Geology homework help

Research one of the weather phenomena (monsoons, hurricanes, or El Niño events) discussed in this Section. Then, choose one particular event (e.g. Hurricane Katrina) and state your findings in a report. This report must be at least 500 words, but no more than 1,000 words. Make sure your writing is concise and to the point.
Your report must include the following:
The name and description of the particular weather event
How the hurricane, monsoon, or El Niño event formed
The effects of the weather phenomenon on lives, the food supply, disease, and the economy (choose 2)
What tools scientists used to track this particular storm (general)
Include 2-5 related pictures (include the URL addresses in your works cited)
Works Cited

Geology homework help

BONUS ASSIGNMENT: FILMS & EVENTS!Choose one of the following options:  1) Write about 2 films to earn up to 10 points (total). 2) Write about 1 film & 1 scholarly event that you attend to earn up to 15 points. 3) Attend and write about 2 scholarly events to earn up to 20 points.  – Submit on Eagle Online/Canvas.       – Due date: Check syllabus schedule. Task: Write at least one page (double-spaced) on your reflections on each film or event, preferably including themes related to what we covered in class. You do not need any citations or a bibliography. This is not to be a summary of the movie or event only. Summaries only = half-credit. The write ups should be roughly half-summary, half-reflection. The write-ups must include a few specific examples from different parts of the film or event (outside of the movie previews). Options for attending events (visit to VR lab at HCC will also count as an “event”…see instructions on next page): The events must be educational, led by a scholar/professor, and should relate to this course. I will announce some options during the semester, but if you see advertisements for any scholarly talks that relate to our class, you may attend them as well. You do not need to sign any attendance form; your write-up will suffice. If you attend a film that is shown on campus with a scholar discussing the film with the audience, you can use that as an “event” for this assignment, so long as a major part of your write-up is about the discussion. If your write-up mostly focuses on the film itself, it will count as a film write-up. Options for films to watch: Some of the film options are below, and the rest will be announced during the semester. Most of these films were shown on various college campuses where I attended or instructed, as part of a campus-wide initiative to spread awareness of environmental, cultural, political, and economic issues. The ones that related most to this course are included in the following list.Most films can be found on Amazon, I-Tunes, or Netflix (streaming or at least on DVD). The country/region in parentheses is where the film takes place. *Be aware that some films may contain language/scenes not appropriate for children to view.*Film options: Before the Flood,  Chasing Ice, A Plastic Ocean, Chasing Coral, Mission Blue, A City Dark, The Human Element (2019)Any 2 episodes of “Our Planet” on Netflix The Island President
Instructions for visiting VR lab at HCC: 1. Sign up to make an appointment a lab here (may need to copy & paste address, and you’ll see options for campuses on this website): At the lab, ask them to show you at least two locations using the Virtual Reality (VR) Headset. Also ask them to show you Google Earth.3. Provide a one-page, double spaced write-up answering the following questions: – Which places did you go using the VR headset? What did you look at on Google Earth? How was the experience?- How might Virtual Reality experiences be of benefit to studying Geography? What do you think are advantages and disadvantages? 4. Submit the write-up to Canvas by the Bonus Assignment due date.

Geology homework help

  • Describe and explain a gaseous agent extinguishing system.
  • Discuss and describe the physical characteristics of carbon dioxide, and the four application methods for delivery of carbon dioxide.
  • Describe the physical characteristics of halogenated hydrocarbons (halons) and explain the halon numbering identification system.
  • Discuss the two categories of “clean” agents.

Geology homework help

  The purpose of this paper is to analyze four (4) instructor provided articles that represent the argument of both sides of the dispute over whether the process of hydraulic fracturing is responsible for the increased number of earthquakes occurring in the United States, including Texas.  You will use the information in these articles to help write the research paper.
Link to the 4 articles:
Two articles supporting Hydraulic fracturing IS NOT responsible for causing earthquakes:
– More Fracking few Earthquake
 Hidden Biases Towards the Fracking Industry 
Two articles supporting  Hydraulic Fracturing IS responsible for earthquakes
 What’s known – and suspected – about induced earthquakes 
 Earthquakes triggered by fracking, not just wastewater disposal, study finds 
What to include in the “Why Some Agree That Hydraulic Fracturing IS NOT causing earthquakes” section:
o This should be at least two 6-sentence paragraphs.
o Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)
· What to include in the “Why Some Agree That Hydraulic Fracturing IS causing earthquakes” section:
o Like the directions above: This should be at least two 6-sentence paragraphs.
o Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)
· What to include in the “Summary” section:
o This should be at least two 5-sentence paragraphs.
o Please write in 1st person.
o This is a “critical thinking paragraph”. Answer the following questions inside of this paragraph, but DO NOT include the questions:
§ What preconceived ideas about hydraulic fracturing-earthquake debate did you have BEFORE reading the articles that you cited in this paper?
§ How have your ideas changed after reading the cited articles? For example, what is YOUR opinion/position on whether or not hydraulic fracturing is causing earthquakes? Explain what specifically influenced your position and any items that limit your understanding and ability to form an opinion on this topic.

  • Why do you believe that        continued research by experts on this subject is important? (Explain the        relevance and complexity of the research findings.)
  • What question(s) has this        research paper raised for you?  What are you still wondering about?        (NOTE:  nothing is not an acceptable answer.)


Geology homework help

The assignment is linked down below

Assignment 4:  Climate Science – Critical Analysis of Arguments (24 total points)
This assignment is due no later than Sunday, Nov 22nd at 11:59 PM. Upload the completed assignment to the Assignments folder on d2l labeled Assignment 4, as a doc, docx, or pdf file. No late assignments will be accepted.
In this assignment you will be using the website to discuss one of the most used arguments against human caused global warming.  Your task is to choose ONE of the most used climate myths, listed on the left side of the website next to the thermometer, explain what the argument says in your own words, and thoroughly explain why this argument does not hold up against the scientific evidence.
Only the top ten are listed, but if you click on View All Arguments at the bottom of the thermometer you can see a list of 173 myths.  You may choose from any of these, or one of the top ten listed next to the thermometer.  Browse a few that interest you and make sure you understand one thoroughly before selecting it as your topic.  You will have to cite and discuss at least one data set that debunks the climate myth you choose.  Answer each question below completely and thoroughly.  WRITE YOUR OWN ANSWERS IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  If you work with another student it will be tempting to “share” information.  Do not turn in papers with the same answers word for word (or even very similar words) or you will be written up for cheating.  Do your own work!

  1. Which Most Used Climate Myth did you choose to discuss? Please list the title as seen on the website (e.g., #23 “It’s freaking cold!” or #20 “Al Gore got it wrong” or #8 “Animals and plants can adapt.”) (1 point)


  1. Click on the climate myth you chose and explain in your own words what the skeptic argument is (i.e., summarize the myth in your own words) (3 points)

Carefully read what the science says about this climate myth.  First read the Basic description (green tab below What the science says…).  You may need to click on the blue Intermediate tab or black Advanced tab to get more detailed information, and see data, for your discussion below.  You should also google the myth and explore what other sources come up, and what they say about the myth.  Keep a list of three other sources that pop up when you google your chosen climate myth.

  1. List of three additional sources, and brief 1-2 sentence summaries of what those sources say about the myth (do they support or refute the myth and why): (2 pts each = 6 pts total)




  1. List and describe TWO arguments that are based on scientific evidence that disprove your chosen climate myth. For each scientific argument you must, in your own words, explain what it says or demonstrates, and reference the data the scientists cite. DO NOT SIMPLY COPY THE WORDS FROM THE WEBSITE!  Summarize in your own words.

Scientific argument 1 (1 pt):
What it says/demonstrates  (3 pts):
Data cited (2 pts):
Scientific argument 2 (1 pt):
What it says/demonstrates  (3 pts):
Data cited (2 points):

  1. After exploring the website and other websites, what do you think is one way you can, as an informed citizen, be confident in data or information presented to the public? For example, what is a strategy you can use to critically analyze information, or what is a way you can ensure soundness of a source, etc.? (2 pts)


Geology homework help

  • Discuss the fire extinghisher classification system.
  • Discuss and list the different extinguishing agents and their applications.
  • Describe the different types of fire extinghishers and how they operate.
  • Explain the acronym PASS in relation to fire extinguisher operation.

Geology homework help

  • Discuss All aspects of the IC’s(Incident commander) responsibilities and Company placement
  • Discuss Use of Elevator in a High Rise Fire

Geology homework help


Assume a layer of rock (layer = bed) has three fossils whose geologic ranges are known. None of the fossils has a range short enough to tell us in which geologic period the bed was deposited.
However, if we plot the geologic range of each fossil we can see when they were contemporaries (i.e. in which geologic period(s) they all lived).
(All fossil illustrations after Illinois Geological Survey except Globigeria from Bureau of Economic Geology)
Here is an example.
Suppose we find these three fossils in a bed of rock:
First we go to the Fossil Reference Sheet (next page) and determine the fossil’s name and geologic range.
You will need to familiarize yourself with the Geologic Time Scale found in our class notes.
Next we make a chart and place X’s under each period of the fossil’s geologic range:
Name:                                      Є    O   S   D   M  IP   P   Tr   J   K   T   Q
Loxonema                                      X   X  X   X
Aulopora                                             X  X   X   X
Platystrophia                                 X   X
Notice the geologic ranges overlap in the Silurian Period. That is the age of the rock layer (bed).
Here is your assignment: Determine which period is the age of the 10 beds of rock.
When you have finished take the quiz to report your findings.

Geology homework help

GEOG 227: Our Vulnerable Planet                                      Project: Paper, Presentation, Video
Select an anthropogenic hazard for the project, and then select one of the subtopics listed under objective. Select a paper, presentation, or video to fulfill the assignment. (Presentation is not an option in a web/online section of the course).
Explain an anthropogenic hazard in detail in a project that addresses one of the following topics:
(1) Technical / scientific aspects of the anthropogenic hazard (for example, a discussion of how acid rain is formed)
(2) A discussion of a specific occurrence of the anthropogenic hazard (for example, the deforestation of the Amazon)
(3) A discussion of how predicted global environmental change may affect the risk and severity of these hazards.
Option 1 – Paper:
Students are to work independently on the paper.

  • 2-3 pages of text, 1 inch margins, size 12 font, double-spaced
  • You do not need a cover page, just a title and name at the top
  • Paper should consist of:
    • Introduction – include the research question. The research question should be clearly stated. You could also use the research question as the title of the paper.
    • Body of Paper – Answer to research question. Be sure you answer the research question. The question must be clearly answered in the body of the paper and use scientific evidence from a peer reviewed journal to support your statements.
    • Conclusion – Summary of results
    • Two visual aids: maps, graphs, charts, diagrams. You must show scientific evidence by using 2 maps, graphs, charts, or diagrams. Photographs are only to be used as supplements to the first two visual aids.
    • Refer to the visual aids in the paper to help reinforce your statements.
    • *Visual aids do not count toward the text length of the paper.
  • Works cited:
    • 2-3 sources – must have 2 peer reviewed journal articles, you can use other sources in addition to the peer reviewed journal articles
    • All sources are to be cited in the text of the paper, APA citations
    • Full works cited page required, APA
    • Use credible sources, such as peer reviewed journal articles. Do not use Wikipedia or a blog and other unreliable sources in a research paper.

Paper Assessment:

  • Grammar and spelling count. Be sure to proofread.
  • Correct citations and works cited page
  • Was the research question answered?
  • Are the visual aids relevant to the text of the paper?

Option 2 – Presentation:  Not an option in the online section please continue to option 3.
Students can work in groups of two.
2-3 minute presentation of your research question and the answer.
Presentation should include the following:

  • The research question should be clearly stated. You could also use the research question as the title of the presentation.
  • The answer to the question should be easily identified by the viewer. Use scientific evidence in the form of visual aids to support your statements.
  • Must include visual aids – Three visual aids: maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, photograph – The presentation should not have more photographs than it has maps, graphs, charts, diagrams. For example, if you have a total of 3 maps, graphs, charts, and/or diagrams, then you can have three photographs.
  • Refer to the visual aids in the presentation and show your understanding of the material.
  • Provide one question from the presentation that is most important for the students to know.
  • Schedule a time for the presentation in class
  • Hand in a paper copy of the presentation and the question for the class.
  • Works cited:
    • 2-3 sources – must have 2 peer reviewed journal articles, you can use other sources in addition to the peer reviewed journals
    • Cite the sources on each slide with a short source tucked in the corner. Include a full works cited list at the end of the presentation.
    • Full works cited page required, APA style
    • Use credible sources, such as peer reviewed journal articles. Some news sources are more reliable than others, so make sure you are using reliable sources. Do not use Wikipedia or a blog and other unreliable sources in a research presentation.

Presentation Assessment:

  • Grammar and spelling count. Be sure to proofread.
  • Correct citations and works cited page
  • Was the research question available to the audience?
  • Was the research question answered?
  • Are the visual aids relevant to the text of the project?

Option 3 – Video
2-3 minute video of your research question and the answer should include the following:

  • 2-3 minute video of your research question and the answer.
  • The research question should be clearly stated. You could also use the research question as the title of the video.
  • The answer to the question should be easily identified by the viewer. Use scientific evidence in the form of visual aids to support your statements.
  • Must include visual aids – Three visual aids: maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, photograph – The video should not have more photographs than it has maps, graphs, charts, diagrams. For example, if you have a total of 3 maps, graphs, charts, and/or diagrams, then you can have three photographs.
  • Refer to the visual aids in the video and show your understanding of the material.
  • Very short news clips are okay to use but limit them to a few.
  • Provide one question from the video that is most important for the students to know.
  • Schedule a time for the video in class
  • Hand in a paper copy of an outline of the video and the sources.
  • Students may use the Mediasite software available through Blackboard. Students may use another source to video as long as the screen and you are present.  You may even have someone film you at your computer.
  • Works cited:
    • 2-3 sources – must have 2 peer reviewed journal articles, you can use other sources in addition to the peer reviewed journals
    • Acknowledge the sources of your facts throughout the video. Include a full works cited list at the end of the video.
    • Full works cited page required, APA style
    • Use credible sources, such as peer reviewed journal articles. Some news sources are more reliable than others, so make sure you are using reliable sources. Do not use Wikipedia or a blog and other unreliable sources in a research presentation.

Video Assessment:

  • Grammar and spelling count. Be sure to proofread.
  • Correct citations and works cited page
  • Was the research question available to the audience?
  • Was the research question answered?
  • Are the visual aids relevant to the text of the project?

Colonnade-General Education Assessment Guidelines: Project Assessment Rubric

  • Excellent: The student demonstrates sophisticated critical thinking skills and makes appropriate use of references. The writing is well-written, clear, and concise and provides an advanced understanding of the anthropogenic hazard in question.
  • Good: The student demonstrates critical thinking skills and makes appropriate use of references. The writing is well-written but is occasionally unclear or not concise. The student provides an adequate understanding of the anthropogenic hazard in question.
  • Average: The student demonstrates some critical thinking skills but only occasionally makes appropriate use of references. The writing is adequate but is often unclear or contains a number of grammatical errors. The student provides some understanding of the anthropogenic hazard in question.
  • Below Average: The student demonstrates marginal critical thinking skills and makes poor use of references or fails to use references at all. The writing is unclear and/or contains numerous grammatical errors. The student does not demonstrate an adequate understanding of the anthropogenic hazard in question.