Law Homework Help

APUS Hernandez v Mesa Case Filed at The Supreme Court Essay


I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Complete a case essay on any United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the Constitution – this encompasses most of the cases that come before the Supreme Court. However, please choose a case that was heard by the Supreme Court from 2009 to the present. Again, please do not choose a case that is older than 2009. This will help ensure that you are writing your essay on current, relevant case law. 

– Your essay should be around 2 pages and contain the following information:

– Who is involved in the case?

– How has the case moved through the legal system (who filed it, in what court? What appellate court heard it? How did it get to the Supreme Court?)?

– What was the issue in the case?

– What did the Court decide? (note that the US Supreme Court is called “Court”, not “court” and not “SCOTUS”)

– What was the Court’s analysis (WHY did they decide as they did)?

– Did any Justices dissent, and if so, what did they have to say?

– What is the impact of this case?

Law Homework Help

A. T. Still University Delinquency Familial Relationships and Violence Paper


Imagine you are training new case managers for victims of familiar (family and other relationships) violence.

Write a 350 to- 700-word training guide in which you:

  • Identify causes and impact of victimization within families and relationships.
  • Describe police response practices to familiar violence incidents and calls for service.
  • Discuss mandatory criminal charging in familiar violence cases.
  • Identify federal and state (where you live) violent crime/crime of violence and victims’ rights laws.
  • Identify crime data and trends in familiar violence.
  • Discuss future approaches to police response in familiar violence incidents.


Law Homework Help

AACC Assistance of Counsel Discussion


Prior to presenting your discussion postings watch the Effective Assistance of Counsel, Constitutional Standardvideo, read the Effective Assistance of Counsel article, the Criminal Procedure article, the Right to Counsel article and review the Supreme Court Opinions synopses.

What is assistance of counsel?

For example: Two college friends, Richard and Peter are arrested by the Capital City police. They are accused of murder for setting fire to the Capital City University administration building one night and causing the death of a janitor in the fire. Both Richard and Peter were members of a student organization that claimed that the administration of the University was corrupt, and at a rally they carried signs outside the building that read “Burn it to the ground.”

Richard’s father is very rich. He hires a team of the most expensive lawyers in the country, and after an eight-day trial, Richard is acquitted by a jury. Richard’s lawyers sought and received a separate trial for him.

Peter’s parents have no money, and Peter has massive student loans and works two jobs to pay for school. He is represented by a public defender who has 120 other cases. Though the public defender does his best with limited time and resources, Peter is convicted after a three-day jury trial.

Peter is now appealing his conviction, claiming that having a public defender with 120 cases effectively denied his right to counsel.

Was this a violation of Peter’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel? Fully explain your answer. Be sure to support your answer with scholarly sources and appellate court opinions. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Law Homework Help

CCJ 1010 Daytona State College Introduction to Criminology Questions


What characteristics distinguish the Positive School from the Classical School regarding criminal thought? Which of these schools do you lean toward in your own perceptive of crime, and why? Be specific.

If you had to give yourself a somatotype, what would it be? Explain your choice, and note whether this score would make you a likely criminal in Sheldon’s model.

What are the general findings in studies of identical twins separated at birth? What implications do these findings have for the importance of genetics or heritability regarding criminal behavior? Can you think of some criticisms for such findings?

How do brain wave patterns and the autonomic nervous systems differ between chronic, violent criminals and normal people? Does this make sense in biosocial models of criminality? Be specific.

Law Homework Help

Excelsior College Klu Klux Klan Domestic Terrorist Organization Research Paper


Over the last 50 years or so, the United States has seen several, unique domestic terrorist organizations. In this group project assignment, you have the opportunity to dig into the background of one of these organizations and analyze what makes it unique. Different organizations have formed for different reasons. They have different methods for recruiting new members, different attack patterns, and have been dealt with differently by law enforcement agencies.

Your instructor has assigned you a Domestic Terrorist Organization from one of the following:

Aryan Nations
Animal Liberation Front
Earth Liberation Front
Klu Klux Klan
Sovereign Citizens
Black Liberation Army

You are required to write a 5-7 page paper in APA format that answers the following questions:

  1. Why/how did this organization come into existence?
  2. Is this organization uniquely “American,” or does it have international analogs?
  3. How does/did this organization recruit or gain members?
  4. Why did they select the type of attacks and the targets they chose?
  5. Provide an example of an attack by this organization.
  6. What was the most effective tactic by law enforcement for combatting this organization?
  7. Did the organization accomplish their goal/s, and what happened to the organization?

Law Homework Help

Cuyamaca College All the Queen’s Horses Film Financial Fraud Discussion


Watch: All the Queen’s Horses

This week’s discussion is based on the documentary, All the Queen’s Horses.  The documentary is available on-demand at the following sites:…

Read & Respond: All the Queen’s Horses

On February 14, 2013, Rita Crundwell, former comptroller for the city of Dixon, IL was sentenced to 19½ years in prison for stealing more than $53 million from Dixon. Crundwell’s crime went on record as the largest municipal fraud in U.S. history. Just as shocking as the amount stolen from this small Illinois town, was the fact that Crundwell engaged in her scheme to pillage Dixon for 20 years before being discovered. 

Crundwell’s fraud shines an unflattering spotlight on the accounting profession and the role of the audit. The relevance of the audit has been in question since the uncovering of massive corporate frauds dating back to Worldcom and Enron. Subsequent to Crundwell’s conviction, the city of Dixon sued its auditors, accountants, and bank, settling their claim against them for $40 million.

After viewing the video and reviewing the related resources, please submit a 3-4 paragraph initial post, addressing the following:

  1. Describe the fraud scheme committed by Rita Crundwell, including how she concealed the fraud.
  2. How did Rita Crundwell steal over $37,000 each day from a town with an annual budget of around $6 million? 
  3. Discuss the application of the fraud triangle and other fraud theories we have covered as they apply to this case study.
  4. How could this fraud have been prevented?  In your discussion, be sure to explain the controls that were missing at City Hall.
  5. How could such embezzlement go undetected in annual audits by two independent accounting firms and in annual audit reviews by state regulators? How was this fraud continued for so many years?  What red flags did the auditors miss? 
  6. How did residents not become suspicious of Crundwell’s extravagant wealth and frivolous spending? 
  7. How was the fraud finally detected?  Explain the legal side of the case

Related resources:……… 

Law Homework Help

BMCC 2021 Chapter 7 Importance of the Voice Lineup Discussion Board Activity


Discussion Board Analysis: Chapter 7 – Who Said That? (Pages 117-148)

Discussion Board Activity (20 Points)

Please read Chapter 7 carefully. Part III from the textbook which contains Chapter 7 (Pages 117-148). I have also included instructions, grading rubric and pdf copy of the chapter for your convenience.

Please remember that your RESPONSE should be thoughtful and between 250-300 words. (10 points).

Post TWO thoughtful comments on your classmates’ posts (10 points). Your comments should move the discussion forward.

Write a response to ONE of the following questions:

“We make mistakes identifying voices even under the best of circumstances” (p. 127). Explain the above statement. Provide one specific example that supports the statement.


What is a voice lineup? Discuss the importance of having more than 5 voices in a voice lineup for a criminal case.

Law Homework Help

American Military University Global Terrorism Discussion


Throughout much of history, intelligence was focused in support of diplomatic and military efforts against nation-states. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, intelligence has also focused on the threat from non-state actors, particularly terrorist organizations.  What are the best strategies for collecting strategic and tactical intelligence against terrorist organizations?   What are the differences between collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence focused on terrorism versus state actors? What role does the intelligence cycle play in this process? Whose responsibility is it to develop intelligence focused on terrorism? Is terrorism as a priority of intelligence diminishing the Intelligence Community’s ability to develop intelligence on more traditional targets and uses?

For your “Question/Comment”, answer any question I pose to your initial post, ask a question of comment on the other student’s post on your discussion team. For your “Response Posts” respond to and questions or comments on your initial post from the other students.

Law Homework Help

University of London Emotional Intelligence Discussion


  • Essay
  • 1 pages
    • 1 double-spaced page = 300 words
    • 1 slide = 150 words
    • 60 minutes – 300 words
  • Law and International Law
  • Dear Writer,
    please write a journal entry accordingly to the next instructions:
    Before writing this entry, reflect on what you learned from reading Chapters 1 through 3 of the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 text, and the thoughts and approaches that Jason Bridges shared in the video.
    Finally, consider what you’ve heard and learned this week and use that information when you consider the results of your EI assessment.
    Then, write your entry addressing the following: How do you currently exercise EI personally and professionally? Describe any areas you would like to improve.