Law Homework Help

PA 301 San Diego State University Concepts and Issues in Public Administration MEMO


You will be required to create a 10-minute “podcast” interview with the public employee at the local, federal, or state agencies. To produce this audio and video podcast interview, you will need to:

(1) identify the public employee professional

(2) develop two PA-related questions that are connected to the course material covered + the assigned question (What is the greatest challenge for public administration or public service over the next 10 years?)

(3) arrange and record your video interview with the professional.

Your final product will include you introducing the professional (name, title, organization, brief background — ask the professional for a brief bio before the interview, the questions and answers with the professional, you thanking the professional for their time. You should use Zoom to prepare this recording.

In addition to the interview, you will write a brief (no more than two pages) memo responding to the comments made by the professional. Your comments will be based on the material covered in class over the semester and referenced as such.

Be sure to include the following in your interview:

  • Name of the professional
  • Name of the workplace of the professional
  • Phone number of the professional
  • Email address of the professional
  • What are the primary responsibilities of the professional

Law Homework Help

New York Institute of Technology Manhattan Campus Business Management Questions


Chapter: Contracts and Sales: Performance, Remedies, and Collection.
Chapter: Business Marketing and Products: Ads and Product Safety.
Chapter: Business Competition: Antitrust Law.
Chapter Business and Intellectual Property Law.

1) Sly Salesperson sells cars.  While selling a car, Sly Salesperson tells the potential buyer that “this is the best car around.  It’s a great car and sips gas.”  The car has an average fuel rating.  Has Sly Salesperson committed a misrepresentation?  Fraud?  Why or why not?  Does the analysis change if Sly Salesperson says the car gets 40 miles per gallon, but in fact the car only gets 30 miles per gallon?
2) What factors have courts considered when evaluating factual statements versus opinion-based statements?  Could there still be liability for purely opinion-based statements?
3) Explain what the Robinson-Patman Act prohibits, what is required to show a violation, and what the defenses are.
4) Explain the differences in patents, copyrights, and trademarks, including the length of each and examples of each.

Law Homework Help

New York Institute of Technology WFLA Law Discussion


Question I – Claire is severely injured in a car accident.  The local hospital cannot treat Claire’s injuries.  In order to survive, Claire must be flown via Helicopter to a hospital in a bordering state.  Prior to boarding the helicopter, Claire signs a contract obligating her to pay for the helicopter flight and all of its expenses.  Claire lives and fully recovers.  However, she is being sued by the helicopter company in the amount of $50,000 for the helicopter transportation and its accompanying expenses.  What is argument Claire could make in order to rescind the agreement?  Does it matter that the helicopter company performed its obligation under the contract?

Question II – Bono is a musician.  He sells his neighbor a gently used lawn mower at a deeply discounted price.  The neighbor is dissatisfied with the performance of the lawn mower.  Can the neighbor sue Bono under the UCC §2-314, the implied warranty of merchantability?  Why or why not?

Question III – If cigarette companies want to work with one another for a common interest, what is one example that would allow the cigarette companies to do so without violating the Sherman Act?  What source of law protects the cigarette companies’ actions?

Question IV – The year is 2012 and the light bulb has not yet been invented.  Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are in a bitter feud to see who can bring electricity to the masses first.  In this alternative history, it is indisputable that Tesla invented the lightbulb first.  However, Edison filed his lightbulb patent prior to Tesla.  According to the law in 2012, who holds the patent to the lightbulb?

Law Homework Help

CJA 475 Communication Outline



You are a strategy leader with the Scottsdale Police Department and your role is to communicate the details, accomplishments, progress, and concerns of the strategic plan to all stakeholders.

Review your Week 3 individual assignment: Strategic Plan Evaluation for possible details to include in your communication outline.

Write a 525- to 700-word [sentence] outline for communicating the Scottsdale Police Department’s Strategic Plan internally and externally.

Include the following in your outline:

  • Method for communicating the strategic plan to internal and external stakeholders
  • Summary of main issues being addressed in the plan and why they are a concern to the public
  • Influence of stakeholders
  • Potential detractors to the plan



Law Homework Help

CLA1 WU Applied Computer Science Capstone Project


Develop and construct a 2 to 3 page APA formatted paper which has 6 peer review or scholarly sources from the internet that identifies the following cases refering to a healtcare system.

  • Detailed plans, constructs, solutions, and implementations identified in PA1
  • A risk-management assessment chart
  • Detailed solution for the Computer Science Management project
  • Completed milestone charts.

Law Homework Help

Pace University New York Anticipatory Offenses and Parties to Crime Essay


Choose a concept or case from this week’s readings reflecting on this concept or case. Please include a legal analysis as well as your personal reflections.

Remember, this reflection paper is to be no less than two (2) pages and no more than three (3) pages in length.

Law Homework Help

Everest College Chicago Cybersecurity Issues Discussion


I don’t have the textbook

Based on your assigned readings and own research, discuss the “costs” of cyber security both intrusions and prevention. Include but go beyond typical monetary costs. Discuss the threat landscape to include but not limited to social engineering and next generation threats. Discuss transformational changes to cybersecurity including but not limited to virtualization, social media, the internet of things, and “big data.”

Law Homework Help

Rasmussen University Motion for Default Judgment Case Brief



  1. When a complaint has been properly served, a Defendant will have a certain amount of time to respond to the complaint, either through the filing of a motion, or a responsive pleading, such as an answer. But what happens when the Defendant fails to respond to the complaint at all?You are a paralegal working for Mr. Dewey Cheatham, Esq., a partner at Cheatham & Fare, One First St, Greenacre, in your home state. The firm has a client, Silence DoGood, who has filed a complaint for negligence stemming destruction of property, against Nick Slick. Mr. Cheatham would like a draft of a Motion for Default Judgment and proposed Order for Default Judgment. Mr. Cheatham is a stickler for spelling, grammar, and properly drafted documents. The drafted documents you provide him should only require his signature, but be otherwise ready to file with the court to request a default judgment. He provided you with a template the law firm uses in these types of cases:
    The complaint was filed around September 1, 2015. In the complaint, Ms. DoGood requested $50,000 in damages for emotional distress, anxiety, and compensation, after Nick Slick negligently damaged a box of letters Ms. DoGood had been keeping. He was supposed to restore the letters, which were family heirlooms, but ended up burning the letters beyond repair. The case has been pending in Greenacre district court. The Greenacre court issued a summons on September 3, 2015, by certified mail. It was returned having been claimed on October 1, 2015. No answer or other document has been filed by Nick Slick.Mr. Cheatham has advised you that the court sets cases like this for a hearing on damages 21 days after the motion is filed. Therefore, you should enter the potential hearing date in the Default Judgment Entry. Pay careful attention to weekend dates and holidays in calculating the hearing’s date. (You should assume the motion is filed the on your assignment’s due date).

Law Homework Help

Colorado Technical University Online Unit 5 Local Emergency Response Planning Essay


Unit 5 – Group Project 

Unit:  Local Emergency Response Planning

Deliverable Length:  Part I – 3-4 pages 

Assignment Description

Key Assignment

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following questions and      include them in your Key Assignment Final Draft:
  • What is the importance of the      development, creation, and training of community emergency response teams      (CERTs) in a local community? Explain.
  • How would you facilitate CERT      volunteer participation from members of the local community? Explain.
  • Why might members of the community      be apprehensive about joining a local CERT team? Explain.
  • What are the advantages and      disadvantages of having a CERT within a community? Explain.