Law Homework Help

Right to Trial by Jury Under the 6th Amendment Right Policy Paper


Policy Paper: Must be on one of the 5 following subjects:
-Court System in the United States, State, Federal or both
-The Right to Counsel and/or Systems
-Victims and victim programs
-5th Amendment right to self-incrimination, etc.

-Right to Trial by Jury under the 6th Amendment right

(8-10 pages not including the title page or sources page). The paper can be anything related to Criminal Justice and the book has many examples. Some suggestions for the paper are the following: Subject options for the paper: Court System in the United States, State, Federal, or both The Right to Counsel and/or Systems Victims and victim programs 5th Amendment right to self-incrimination, etc. Right to Trial by Jury under the 6th Amendment RightYou can cite cases, any other type of publication, including: Journals, Books, Internet Articles, etc.The paper must: Be double-spaced Include 1.25 inch margins Use Times New Roman 12 point typeIt should include: A title page An introduction Body of paragraphs with subheadings Conclusion A reference page with 10 to 15 cited worksOf the total works cited, half should be from academic journals or books published by an academic press. Works cited and the references should be in APA format (details

Law Homework Help

CUNY Kingsborough Community College Budget Issues Question


Find a recent media or news article on the Internet concerning budget issues a police or other public sector agency is currently facing.

  • Give a summary of the article
  • Outline the type of operating budget utilized by the chosen agency
  • Discuss challenges faced by leaders in the article in working through the budget issues
  • Summarize how you as a criminal justice leader would work through the specified budgetary issue you outlined

Law Homework Help

Cabrillo College Juvenile Criminal Justice Presentation


  1. Explain how your topic—either the juvenile justice system or allied professionals—relates to the law enforcement branch of the criminal justice system. Include information from one of the main bullets below.
    • Juvenile Justice:
      1. School resource officers
      2. School-to-prison pipeline
      3. Juvenile rights
      4. Status offenses
    • Allied Professionals:
      1. Victim’s rights advocates
      2. Goodwill ambassadors
      3. Counselors / psychologists
      4. Community service professionals
  2. Explain how your topic—either the juvenile justice system or allied professionals—relates to the courts branch of the criminal justice system. Include information from one of the main bullets below.
    • Juvenile Justice:
      1. Restorative justice
      2. Court process for juveniles
      3. Diversion / alternatives to arrest
    • Allied Professionals
      1. Guardians ad litem
      2. Witness protection
      3. Counselors / psychologists
  3. Explain how your topic—either the juvenile justice system or allied professionals—relates to the corrections branch of the criminal justice system. Include information from one of the main bullets below.
    • Juvenile Justice:
      1. Juvenile parole/probation officers
      2. Separation from adults
    • Allied Professionals:
      1. Auditors
      2. Mental health counselors
      3. Contractors:
        1. Food services
        2. Medical services
  4. Explain how social media relates to communication skills that are important in your topic.
    • Who uses social media?
    • For what purposes do people use social media?
  5. Explain how active listening is a communication skill important in your topic.
    • Who should use active listening?
    • Why should active listening be used?
  6. Explain how cultural awareness is an important communication skill in your topic.
    • Why is cultural awareness important?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Initiative Materials

For this initiative, choose the format that works best for you. This could include one or more of the following: power point ,presentation slides,

Law Homework Help

Troy Positive Socialization Corresponds Reduction of Criminal Violation Proposal


Social Control Theory: How Positive socialization corresponds with reduction of criminal violation. (This is the topic)

Research Proposal

Each student will submit a research proposal that must be related to the criminal justice or criminology field. Topics outside the criminal justice or criminology will not be accepted and given any credit. The research proposal is a written assignment that includes a statement of the problem to be studied, the formulation of the research question and hypothesis, literature review, and methods section. The paper should be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, 1-inch margins style. It should be written between 6-8 pages in length (introduction, 1-2 pages; Literature review, 3-4 pages, and methods, 2-3 pages in length).

Law Homework Help

CUNY Brooklyn College Electronic Transactions Legal Issue Brief Discussion



Identify one issue from the weekly reading and create a Legal Issue Brief.

In a Word document, compose a one-page legal brief that follows the order indicated below:

  • Title (Issue summarized in 2-5 words)
  • Student Name

Issue (1-3 sentences)

  • Facts (3-4 sentences)
  • Student position (2-4 sentences)
  • Rationale (5-7 sentences)
  • Complete and submit this assignment according to your professor’s instructions.

Law Homework Help

CRJ 322 Strayer University Criminology Theory Application Chart


In this assignment, you are continuing on in your role as a police officer. The Chief wants to continue her emphasis on empathy training. Now that she’s comfortable that officers have a grounding in criminology theory, she wants to see how effectively they are able to apply what they’ve learned about criminology theory and empathy to their daily police work. As part of their prework for an upcoming departmental training session, the chief wants all officers to complete a chart that requires them to specify for 10 given scenarios:

  • The crime committed and the underlying cause of the behavior, based on criminology theories.
  • A police response to the scenario that addresses the behavior and provides a solution to the incident.


Complete the Criminology Theory Application Chart [DOCX], which identifies 10 scenarios of criminal or deviant acts that officers are likely to encounter in performance of their duties.

The first scenario is completed for you as an example to guide your responses for the remaining scenarios. For each scenario:

  1. Identify the crime(s) or deviance committed.
  2. Determine the behavior’s underlying cause, based on criminology theories.
  3. Outline a responding officer’s response to the scenario that addresses the behavior and provides a solution to the incident.
  4. Use three sources to support your writing.
    • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
    • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
    • The preferred method is for your Criminology Theory Application Chart to be typed, single-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
    • Include a separate source list page. Citations and references must follow SWS format.

Law Homework Help

Florida Atlantic University Becoming a Surgeon Discussion


Reiterate the information from your first discussion by submitting the following information: your major, your pathway, what is your realistic future desired job. Then, choose, share, and briefly discuss the topic you would like to use in your final project.

*Consider that your final project should answer the following: Choose a social, cultural, or ethical issue related to your field of study. Chose ONE area to focus on.

Law Homework Help

SMG 351 Post University W3 Inclement Weather Plan Discussion


Develop an inclement weather plan for all potential weather threats for a multi-purpose recreation facility (indoor and outdoor facility). You will:

  • Explain the physical location of the facility
  • Discuss all potential weather threats (blizzard, thunderstorm, hurricane, tornado, etc.) to the facility (discuss a minimum of 4 weather threats).
  • Develop a plan for each weather threat including how weather threat information will be communicated to participates.
  • Explain how/if the facility will be used as a shelter during any particular weather threat.

Law Homework Help

Prince Georges Community College W4 Criminal Justice Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario: At a death scene, the body shows bruises and lacerations to the head and face. You distinctively count six main sites of impact (by bruises and lacerations). You also find a revolver at the scene. The six-shot revolver has six empty and recently fired cartridges still in the cylinder and is bloody, especially the wooden grips. There are six bullet holes in an adjacent wall, but no apparent bullet wounds in the decedent.

How you would describe the decedent’s wounds in your field report. Then critique your findings if you were a defense attorney.