Law Homework Help

Ashford University Project Liberty Discussion


I’m working on a Criminal Justice exercise and need support.

Read “Project Liberty: New York’s Crisis Counseling Program Created in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001.” Explain how Project Liberty met the needs of the community and the outreach initiatives they conducted. Explain why you do or do not think Project Liberty was successful. 

Law Homework Help

Ashford University Terrorism and the Media Research Paper


I don’t know how to handle this Criminal Justice question and need guidance.

  • Analyze how media broadcasting terrorist activities and successes psychologically impacts individuals (e.g., victims, recovery teams, first responders, the general population).
  • Formulate an opinion on whether mediabroadcasts of terrorist activities should be limited to reduce potential impact on victims and non-victims. Outline your arguments for both sides of the issue and then clearly state your position. Two concepts to consider when developing your position would be freedom of information and freedom of speech.
  • Explain how your position on media coverage of terrorist attacks can affect children.

Law Homework Help

Ashford University Washingtons Disaster Resources Discussion


I’m studying for my Criminal Justice class and need an explanation.

Go to your state’s official government web page (e.g., (Links to an external site.) or (Links to an external site.)). Locate at least two resources on the site available to victims of terrorist attacks or natural disasters addressing mental health, trauma, or coping.

  • Explain where you found these resources on the site. (Does the state have an easy to find “Disaster Assistance for Victims” tab on the front page of the site or did you have to do some research to locate the services?)
  • Explain the resources that are available (victim crisis hotline, monthly trauma meeting, mental health literature to review, etc.) and how a victim would utilize these services. (Does the victim contact their state Representative, contact the Governor’s office, contact a specific state agency, etc.?)
  • Explain whether or not you think the resources offered by your state would actually be helpful to victims and why. If you cannot find any resources for victims of a terrorist attack or natural disaster on your state’s homepage, describe two services that address mental health, trauma, or coping you think would be beneficial to victims and why. Explain how you think victims should be able to utilize these services and where they should be advertised for maximum exposure.

Law Homework Help

CMRJ 302 AMU WK 3 Human Resources Recruitment & Training Discussion


I’m studying for my Criminal Justice class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

1. Discuss some of the legislative actions that have impacted law enforcement recruitment and hiring.

2. Explain what the minimum standards are to be a police officer. Do they differ from one agency to another? 

3. Compare and contrast the two basic recruit training methodologies, the academic model used by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the paramilitary model used in most police academies.

Law Homework Help

University of Nairobi International Law Advisory Circular Discussion


I would like you to write a 6 page. APA 7 format paper explaining your understanding of the document. APA 7 format page one should be a title page, page 2 should be the abstract, pages 2-5 should be the content. Double-space the document. Page 6 should be the reference page. Page 6 should be the reference page. Make sure to include the purpose of the advisory circular and the background of why it was written. Then highlight the most important parts of the document in your own words. Do not copy and paste the document. Make sure to include your own understanding.

The reference:…

Law Homework Help

Rasmussen College Legal Memorandum



Your client, Mary Jones, has come into the office after a car accident. The client admits to putting on mascara as she was driving because she was late to work. You are to prepare a memo to your supervising attorney, Jane Doe, outlining what Mary might recover in the case. Mary has $100,000 in damages. You are thinking Mary might be 20 percent at fault in this case.


Using Lexis Advance, research Li v. Yellow Cab Company out of California.

Including Li v. Yellow Cab Company out of California in your memo, outline what Mary could receive under contributory negligence and under comparative negligence.

Also, include in the memo the collateral source rule and subrogation information.

Formatting a Memo

Your memo needs to be 2-3 pages using double spacing.

The sections of a legal memorandum are:

    • Heading or Caption that includes To, From, Date, and Re.
    • Facts
    • Issue(s) Presented
    • Answer to Issue
    • Reasoning or Discussion
    • Conclusion


    For assistance on completing this assignment, refer to How do I create a legal memo?MEMORANDUM

    TO: Name of person who assigned the research project

    FROM: Your Name

    DATE: Date memo is turned in

    RE: Name of client, and a short description of the subject matter of the memorandum



    Provide a formal and objective description of the legally significant facts in your research problem. The legally significant facts are the facts that are relevant to answering the legal question presented. For example, in an issue involving whether a minor can disaffirm a contract, a legally significant fact would include the nature of the item or service contracted for (was it clothing, food, shelter, related to health care, etc.) and whether the minor had access to the item in any case, without having to become contractually obligated to pay for it. The description should be accurate and complete.

    Present the facts in a logically coherent fashion, which may entail a chronological order. Include legally significant facts – facts upon which the resolution of the legal question presented will turn, whether they are favorable or unfavorable to the client for whom you are writing – and include background facts that will make the context of the problem clear. In this section, do not comment upon the facts or discuss how the law will apply to the facts. All factual information that later appears in the discussion section of the memorandum should be described in the facts section.


    The subject of the memo is a question: How does the relevant law apply to the key facts of the research problem? Thus, the question presented is analogous to the issue or question presented in a case brief. The question presented should be sufficiently narrow and should be objective. It is usually one sentence, and often begins: “Whether….” or “Does….” The question incorporates legally relevant facts as well as the rule involved. Although questions are usually framed so that they can be answered yes or no (or probably yes or probably no), sometimes they cannot (such as “Under Minnesota law, has a retailer made a binding offer when…?”). Always include the name of the jurisdiction involved, e.g., Minnesota, the Eight Circuit.


    The brief answer should clearly and fully respond to the question presented. Begin with your conclusion: yes, no, probably yes, etc., if the question can be answered that way. Then give a brief (usually no more than four or five sentences long) self-contained explanation of the reasons for your conclusion. Summarize for your reader how the relevant law applies to your significant facts. As a general rule, include no citations.


    Apply the law to the facts. This is the heart of the memo. Here, you need to educate the reader about the applicable legal principles, illustrate how those principles apply to the relevant facts, and explore any likely counterarguments to the primary line of analysis you present.

    Law Homework Help

    CSULA Bally Gym Club Membership Agreement Release of Liability Case Study


    Mary v. Bally’s Gym

    Determined to make good on her New Year’s Resolution, Mary decided to take a tour of several health clubs in the San Fernando Valley on January 2. Mary’s first stop was at the Bally’s Gym in Woodland Hills. Mary was greeted by Austin, the Bally’s Gym General Manager, who took Mary on a tour of the Gym and then escorted Mary into his office to discuss joining the Gym. Austin told Mary that if she joined, the monthly membership fee would be $100.00 with no initial fee. Mary thanked Austin, but politely explained to Austin that she really wanted to check out other health clubs in the area before making a decision. Frustrated, Austin told Mary that if she left and did not agree sign Bally’s pre-printed form contract in the next 5 minutes, the monthly membership fee would increase to $200 per month and a $1,000 initial fee would be required. Not wanting to miss out on a great deal, Mary reluctantly agreed and quickly signed Bally’s contract without reviewing it. The pre-printed form contract, titled “Bally’s Gym Membership Agreement”, consisted of 40 numbered paragraphs on a double-sided single sheet of paper, covered with all singled-spaced writing on the front and back. Except for the exculpatory clause (which was located near the bottom of the front side of the contract), all of the text in the contract was in 8-point font (HINT: this is 8-point font), with no highlighting and no paragraph headings. The exculpatory clause, however, which was initialed by Mary, appeared in 14-point bold and italicized font and stated the following:


    Member is aware that participation in a sport or physical exercise may result in accidents or injury, and Member assumes the risk connected with the participation in a sport or exercise and represents that Member is in good health and suffers from no physical impairment. Member specifically agrees that Bally’s Gym shall not be liable for any injury of any kind resulting from Member’s participation in any sport or exercise within the club premises, regardless of how the injury occurred and regardless of whether the injury was a result of Bally’s Gym’s negligence, recklessness, or other alleged misconduct. Member has read, understands, and agrees to this waiver of liability. _____ [Initial Here]

    On May 1, Mary was drinking from one of the Gym’s water fountains when she sustained severe burns to her mouth when the water fountain suddenly malfunctioned and sprayed scalding hot water. Mary filed an action against Bally’s Gym for personal injuries.

    QUESTION: Should the trial court grant summary judgment in favor of Bally’s Gym based on the above exculpatory clause in the Bally’s Gym Club Membership Agreement? Explore all possible issues and discuss all possible arguments in favor of Bally’s Gym and all possible arguments in favor of Mary. Explain your decision completely.

    Please do an IRAC process on this question.





    Law Homework Help

    Law Essay


    I’m working on a law writing question and need an explanation/answer to help me learn.

    Reaction Paper Assignment #9. Corporate Directors: Who They Are, What They Do, Cyber and Other Contemporary Challenges (with Seletha Butler, Frederick Chang, Michele Hopper, Ron McCray and Ruth Simmons). Assignment 10 is DUE Thursday, November 18.

    PLEASE read the syllabus page 3 section Major Course Requirements the (first column “10 Reaction Papers” how to write the reaction paper. The professor will count how many page numbers associated with the writing assignment.

    I have attached the syllabus and reading assignment. If you have any questions, please contact me.

    Law Homework Help

    SSU Differential Association Theory and Juvenile Delinquency Essay


    I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    In your own words and in a minimum one-page APA essay of 12 font Times Roman, explain how “Differential Association Theory can contribute to a rise in juvenile delinquency and crime.”