Law Homework Help

Strayer Univeristy Law Penny v Dave Case Analysis Paper


Penny v. Dave:

Penny loves dogs. All her life she has had two or more dogs. The owner of a high-end women’s accessories store, Penny decided to celebrate her success and purchase a large home on a large lot in a beautiful area of town. She started rescuing dogs—some from the shelters, some from rescues, and others directly from the streets. She currently has 32 dogs living on her property. She loves them all, provides them with food, water, shelter, appropriate veterinary care, and lots of love.

One of the newer members of Penny’s pack is Beau (short for Beauregard). Beau is a bloodhound mix Penny found as a puppy on the streets. As Beau has grown up, he’s become very interested in the wildlife that lives around the area. When he smells anything—rat, opossum, anything wild—he starts baying. He howls continuously at wildlife. Often, his baying lasts for hours.

Dave owns the property next to Penny’s. He works nights and sleeps during the day. Lately, Beau’s baying has kept him awake. One day, Beau was highly active baying at a racoon in the woods at the edge of the property. Dave was irate. He went to his garage and found some rat bait. He wrapped rat bait in some hamburger and fed it to Beau.

When Penny returned home from work, she found Beau unresponsive in the yard. She rushed him to the veterinarian. The veterinarian suspected poisoning and a blood assay showed he was the victim of rat poison. Rat poison interferes with the body’s use of vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting. His blood was not properly clotting, and so Beau was bleeding internally. The veterinarian admitted him and kept him for five days, giving him vitamin K, and protecting him from injuring himself while the poison dissipated. The veterinary bill exceeded $5,000.

Penny was distraught. She cried day and night over poor Beau. She told her neighbor Wendy about what happened. She told Wendy she did not have any poisons at her home, and she was at a loss to determine what happened to Beau. Wendy told Penny she saw Dave feed Beau something the day that Beau fell ill.

Penny asked Dave about it. Dave did not admit or deny having poisoned Beau, but he told Penny, “If the damn dog would learn to be quiet, he probably wouldn’t eat stuff he shouldn’t.” Penny realized Dave had poisoned Beau.

  1. Can Penny successfully sue Dave for trespass to chattels?
  2. Assuming Penny can be successful in such a suit, what damages can she assert and recover?

Law Homework Help

Liberty University State of Alabama Discussion


In this module we are discussing how to find the law. The best place to start is at a local law library. There are law libraries all throughout the United States. For this Discussion, you will locate and visit a local law library. Follow each step below.

Law Homework Help

The University of Oklahoma Revocation of Unilateral Contract Discussion


I’m working on a law question and need support to help me learn.

Can an offeror of a unilateral contract unconditionally rescind/revoke an offer? Is the answer yes? 

Law Homework Help

SJDC General Rule by LeFave & Scott on The Values of Intangibles Discussion


I’m working on a law exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

A defendant purchased stolen nonnegotiable savings bonds for $500. The face value of the bonds was several thousand dollars and the purchase price of the bonds was over $100, but because they could be cashed only by the owner, they were worth no more than the paper on which they were printed to the thief [People v. Dyer, 403 N.W.2d 84 (Mich. App. 1986)]. Should his conviction for receiving stolen goods valued over $100 be reduced?

A defendant paid for cattle with a postdated check. When the seller tried to cash the check, there were no funds to cover it. Should the defendant be charged with issuing a bad check?

The defendant entered the home of an elderly couple for whom he had worked, killed them, then took property from their home [Jones v. State, 652 So. 2d 346 (Fla. 1995)]. Should he be charged with robbery?

  1. The defendant in a civil rights case filed an affidavit falsely claiming not to have the money to satisfy the judgment against him [U.S. v. Holland, 22 F.2d 1040 (11th Cir. 1994)]. Did he commit a crime? If so, what crime?

A hitchhiker chats with the driver while secretly removing $80 from the driver’s purse on the back seat where he is sitting. The driver is unaware of the theft until after she has dropped off the hitchhiker. Is the crime petit larceny, larceny from the person, or robbery [State v. Brennan, 775 A.2d 919 (Vt. 2001)]?

Law Homework Help

Moraine Valley Community College Bear Brook Episode 5 Summary


I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Listen to podcast and answer the following questions

  • A detailed summary of the assigned episodes in your own words
  • Strengths of the episodes / Did these episodes connect to the course content in any way? If so, how? Do theories help make sense of the crime in question?
  • Weaknesses / Are there any unknown questions or concerns the author should address?
  • Overall impressions / What are the key take-aways of the assigned episodes?

Law Homework Help

Criminal Justice System Victimless Crimes Discussion


Can you help me understand this Criminal Justice question?

Do you think there is such thing as a victimless crime? If so, what crime(s) and if not, why don’t you think that there is a victimless crime(s)?

To date, some people believe that victims are re-victimized as they go through the criminal justice process. Do you believe this? Why or why not?

Discuss your opinion regarding the dark figure of crime. How might we get more victims to report being victimized (besides the National Crime Victimization survey). Provide TWO ideas as to how to increase reporting of victimization.

NOTE: Must cite 3 sources in APA.

Law Homework Help

CRM 499 Saint Leo University Criminal Justice Literature Review


500 word literature review based from the annotated bibliography that identifies the theoretical integration and application of information of your chosen track. Based on the paper we did before! 

Law Homework Help

Prosecution in The Trial of US vs Annie Daniels & Eva Ralph Essay


Enclosed is a narrative providing a set of facts relating to a company and individuals associated with that company, as well as a limited number of fact exhibits, which represent the full universe of documents and evidence that were introduced at trial. You may assume that any facts or materials referenced in the narrative but not attached as exhibits were discussed orally at trial.

You are a prosecutor in the trial of United States v. Annie Daniels and Eva Ralph, who have been charged with violations of four federal criminal laws: (1) violations of the anti-bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; (2) obstruction of justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1512; (3) making false statements in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001; and (4) securities fraud in violation of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 10b-5 (also at 17 C.F.R. 240.10b-5). Each of the four crimes was charged against at least one, and possibly both, of the two defendants. It is up to you to determine based on the enclosed facts which of these four crimes the government has charged with respect to each defendant, and then to argue the elements of each violation charged. Neither defendant has been charged with any crimes outside of the four identified here.

We have assigned each of you to the role of a prosecutor , as you will see in the attached assignment chart. Your assignment—consistent with your role— is to draft a paper, between 5-10 pages (double-spaced, size 12 font, with 1-inch margins), making a closing argument about why your side (prosecution or defense) should win on these charges. For those of you assigned to be prosecutors, you should argue that the evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendants are guilty of each of the crimes charged against them.
Formal citations are not required in the paper , but when discussing the law you should, in some manner, reference the statutes or cases to which you are referring.

Your paper will be graded on how well you analyze the elements of each offense, the substance and persuasiveness of your arguments, and the structure of your arguments

Law Homework Help

CRJ 101 ACC What Are Some Other Barriers to Criminal Justice Reform Questions


  • What statistic in the report surprised you about school crime and safety? Please refer to a specific statistic found on the site and cite it properly. Tell us why this statistic surprised you, confirmed your belief, etc.
  • In 81% of violent, targeted school attacks, at least one person knew someone was conceiving of or planning an attack. In most cases, no one came forward with this information. Why might someone hesitate to come forward?
  • What are some significant differences between school shootings and mass shootings in the general population (for example, the Colorado movie theatre shooting or the Orlando nightclub shooting)?
  • Discuss the challenges inherent in preventing mass shootings in schools, the workplace, and the general public. Are there any proven strategies to help control this type of violence?
  • What ideological differences might interfere with making meaningful criminal justice reform to prevent mass shootings?
  • What are some other barriers to criminal justice reform