History homework help

This assignment requires students to visit a historical site (historical home museum, Civil War battlefield, Park, monument etc.) and produce a Powerpoint presentation that highlights the site. You are welcome to safely visit a historic site in person. However, you can find a site that will provide you with information (photographs, history of the site, information about the person, place, or event etc.) online and create a Powerpoint presentation with the information you found on the website. For example, The Frederick Douglass House highlights the Washington, DC home of historical figure Frederick Douglass. You can also garner ideas about local sites (Prince George’s County, MD) by going to  http://www.pgparks.com/1883/Sites-Museums.
You should produce a short Powerpoint presentation (minimum of 10 slides) that emphasize what you learned from visiting the site. Consider these questions, what/who was highlighted? What did you learn from the site? What did they do well in developing the site/website? What could they have done better? Would you recommend this site/website to learn about this person or event? Please include photographs and any other visual

History homework help

For our final Complete assignment, you will need to write a comprehensive APA Analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in our New Testament course. Please make sure to implement topics from units 5, as well as the content from Units 1-4 into your final paper for the entire course. If you need support on how to formulate your APA Analysis paper, you may refer to your APA Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to your grading rubric for guidance. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit your paper for grading.
Be sure and cover topics such as:

  • The literary genres of the New Testament and their representative books
  • The differences in the Synoptic Gospels and the ways in which they differ from the Gospel of John
  • A definition of the Gospel message and how it was spread throughout the region in the first and second centuries
  • Overview of the ministry of Paul and the other early Church leaders
  • Definition for the term pseudonymity and explain its practice among Hellenistic-Jewish and early Christian writers.
  • Early heresies of the church and the ways in which they were fought against
  • The imagery and literary characteristics of Apocalyptic writings, particularly those found in the Revelation of John

History homework help

 Based on information in your textbook and today’s news, compare and contrast the Gilded Age to today’s political situation.  Remember that this is a college level paper.  While I want your honest opinion, it needs to be a structured argument with evidence to support major points.  Be as detailed as possible and you are free to draw your own conclusions.  Do not try to argue what I would argue, you grade is based on how well you argue your point and support it with evidence.  This only needs to be two pages in length.  Remember that Mark Twain called the late 18th century the Gilded Age, because while our government looked good on the outside, there was corruption on the inside.  I want your thoughts on ways in which this is true today or not true and discuss the impact of civic engagement on US politics to address some of these issues.  Do NOT simply post sentences from the chapter or other’s opinions to construct your short essay.  I look forward to reading your responses!

History homework help

Background to the assignment: You read earlier about paradigm shifts occurring in cultures; Western culture has observed some as well.
Description of the assignment: Watch the presentation: Summary of Our Study on Western Culture, from your Reading & Study section for Week 8. After you have viewed this presentation; describe what you feel has been the most influential paradigm shift in Western Culture that has affected America. Provide concrete reasons that clarify your position.
If you include sources, you must cite your sources in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses
Liberty University. (n.d.) 1600–present [Presentation]. Retrieved from https://download.liberty.edu/courses/wgdo8.mp4.
Liberty University. (n.d.). 21st century culture in America [Presentation]. Retrieved from https://download.liberty.edu/courses/mp7zp.mp4.
Rawls, D. E. (2017). A narrative of western culture—with access. Ann Arbor, MI.

History homework help

Background to the assignment: You read earlier about paradigm shifts occurring in cultures; Western culture has observed some as well.
Description of the assignment: Watch the presentation: Summary of Our Study on Western Culture, from your Reading & Study section for Week 8. After you have viewed this presentation; describe what you feel has been the most influential paradigm shift in Western Culture that has affected America. Provide concrete reasons that clarify your position.
If you include sources, you must cite your sources in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses
Liberty University. (n.d.) 1600–present [Presentation]. Retrieved from https://download.liberty.edu/courses/wgdo8.mp4.
Liberty University. (n.d.). 21st century culture in America [Presentation]. Retrieved from https://download.liberty.edu/courses/mp7zp.mp4.
Rawls, D. E. (2017). A narrative of western culture—with access. Ann Arbor, MI.

History homework help



Travel Journal to Points of Interest from the Early Middle Ages, Romanesque, and Gothic Worlds

Travel, whether it was to the Middle East to fight in the Crusades or on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, was an activity that shaped the Middle Ages.
For this assignment, put yourself in the place of a person living during Middle Ages who traveled throughout Europe. Select a total of six representative pieces of art or architecture that date from this period in history. You should have 2 examples from each of the time periods in the Middle Ages:
two examples from the Early Middle ages 
++++The Sutton hoo purse lid 
++++The Parthenon
two that represent the Romanesque,
++++  Saint-Étienne  
++++  The Mainz cathedral.
two that represent Gothic art. 
++++ Notre Dame
++++  Death of the Virgin, tympanum of the left doorway of the south transept, Strasbourg Cathedral
Each example should reflect the essential characteristics of its time period. Your objects need to date between 400 CE and 1300 CE—the time span that encompasses the Early Middle Ages, Romanesque, and Gothic periods.
When you return from your travels, prepare a journal that includes the following information for each of your six representative works of art:

  1. A photograph of the object
  2. Identifying information:
    1. Name of the artist (if available)
    2. Title of the work
    3. Date of the work
    4. Medium/materials used to create the work
  3. Then, write a paragraph of 4-6 sentences that:
    1. Describes the visual characteristics that makes the object representative of its style
    2. Places the work within its social and historical context and explains why it is culturally significant

Finally, in a well-developed paragraph of 6-8 sentences, summarize what you have learned from your travels, highlighting key similarities and distinctions between the six objects you selected for discussion.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

History homework help

thank you for all the work
i empowered my self professionally and personally
happy holidays and a better  2021

American history homework help

Quiz 2
Please use the document entitled “What Right do We Have to the Land” in the QUIZZES tab to complete this quiz.
How does John Winthrop justify taking the land of the Native Americans?  Refer to your readings to answer this question.  Please be as specific as possible.
  • attachment


American history homework help

After completing the assigned readings, media clip, and PowerPoint lectures for this Module, draft your 500-word Discussion Board essay in response to the below query.  Moreover, when drafting your response, remember that you are required to use and reference specific details from the Module’s assigned readings, media clips, and/or PowerPoint lectures to support the points you make in your essay.  Moreover, you will need to draft a separate brief reply to the essay of at least two of your classmates.
Module 2 Discussion Board Query:  Despite many calls for the abolition of slavery, the founding fathers shrank from leading the antislavery cause. What were some of the political, social, and economic impediments to ending slavery in the new nation, either in writing the Constitution or by other means?