Law Homework Help

Prince Georges Community College My Relationship with My Body by Wilder Essay


Choose a thematic message between two different works(poem, story, play, songs, or movie). Compare and contrast how both works compare that message. What three Literary elements does each author used to express the same thematic message. Pick one. two or three to analyze or compare. Choose your own topic and develop your own arguments. Academic Audience( tone, Language, and style should be appropriate for an academic audience. Analyze literary text or texts include scholarly further explore the text. Minimum of three academic sources. On e from PGCC databases or PGCC library resource (print or electronic) No Wikipedia articles. 1” Margins, all-around border No picture Dobble space text. 6-10pageswork cited page does not count

Law Homework Help

University at Albany Week 6 Law Homeland Security Paper


Defining Homeland Security In the 21st Century. Here you are to present an analysis of what Homeland Security (HLS) is in the 21st Century. Do not merely make a paper about what the Department of Homeland Security states is “Homeland Security.” You are to provide research and analysis as to what HLS constitutes, and why.

Law Homework Help

Washburn University Module 4 Criminal Justice & Security Technology Discussion


Criminal justice /Security technology, 1 discussion and 2 short responses. and 4 critical thinking questions. I will attach all the instructions and an access to an e book as well as extra materials

Law Homework Help

Boston Application of the 6th Amendment Right to Counsel Custodial Interrogation in Miranda v Arizona Case Paper


The Supreme Court has held that the Sixth Amendment right to counsel requires police to secure a valid waiver of the right to counsel or see to it that counsel is present at any pre-trial “critical stage” of a criminal prosecution.  Referring to the Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966) case, discuss how the Court applied the requirements of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel to custodial interrogation.

Kanovitz, J. R., Ingram, J. L., & Devine, C. J. (2018). Constitutional law for criminal justice. Routledge.

Law Homework Help

DSC 4012 Florida International University Terrorism & Homeland Security Discussion


The author discusses the use of cyber-terrorism and the potential effects on American society. What are some potential counter terrorist policy strategies that could assist in the prevention of cyber-terrorism? What are your thoughts on the RSA presentation in the video?

RSAC TV: The Future of Cyberterrorism (Links to an external site.)RSAC TV: The Future of Cyberterrorism

Do you believe that any intervention could potentially increase or decrease the number of suicide attacks? What makes women as suicide bombers so unnerving to society? (Links to an external site.)

What are your thoughts on the school for suicide bombers? What could be done to disrupt this practice?

Law Homework Help

Penny vs Dave Negligence Claim Case Study


I attached the IRAC I did a couple weeks ago. The professor made some comments to edit it so please follow her comments on bubble and side notes.

The case we need to write is Penny v. Dave; however, the only case we need to quote a lot of is Plotnik ( which I attached that case too).

Reminder, I don want you to write a new case. Just edit and modify the paper base on her recommendations on a new draft ( do not use the same file please).

Plotnik case is only for purpose of source. the main case we need to submit is for penny v. Dave.

the words attachment with file name of ” v1_ …” is the only page I need you to edit base on the professor comments.

Penny v. Dave:

Penny loves dogs. All her life she has had two or more dogs. The owner of a high-end women’s accessories store, Penny decided to celebrate her success and purchase a large home on a large lot in a beautiful area of town. She started rescuing dogs—some from the shelters, some from rescues, and others directly from the streets. She currently has 32 dogs living on her property. She loves them all, provides them with food, water, shelter, appropriate veterinary care, and lots of love.

One of the newer members of Penny’s pack is Beau (short for Beauregard). Beau is a bloodhound mix Penny found as a puppy on the streets. As Beau has grown up, he’s become very interested in the wildlife that lives around the area. When he smells anything—rat, opossum, anything wild—he starts baying. He howls continuously at wildlife. Often, his baying lasts for hours.

Dave owns the property next to Penny’s. He works nights and sleeps during the day. Lately, Beau’s baying has kept him awake. One day, Beau was highly active baying at a racoon in the woods at the edge of the property. Dave was irate. He went to his garage and found some rat bait. He wrapped rat bait in some hamburger and fed it to Beau.

When Penny returned home from work, she found Beau unresponsive in the yard. She rushed him to the veterinarian. The veterinarian suspected poisoning and a blood assay showed he was the victim of rat poison. Rat poison interferes with the body’s use of vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting. His blood was not properly clotting, and so Beau was bleeding internally. The veterinarian admitted him and kept him for five days, giving him vitamin K, and protecting him from injuring himself while the poison dissipated. The veterinary bill exceeded $5,000.

Penny was distraught. She cried day and night over poor Beau. She told her neighbor Wendy about what happened. She told Wendy she did not have any poisons at her home, and she was at a loss to determine what happened to Beau. Wendy told Penny she saw Dave feed Beau something the day that Beau fell ill.

Penny asked Dave about it. Dave did not admit or deny having poisoned Beau, but he told Penny, “If the damn dog would learn to be quiet, he probably wouldn’t eat stuff he shouldn’t.” Penny realized Dave had poisoned Beau.

  1. Can Penny successfully sue Dave for trespass to chattels?
  2. Assuming Penny can be successful in such a suit, what damages can she assert and recover?

Law Homework Help

Southern New Hampshire University Crime by US Government Discussion


Discussion post: What is one example of a crime committed by the U.S. government? Be sure to use a credible source for this information that is fact-based and written by an expert in the field (author holds PhD, article is peer-reviewed, etc.). How does that crime affect the social classes?

Law Homework Help

Southern New Hampshire University SARA Situation Report Powerpoint


Overview: This assignment is a situation report, or sitrep, in the form of a presentation that summarizes the analysis and response sections of the SARA report in the final project. 

Prompt: The middle two sections of the SARA report are analysis and response, and you created the analysis section of your report in Milestone One. In the response section, you will review a strategy currently being used to respond to the threats presented by the terrorist organization you are exploring in this course. You will also propose changes or enhancements to the strategy to be piloted in your regional fusion center. This information will be a situation report in the form of a presentation. As you build your presentation, remember that slides serve as visual aids that accompany what you would say during a presentation. Use the notes section of each slide to add the details (in complete sentences) of what you will say while delivering the presentation. Consider the tips available at the following websites:

? Creating Effective PowerPoints for Criminal Justice 

? Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

? Analysis: Summarize the main points from Milestone One, including background information about the terrorist organization, how the organization uses radicalization in recruitment, and the role of media in promoting the organization’s cause. 

? Response: 

o Strategy: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of a current strategy to counter the terrorist organization, including the effectiveness of that strategy. 

o Recommendations: Propose changes or enhancements that address the identified weaknesses of the current counterterrorism strategy, including the tools, resources, and training needed for implementation in your regional fusion center. 

Law Homework Help

Southern New Hampshire University Counterterrorism Tactics in Homegrown Documentary PPT


Overview: In this discussion, you will present an after-action report on the counterterrorism tactics used in the documentary Homegrown (cc).
Prompt: The oral presentation you will create for this discussion is an after-action report on the counterterrorism tactics used in the documentary Homegrown
(cc). Your presentation should include six to eight slides, excluding title and reference slides, with speaker notes on each slide. Focus on the counterterrorism
tactics highlighted in the documentary. Your oral presentation should be no more than five minutes.
As you build your presentation, remember that slides serve as visual aids that accompany what you would say during a presentation. Use the notes section of
each slide to add the details (in complete sentences) of what you will say while delivering the presentation.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Strength: Identify a strength of the government’s counterterrorism approach illustrated in the documentary. (For example, what was a positive outcome
of the actions taken by the government?)

 Weakness: Identify a weaknesses of the government’s counterterrorism approach illustrated in the documentary. (For example, what was a
counterproductive or negative outcome of the actions taken by government?)

 Justification: Justify your thoughts on whether the right strategies were taken or those strategies were counterproductive to the overall approach to
dealing with American citizens, referring to the outcomes in the documentary.

 Audio/Video: Ensure that your audio/video quality is clear enough that others can understand your message and your speech is aligned with any visuals
used. ( I will complete this portion myself once the powerpoint is complete)

Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should include six to eight slides, not including title and reference slides, with speaker notes on each slide. Any
citations and references should use the latest edition of the APA guidelines.

here is the link for the homegrown documentary. i will provide information…