History homework help

Consumption and consumerism stimulated economic growth in the U.S. between 1880- 1929. Examine the methods used to produce goods as well as American consumer habits during this period to assess the environmental impact of both. How do economic booms and busts shape behaviors and attitudes about resource use and management?

History homework help

  discuss in 5 pages essay form the following topics:
1 page per topic,
– The ideal city of the Renaissance
–  Form or function for the ideal city
–  Ideal cities in art
–   The ideal city and Islam
–  Architecture as an intellectual activity

American history homework help

Essay (3 questions) 15 points each
Rubric: worth 5 points each section
5 discuss your solutions (how would you fix the problem)
5 points integrate concepts learned in class (terms, laws, regulations, etc.)
5 answer the question completely with full sentences (1-2 paragraphs)
Question #1:
Should the legal drinking age be changed from 21 and lowered to 18 years old? If you were a Senator in your State, would you vote yes or no for this law change?  Explain your reasoning for voting for yes or no to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 in the United States?
Question #2:
One of the most conservational topics in the US government is free health care vs. free college education for a bachelor’s degree. If you were the governor for your State, and the federal government is awarding block grant funds, but you can only choose either to give residents of your state free health care or free college education up until a bachelor’s degree is conferred, which would you select and why? Would there be any requirements or restrictions to receive services?
Question #3:
In the mist of the pandemic, one of the biggest concerns is students in the K-12 education system returning back to school on campus. If you were the school district superintendent, what precautions would you put in place in your school district to assist with stopping the spread of Covid-19? Or would you mandate student to remain at home and take classes online? What services would you offer to parents to help with the new normal in the school system?

American history homework help

Essay (3 questions) 15 points each
Rubric: worth 5 points each section
5 discuss your solutions (how would you fix the problem)
5 points integrate concepts learned in class (terms, laws, regulations, etc.)
5 answer the question completely with full sentences (1-2 paragraphs)
Question #1:
Should the legal drinking age be changed from 21 and lowered to 18 years old? If you were a Senator in your State, would you vote yes or no for this law change?  Explain your reasoning for voting for yes or no to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 in the United States?
Question #2:
One of the most conservational topics in the US government is free health care vs. free college education for a bachelor’s degree. If you were the governor for your State, and the federal government is awarding block grant funds, but you can only choose either to give residents of your state free health care or free college education up until a bachelor’s degree is conferred, which would you select and why? Would there be any requirements or restrictions to receive services?
Question #3:
In the mist of the pandemic, one of the biggest concerns is students in the K-12 education system returning back to school on campus. If you were the school district superintendent, what precautions would you put in place in your school district to assist with stopping the spread of Covid-19? Or would you mandate student to remain at home and take classes online? What services would you offer to parents to help with the new normal in the school system?

Spanish homework help

Please write a 5 page paper on Jose Marti’s poem “Ismaelillo” and how it relates to the modernist movement in literature at the time.
Paper must be in English, 5 pages, double spaced, given to me by tomorrow at 6pm the very latest.
Thank you!

Spanish homework help

Please write a 5 page paper on Jose Marti’s poem “Ismaelillo” and how it relates to the modernist movement in literature at the time.
Paper must be in English, 5 pages, double spaced, given to me by tomorrow at 6pm the very latest.
Thank you!

American history homework help

Please see the instructions in the PDF document and please read the instructions carefully. Also, the other PDF document is part of this assignment. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
  • attachment

  • attachment


American history homework help

Please see the instructions in the PDF document and please read the instructions carefully. Also, the other PDF document is part of this assignment. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
  • attachment

  • attachment


History homework help

question and book is attached
  • In order to get full credit on your original post, you need to clearly
    connect your responses to historical evidence from the book,
    powerpoint slides, or further research. Indicate the page number
    where you found the information to help me and your classmates
    follow up to gain insight.
    The story of Detroit: 1. Based on your reading throughout the term
    (and the links in this module), how did the city of Detroit’s relationship
    to the rest of the state evolve during the 1800s and 1900s (provide
    specific examples)? 2. Based on your observation and informed
    opinion, what is Detroit’s current relationship with the rest of the state?
    Please number your answers
    Beside the book attached, this weeks reading articles are