Education homework help

 The final draft of the CIP must address and incorporate feedback from previous drafts. The CIP should include a minimum of 5 academic sources, all of which must have been included in the Annotated Bibliography that you previously submitted. Students may additionally include up to 2 non-academic sources. The CIP must be submitted via Word document and must follow APA formatting (Links to an external site.).
This is a final draft is this assignment that must include all attached materiel as well as follow above instructions.  Needs to be 8 to 10 pages
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History homework help

1. In a short paragraph identify and explain the historical significance of four of the following.
Muhammed Ali
Canton System
Kwame Nkrumah
“Salt March”
“self strengthening”
The 14 Points
Sun Yat-Sen
Meji Constitution
2. Answer one of the following. (40 marks)
1) Discuss the nature of Simon Bolivar’s vision for Latin American independence (what did he hope to achieve and why) and account for the failure of these revolutionary movements to provide the lasting political, social and economic stability for Latin America which he envisioned.
2) By the mid to late nineteenth century the growth of Western power and influence increasingly forced groups and individuals within non-Western communities to respond through the creation of alternative visions of social construction.  Citing specific examples from at least two of the non-Western communities which we have examined discuss the nature of such visions for the reconstruction of community and assess the strengths and weaknesses of these responses.
3) By the beginning of the 19th century both Imperial China and the Ottoman Empire found themselves in a position of increasing vulnerability to European impositions.  Select one of these societies and examine the roots of this crisis as well as the manner in which they sought to respond to these new realities.  To what extent were such responses unsuccessful and why?
4) The first half of the 19th century witnessed the spread of informal European influences in Africa from limited coastal enclaves to significant portions of the continent’s interior.  Identify those factors which were most important in this process and assess its impact on African societies.  To what extent was this a truly revolutionary experience for African communities?
3. Answer one of the following. (40 marks)
1) By the late 19th century China was in the midst of a prolonged period of political instability which resulted in the collapse of the Chinese imperial system and ultimately the post-World War II triumph of the Chinese Communist Party.  To what extent were these events driven by issues internal to China itself or the actions of imperialist (Japanese or Western) forces external to China?
2) Compare and contrast British and French policies of colonial administration and assess the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches?  To what extent is it an accurate assessment that both approaches simply represented different paths to the same objective?
3) It has been suggested that colonialism “contained the seeds of its own destruction”.  Discuss the growth of anti-colonial nationalism in one of the following areas: the Arab Middle East, Africa, China, India and, citing specific examples, determine the extent to which the above statement is valid.
4) In the mid-19th Century Japan underwent a series of revolutionary transformations known as the Meiji Restoration.  Discuss the nature of this transformation and assess the extent to which it was responsible for the eventual emergence of Japanese imperial ambitions prior to the Second World War.

History homework help

1. In a short paragraph identify and explain the historical significance of four of the following.
Muhammed Ali
Canton System
Kwame Nkrumah
“Salt March”
“self strengthening”
The 14 Points
Sun Yat-Sen
Meji Constitution
2. Answer one of the following. (40 marks)
1) Discuss the nature of Simon Bolivar’s vision for Latin American independence (what did he hope to achieve and why) and account for the failure of these revolutionary movements to provide the lasting political, social and economic stability for Latin America which he envisioned.
2) By the mid to late nineteenth century the growth of Western power and influence increasingly forced groups and individuals within non-Western communities to respond through the creation of alternative visions of social construction.  Citing specific examples from at least two of the non-Western communities which we have examined discuss the nature of such visions for the reconstruction of community and assess the strengths and weaknesses of these responses.
3) By the beginning of the 19th century both Imperial China and the Ottoman Empire found themselves in a position of increasing vulnerability to European impositions.  Select one of these societies and examine the roots of this crisis as well as the manner in which they sought to respond to these new realities.  To what extent were such responses unsuccessful and why?
4) The first half of the 19th century witnessed the spread of informal European influences in Africa from limited coastal enclaves to significant portions of the continent’s interior.  Identify those factors which were most important in this process and assess its impact on African societies.  To what extent was this a truly revolutionary experience for African communities?
3. Answer one of the following. (40 marks)
1) By the late 19th century China was in the midst of a prolonged period of political instability which resulted in the collapse of the Chinese imperial system and ultimately the post-World War II triumph of the Chinese Communist Party.  To what extent were these events driven by issues internal to China itself or the actions of imperialist (Japanese or Western) forces external to China?
2) Compare and contrast British and French policies of colonial administration and assess the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches?  To what extent is it an accurate assessment that both approaches simply represented different paths to the same objective?
3) It has been suggested that colonialism “contained the seeds of its own destruction”.  Discuss the growth of anti-colonial nationalism in one of the following areas: the Arab Middle East, Africa, China, India and, citing specific examples, determine the extent to which the above statement is valid.
4) In the mid-19th Century Japan underwent a series of revolutionary transformations known as the Meiji Restoration.  Discuss the nature of this transformation and assess the extent to which it was responsible for the eventual emergence of Japanese imperial ambitions prior to the Second World War.

History homework help

Discussion Board Forum 4 – Module/Week 7 — Rome and “The Barbarians” – HIEU 322 – Roman Civilization
You are required to create a thread in response to the provided promptly. Each thread must be at least 125 words.
Topic: Rome and the Barbarians
Using the website in the Reading & Study folder, discuss the Germanic invasions into the empire. What is the author’s argument? How might one counter his arguments?
Rome’s Final Conquest: The Barbarians – PDF (Link 2, if 1st don’t work –
History of the Roman People – This link to access the Ward et al. e-book. – PDF (eBook ISBN9781315511214) – (Link 2, if 1st don’t work – – Textbook Readings: Ward et al.: ch. 35

History homework help

Topic 1: Wrapping Things Up
There are no readings assigned this week. Reflect on the weekly Read & Watch content you have been exposed to throughout the semester to craft your response.
Hopefully, you enjoyed this class on Digital Media and Society.
Question #1: 
Has your impression of digital media and society changed after taking this class? How? What in your opinion is the future of digital media and the Internet?
 Topic 2: One Takeaway
There are no readings assigned this week. Reflect on the weekly Read & Watch content you have been exposed to throughout the semester to craft your response.
There are many interesting concepts, ideas, and theories presented in this class. We talked Curly Fries, Filter Bubbles, Global Collaboration, Digital Divide, Privacy, Big Data…
Question #1: 
What is the most important thing you have learned from this class? What is your Number One Takeaway?

History homework help



Option 1: The Most Wanted Paintings on the Web null

  1. Research Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid’s groundbreaking series, “People’s Choice,” from 1994
  2. Review all related background information (“Introduction”) on the following website:
  3. Pay special attention to the scope and goals of the project. View “The Paintings” and “Survey Results,”.
  4. Read through the various “Letters to Komar & Melamid” (along the left, in red).
  5. Write a three (3) paragraph minimum response addressing the following questions and post your statement to the Discussion Board on our Blackboard site;  then reply to two classmate’s postings.
  • What are your impressions of Komar & Melamid’s “survey” and their findings?
  • How does America’s taste differ from that of other countries? How are they similar?
  • Do Komar & Melamid’s findings align with your own tastes and preferences in art?
  • Do you see any problems with their approach or methods?

History homework help

To complete this assignment, you must visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art website:
You will browse through at least three different departments, and visit at least 5 of the required core objects that will be on the final.  These include but are not limited to The Gubbio Studiolo, the Chinese Garden (the Astor court), the Mihrab from Isfahan, the Damascus Room, the Triumph of Fame of the Medici family, Bruegel’s Harvestors, Raphael’s Madonna and Child,  Rembrandt’s Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, Vermeer’s Young Woman with a Water Pitcher, the Dogon Seated Couple, the Benin Queen Mother Pendant Mask, and the Sagredo Palace bedroom. Please make a note of those that you see and jot down your impressions.
You will also choose one artwork from the periods we will have studied that you did not already discuss in a paper and which is NOT a core object/ This paper is much like the first one. You should pay attention to the comments I gave you for your first paper and make sure to edit accordingly.
Spend a generous amount of time looking at your object and reading the museum description and any associated Metmuseum Heilbrunn Timeline essays.  Choose an artwork that both interests you and addresses one of the conceptual issues taken up by the readings we have read this semester.  You may want, for example, to explore the agency of art, contemplative space or representation of political power.  To explore this theme, you will do further research on JSTOR or googlebooks so as to understand more fully the way that your object expresses the theme that you are interested in.  You must use at least 3 originally text sources (like JSTOR or Google Books – not web sources) and 2 Metropolitan museum timeline sources.  Do not turn to just any old web source. THESE WILL NOT COUNT TOWARDS THE FIVE. If you have questions about which sources are acceptable, please email me.
A persuasive essay will be well-written, carefully organized and edited, and contain the following components:

  1. An introduction that clearly identifies the title, date, size and materials of the artwork.  You should also provide some general historical information.  For instance, who or what does the artwork depict?  Have you learned anything about its original location and purpose? Your introduction should end with a statement of the argument you are making: your thesis.  This should be directly about your artwork not about a general
  2. The bulk of your paper should be devoted to a thorough formal analysis that proves how the appearance of the artwork addresses the chosen issue.  Describe the artwork in detail, progressing from its general appearance to more specific features.  Consider a variety of issues, including technique, composition, volume, line, texture, degrees of realism or idealization, etc as evidence for the argument you are making.  For example, you may have chosen a religious work that shows humility in the face of temptation. Your research on that religion and on the iconography of “humility” within that religion will firm up your observations.
  3. In conclusion, summarize how your Metropolitan artwork is representative of the culture that created it and their attitude toward your theme.  In other words, do the artworks conform to the general appearance of your periods?  Or do they deviate from those standards?
  4. Include properly formatted footnotes and bibliography using the Chicago Style. Remember: at least 3 print (not web) sources as well as at least 2 Metropolitan essays.

Your completed essay should be roughly 5 pages long, typed and double-spaced, and include an image of the artwork on a cover page (that does not count as one of the 5 pages.)

History homework help

What is PTSD according to the text? Is it a myth or a reality from your perspective? Some make the argument that social media expands the consciousness and capacity of African descendant communities to “advance their cause” in the era of globalization. Others suggest that it reinforces racial stereotypes and trauma. Where do you stand on this issue? Why? Use concrete examples to support your analysis. Consider text concepts and the material below when framing your discussion.

History homework help

What is PTSD according to the text? Is it a myth or a reality from your perspective? Some make the argument that social media expands the consciousness and capacity of African descendant communities to “advance their cause” in the era of globalization. Others suggest that it reinforces racial stereotypes and trauma. Where do you stand on this issue? Why? Use concrete examples to support your analysis. Consider text concepts and the material below when framing your discussion.