History homework help

Psychology developed in the U.S. from several different perspectives; the first was the University Standard acquisition of viewpoints from European perspectives. Gestalt psychology is based on understanding the whole behavioral phenomenon instead of analyzing the individual components of behavior. Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory initially developed by Sigmund Freud through inductive reasoning and qualitative analysis of case studies. Quantitative scientific support for psychoanalysis has historically been lacking. Sigmund Freud spent much of his life developing a viewpoint of consciousness through his work in treating individuals with mental illness. American views of psychology emerged as a unique viewpoint; people like William James, John Dewey and James Cattell provided their own perspectives on psychology. Humanistic psychology also emerged as a school of psychology in part as a reaction to psychoanalysis and Behaviorism (we will cover in Week 5).

  • What are the basic principles of Gestalt psychology, and why was it important in the early life of psychology? What areas do you think were the Gestalt principles and avenues of research best suited for in modern psychology? In your opinion, is there a place for Gestalt psychology in current psychological research and application? Why?
  • From a scientific perspective, psychoanalysis or psychodynamic views have very little validity. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer. Why did Freudian psychoanalysis have such a seemingly dominant influence, not on U.S. psychology development, but on popular culture?
  • How did the perspectives of empiricism and structuralism lead to the development of American functionalism? Does American functionalism differ significantly from its European heritage? Why?
  • Describe the main factors of humanistic psychology. Compare and contrast their views with those of their contemporaries, such as psychoanalytic. In terms of application, what would make humanistic psychology appealing?

Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers. Provide an analysis of each peer’s postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

American history homework help

Discussion 4:
Using AT LEAST TWO (2) documents from Chapter 9 of SFA, explain where or not industrialization helped to improve the lives of American women.  Did industrialization lead to more freedom, opportunity, and/or equality?  Why or why not?
Discussion 5:
Refer to pp. 331 of your SFA text to address this forum.  In 1857 the Supreme Court handed down the Dred Scott decision.  What does this decision imply when it comes to where slavery is LEGAL and where it is ILLEGAL?  Moreover, what will this do to the growing divide in the nation with respect to slavery?  Please be specific.
Please use the below-attached Pdf to answer the above-mentioned discussion boards.
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History homework help

You will complete a three to five page essay.  In this essay, you will write about a historical person or event in African American history that is portrayed in a Hollywood film (no documentaries please). Students should use primary (at least two) and secondary sources (at least three) to determine the accuracy of the film. For example, the film Harriet was released in 2019. You will view the film and do your own research on Harriet Tubman. In your essay, you should provide a clear and concise history of the life of Harriet Tubman based on primary and secondary sources. Then, you will critique the film pointing out any inaccuracy between the film and the historical record. To garner the highest possible score on this essay, you must draft a clear thesis statement in the introduction, and you must substantiate that thesis by referencing and analyzing specific information and ideas from primary and secondary sources. In other words, it will not be enough to simply type, “I think that….” You will have to denote specific details from your sources and explicitly cite the book pages, speeches, documentaries, and/or other sources you will be using to argue why your thesis is correct.  (See additional writing tips below)
Citation Guidelines for Analytical Essays
When researching and writing the Analytical Essay for this class you are required to use and to specifically cite at least 5 sources.  Moreover, at least 2 of these sources must be primary sources (see definitions below).
Include a bibliography or a works cited page (but that page does not count toward your 4-5, or 5-6 page requirement);
Use the MLA style for your paper.
Primary Sources
are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, from people who had a direct connection with it. Primary sources can include:
Texts of laws and other original documents.
Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did.
Speeches, diaries, letters and interviews – what the people involved said or wrote.
Original research.
Datasets, survey data, such as census or economic statistics
Secondary Sources
are one step removed from primary sources, though they often quote or otherwise use primary sources. They can cover the same topic, but add a layer of interpretation and analysis.
Secondary sources can include:
Most books about a topic.
Analysis or interpretation of data.
Scholarly or other articles about a topic, especially by people not directly involved.
Documentaries (though they often include photos or video portions that can be considered primary sources).

American history homework help

Write a 5 to 6 sentence paragraph read the activity and follow the prompts to write the paragraph
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>American history homework help

Write a 5 to 6 sentence paragraph read the activity and follow the prompts to write the paragraph
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World history homework help

The fourth column should explain why a change is called for in the departmental policy (media outcry, legal decisions, public perception, interest groups, etc.). 5. The fifth column should address the potential negative collateral consequences of the changes proposed. How can these potential negative collateral consequences help you predict the future direction of public policies to address the issue? Make sure that you provide support for the information you provide in each column of the chart and include citations in a reference page. Please use the Public Policy Chart Instructions and Template to complete this task. Guidelines for Submission:

History homework help

Psychology developed in the U.S. from several different perspectives; the first was the University Standard acquisition of viewpoints from European perspectives. Gestalt psychology is based on understanding the whole behavioral phenomenon instead of analyzing the individual components of behavior. Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory initially developed by Sigmund Freud through inductive reasoning and qualitative analysis of case studies. Quantitative scientific support for psychoanalysis has historically been lacking. Sigmund Freud spent much of his life developing a viewpoint of consciousness through his work in treating individuals with mental illness. American views of psychology emerged as a unique viewpoint; people like William James, John Dewey and James Cattell provided their own perspectives on psychology. Humanistic psychology also emerged as a school of psychology in part as a reaction to psychoanalysis and Behaviorism (we will cover in Week 5).

  • What are the basic principles of Gestalt psychology, and why was it important in the early life of psychology? What areas do you think were the Gestalt principles and avenues of research best suited for in modern psychology? In your opinion, is there a place for Gestalt psychology in current psychological research and application? Why?
  • From a scientific perspective, psychoanalysis or psychodynamic views have very little validity. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer. Why did Freudian psychoanalysis have such a seemingly dominant influence, not on U.S. psychology development, but on popular culture?
  • How did the perspectives of empiricism and structuralism lead to the development of American functionalism? Does American functionalism differ significantly from its European heritage? Why?
  • Describe the main factors of humanistic psychology. Compare and contrast their views with those of their contemporaries, such as psychoanalytic. In terms of application, what would make humanistic psychology appealing?

Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers. Provide an analysis of each peer’s postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

American history homework help

Instructions are included.
3 sources Primary and Secondary included that have to be uses.
1 of the sources is in audio mp3
Citation has to be in Chicago Manual Style
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History homework help

read and answer questions
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