Law Homework Help

IAU Protección De Datos Y Privacidad Mundial Discussion And Responses


Answer this question in 300 words with references.

1- How would you characterize the difference between the US approach to protecting privacy versus many other countries, such as Canada, Australia, and the European Union?  Do you think self-regulation is sufficient to protect privacy or are more regulations needed?

2- Reply to 3 student posts 

This is the first student’s discussion you have to reply in 150 words:

The United States has elected for a diverse tactic to data protection. As an alternative to formulating one all-encompassing guideline such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the US chose to implement sector-specific privacy and data protection regulations that work together with state laws to safeguard American citizens’ data. Other countries such as Australia use the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) that apply equally to all sectors. While the US needs an individual’s permission to send direct marketing material, the Australian model at times overwrites these rules and can send direct marketing material without consulting with the individual. Self-regulation has failed to fully protect the private data of consumers worldwide. It is evident that more regulations and tighter penalties should be put in place to scare away violators of such rules.


Ang, P. H. (2001). The Role of Self-regulation of Privacy and the Internet. Journal of Interactive advertising, 1(2), 1-9.

Term Paper Topic

Organized Crime And The Internet. 

This is the second student’s discussion you have to reply in 150 words:

The difference between the US and European Union (EU) in protecting privacy is that in the US there is no federal regulation or law as in the EU.

In the US, there is no comprehensive privacy legislation, but several regulations that target certain sectors, and these regulations were created after an event that happened, so the legislation is reactive in protecting citizens. These regulations were created before 2000, right in the internet boom, and in my humble opinion, these regulations did not catch up with the current state of data privacy meaning that we have now 2021! Terms and ideas as data mining and machine learning were not something that these laws were thinking of at that time.

In the EU there is legislation specifically to protect privacy, which is considered a basic human right. It is called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a cross-sectoral legislation. Its purpose is to solidify user’s right to exercise their control over the extraction and use of their data.

In the US, it is difficult to discern a pattern or a plan in legislation because privacy law’s appeared after events, in a more reactive way, different than the EU regulation.

In Brazil, there was a federal law called Marco Civil da Internet (Civil Law of the Internet) that gave rights and obligations to users and companies regarding the use of the internet and data. However, this law was replaced by another one, based on the European one, GDPR, called Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados do Brasil (General Data Protection Law of Brazil). US-based companies operating in Brazil had to change their privacy policies because of the new regulation imposed by the Brazilian regulation.

I don’t believe that self-regulation is sufficient to protect privacy. As Spinello (2020) mentioned, companies such as Facebook would need to change their business model because they use big data to improve their ad sales, which are made using users’ activity track by cookies in many network platforms, even when not using Facebook. There are also companies that only collect data from people and sell it online. If there is no legal penalty to such an act, this line of business is legal and legitimate. Why would the market force something? In regards to the public, the public does not use this company’s product but other companies to sell or make a transaction. Therefore, the market won’t regulate itself. For users to push for regulation of this practice, collective knowledge is necessary but people are mostly unaware of how data is collected, processed, and sold – I had no knowledge of how cookies for tracking user’s browser activity worked before coming to this class, and I am a CS student :(. One point Spinello mentioned and I agree is that code can be used to regulate privacy with the use of ad blocks, cleaning of cookies, or using browsers that put privacy first (Brave is an awesome alternative, that blocks trackers and you can even select which to turn on or off – very user-friendly). But still, there are companies that I need their services like Google for emailing, so I do not have an opinion but to keep using them and trust them.

So I believe self-regulation is not sufficient, because of the unawareness of users, the business model of many companies, and user’s lack of power of accessing or knowing whatever data companies have, how they use it, and whom they sell data to. Consequently, it is difficult to protect or try to block something invisible. Sometimes we need the government to regulate practices and protect the citizens, even when they don’t know that they are victims!


This is the third student’s discussion you have to reply in 150 words:

Privacy can be protected through industry self-regulation; however, FTC does not recommend this legislation at this time. Furthermore, studies suggest that there has not been an effective self-regulation system to protect consumer privacy online.

In the United States, the self-regulation legislation only exists in certain industries. But, each industry is different and some industries’ data repositories are not being regulated. In contrast, in the E.U., there is a very extensive regulation on all fronts.

When it comes to protecting privacy, the approach that the United States takes is greatly different from the European Union. The United States puts more emphasis on self-regulation, which means companies only need to give out notices about the privacy they promise. These companies would get penalized by the FTC if they do not keep their promises. But, FTC’s power to protect people only applies to the promises made by companies. In many cases, people only are given the right to choose not to participate in whether their data can be used, but are not given the right to limit which companies cannot collect their data. However, the rules in the E.U. are very strict when it comes to collecting, using, and disclosing personal information; these companies require personal consent.

Additionally, these philosophies adopted by the U.S. and the E.U. could be attributed to the following reasons. Firstly,

the United States is a country which is constituted by fifty states, while the European Union is a governing body which is comprised of different countries. Because of this difference between the two, the federal government’s power in the United States is different from the power in the European Union. In the U.S., companies are being protected by the federal government. On the other hand, in the E.U., they value individual’s rights above companies. That is why it is easier for U.S. companies to fire someone than it is in E.U. Also, this might explain why in the United States the healthcare industry is for profit. Additionally, the historic backgrounds of the E.U. and the U.S could be another reason why both governments take the approaches to protect privacy differently. More specifically, this could be rooted in each legal system. The E.U. has the Civil Law system while the U.S. has the Common Law system.


Solove, D. (2012, Oct 23). On Privacy, why is the EU so different from the US? Available at… 

Law Homework Help

Criminal Justice Discussion


you must have responded to the question below with an original post and responded to another student’s post using information we have covered during this week. Please write at least 4 – 6 sentences for each original post and 2- 4 sentences in your responses.

Discussion Board Questions:

After reading the assigned text and articles for this week, answer one of the following questions in your own words using support from the readings and your own opinion:

  • What are mandatory arrest policies and how are they used for incidents of domestic violence? Do you think they have helped victims of intimate partner violence? Why or why not?


  • Briefly describe two of the barriers that can prevent victims of intimate partner abuse from reporting their victimization to police or seeking support. How can we reduce these barriers and increase reporting and support seeking?


One barrier is the language barrier of immigrants or people who don’t have English as a first language. They aren’t able to properly get help as it is unlikely they’d be somewhere they could be fully and properly understood. A fairly simple solution would be to have as many people of different race, ethnicity, and language capability at these support services. As well as advertising these services everywhere and in any way possible in these languages. Another barrier is that women don’t feel that the justice system takes these matters seriously, and we have seen several instances where this is true. They either aren’t believed, or they’re blamed, or their abuser doesn’t get a worthy punishment if even that. These places are supposed to be safe for women and for the people, yet some are victimized twice – once by their abuser, twice by the system. Officers should be trained in how to properly approach these situations, and the justice system needs to start taking these matters more seriously and give proper punishment to those deserving. 

Law Homework Help

Central Texas College Autopsy Process Criminal Justice Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice practice test / quiz and need guidance to help me learn.

When a young child dies, it has to be determined if the death was the result of an accident, natural causes, or non-accidental trauma. For this cause to be determined, there must be an investigation followed by an autopsy where the medical examiner will determine cause and manner of death. Provide one scenario from the following: accident, natural, or homicide. Describe the circumstances surrounding the death and how the investigation would be conducted concentrating on developing evidence that can be physical or testimonial from interviews of witnesses or possible perpetrators. Finally, describe what findings developed during autopsy would result in the cause and manner of death.

Law Homework Help

SNHU Cultural Views and Norms on Criminal Behavioral Theories The Beltway Snipers Paper



You are a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) senior special agent assigned to the National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF) based in Washington, D.C. The State Department recently requested your assistance at the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Budapest, Hungary, where the facility is hosting a training course on mitigating violent crimes. The ILEA training director has requested that you provide a lecture on either a notable serial killer or a recent act of terrorism and discuss what types of factors may have influenced the perpetrator’s deviant behavior that manifested in this significant criminal activity. The director advised that the goal is not only to provide a case study, but also to discuss the relevance and impact of various criminological theories when assessing criminal behavior as an ethical criminal justice professional. In support of this assessment, an analysis should focus on the role of cultural views and norms, as well as the correlation between criminological theory and practice. The focus of the lecture should be to mitigate future criminal activity through deterrence and intervention.


Using the scenario above, create a written draft of your lecture that focuses on the application of theory when analyzing an incident of criminal behavior. Choose one of the following incidences of criminal behavior as the focus of your lecture:

  • Jeffrey Dahmer profile
  • Ted Bundy profile
  • Terrorism in the U.S. (Beltway Snipers)

Resources that support each of these incidences are included in the “Supporting Materials” section below.

The following required elements should be included:

  1. Describe the incident of criminal behavior chosen (100–150 words). Include the following in your description:
    1. What crimes took place?
    2. Who committed the crimes?
    3. Where and when did the crimes take place?
  2. Explain how cultural views and values drive the criminal behavior (150–200 words). Include the following in your explanation:
    1. What is the correlation between culture and the criminal behavior?
    2. How do certain cultures view the criminal behavior differently?
    3. Are there differences in culture and geographic location regarding the legality of the criminal behavior?
    4. Do you feel that the criminal behavior is influenced more by nature or one’s environment?
  3. Explain the importance of applying theory versus making broad generalizations to explain the criminal behaviors (150–200 words). Include the following in your explanation:
    1. What are the advantages of applying theory to explain the criminal behavior?
    2. What are the disadvantages of making broad generalizations?
  4. Explain the role of ethics when applying theory to the criminal behavior (100–150 words). Include the following in your explanation:
    1. Why is ethics an important facet of criminology and the criminal justice profession?
    2. How does ethics play a pivotal role in the application of criminological theory to the crime chosen?
  5. Explain the correlation between criminal behavior theory and criminal justice practices (150–200 words). Include the following in your explanation:
    1. What theory is best applicable to the criminal behavior chosen?
    2. How did that theory affect policies related to the criminal behavior?

Law Homework Help

University of The Potomac Morey Unit Hostage Situation Management Paper


Review the Morley Unit Hostage Situation document (See Attached).

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of the Arizona Department of Corrections’ Morey Unit hostage situation.

Make recommendations for how the situation could have been avoided and mitigated, based on an analysis of the situation and the response.

  • Identify and assess the function of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan framework
  • Contrast a sampling of public-private partnerships for infrastructure security.
  • Analyze and identify the basic steps of a vulnerability assessment


Law Homework Help

Costs and Benefits to Society of Adding More Renewable Energy Essay


The US electrical grid is vast and complicated. We can all flip a switch to turn on the lights, but don’t appreciate the huge infrastructure that gives us light, heat, and all of the electronics we rely on every day (and right now if you are reading this!) Here are some resources to consider the grid:

Explore the resources and consider:

  • What are the costs and benefits to society of adding more renewable energy to the grid? What can we change about the grid to get the benefits and overcome the costs?
  • How do regulatory interests balance shorter term safety, reliability, and costs with longer term environmental impacts in the electricity sector?
  • What further questions do you have about the electrical grid for our future?

Law Homework Help

Intentional Torts battery and Infliction of Emotional Distress Case Discussion


Reply to the following prompt on intentional torts

DAVE works in an office with PAT, the elderly wife of a pastor at a local church. PAT was going to have a birthday and, as is the custom at their place of work, several office employees, including DAVE, take PAT to lunch.

At the restaurant during PAT’s birthday luncheon, PAT wore a yellow hat and sat at the head of a long table. Unknown to everyone else, DAVE arranged for a male stripper to attend the luncheon and dance to taped music while suggestively undressing in front of PAT. DAVE called the business that supplies male strippers and requested that a stripper be provided who would “give her a thrill”. DAVE paid the stripper’s fee.

During the birthday meal, a handsome man appeared and, as the taped music began to play, he began to dance near PAT while taking off his clothes. He continued to disrobe down to a very small undergarment covering only his genitals. He removed PAT’s yellow hat and placed it on his own head. While the music continued to play, he danced close to PAT and accidentally touched her twice, very lightly. The others present were amused by the performance, including the restaurant staff who gathered in a crowd at the room’s exit. PAT remained seated and absolutely still during the entire performance.

PAT now states that, since she was “trapped and surprised” at her birthday luncheon, she has not been able to eat or sleep well, and that she suffers from nightmares about the event. She asks what tort causes of action would assist her.

Discuss: PAT vs. DAVE

Law Homework Help

South University Online Ordinary Prudence Negligence Case Internal Memorandum


Assignment: Negligence Case — Analysis

Familiarity with the elements of negligence is crucial to the personal injury paralegal’s knowledge base. Also important to any paralegal’s tool box of skills are legal research and writing. The following scenario will help you exercise those skills by applying what you have learned in this week’s lectures and materials.

A state statute allows handgun owners to carry concealed handguns on the condition that the handgun owners obtain a permit from the county sheriff for the county in which they reside. The sheriff is prohibited from issuing a permit for a period of three days after receiving the application. Sheriffs cannot issue a permit to a minor, a felon, or a person who is or has undergone treatment for any psychiatric condition.

Alan Allen, aged 32, applies to the sheriff for a permit. He and the sheriff are friends, so the sheriff issues the permit without waiting three days or asking Allen if he has or is undergoing treatment for any psychiatric condition. In fact, Allen has been treated for severe depression and currently is taking medication for the same. Allen goes to a local tavern for a drink, gets into a fight with Chuck Charles, and pulls his gun, intending to frighten him. The gun fires, hits and shatters a bottle behind the bar, sending shards of glass flying. A piece of glass lodges in Chuck Charles’ eye, blinding him in one eye.

Draft an internal memorandum on the case to your attorney. Make sure to find primary sources of law, such as cases and statutes on point. You can use the law of your state, even if it differs somewhat from the fictitious state statute mentioned in the fact pattern. CITE ALL SOURCES using the BLUEBOOK format. Address in the memo the following questions:

  • Are the sheriff’s actions negligent?
  • If so, is that negligence the proximate cause of Charles’ injury?
  • Was it foreseeable that the sheriff’s failure to question Allen on his psychiatric history would result in the injury to Charles?
  • What is sovereign immunity, and will it offer any protection to the sheriff?

Name your file SUO_LGS1004_W2_A2_Freres_J

Law Homework Help

UTC Criminal Justice Questions


1) You represent a famous journalist who has been incarcerated for failure to disclose a confidential source to a prosecutor working on a murder case in your town. The prosecutor insists she needs all available information to convict a loathsome murderer. How would you argue to the judge that your client should not be imprisoned?

2) Discuss how protestors are protected and restricted by the First Amendment.

3) Your governor is getting ready to sign a new law in your state, called the “Constitutional Right to Carry Act,” that will eliminate the state’s permit and training requirements for citizens who want to carry guns. This means that a resident of your state who wants to carry a weapon, concealed or otherwise, can do so without a background check or a gun safety test. Balancing the right to bear arms against the need to control gun violence, tell the pros and cons of such a law.

4) Explain the law of stop and frisk, and why it is needed.

5) You are a senior police officer in the department, and you have been tasked by the chief of police to draft a policy on the way that police officers should deal with high-speed chases. There have been several complaints and newspaper articles about recent car chases that ended in the death or serious injury of the drivers. Additionally, some citizens are concerned that high-speed chases in residential neighborhoods are a danger to children and others. You know that many important arrests have been made as a result of such chases. Write a short policy on high-speed chases, explaining the guidelines for police officers, and justify your policy.