History homework help


Interview someone in your family (preferably a grandparent or someone older) or someone who is important to you.  Ask them a range of questions, asking them about their family history and their personal stories.  After your interview, write a 3 page typed (double-spaced 12 point font) paper placing your family story or a particular story in its historical context.  Try to think about what historical forces or social structures that began in the nineteenth century are still impacting the story/stories you have chosen to highlight.

  1. Ask the big life questions. Facts are much less interesting than questions regarding love, life challenges, influences and regret. Some key questions to ask: Who is the person who has been kindest to you in your life? What do you feel most grateful for? What is your happiest memory? What are you proudest of? Can you remember a time when you’ve felt alone? If you were to die suddenly this evening, what would you most regret having not told someone? “The best stories come from asking open-ended questions,” says Isay. “For StoryCorps, the thing you don’t want to do is recite your CV. We want the aspects of a person that can’t be written down easily, that haven’t been said before. The big life questions are the best.”
  2. Pour your attention into the interview. “The most important things about listening is to be very present,” says Isay. “To have all your devices off, and to genuinely connect and actively listen to whoever it is you’re talking to. When I used to do radio interviews, I’d sit forward, and it was almost like a laser beam between me and the person I was talking to. It was often very intense, present, active, concentrated listening. It is counterintuitive, but it should feel draining to you. At the end of the 40 minutes, as the person doing the listening, you should be more tired than the person doing the talking.”
  3. Be an active participant in the conversation. Just because you’re listening, doesn’t mean you can’t engage. “Active listening doesn’t stop you from participating in the conversation. You can laugh, cry and ask follow-up questions. But what you’re not doing is bringing it back to yourself. Be generous. Try not to think about your kids or what movie you’re going to see that night.”
  4. Remember it’s not the “story” that matters. “When you’re doing a StoryCorps interview, you are creating a sense of who a human being is. You are capturing your interaction with them and who they are as a person. The “truth” of a story is maybe more important than the drama of a story. It is the interview experience itself that matters.”
  5. Say thank you. Conducting a StoryCorps interview is simultaneously about giving the gift of listening, and being grateful for being entrusted with the gift of a person’s story. Isay notes that, during an interview, a person’s back will literally straighten as they talk, and that you’ll notice your own perspective shifting as they speak. And that’s why a heartfelt thank you is vital at the end. Ultimately, StoryCorps is about recognizing that each life matters “equally and infinitely.” Says Isay: “We’re always grateful.”


Great Questions for Anyone

  • Who has been the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?
  • What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?
  • Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?
  • Who has been the kindest to you in your life?
  • What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • What is your favorite memory of me?
  • Are there any funny stories your family tells about you that come to mind?
  • Are there any funny stories or memories or characters from your life that you want to tell me about?
  • What are you proudest of?
  • When in life have you felt most alone?
  • If you could hold on to one memory from your life forever, what would that be?
  • How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
  • How would you like to be remembered?
  • Do you have any regrets?
  • What does your future hold?
  • What are your hopes for what the future holds for me? For my children?
  • If this was to be our very last conversation, is there anything you’d want to say to me
  • For your great great grandchildren listening to this years from now: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?
  • Is there anything that you’ve never told me but want to tell me now?
  • Is there something about me that you’ve always wanted to know but have never asked?


  • Where did you grow up?
  • What was your childhood like?
  • Who were your favorite relatives?
  • Do you remember any of the stories they used to tell you?
  • How did you and grandma/grandpa meet?
  • What was my mom/dad like growing up?
  • Do you remember any songs that you used to sing to her/him? Can you sing them now?
  • Was she/he well-behaved?
  • What is the worst thing she/he ever did?
  • What were your parents like?
  • What were your grandparents like?
  • How would you like to be remembered?
  • Are you proud of me?


History homework help


History homework help


History homework help

Part A: Choose 8 terms from below and write 5 sentences explaining what the term is and its historical significance. (40 pts.)

  1. Berlin Airlift
  2. McCarthyism
  3. Cuban Missile Crisis
  4. Watergate
  5. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  6. Kent State
  7. Social Security Act
  8. TVA
  9. Bay of Pigs
  10. NAFTA
  11. The Great Society
  12. My Lai Massacre
  13. The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense
  14. Brown v Board of Education
  15. SDS
  16. SNCC

History homework help

This discussion forum provides an opportunity for you to engage
course material and your classmates to critically reflect on issues
raised by the material.
To participate in this forum, choose ONE of the question sets below
and answer ALL of the questions for the topic option in a 250-300
word post. Your post title should have the topic clearly listed (for
example, “Colonial Legacies – British dominance on the Great Lakes”
In order to get full credit on your original post, you need to clearly
connect your responses to historical evidence from the book,
powerpoint slides, or further research. Indicate the page number
where you found the information to help me and your classmates
follow up to gain insight.
Answers to the question in each option can be found in all 3 chapters
assigned this week. For option 2, I encourage you to listen to the NPR
podcast on “The Long Hot Summer” which discusses the work of the
presidentially appointed Kerner Commission, which studied the
causes of riots that frequently gripped American cities in the mid
1960s, culminating in the riots in Detroit which many see as a turning
point in our region’s history.
Topic Option 1: Boom and Bust Economy. Using examples from all
three chapters this week, how did Michigan’s status as the automative
capital of the world 1. Make Michigan one of the strongest economies
in the United States? 2. Make Michigan one of the most vulnerable
economies in the United States? 3. Based on your reading, why does
Michigan’s economy remain tied to the automotive industry? Is this
good or bad?
Topic Option 2: Urban decline. 1. What were the causes of
demographic shifts in Michigan during the 1950s that brought
Michiganders out of urban and rural areas and into the suburbs? 2.
Based on this week’s readings and readings and discussions from
Weeks 5 and 6, what were some of the unique social and economic
challenges facing the City of Detroit in the 1950s and 1960s. 3. Based
on your reading (and the optional podcast), were the July 1967 riots in
Detroit primarily about racial tensions or some mixture of other

World history homework help

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World history homework help

For this unit, select and respond to one of the following four writing assignments. Write a three to five-page (1,250-word) essay for each response. Please be sure to cite all your sources in APA format. Please upload your essay to this dropbox.  Proper APA formatting is required, which includes in-text citations which are not counted to the overall word count.
The time of the Renaissance is considered very important in the development of painting, so for each of these questions, you will need to select three examples of works of art from either your textbook, an online source, or another art history survey text to discuss, making sure to fully identify each example in your paper.
Find three works of art that reveal the prevailing mood of the time period. Utilizing these three works, discuss in detail the impact of the Black Death on the art market and in the lives of artists and patrons.
Please include TurnItIn Plagiarism Report

World history homework help

The black death or the bubonic plague were so devastating Europe lost about a third of their population and horrified and confused the survivors. It killed sometimes within hours of infection and the way its victims went out was gruesome so many people became very preoccupied by the idea of death which affected art at the time. Danse Macabre mentioned in the text is a good example of this as it depicts the living regardless of status, age, or gender all being led to the grave by walking skeletons and cadavers. No matter who you were you were not safe from the plague.

So many people had died that there was huge labor shortages which did not help fix the unrest and panic the few workers that didn’t die however got better living standards later such as more food, land, and pay for their work. Feudalism also declined as a result of this as among the common people they had a greater chance of moving up the social ladder where before they weren’t even allowed to leave their land previously.
The hundred year war started because of the confusion around who would be the king of France since the king at the time didn’t have a known successor and the king England believed he had that right. This is partly because previous kings held land inside of France and believed he still had a claim to those. The war itself wasn’t just a centuries-long war like it was called it was instead a series of battles followed by long years of peace in between making it more a series of smaller wars instead. These battles got a lot of the aristocracy killed in the fighting which further weakened the nobility.
When Joan of Arc appeared and got involved she was good for morale and bolstered the French’s spirit since they were not doing so well for the most part she herself was not responsible for the end of the war or even responsible for that man’s victories. Most of it had to do with her generals and the fact the English had smaller armies and fewer resources than France so even if they won a lot of battles they were slowly being bled dry. Regardless the hundred-year war can be summed up as France and England is defined as two separate peoples and nations since prior the two were highly connected and often spoke each other’s language.

World history homework help

How did Islam differ from the pre-Islamic Arabic religion? Discuss the conflicts between the Muslims and the Meccans in the early years of Islam (up through 632 CE).