History homework help

5 pages essay of what religion means with sources + MLA format” We have seen that in the academic world, as in the world in general, there is much controversy over the nature of religion.  What is Religion?  Develop your answer by specific reference to the course material, for example, Wach’s descriptive definition of religion, the basic categories of the phenomenology of religion, the psychology and sociology of religion, and the ideas of the scholars and social scientists presented in class, drawing from your assigned readings and course lectures.”

American history homework help

After reading Charles B. Dew’s Apostles of Disunion: Southern Secession Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War, write a 750 – 1,000-word essay answering the following question:
What were the causes of the American Civil War?
Here are a few questions to guide your thinking as you read the book and prepare your essay:

  • What three images did the secession commissioners from Lower South states evoke to convince the Upper South states of the necessity of secession?
  • How did Confederate leaders frame the causes of secession during and after the war? Were they consistent or did they contradict themselves?
  • How did this book affect your understanding of the causes of the American Civil War?

History homework help

What obstacles during the Great Depression and the war years did people of color face that Eleanor Roosevelt could help with?

American history homework help

Pick one of the 2 topics and write critical analysis paper,:

  1. In the first chapter, Orwell described the meals provided by the Brookers to their lodgers. These meals were non-nutritious and in no way sated a man’s hunger. How is this nutritional issue and the role of the Brookers as caregivers to their renters symbolic of other themes in his book, such as how the intellectual class see the country’s need for Socialism to improve the life of the poor?
  2. The Industrial Revolution is thought to have improved the material standard of living for most people in   Britain (by lowering the cost of basic staples like food and clothing) when compared to pre-industrial Britain when most people worked in agriculture and made the majority of the products they used themselves often at great cost in terms of time and labor.

In lowering the cost of basic products through more efficient mass production, the Industrial Revolution also               created a life for workers both inside and outside the mills and factories that Orwell describes in his book as                 miserable.
Given the tradeoffs inherent in industrial production, take a position where you argue either for or against (or             for a some balance between the two) economic development that raises material standard of living (by lowering cost of living) but does so through work that some find dehumanizing.
– write 6 pages
– The attached file have a table of how the essay is going to be graded – do them all as the exceed    expectation

American history homework help

According to historian Gordon Wood, the ideas of classical republicanism affected the way Americans viewed the actions of the British. But, as John Adams put it, “republicanism” meant something different to different classes of Americans. How did different groups of Americans see the promise of the Revolution? What were the most critical events from 1765 to 1787, and how did republican ideals shape the views of Americans?
Be sure to discuss in your essay:

  • The interconnections between individuals and institutions (for example, politics, law, economics, culture, religion, family, etc.) in early America.
  • How the period expresses the historical ideas of change over time, context, and causality.
  • The diversity of colonial experience (wealthy, “middling sort”, poor, black, Indian; merchants, plantation owners, small farmers, artisans etc,)

How to Write the Paper – Read this Second

The opening paragraph of your essay is the Introduction. The Intro should provide some context (the who, what, when, and where) of the essay; and, it should state your thesis. Your thesis should be structured as an answer to the question posed in the topic. It is fine if you need to present more than one sentence in your introduction to construct your thesis—this is called a thesis statement.
The Main Body of your paper, that is all of the paragraphs but the first (the Intro) and the last (the Conclusion), should consist of the evidence you are using to support (“prove”) your thesis. That evidence should be from the primary and secondary sources provided in the course. Each paragraph should concentrate on one major piece of evidence that explicitly explains how the evidence relates to your thesis.
The last paragraph is the Conclusion. It should restate the thesis, hopefully in a slightly different way, and draw together the different pieces of evidence. Basically, it should show why this topic is important.
Grammar counts. Use direct, clear language, and save time to proofread and edit to catch mistakes, typos, and awkward phrases before you turn in the final version.

Formatting and Requirements – Read This Third

Minimum Length: Papers should be between four or more in length, double-spaced, in 12 pt. Times New Roman or a similar font with 1” page margins.
The grade will be based on how effectively you answer the essay question using relevant information from the lectures, textbook, and other assigned readings. In addition, clarity, spelling, and grammar all count in determining the final grade.
Check the rubric at the bottom of this topic page for details on grading.

Sources and Citations

No outside sources are to be used. Use only 1) the two books: Foner’s Give Me Liberty! and Wood’s The American Revolution; and 2) your lecture notes and the various course materials supplied in D2L. Citations are only required for direct quotes. They can be in a simple parenthetical format – see the following examples:

  • For Give Me Liberty!: (Foner, pg. 101).
  • For The American Revolution: (Wood, pg 35).

Again: use no outside sources!
Bibliography: No bibliography or works cited is necessary.

History homework help

What obstacles during the Great Depression and the war years did people of color face that Eleanor Roosevelt could help with?

History homework help

Winshield project on Lincoln Park in chicago, il
Politics:  Determine if the community is very swayed politically or is predominantly of one party affiliation.  Identify evidence of political activism, such as campaign signs, political billboards, or other evidence of political influence.
Boundaries:  You may include the street boundaries for the community, as well as any physical demarcation that defines the community boundaries:

  • Is it a natural boundary such as a river or a lake?
  • Is it a man-made boundary such as train tracks?
  • Is there a noticeable difference in the socioeconomic level in comparison to neighboring communities?  Do the individual neighborhoods vary in socioeconomic status?

Housing and zoning:  You may want to evaluate the typical single family, multi-family, alternative housing, and assisted living type homes for the area.  A visual map showing the boundaries of the community is always helpful.  Make a note of whether or not the residences have a large number of real estate signs on them.  Supportive data could also include:

  • any specific areas (and the size of the area) in which houses were in disrepair,
  • how many homes were for sale
  • how many single-family homes in comparison to multi-family dwellings or senior living complexes,
  • average home market price,
  • any data regarding proportion of young families with children compared to retirees
  • any changes in residency, recent trends in real estate (are the new construction homes build where previous existing homes were torn down? Or was there still available space in this established community?)


History homework help


Similarities and Differences in Architecture

Use the template provided to prepare a report that details similarities and differences between religious buildings: A Greek temple, a Roman temple, an Early Christian church, and a Byzantine church. Follow these instructions to complete the assignment:

  1. Download the Word document worksheet for completing this assignment here. ***Template Attached***
  2. Complete Part 1, Comparison Chart:
    1. From the list of examples provided in the worksheet, choose one example from each: A Greek temple, a Roman temple, an Early Christian church, and a Byzantine church.
    2. Carefully examine each building and read about it in your textbook, course lectures, and through reliable internet resources.
    3. Then, note in the chart the visual characteristics for each type of religious building that are similar and different.
  3. Complete Part 2, Historical and Social Context: In a paragraph of at least 8-10 sentences, highlight key similarities and differences between the four structures, and any social, historical, religious, and/or political factors that may have contributed to these similarities and differences. Explain the use and function of each structure, and provide any additional details that help us understand its full meaning.

American history homework help

Please follow this link (Links to an external site.) and examine the articles and primary sources posted. Select one and make a post of at least 250 words discussing it and comparing it to the article of the first link( https://www.crmvet.org/riders/freedom_rides.pdf) (think about how it builds upon the article, talks about something the article leaves out, etc.). If you only write about your chosen source or the original article, you will lose points. Please note that the first link is the one you are going to compare with so please do not select that one.
Be sure to include the link to your chosen source or you will lose points.