with some aspects of your story.  Please do not take this assignment lightly; it is worth 200 points.  Call or e-mail if you need help or clarification.
When finishing your paper, do not forget to include appropriate transitions within and between paragraphs.
Guidelines for the Fiction Paper
Developing each point sufficiently should yield the required 3- to 4+-page paper. Remember to format the paper according to Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines.
There must be a Works Cited page with the listing of the author, title, and publication information.   Any source material used must also be listed accordingly on the Works Cited page, with appropriate in-text citations within the paper.
The guidelines include the use of literary conventions regarding verb tense, identifying authors and works, and referring to authors by their last names.
In the past, papers reviewed containing misspelled words and names, as well as incorrect titles all received 5-point deductions. OUCH!/

English homework help

Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to

  • Write a critical essay about a novel or novella that demonstrates well thought out arguments and
  • Analyse the way writers use work choice in complex characterization

Students are asked to write an integrative, critical essay of at least 2,000 words (+/- 200 words) on either Last Night at the Lobster or Keep the Aspidistra Flying. The essay should connect the workplace themes of the course, such as lack of work opportunities, lack of fulfillment in work, conformity based on necessity, search for freedom as balanced against social awareness and commitment to family, society, and nation.
The overall intent is to discuss the construction of a workplace identity in the main character and to show how this individual is able to negotiate a reasonable compromise between success and failure. The thesis statement could well draw attention to bigger historic and social issues, such as the role of the artist in the contemporary world and the effects of franchise and big business on blue collar workers.
The essay must analyze the characterization, focusing on character change and development, in the chosen novel. The essay may draw on secondary sources, as long as they are documented correctly using APA formats.
1. Choose the novel that resonates with you, your program of study, and your own work experiences.
a. For example, if you wish to explore a concept such as the effect of space and environment on people’s daily lives, then the Orwell novel might suit you.
b. Consider the text you have the strongest reaction to, whether positive or negative. Since it is clear that Last Day at the Lobster is shorter than the Orwell novel, (and a recent publication from a writer yet to be established in the literary canon, and also a novella (short novel) with the characteristics of that subgenre of fiction), it may seem the easier choice. However, the Orwell novel has much to say about the writer’s life that is linked to the business world, in terms of the book business, and takes a wider view of experiences that may be more accessible to readers, especially to those who have read 1984. One text can be related to food issues in our culture today and the other to the place of creative people in the workplace.
2. Compose a working thesis statement that shows your view of the main character in the novel. Then add a list of your own readers’ statements.
3. Working from you’re the notes you took as you read and class discussions, compose a draft, inserting quotations from the novel and drawing from examples.
4. Consider whether secondary sources such as academic journal articles might be helpful. In the case of Orwell, the supply of information and scholarly analysis would be endless. Bear in mind that these sources are only useful if they help you to answer your own readers’ questions.
5. Organize your essay carefully.
6. Write a second draft that is structured, with arguments and subtopics set out.
7. Check for accuracy in quotations and documentation of key scenes. Add page references.
8. Revise to create a nearly finished product.
9. Edit to correct spelling, punctuation, sentencing, and final working of the thesis.

English homework help

You are applying to be part of a diversity, inclusion, and ethics team at your school or workplace.  As part of the application process, you must write a cover letter to the head of the Diversity and Ethics committee.  There are two things you must include in the cover letter.
1 Address the two questions about you and your background.
2. Write a one-paragraph response to the scenario provided.
Each paragraph of your cover letter (there will be three in total )should be at least five to seven sentences long.
Use this template to write the first 2 paragraphs for your cover letter.  Each paragraph should be at least 5-7 sentences long.
Paragraph 1.
Describe how your background and unique perspective would be a valuable addition to the team.  Which sociological concepts we’ve explored in this course might help you making the case?  Think of aspects like your background, experience and talents

English homework help

Need help to write a scholarship essay, requirements will be provided after we agree.
500-700 words

English homework help

Need help to write a scholarship essay, requirements will be provided after we agree.
500-700 words