World history homework help

What do you think is the biggest challenge that Muslims (either in the US or globally) face today? How might this challenge be overcome? (Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the readings.)
READ: Jacqueline Oesterblad, “I Know a Lot of Radical Muslims”
Reading :

  • READ: Introduction, pp. 286-307


World history homework help

separate both the draft and the essay
Learning Activity 3 Instructions
Background to the assignment: In Chapter 17 you read about the development of the university and its various intellectual expressions of entertainment, such as in literature and several styles of visual and performing arts. These forms of expression included the literary, visual and performative representation of values and ideas of the culture in Europe at the time. The university provided Western Culture with newly expanded views of Science and Liberal Arts, including philosophy and theology. These developments had an influence on the direction that the culture was headed.
Literary– could be spoken or written account of connected events; story.
Visual– (paintings, sculptures, textiles, architecture)
Performing Arts– (dance, film, music, theatre, performance art).
Description of the assignment: In America and Western Culture today, how do the areas of education (university) and our forms of arts and entertainment (literary, visual, performing arts) affect the development of values and ideas of Western Culture. Please give examples and specific areas as well as how they affect Western Culture.
Your discourse must indicate that you have an understanding of this influence. If you include sources, you must cite your sources in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses. Submit a draft of your Learning Activity to SafeAssign for feedback a few days before the assignment is due.!/4/2@100:0.00

World history homework help

Now that you have selected a topic for your final presentation, this week you will need to construct your annotated bibliography using APA style. For this assignment, you need to select a minimum of 8 sources that you plan on using for your presentation and then construct the annotations for each source. The concept of constructing a bibliography is certainly not new for most students, but you may not be as comfortable adding annotations to the bibliography entries.
After you select a source and reference it in APA format, construct the annotation for the source. The annotation is really just answering a few questions about the sources itself and once you answer these questions this part of the assignment almost creates itself. Answer the following 6 questions for each source:
Main purpose of the source
Intended audience for the source
Relevance to your topic (or explain why it was not relevant to your topic)
Author’s background and credibility
Author’s conclusions or observations
Your conclusions or observations
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 3-5 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 8 scholarly sources)

World history homework help

The Crusaders:
Main source: The Crusaders Through Arab Eyes, by Amin Maalouf.
You may use other sources as long as they are scholarly sources.
You are to write an essay on the Crusaders and the impact they had on the Inhabitants of the Middle East.

  • Who organized the Crusaders in Europe? What was the initial objective of the Crusaders? 46-47
  • The initial meeting (battle), first crusade, between the Knights of Europe and the Muslim army?
  • The crimes of the Crusaders that was committed against the inhabitants of the Middle East? Pages from the Prologue xlll-xvi, also pages 37-55.
  • The battle which decided the fait of Jerusalem between the Muslims, led by Salah al-Din and the Crusaders (Franks)? How did Salah al-Din. Pp 184-200.
  • Juxtapose the actions of Crusaders (the Franks/ Franj) toward the inhabitants of Jerusalem with Salah al-Din’s action toward the Knights/Franj in Jerusalem? 190-200.

Essay Guidelines

  • Your essay must be typed in Times New Romans with 12” fonts. Double Spaced, with standard margins.
  • You must cite your essay.
  • Your sources must be from scholarly work (articles and books). Do not use internet sources or websites.
  • The essay must have a title.
  • The essay must answer the question (s).
  • The essay will be evaluated on organization, style, grammar, punctuation and content
  • The essay must be no less than 4-5 pages (a minimum of 1,250 words).
  • Writing styles:

— Writing style either MLA or Chicago writing style. Use the following websites as a    guidance for writing styles.

If you are quoting from a source you need to attach a copy of the page you borrowed the quote from. This is only for quotes between brackets “quotes”.
Grading of an essay:

  • Missing title 10%
  • Missing argument 10%
  • Organization 10%
  • Punctuation, 10%
  • Content 10%
  • Grammatical errors 10%
  • Fails to answer questions 10%.
  • Does not meet the expected length 10-20%.
  • Missing citations and sources (this includes sources that are not scholarly such as other internet sources, i.g., wikipedia…) 20%.
  • Missing citations in the text 20%.

World history homework help

1200 -1500 words / 4-5 pages
introduction, three body sections, conclusions
Section 1
– key issues arose from the Pan-African Congress
Section 2
– the points of views of individual Pan- Africanists and the impact on people of descent. Must identify these points of views and discuss short term and long term impact provide examples
Section 3
– analyze the legacy of Pan – africanism on African Americans, discuss short term and long term impact , provide examples
Due by Sunday

World history homework help

Here is the Prompt for your Final Paper: 
“The Bubonic Plague ravaged nearly the entire Afro-Eurasia world. In some areas, the plague hit hard while others remained relatively unscathed. Using your textbook only, how did the plague spread and which, if any, countries or groups of people were affected more than others? What part of the population was hit hardest by the plague and what role did religion and politics play in responding to the pandemic?”
Hint: think of globalization, travel, trade, the Silk Road, commerce, medicine, religion, politics, culture, economics, sanitation, and exchange (please do not use these hints as the foundation of your paper; use them only as hints in formulating your work).
Remember this is an assignment that requires critical analysis of the text, not summary or excessive use of quotations.  Be sure to follow the paper requirements posted on Canvas. You have nearly month to complete this assignment and, because it is your final paper and due at the very end of the semester, please do not ask for an extension. Final grades must be submitted to the school administration shortly after the due date of your Final Paper.

World history homework help

answer question in attachment

Read the history of the chief petty officer grade, as well as the mission, vision and guiding principles of the chief petty officer. After reading the material, you will write a three-page report.
Addressing the following
-why you want to be a chief
– what are the most important traits of a chief
-How you feel you can make a difference as a chief
no references requires

World history homework help

Please look at file that is uploaded
  1. Why did the Mongols have such a significant role in shaping Eurasian history?
  2. Can you list and explain three examples that illustrate the commercial interactions across regional and long distance trade routes?
  3. What was the impact of the plague, (Black Death) on Eurasian societies?
  4. Was there a social psychological dimension to how the plague was perceived by individuals and societies? What were the consequences of these perceptions?
  5. What responses developed from the various religious traditions during the plague years?
  6. Any relevance between the responses to mass epidemics in the 14th Century and today?


  1. Describe the historical origins of Islam during the 7th Century, CE. What impressed you the most about the origins of this universal religion?
  2. How did the connection between religion and merchants help spread Islam?
  3. Select and describe at least two examples of interactions and connections that occurred as the world came together across regions from 600 to 1000CE.
  4. During the Era of the Crusades, territorial conquests created conditions for migration, economic, and cultural interactions between Western Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. How true is this statement, what was the significance of these interactions and what did you learn about the “Crusades”?


  1. What was the relationship between Buddhism and Trade in Eurasia?
  2. What is Zoroastrianism and what was its significance to the development of religions, particularly monotheistic religious traditions?
  3. What can you tell me about the Silk Road as a conduit for religious expansion and development?


  1. What are your impressions of the Minoan, Mycenaean, and Classical Greek (Hellenic) Worlds?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between the Ancient Greek World and the other civilizations you read about for this unit?
  3. What was politically and culturally distinct about the framework of the Ancient Greek world in general, and about Athenian society circa 5th Century BCE?
  4. Are there lessons that can be learned about democracy from what you’ve read about the first democracy in Ancient Athens?
  5. Did migration have a role in the history of civilization during the period of time covered in this unit? How did migration play a role in shaping ethnic identity?


  1. How did the interaction of nomadic groups and settled people change the political and cultural landscape of Afro-Eurasia during the Second Millennium BCE?
  2. How were microsocieties different and similar from territorial states?
  3. What is a civilization and how was it a distinct development in the fourth millennium?
  4. If all you had were the images provided in the link – Minoan Knossos — How would you characterize Mycenaean and Minoan societies? What would those images tell you about Minoan Civilization?
  5. What do the Vedic Hymns in Chapter 3 tell us about the gods of ancient Vedic culture?
  6. What commonalities and distinctions have you seen in the cultures you’ve read about in this chapter?

World history homework help

 In next week’s assignment, you will visit a museum or gallery or create your very own online museum for others to enjoy. To prepare for this, discuss why museums and galleries matter in our modern world. Outside of preservation, why is it essential that we support museums and galleries?