History homework help

To complete this assignment, you must visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art website: www.metmuseum.org.
You will browse through at least three different departments, and visit at least 5 of the required core objects that will be on the final.  These include but are not limited to The Gubbio Studiolo, the Chinese Garden (the Astor court), the Mihrab from Isfahan, the Damascus Room, the Triumph of Fame of the Medici family, Bruegel’s Harvestors, Raphael’s Madonna and Child,  Rembrandt’s Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, Vermeer’s Young Woman with a Water Pitcher, the Dogon Seated Couple, the Benin Queen Mother Pendant Mask, and the Sagredo Palace bedroom. Please make a note of those that you see and jot down your impressions.
You will also choose one artwork from the periods we will have studied that you did not already discuss in a paper and which is NOT a core object/ This paper is much like the first one. You should pay attention to the comments I gave you for your first paper and make sure to edit accordingly.
Spend a generous amount of time looking at your object and reading the museum description and any associated Metmuseum Heilbrunn Timeline essays.  Choose an artwork that both interests you and addresses one of the conceptual issues taken up by the readings we have read this semester.  You may want, for example, to explore the agency of art, contemplative space or representation of political power.  To explore this theme, you will do further research on JSTOR or googlebooks so as to understand more fully the way that your object expresses the theme that you are interested in.  You must use at least 3 originally text sources (like JSTOR or Google Books – not web sources) and 2 Metropolitan museum timeline sources.  Do not turn to just any old web source. THESE WILL NOT COUNT TOWARDS THE FIVE. If you have questions about which sources are acceptable, please email me.
A persuasive essay will be well-written, carefully organized and edited, and contain the following components:

  1. An introduction that clearly identifies the title, date, size and materials of the artwork.  You should also provide some general historical information.  For instance, who or what does the artwork depict?  Have you learned anything about its original location and purpose? Your introduction should end with a statement of the argument you are making: your thesis.  This should be directly about your artwork not about a general
  2. The bulk of your paper should be devoted to a thorough formal analysis that proves how the appearance of the artwork addresses the chosen issue.  Describe the artwork in detail, progressing from its general appearance to more specific features.  Consider a variety of issues, including technique, composition, volume, line, texture, degrees of realism or idealization, etc as evidence for the argument you are making.  For example, you may have chosen a religious work that shows humility in the face of temptation. Your research on that religion and on the iconography of “humility” within that religion will firm up your observations.
  3. In conclusion, summarize how your Metropolitan artwork is representative of the culture that created it and their attitude toward your theme.  In other words, do the artworks conform to the general appearance of your periods?  Or do they deviate from those standards?
  4. Include properly formatted footnotes and bibliography using the Chicago Style. Remember: at least 3 print (not web) sources as well as at least 2 Metropolitan essays.

Your completed essay should be roughly 5 pages long, typed and double-spaced, and include an image of the artwork on a cover page (that does not count as one of the 5 pages.)

History homework help

Essay Prompt
-Please write a 2-page response about what you think are the most important aspects of the colonial legacy/memory of colonialism in Belgium and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
-Please make specific references to the articles listed below and include King Leopold II
You may use the following articles as reference for the essay:

History homework help

Write on 2 items. 30points each; 60 points total; 22 points for the basic discussion of the 5 Ws: the who, what, why, where, and when of the item; 8 points for a statement of its significance, impact, or consequence). I recommendthat you review the comments I made on your first exam and the General Comments posted on Blackboard.
What does “short narrative” mean? Well, for one thing, consider these to be essays, just short ones. But note that each is worth 25 points, which is quite a lot and you should take that as an indication of the effort you should invest. So “short” means don’t go on and on but do write enough that you clearly explain what happened, why it happened, and what the significance or consequence was. Figure out the most important points to cover, get those in, and leave out the less important stuff as long as you’re adequately explaining. That is, prioritize. “Narrative” means a cohesive, well-thought out written answer. It’s not an outline, a list of bullet points, or a cryptic, acronym-filled text message.
The discussion of significance or consequence is an integral part of an essay. Why something was important is fundamental to understanding it. So a blow-off “this was important because it was . . .” is not good enough. You have to develop a discussion, not necessarily long-winded but one that clearly tells the reader why this item was significant and what its consequences were. Keep in mind there are usually several reasons why something is important and there are both immediate consequences and long-term ones. Don’t confine yourself to one thing.
Be sure to include dates and examples as appropriate.
For many of the items, I provide some prompts to guide your answer. I do not intend that those are the only things you say about an item. Those merely are specific points you must incorporate into your answers. Each discussion must describe the item, give enough context, and give a significance or consequence.
REMEMBER: for each item, it is assumed you will discuss context, the 5 Ws of the item itself, and the significance. The prompts are simply things that must be part of that larger discussion.
Length : 500 words
1. Brinkley refers to “globalization” in several places in the chapters for this exam. What does he mean by that term? Compare and contrast the positive and the negative aspects of globalization. That is, are there winners as well as losers in the globalization of the national economy? Give some specific examples.

2. Ronald Reagan’s first term began what has been called the “Reagan Revolution”. Why? What was it a revolution against or about? What groups made up the Reagan coalition and defined his first term? What were some of the key features of his presidency? Why did the Reagan Revolution fade?
3. In general, America was a prosperous and productive nation in the two decades after World War Two. That general impression glossed over what Michael Harrington called “The Other America”. What did he mean? Discuss the conditions that defined this America that was so different from popular assumptions. Who was affected and how? Lyndon Johnson made the first large-scale, national in scope attempt to fix some of these problems. What was his program?
4. Brinkley describes the 1950s and early 1960s as an Age of Affluence as illustrated by the term “consumer culture”. Discuss some of the economic and social characteristics of this “golden age”. Mention at least three specific examples of things that represented a consumer culture.
5. Basing your comments on Dust Bowl, discuss the “dust bowl”. What was the Dust Bowl and what area did it primarily affect? What caused it, according to Worster? Discuss some of the government’s attempts to deal with this ecological and social disaster. Although the dust bowl years eventually ended, did Worster believe that such conditions might become permanent? If not, why not

History homework help

Pick an Advertisement from a magazine or other print media or online. Photo or scan and upload as a jpg or pdf to the assignment then post your analysis.
How are they visually (meaning art elements and principles) trying to persuade you to buy their product?
What elements and principles are they using to enhance the persuasion?
Note: Do not give a narrative on what the ad is about. We will see that from the image. Analyze the ad for how it is put together in terms of the elements and principles of design. For a reminder on giving a strong analysis based on the elements review the video,

History homework help


Week 4 Project

Hide Assignment Information Instructions

Exhibition of World Art

Imagine you are a curator at your local city’s Museum of Art. You have been asked to organize a small exhibition of objects of art from the cultures of China, Japan, Africa, and the Americas; you will also showcase Islamic art. Your exhibition should include representative objects that highlight significant and essential ideas of each culture. You may plan to include actual objects in your exhibition, or photographs or models of larger structures or sculptures.
Survey your course textbook and reliable internet websites to locate two art objects from each of the following five cultures: China, Japan, Africa, the Americas, and Islam, that you would like to include in your exhibition. Your objects must date to the time period we are studying in this course (Prehistory -1300 CE). You will select a total of ten objects for display in your “Exhibition of World Art.”
Then, write a “museum label “for each object within a Microsoft Word document. The following should be on the “label” for each object:

  1. A photograph of the object
  2. Identifying information:
    1. Name of the artist (if known—otherwise, attribute the culture)
    2. Title of the work
    3. Date of the work
    4. Medium/materials used to create the work
    5. Current location
  3. A paragraph of 4-5 sentences describing why the object is representative of its culture and is culturally significant. Briefly explain why you have selected the object for display.

Finally, in a paragraph of 8-10 sentences, write a summarizing overview of your “Exhibition of World Art,” highlighting key similarities and distinctions between the objects you have curated. Imagine that visitors to your exhibition will read this overview as they enter your “Exhibition of World Art,” and provide them with any information or context they may need to fully appreciate the objects on display.
Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

History homework help

Ethics Case Study Essay Guide
As you prepare to write, please note some formal aspects that should be present in your essay: 1) title your paper with a short sentence that frame the reader’s attention to the main topic of your essay; 2) in the introduction you should BRIEFLY state the nature of the ethical problem presented and how you are going to approach the case; 3) in the body of the essay, please provide brief description, critical analysis, and discussion. The discussion is the most important aspects of this assignment; and 4) in the conclusion, please wrap up your analysis and the insights you provided in your essay.
A complete essay will:
· Consider the ethical dilemmas confronting Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, the Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden and any other stakeholders you see fit to name
· Clearly lay out values that you believe should govern an ethical society.
· Clearly lay out and prioritize your own ethical values and the categories or kinds of ethics these represent with relation to the societal ethical values you have laid out.
· Apply your ethical values and what you have been taught in this class about racism, sexism, economic inequality and other power differentials as well as cultural pathology and cultural racism to an evaluation of the decisions made by Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas and the Judiciary Committee considering the ethical dilemmas each was presented with.
o When laying out your argument you may want to consider such factors as the class disparities, race, income, gender roles, stereotypes, sentencing, elitism, etc.
· Conclude by stating and justifying your own ethical conclusions about the case and the kinds of ethics you utilized to arrive at those conclusions.
Please cite and reference all information that you use to help construct your essay particularly the course readings.

History homework help

Ethics Case Study Essay Guide
As you prepare to write, please note some formal aspects that should be present in your essay: 1) title your paper with a short sentence that frame the reader’s attention to the main topic of your essay; 2) in the introduction you should BRIEFLY state the nature of the ethical problem presented and how you are going to approach the case; 3) in the body of the essay, please provide brief description, critical analysis, and discussion. The discussion is the most important aspects of this assignment; and 4) in the conclusion, please wrap up your analysis and the insights you provided in your essay.
A complete essay will:
· Consider the ethical dilemmas confronting Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, the Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden and any other stakeholders you see fit to name
· Clearly lay out values that you believe should govern an ethical society.
· Clearly lay out and prioritize your own ethical values and the categories or kinds of ethics these represent with relation to the societal ethical values you have laid out.
· Apply your ethical values and what you have been taught in this class about racism, sexism, economic inequality and other power differentials as well as cultural pathology and cultural racism to an evaluation of the decisions made by Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas and the Judiciary Committee considering the ethical dilemmas each was presented with.
o When laying out your argument you may want to consider such factors as the class disparities, race, income, gender roles, stereotypes, sentencing, elitism, etc.
· Conclude by stating and justifying your own ethical conclusions about the case and the kinds of ethics you utilized to arrive at those conclusions.
Please cite and reference all information that you use to help construct your essay particularly the course readings.

History homework help

1) First, discuss the origins of Southern California Bird Songs. What is the significance of bird songs, and how do they connect to the history we’ve learned this semester?
2) Discuss the main ideas from the “Kumeyaay Lecture Series: Songs of Knowledge.” How do the main ideas connect to this week’s materials as well as the history we’ve learned this semester?
3) Discuss and thoroughly analyze the stories, “Frogs in Love” and “Broken Pots” from our textbook. What is the meaning and significance of each story? How might each one connect to themes and/or specific instances in the history we’ve learned so far?
4) Discuss the significance of discussing Native American sovereignty, resistance, cultural/historical maintenance, and resilience this week and throughout the semester. How does this week’s materials connect and/or why is it significant in relation to the history we’ve learned throughout this semester? How do these ideas connect with our textbook title, “Footsteps from the Past into the Future”?
5) Lastly, please take a moment to reflect on everything you’ve learned this semester – what resonated with you most and/or what your most important take-aways from this course and why.

History homework help

1) First, discuss the origins of Southern California Bird Songs. What is the significance of bird songs, and how do they connect to the history we’ve learned this semester?
2) Discuss the main ideas from the “Kumeyaay Lecture Series: Songs of Knowledge.” How do the main ideas connect to this week’s materials as well as the history we’ve learned this semester?
3) Discuss and thoroughly analyze the stories, “Frogs in Love” and “Broken Pots” from our textbook. What is the meaning and significance of each story? How might each one connect to themes and/or specific instances in the history we’ve learned so far?
4) Discuss the significance of discussing Native American sovereignty, resistance, cultural/historical maintenance, and resilience this week and throughout the semester. How does this week’s materials connect and/or why is it significant in relation to the history we’ve learned throughout this semester? How do these ideas connect with our textbook title, “Footsteps from the Past into the Future”?
5) Lastly, please take a moment to reflect on everything you’ve learned this semester – what resonated with you most and/or what your most important take-aways from this course and why.