Law Homework Help

CJE 3001 FIU Correctional Officers Risk Factors and Strategies for Safety Essay


Correctional Officers Risk Factors and Strategies for Safety and Wellness

Prompt question: From the recommendations provided in the article under the learning materials, which one do you believe will be the most feasible and effective strategies to keep correctional officers safe and well? You can discuss more than one policy.

Learning Materials

This video and the PDF are your two sources provided in the article under the learning materials.

Law Homework Help

Liberty University Prison Based and Community Intervention Research Paper


I’m working on a law report and need an explanation to help me understand better.


The purpose of this assignment is for the student to conduct research and to focus upon your own personal analysis of prison-based and community interventions.Please discuss your thoughts and perceptions regarding these topics prior to and following the research phase. Did the research impact your view or personal analysis if current prison-based and community interventions? If so, how? While you are asked to discuss your personal analysis of these topics, please be sure to support your thoughts with your research. 


Please submit a 3-to-4-page, research-based paper. Again, you are slated with providing your own personal analysis of prison-based and community intervention efforts. While this paper provides your own personal analysis, please be sure to support all positions or suppositions with academic research.

Law Homework Help

UPU Agency Admission Requirements Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me learn.

To become an officer there are tests and requirements which may vary depending on the level at which you seek employment.

Research the requirements to enter an agency at the local, state, and federal level, and share your findings. Is there a big difference? Do your findings make you consider one agency over another? Why? the state im from is Newyork city,and im located in brooklyn so you can research based on that for this answer.

Law Homework Help

SOC 205 Strayer University Supreme Court on Immigrants in United States Discussion


Review a recent controversial Supreme Court ruling (Citizenship rights for immigrants, LGBTQIA+ rights, freedom of speech and religion, pro-life vs. reproductive rights sides, workplace discrimination) and summarize the case outlining the effects the ruling had on law, precedent, and social policy.

Provide feedback to one classmate addressing how thoroughly they summarized and outlined the Supreme Court ruling.

You may choose to use the following additional resources to assist you in completing this discussion:

Law Homework Help

CJA/365:Budget, Finance, And Planning


Wk 3 – Capital Funding and Debt Presentation

Assignment Content

  1. Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation analyzing capital sources of public funding and debt.Include the following types of debt in your presentation:

    • General obligation and revenue bonds
    • Certificates of obligation
    • Contractual obligations
    • Commercial paper
    • Capital leases
    • Notes payable

    Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Reference the student website as well as any outside sources used.

    • For Local Campus students, these are 5- to 10- minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
    • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with speaker notes. Speaker notes should address what you would say in an oral presentation.

    Submit your assignment.

Law Homework Help

BC Death Penalty Effective Discussion


Module 7 Discussion Question: Is the Death Penalty Effective?

When responding to this question, you should define how you are measuring effectiveness. In posting your answer to this question, be sure to address the following:

Incorporate any arguments for and against the death penalty.

Suggest and offer ideas on how to improve this ultimate punishment.

Law Homework Help

BC Criminal Justice Death Penalty Film Reflection Paper Questions


Please write a 3-page reflection paper on the film “In the Executioners Shadow”

here: In the Executioners Shadow – True Story Documentary Channel – YouTube

A documentary that casts a penetrating look at the consequences of the death penalty through three powerful stories – the rare perspective of a former state executioner who comes within days of executing an innocent person; a Boston Marathon bombing victim who struggles to decide what justice really means; and the parents of a murder victim who choose to fight for the life of their daughter’s killer.

Death Penalty Film Reflection Paper: This assignment should be 3 pages and purely reflection- NO citations needed.

Please reflect on the material presented in the film. It’s not important whether you agree or disagree with the DP- this is a reflection on the materials offered in the film.

Suggested points to cover:

  • What takeaways are there from the perspectives offered in this film?
  • Were there new perspectives that you didn’t consider before?
  • How do the stories offered in the film, fit into the arguments (explored in your discussion post) for and/or against the Death Penalty?

Law Homework Help

XUM Le Brons Defamation Lawsuit Questions


I’m studying for my Criminal Justice class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Question II – During an episode of Sports Center, one of the anchors misread the teleprompter and said LeBron James was closing his school for at risk youth.

In reality, LeBron James was expanding his school.

This statement by the anchor was a slip of the tongue and corrected in the next episode. Would LeBron’s defamation suit against Sports Center and the anchor be successful?

Law Homework Help

CRIJ 3351 TUTEP Security Challenges & The US Strategic Policy According to Cordero Essay


What does Cordero (2012) suggest the U.S. strategic policy should be to confront Mexican drug cartels? What are the positive and negative aspects of the suggested approach? Please answer in 400 to 500 words. Please cite in APA Style Format