Law Homework Help

BCC Criminal Justice Discussion


The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is not always clear-cut from state to state. For example, a traffic violation, domestic violence, simple assault, drug possession, prostitution, theft, tress pass and vandalism are all crimes that could be considered a misdemeanor offense in one state and a felony in another.

In general, it is fair to say that a misdemeanor can be defined by the maximum length of time a person can be incarcerated for the crime, usually no more than one year. Crimes with a minimum jail time of over a year are usually felonies. Moreover, one can say that any crime not a felony, is by nature a misdemeanor. Of course, a felony conviction causes more serious long term consequences for an offender.

The reason states vary is because the author’s of the U.S. Constitution had to permit states to retain significant authority over their own affairs in order to insure that the citizens of the various states would agree to ratify the new constitution. Because the fragmentation within the system serves certain political interests, there is always resistance to reform efforts that may unify organizations within the justice system. That said should the federal government insist that states become more uniform with regard to the definition and enforcement of laws? Would states resist efforts to take away their local control? Why or why not?


Megan Showler

No, the federal government should not insist that states become more uniform to the definition and enforcement of laws. The reason why each of the states has different laws is that those laws fit the specific needs of that particular state, they all have different geography and different people. For example, a particular state like Rhode Island would not have the same farming laws as a state like Texas or Alabama. A state that has big air pollution issues such as California has certain laws that regulate this problem but a state like Kansas does not need thing kind of laws. A big issue that comes about is how the laws are different from driving in each state, but again the laws fit the needs of each state, the geography, and the people. Yes, states would resist efforts to take away their local control because these states are given power or authority over their state. According to The Tenth Amendment- “The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, no prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. which protects the rights of the states.


Joshua Gordon

Someone can say that any crime not a felony, is by nature a misdemeanor. That crimes with a consequence of a minimum sentence of over one year are felonies and a crime with a sentence of no more than one year If that is the case then, the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is just simply time. The U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations as well as, among the various states. The Tenth Amendment states that “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The lines of authority between states and the federal government are defined by the United States Constitution and case law. “The Constitution assigned to Congress responsibility for organizing the executive and judicial branches, raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers.” – U.S Senate, Constitution of the United States.

Another significant source is the Fourteenth Amendment, specifically the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses. In many cases this causes a requirement that there must be a “congruence and proportionality” between the injury to be remedied and the law adopted to that end. The state governments should be given more powers to control the crimes in the society. It requires a longer process to be continued for any case to reach the central government so state government should be authorized to take certain immediate and necessary actions in their hand to prevent crimes. The purpose of local government is to provide an organized system where councils exercise their power and responsibilities to work together for peace, order, and good control of their districts. Local governments provide overall quality of life for the people who live in their communities.

Law Homework Help

Grand Canyon University Police Community Relations Programs Discussion


Utilize the GCU Library for scholarly articles and government websites to research at least two examples of currently used police-community relations programs.  In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, address the following:

  1. Describe both programs as well as research findings on the efficacy of each. 
  2. Do you believe such programs would work in your own community?  Why or why not?  
  3. Recommend some changes to one of these programs, or come up with a new approach that you feel would be an effective police-community relations program for your community. Cite sources to support your recommendations.  

Law Homework Help

John Paul the Great Catholic University Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Paper


Case description:

State of Agudia (sending state) had a Consular Post located in a old building in the city centre of the second largest city of Republic of Resland (receiving state) Sobrano City. On July 20th, 2020 a sudden fire broke out in the premises of that Consular Post. It happened while the Consul-General of that Consular Post – Mr. Fulibano – was absent and nobody could reach him by phone. He did not respond to the phone calls. Firefighters could not wait longer, because they risked that the fire could spread causing irreparable damage. That is why the fire brigade of Republic of Resland decided to enter the premises of the Consular Post of Agudia. As a result, they stopped the fire and rescued the rest of the building. Next day, it turned out that important files (different confidential documents) disappeared from the archives of the Consular Post – it was easy to check, since they were sent by diplomatic correspondence and they were received in the morning of the day when the fire broke out. They were listed as “received”, but they had not been registered yet into the system. This fact raised suspicions that under the pretext of extinguishing the fire, Republic of Resland tried to spy on Agudia and stole files that were within reach. The file were not found until the next day, when one of the firefighters brought them, admitting that he had taken them so that they would not be damaged during the firefighting operation. He said that during the operation he had to enter the archives room, noticed documents on the table, that were not in a steel (fireproof) closet, and then, being tired after the operation, he “forgot to tell his superiors”. Hearing this, the Consul-General got so angry, shouted “You spy!!!and punched the firefighter twice. After that he was immediately arrested by the Resland police from Sobrano Department.


  1. Explain, how do you understand the following terms:
  1. Who are the members of the staff of the diplomatic mission?
  1. What are the classes of the head of the diplomatic mission?
  1. Diplomatic privileges and immunities
  1. Consular post
  1. Consular functions
  1. Honorary Consul
  1. Consular privileges and immunities

(7 points)

  1. In the abovementioned case:
  1. Was the inviolability of the premises of the Consular Post of Agudia (located in Sobrano) violated?
  1. Was the inviolability of the consular archive violated?
  1. Was the personal inviolability of the Consul-General violated by the police officers of Resland?

(3 points)

Instructions how to answer the questions in written:

  • Look through UNCLOS, especially art. 17-19 and 25;
  • You have to explain and provide justification for all of your answers, otherwise you will receive less points;
  • Question #1 – it is important that you try to explain in your own words how do you understand those terms;
  • There is no word limit of your written response, you just have to explain and justify your answers;
  • If it is possible, please refer to particular articles of UNCLOS.

Law Homework Help

Role of The Emergency Management Professional Discussion & Responses


When it comes to the professional and ethical responsibilities of an Emergency Management professional what is something you knew or had a previous assumption of prior to this week? What have you learned about Emergency Management careers? What career, organization, or professional development style would you like to learn more about? Lastly, I’d like you to pick which career, organization, or subfield of Emergency Management appeals to you the most and discuss what you feel to be the most important aspects of your choice.     As always, submissions and replies are posted by replying to this thread. Check out the rubric and syllabus for guidance on the discussion board writing and content–if you have any questions or concerns be sure to reach out!  Your initial post should be roughly 300 words in length is due on Thursday by 9 P.M., while your response (roughly 150+ words) to a classmate’s post is due on Sunday by 9 P.M.

Law Homework Help

Valencia College Treatment of Women in the Criminal Justice System Paper


  • Are women treated differently throughout the criminal justice system? The incorporation of Feminist Theories is a key component of this assignment. The feminist paradigm must be evident in discussing these issues.  Research and academic support (peer reviewed journal articles) are always required.

Law Homework Help

Abilene Christian University Michel v Graydon Case Law Analysis


Discuss recent cases and describe the information and basic content of the case.

How to find a topic for a Current Events Presentation:

Read a lot of news stories. Look wherever you get your current news information.

Limitation: The news story upon which you base your summary should be within the past year. Your focus should be on civil law, not criminal law.

The structure of the paper:

The writing has a two-page limit (not including title, header, pasted document/article text, or citations; those are extra.) There is no minimum length requirement

1.The facts of the case.

In chronological order, recount all the relevant events that took place. Remember that in this case I haven’t seen the facts before, so that you will probably have to supply more complete information so that I can understand what is going on.

Please put the facts in your own words, rather than a set of quotations from a news source. I recommend that you not even be looking at the news source (if there is one) when writing this section.

Note that there must be one set of facts throughout the whole paper. If there is competing testimony as to what happened, then decide which ones are true and stick with those facts. (Don’t tell me how you made your decision; I don ‘t care. The point is that you should not waste time in this paper arguing about “what really happened.”)

Note also that the facts your source (person or news article) thinks are important aren’t necessarily the ones that really are relevant for purposes of the legal arguments you are making. Include all relevant information, but exclude details that have no bearing on the legal questions you will be discussing.

In this section you are discussing facts alone; do not bring up law or arguments yet.

2.Identify the law/ lawsuit involved.

At this point, tell me exactly who the parties or potential parties, are, and what legal area is involved(name of the tort, breach of contract, etc.). Your arguments will make no sense unless I know who the plaintiff and defendant are.

3.Give the conclusion or present status of the matter/case.

4.Be sure to indicate the full source of the article and/or provide a link so readers may locate and read more details.


Law Homework Help

CJS 225 UP Wk 5 Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice Agencies Questions


Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What does the future hold for the use of computers and artificial intelligence in criminal justice agencies?
  • What technology do you feel could be developed to help fight crime?
  • How can computers be used to enhance critical and creative thinking to ensure that criminal justice agencies improve their performance?
  • Part 2:Consider the following scenario for this assignment:A federal law enforcement agency has outdated data collection methods, and much of it is done by using paper and storing it in file folders. Consequently, the agency has had a hard time solving crimes and working with other agencies. As a result, you have been hired as their consultant to implement technology and to convince the agency leaders that this is the best approach for the agency. The federal law enforcement agency’s director is excited to hear what you have to say and has asked you to write a report that she can share with the agency’s leadership team.
    Research technology used for data collection, communication, and crime fighting.
    Write a 700- to 1,050-word report for the agency’s leadership team in which you:
    • Explain how technology can help the agency collect data, solve problems, and resolve complaints. Provide examples of technology that could be used, and how that technology would address the agency’s challenges.
    • Explain how implementing technology would help improve the agency’s internal and external (i.e., with other agencies) communications. Provide examples that outline the technology that would bridge this gap.
    • Identify ways that technology can aid in minimizing bias and generalizing. Provide at least 1 example of specific technology that could be applied.
    • Describe how the use of technology would aid in tracking and referencing offenders. Provide examples and statistics.

    Cite 2 sources to support your assignment.
    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Law Homework Help

Liberty University Prison Education Vocational Program Discussion Responses


Topic: Prison Education and Vocational Programs

Thread: You are assigned as a Prison Administrator (Warden/Superintendent) and are tasked to design an education and vocation department for your facility. You can decide if it is a male or female facility. Your resources are unlimited. What courses or vocational trades would you include in your curriculum? Why?

Replies: Provide a scriptural example in each reply and explain how it relates to your classmate’s thread. A citation from the textbook or scholarly resource may also be used. 

1. Shorter- Prison-based programs, including educational and vocational programs, can be implemented that assist the inmates’ capabilities to act like productive members of their families upon being released. For instance, these programs can mitigate addiction and enhance literacy, allowing for improved upon skills, which also has the potential to lower recidivism rates. Prison-based educational and vocational programs that increase parenting skills, for example, through regular contact with family members can not only be beneficial to the inmate, but also to the prison system in lowering recidivism rates.

The primary goal of the vocational and educational programs offered by the facility will be based in rehabilitation and preventing recidivism. This includes offering a GED preparation course, as well as an academic program that correlates with the curriculum of the local community college in the area. In addition to that, there will be vocational programs, specifically a Work Release Program, as well as an apprenticeship program to allow federal offenders to learn a trade upon release.

In regard to educational programs, as previously noted, a GED program is the most important aspect to be incorporated. Bozick, et al. (2018) noted in a meta-analysis on the effects of GED programs and similar educational programs that inmates “were 28% less likely to recidivate when compared with inmates who did not participate in correctional education programs” (p. 389). Along with a GED program, incentives to complete college courses through local and federal grants can also be recommended, as Papaioannou, et al. (2018) note that college programs are a promising way to help reduce recidivism among former inmates. It could also be useful to include educational programs that teach skills that improve social abilities, such as anger management, parenting, or similar. 

Regarding vocational efforts, the Work Release Program will allow the inmates to gain meaningful employment within the private sector while still being in the prison center. This is part of the prison programs’ design of reintegration. Along with that, the apprenticeship program will help give meaning and purpose to many of the inmates. It will also give them the opportunity to seek out meaningful employment so that they can be productive and constructive members of society. They may also be able to reconnect or reestablish their family due to the potentially increased stability that employment can bring. Some examples of the types of apprenticeship programs that could be developed include electrician work, welding, plumbing, or similar (Anyanwu, et al., 2018). 


Anyanwu, J. I., Onyechi, K. C., Adikwu, V., Ezegbe, B. N., & Otu, M. S. (2018). Influence of vocational education on Prison Inmates’ interest in vocational activities in Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 13(21), 15310-15316.

Bozick, R., Steele, J., Davis, L., & Turner, S. (2018). Does providing inmates with education improve postrelease outcomes? A meta-analysis of correctional education programs in the United States. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 14(3), 389-428.

Papaioannou, V., Anagnou, E., & Vergidis, D. (2018). Adult Inmates’ Motivation for Participation in Educational Programs in Greece. International Education Studies, 11(6), 132-144

2. Landry- A strong education and vocation department is crucial to the reduction of recidivation in any prison. Educational and vocational skills give inmates the confidence they need to pursue a job after prison and gives them the training they need to be successful in a job of their choosing. In addition, educational and vocational training reduces recidivism because it helps offenders findinterests they are passionate about, and that in turn can give them a new direction and motivation in their life(Harding, 2014).

I would choose to have a female facility. Because educational and vocation trades in the prison system wereoriginally designed for men, I would argue that having a facility with education and vocations centered around women’s needs would be most beneficial. The fastest growing population in prisons are women, and I believe that it is crucial to develop education and vocation programs centered on their specific needs (Saxena, 2014) 

    If resources were unlimited, I would have a vast selection of vocational and educational programs in my prison. I would try to have something for everyone’sneeds. I would definitely implement a GED program. Offenders who participate in GED programs will have more direction in their lives. In addition, they will also learn new skills and gain confidence. In addition to GED programs, I would also have a variety of classes that offenders can choose from to help them explore new interests and skills. Finance classes, cooking classes, and science classes will be very useful for offenders who do not know what field they would want to pursue once they are released.  

Higher level educational classes will also be provided for those who wish to participate. I would have a variety of options to choose from to provide the offenders with the most personalized experience possible. Tutors and writing centers will be available to help those who are new to school, get back on their feet. In addition, those who do exceedingly well in their studies will be afforded the opportunity to attend classes off campus. This will incentivize education and reward good grades and behavior.  

   If I did not have a budget, I would also include a variety of trades to choose from. Higher education is not for everyone, and I would like to cater to those who wishto work with their hands. Plumbing school, electrician school, mechanic school, and a variety of other trades will be available. In addition, those who perform well and behave well will be afforded the opportunity to apprentice off-site so they may get real world experience. 

   In order to get the most out of vocational and educational programs, a variety of programs should be available, so every type of learner and every type of interest is met.  


Saxena P, Messina NP, Grella CE. Who Benefits FromGender-Responsive Treatment?: Accounting for Abuse History on Longitudinal Outcomes for Women in Prison. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2014;41(4):417-432 

Harding R. (2014)Rehabilitation and prison social climate: Do ‘What Works’ rehabilitation programs work better in prisons that have a positive social climate? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology

Law Homework Help

AU Health Law to Monitor or Not Problem Continuous Electric Fetal Monitoring Essay


To Monitor or Not Problem

Adapted from Furrow et al. Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems (8th ed. 2018).
You are the chief compliance officer for the Columbia Hospital for Women. The hospital’s chief nursing

officer, Shelby Taylor, has just walked into your office to get your advice regarding hospital policy.

Jane Rudd, pregnant with her second child, has just been admitted to the obstetrics ward at full term and in labor. Her records reveal that her first delivery of a healthy 7.5 pound baby was uncomplicated. Upon admission this morning, Ms. Rudd stated that she does not want continuous electronic fetal monitoring (CEFM). CEFM involves the placement of two sensors attached to the patient’s abdomen with elastic belts: one to monitor the strength of contractions, and another to monitor the fetal heart rate. The sensors are tethered to a machine at the patient’s bedside. Tracings from the sensors can be monitored by nurses at the central nursing station on the obstetrics ward. The sensors can be disconnected periodically for brief periods of time to allow the patient to visit the bathroom, but otherwise, CEFM requires the laboring patient to remain in or near the hospital bed throughout labor and delivery and to shift position as little as possible to maintain accurate readings.

Ms. Rudd wishes to be free to shift position, move freely, and walk around the obstetrics ward with her partner during labor as part of her plan to manage pain without the use of drugs. She would like the nurses to intermittently monitor her contractions and the fetal heart rate as needed, rather than being connected to the monitors continuously.

Brianna Gardner, the nurse assigned to care for Ms. Rudd, correctly told the patient that hospital policy requires CEFM for all patients in labor. Ms. Rudd responded that she did not need CEFM during her first labor (at another hospital), which went well, and she expects the same experience again. Nurse Gardner then spoke with Ms. Rudd’s obstetrician, Dr. Cohen, who said that she is willing to allow the patient to forgo CEFM if the hospital is willing to do so. If the hospital agrees, Dr. Cohen will sign standing orders for the nurses on duty to intermittently monitor Ms. Rudd’s contractions and the fetal heart rate using a method referred to as “hands-on listening” with a fetal Doppler device. The nurses would be ordered to monitor Ms. Rudd in this fashion every 15–30 minutes during the active phase of the first stage of labor and every 5–15 minutes during the pushing phase of the second stage of labor. During the first stage of labor, the nurses would be instructed to contact Dr. Cohen immediately if the measurements fall outside of specific parameters. Nurse Gardner sought guidance from Nurse Taylor regarding how she shouldrespond to the patient’s request.

The nurses and doctors involved in the case are split over the issue. Nurse Taylor (the chief nursing officer) argues that the policy is a wise measure intended to protect infants, and Nurse Gardner agrees. Nurse Taylor points to guidelines issued by the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), which recommend “initial and ongoing” assessment of EFM tracings. Nurse Taylor interprets this language to mean that hospital staff should actually watch EFM tracings continuously throughout labor and delivery or have the monitors set to trigger alarms if the readings exceed safe parameters. In addition, she notes, CEFM shields staff from accusations that the best care was not provided, if a bad outcome occurs.

The patient’s obstetrician, Dr. Cohen, contacted the hospital’s chief medical officer, Dr. Cortez. Dr. Cortez explained to you that the hospital’s policy may be out of date in light of recent studies showing

that intermittent monitoring with hands-on listening is as safe as CEFM for the fetus and is actually safer than CEFM for the laboring patient, because CEFM is associated with a greatly increased risk of unnecessary surgical Caesarean section, which poses greater risks of infection and other complications for the patient during and after delivery. Dr. Cortez points to a statement from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) endorsing hands-on listening as an “appropriate and safealternative” to CEFM for laboring patients without complications. In addition, a recent ACOG committee report states that “Continuous EFM has not improved outcomes for patients with low-risk pregnancies” and recommends that care providers should “consider training staff to monitor using a handheld Doppler device . . . which can facilitate freedom of movement and which some patients find more comfortable.” ACOG states that hands-on listening may not be appropriate for patients at increased risk of complications such as those with meconium staining, bleeding during labor, suspected fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia, prior Cesarean, type 1 diabetes, or those receiving Pitocin. Dr. Cortez acknowledges, however, that most doctors and nurses feel more comfortable with CEFM because it is what they have been trained to do and because they feel it protects them from malpractice liability.

The hospital has two working handheld fetal Doppler devices, which are more costly to purchase and maintain than the EFM monitors it provides in every labor and delivery room. One of the nurses currently on duty has had extensive training in hands-on monitoring, whereas all of the nurses on staff are trained and certified for CEFM.

What steps would you advise the nurses and doctors involved in this case to take today to provide appropriate care for Ms. Rudd? What legal and compliance considerations would you advise the chief medical officer to take into account as he decides whether to revise the hospital’s policy going forward? Who else should he consult? If Dr. Garcia does decide to revise the policy, what additional steps should be taken, from a compliance perspective? Please document your advice to the doctors and nurses involved in this case in a written memo.