Law Homework Help

HCC Compare & Contrast Subculture of Female and Male Prisons in US Discussion Ques


This question is based on chapter 11 and 12 of your text and the following four audio clips regarding the discipline of female inmates in prison:

Investigation: In U.S. Prisons, Women Punished More Often Than Men. (Links to an external site.)

In Prison, Discipline Comes Down Hardest On Women (Links to an external site.)

Iowa Is Trying To Address The Disparity in How Men and Women are Disciplined In Prison (Links to an external site.)

A Commitment To Make Prison Work Better For Women (Links to an external site.)

Based on your text and the audios answer the following questions:

1. Compare and contrast the subculture of female and male prisons in the US

2. What special issues do women present to a correctional facility?

3. Should female penal institutions be structured differently to that of men?

4. In your personal opinion, is probation better option for non-violent offenders? Why or why not?

Fully explain the basis of your response.

Law Homework Help

Howard Community College Reentry in the Community Discussion 12


Chapter 13- titled: ‘Reentry in the Community’ of your text outlines some of the challenges faced by ex-felons upon release from prison. For this discussion question,

A. Name the challenges outlined in the text?

B. In your opinion, what is/are the justifications for each named challenge?

C. Do you find them appropriate or unjustly harsh?

Fully discuss the reason for your position.

Law Homework Help

Excelsior College Hurricane Disaster Plan for the Taskforce Rpeort


Please use the attachment drafted by each group member and create a Natural disaster for a hurricane. The plan is for GROUP 3 Disaster Response Team 877 Commons St., Atropia, Texana 95

All the info you need to create a plan is on the attachment and you might to add small details but not much.

Please use any template of your choice for the plan but ensure you use the info provided and add if necessary to complete the plan.

Law Homework Help

CRIM 1170 SFU Canadian Prisons Indigenous Prisoners Restorative Justice Journal


two jouenal question

1. Discuss how Canadian prisons tend to continue colonial violence against indigenous populations.

2. Discuss how indigenous cultures and traditions are beneficial for indigenous prisoners healing

two discussion question

Based on chapter 11 of your text and the article on Liberal promises on justice reform go unfulfilled by Kerr and Doob (see link below), discuss the following questions:

  1. Considering our get tough on crime and criminals society/prior Conservative government (the Liberals have yet to demonstrate their crime agenda), is there “room” for a restorative justice approach in our criminal justice system? Why or why not? (yes, this is the same question that appeared in your journal that was due this week but I want you to think about it and discuss it more with all of the students in the class). Do not just copy and paste your journal answer here.
  2. Martin Luther King once said that injustice anywhere is an affront to justice everywhere. Does restorative justice work towards creating a more just society? Discuss.

Liberal promises on justice reform go unfulfilled. It’s time to act, say Lisa Kerr and Anthony N. Doob…

Law Homework Help

CMRJ 303 APUS Preventing Misconduct Paper


-Discuss the possible effects of applying risk assessment and risk management in policing pertaining to curtailing departmental and officer misconduct. (Post must be 500 words with supporting material)

Law Homework Help

ATSU Difference between Patrol and other Roles in Police Department PPT


The main functions of the police include patrol work and crime prevention. Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing, as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts.?Prevention of crime includes activities to keep the citizens safe and is a catalyst to improve the public–police relationship. 

Imagine you are a police officer asked to give a presentation for new recruits to introduce them to patrol work and crime prevention strategies employed to maintain public safety.  

Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation in which you: 

  • Explain the difference between patrol and other roles within a police department. What are 3 functions of patrol work? Provide an example of each. 
  • Describe different types of patrol and how each affects crime and community relations. 
  • Identify at least 2 improvements or innovations that have been incorporated to aid in patrol. How does each improve police patrol work? 
  • State the difference between reactive and proactive crime prevention strategies used by the police.

Law Homework Help

Columbia Southern University Police Community Relations Annotated Bibliography


For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography, which requires you to research, select, and read three peer-reviewed journal articles. Newspapers, news outlets, blogs, or anything from Wikipedia or any of its affiliates etc. are not acceptable.

Your articles should address the following elements:

one or more of the theories regarding conflict and conflict management and how they can be applied to policing,

one or more of the different approaches to police-community relations, and

how police-community relations are impacted by police officers themselves.

In addition, substantive annotated bibliographies should address the direction, intent, and conclusions of the subject under review (your research paper topic), and explain how the individual articles are going to be applied to your final research paper.

The annotations for each source should consist of at least 100 to 150 words.

Use the annotated bibliography template to complete your assignment.

Law Homework Help

SJC OSHA Administration Discussion Board


I’m studying for my Criminal Justice class and need an explanation.

What is OSHA? What should be the main focus of this administration? Give one example of a company that produced an unsafe product/work environment that OSHA should or would get involved in.

Law Homework Help

Brigham Young Independent Study Criminal Justice Hot Sports Policing Question


I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me study.

In your own words Critically analyze and discuss the findings and conclusions of the article.

Do not summarize but respond to them. One page singles spaced doesn’t not have to apa unless outside sources are used.