Discussion 1:
Howell and Mendez have described followers as serving in one of the given three roles; interactive, independent or shifting (Copeland, 2015). Foremost, followers in this interactive role serve to support and compliment the role of leadership, support and defend the leader before others, facilitate the leader in avoiding blunders, exhibit supportive friendly environment along with the willingness to engage in essential organizational transformation (Copeland, 2015). Next, followers in an independent role act independent of their leader because of increase in training and education of personnel, the desire of employees to be more self determining in their act (Copeland, 2015).
Finally, followers in shifting role may shift from being a leader and being a follower on the basis of professional experience, understanding and work structures based on teams. It is anticipated that the followers would modify to their role as per their group. In this role, the follower monitors and interprets the environment to detect required transformation in the team, being liable for attaining goals, and maintaining an empathic association with improved communication between teammates and being compliant to the norms of the team (Copeland, 2015).
The followers’ demonstration of job competence and knowledge at work tasks, develop supportive and collaborative associations with the leader and co-worker, exhibit concern for performance and their ability to offer their individual self-direction by engaging in decision-making and resolve work issues individually without depending on their formal leader influence work productivity (Copeland, 2015).
The Big Five personality model categorizes traits into the dimensions of agreeableness, surgency, adjustment, openness to experience and conscientiousness. Dominance and high energy along with determination are included in surgency personality dimension. The qualities of emotional intelligence and sociability are included in agreeableness personality element. The qualities of self-confidence and emotional stability are included in adjustment facet of personality. The qualities of integrity and dependability are included in the personality dimension of conscientiousness. The qualities of intelligence, inward locus of control and flexibility are included in the personality aspect of openness-to-experience (Lussier & Achua, 2016).
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator comprises of four dimensions thinking, feeling, intuition and sensing. These describe how a person collects information and takes decisions (Blog Team, 2020). These dimensions constitute 16 diverse combinations constructing 16 diverse types of personalities. Both the MBT and Big Five share similarities. in the sense that the personality type test pull from the study-based Big Five model. Type descriptions that are used in MBTI have certain associations with Big Five (Blog Team, 2020).
MBTI differ from Big Five in the sense that MBTI provides a type of personality rather than a personality trait. The individual characteristics of Big Five may be placed low or high. Psychologists have used traits in opposition to types to discuss individuality as personality is categorized as a set of traits, extremely helpful to workplace item like pre-employment evaluations (Blog Team, 2020).
Copeland, C E. (2015). Followership: An Essential Ingredient of Leadership. Retrieved from
Blog Team. (2020, May 28). What’s the Difference between the Big 5, the Enneagram and MBTI? Retorio.com. Retrieved from:
Lussier, R N., & Achua, C F. (2016). Chapter 2: Leadership Traits and Ethics. Leadership: Theory, Application & Skill Development, 6e, Cengage Learning.
Discussion 2:
Howell and Mendez’s three perspectives on followership and how they influence work productivity
One of Howell and Mendez’s perspectives is interaction, which will influence productivity by helping the organization in the gradual expansion of research literature on followership. This because of the clarification of the roles that are played by the followers within the organization (Bratton, 2020). The independent perspective ensures clarification of the reason as to why some of the followers have trouble in adjusting to the new leaders; hence the followers are in preparation for their roles. Shifting is the third perspective that ensured a willingness or capability to assume the leaders’ position (Bratton, 2020).
The big five personality model
The model on the prominent five personalities explains the traits representing the continuum, and individuals are said to fall anywhere within the continuum. The model is described to be the most widely accepted personality theory by psychologists. The theory states that personality can be narrowed down to five key factors: extraversion, agreeableness, Openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism (Dehghanan, 2014). Thus, the big five personality traits are said to remain relatively stable throughout most people’s lifetime. They ensure the prediction of critical life outcomes like education and health.
Myers-Briggs test and how it is similar or different from the Big five model
The Myers-Briggs test involves a self-report inventory that has been designed for the identification of a personality type, strengths as well as preferences. The model looks into the aspects of validity and reliability, and it has been designed to be binary. On the other hand, the big five model offers a self-understanding method within a specific way to advise on the personality traits (Cherry, 2020). Myers-Briggs does not base its focus on the aspect of “neuroticism” as it is regarded to be a similarly negative trait that might present reasons for specific criticisms.
Bratton, J. (2020) Organizational Leadership: The personality assessment was designed to be introspective. Accordingly, the report’s language is written in a gentle and flattering tone with no negative feedback (1st ed.). Sage Publications. pp 181-199.
Cherry, K. (2020, September 17). An Overview of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Dehghanan, H. (2014). A study on the effect of big five personality traits on emotional intelligence. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 4(6).