Law Homework Help

Capella University Socialism/Communism Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Discussion post: Karl Marx believed that crime was a result of the frustrating working class, and to solve the problem of crime the economy must be made “fair” for everyone. Thus, he proposed capitalist society must be overturned in favor of socialism (also regarded as communism). What are some countries today that have a communist government? What effects has history shown socialism/communism to have on a nation? Does it lead to economic prosperity or corruption?

Law Homework Help

University of Phoenix CJA 454 University of Phoenix Discussion Question


  • Do you believe prisons should be privatized, and parole should be abolished? Explain why or why not.
  • Why is inmate classification an important responsibility for correctional administrators?

Law Homework Help

University of Phoenix Should Prisons Be Privatized Essay


Consider the following topic: Should prisons be privatized?

Locate peer-reviewed articles in the University Library that compare the differences between public-sector and private-sector correctional facilities.

Select a position that is either in support of or in opposition to the privatization of prisons.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word argumentative essay that explains your selected position in regards to the privatization of prisons. Your essay should incorporate supporting evidence that has been gathered from at least two scholarly resources. Include evidence that demonstrates the differences between private and public sector prisons in regards to the following topics:

  • Operations of correctional organizations
  • Correctional personnel roles and functions
  • Correctional issues and practices

Include a discussion of opposing arguments and provide brief rebuttals.

Law Homework Help

SUNY Amateurs vs Professional Legislators Argumentative Essay



Amateurs vs professional legislators

Type of paper:

Argumentative essay


Political science

Paper instructions:

I have written almost half of the essay and would like you to continue on the other half. Please make sure to stick to this topic. Also please make sure to refine and edit the paragraphs I have written. I am not sure what to add to my essay. Basically the topic is about ” The effects of amateurs and professional legislators have in the US” this essay is mostly focused on congress.

Law Homework Help

Morrisville State College Serial Killers Essay Question


Topic 1: The FBI uses a classification program of organized, disorganized, and mixed killers. What is each? What defines each category? Why is this identification important and how is it used? Give examples of each topic and support why they fit the description

great tip involved

no plagiarism

2-3 pages

Law Homework Help

CJA 345 University of Phoenix Week 1 Data Collection Survey Method Discussion


Assignment Content

  1. Determining outcomes or approaches begin with understanding and explaining the data collected.Use the topic, question, hypothesis, and data tables that you selected in Week 1 to write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you:
    • Identify the research data tables, question, and hypothesis developed in Week 1. Summarize the data tables.
    • Describe survey research and data collection as they relate to your selected criminal justice research topic.
    • Identify a data collection survey method (e.g., in-person, telephone, electronic, or focus group) for your selected topic.
    • Discuss the pros and cons of the method utilized in relationship to the topic and research process.

Law Homework Help

Measuring Public Sector Capital Asset Impairment Loss Physical Damage Discussion


I’m working on a Law exercise and need support.

  • What approach should be used to measure a public sector capital asset impairment loss that results from physical damage to the capital asset? 

Law Homework Help

UOTP W2 Budget Information & Budgeting Forecasting Essay


Task 1: Review the CAFR and budget information your team selected in Week 2 (See attached for Week 2 Paper).

Task 2: Write a 350- to 700-word summary about your forecasting approaches and your rationale. Ensure your team substantively addresses the following elements-

  • Provide insight on the evaluation of the financial reports.
  • Explain how the team plans to forecast spending for the next year.
  • Explain the importance of budgeting forecasting.
  • Identify various forecasting approaches

Task 3: Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines to include, at a minimum, the APA cover page, Introduction, level headers/titles for each required assignment discussion point, Conclusion, and Reference page.

Task 4: Safe Assign review – check your similarity rating to ensure that it is not over 21% along with the customary spell and grammar checks; edit as needed to be in compliance with these assignment requirements.

This is a team assignment. My part is to only do the FIRST bullet point and my team will take care of the rest. .

Law Homework Help

UOTP Influences within Public Programs The Traffic Team in Palo Alto Paper


Step 1: Use a public safety program which has recently undergone a significant budgetary change. For example, suppose a state cut funding for a domestic violence program. What possible changes in public policy and the political process could have led to this decision? What may be the result?

Step 2: Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about how the political process and changing public policy at the federal, state, and municipal levels influence budgeting. Include details on how the change came about and its effect on the resulting program.

Ensure you:

  • Include details on how the change came about and its effect on the resulting program.
  • Identify political, economic, social, and cultural influences that caused the change in the budget.
  • Identify the interaction among the federal, state, and municipal levels with regard to your selected program.
  • Specify the limits of the agency budget office and how they may try to compensate for those limits.
  • Identify some strategies and agencies politicians might use to justify increasing or decreasing the budget for the program you selected.