Law Homework Help

College of Mount Saint Vincent CH1 to 3 Mandatory Counseling Questions


You are a juvenile court probation officer. You have a choice of programs including; mandatory counseling, family counseling, removal from the home and placing in foster care, diversion, incarceration in a youth home or mandatory participation in a 10 week boot camp. You must make recommendations to the judge for sentencing. You must use all the alternatives for the group and you can’t use more than one alternative twice. Make recommendations for each juvenile and explain your rationale. Note your difficulties and what further information you would have liked. Finally what is the overwhelming need for each person and how are you addressing that in your program.

Sally is 13 and lives in the suburbs of Fort Wayne. She was caught riding in a stolen car with two friends from high school. Sally has no record – her mother tells you that Sally was a model child until last year when her father died. Since then Sally’s grades have dropped and she has become unmanageable.

John is 16 and lives in Indianapolis. He has a long juvenile record dating back to when he was 10. John’s prior offenses include arson, disorderly conduct, larceny and assault (3). John was arrested for stealing lawn ornaments worth $23.00. John is unsupervised (no parental control) and missed his last probation meeting.

  • Don is 14 and lives in the inner-city of Gary, Indiana. Don has no father and his mother is a crack addict. Don lives by himself for long periods of time. In the past Don was arrested for stealing food from a local bakery. Don admitted to the theft, but noted he hadn’t eaten in two days. Don was removed from home – but was returned to his mother one year later. Don was arrested for possession of crack cocaine – it was believed he was selling.
  • Darlene is 12 and lives in the suburbs with her mother, step-father and new baby sister. Darlene has been in juvenile court a number of times in the past year for being a runaway. She was petitioned last month by her step-father for being incorrigible. Darlene refused to follow the family rules and is defiant to her step-father. Darlene is very intelligent and is openly disrespectful to her mother and step-father.
  • Stephen Holmes is 16 and lives in Noblesville. His father is a salesman and his mother is an executive with General Advertising Inc. Stephen has a prior record for larceny. Last month Stephen got into a fight with his brother who is 17. After the fight was over Stephen took his father’s gun and shot his brother in the head instantly killing him.

Law Homework Help

CRJ 306 UAGC Wk 1 Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Discussion


Law Homework Help

Grand Canyon University SARA Model Discussion


1- The SARA model is essentially a rational method to systematically identify and analyze problems, develop specific responses to individual problems, and subsequently assess whether the response has been successful (Burton and McGregor, 2018). The scanning step includes identifying recurring problems of concern to both the public and the police, prioritizing those problems, and selecting issues for closer examination (Boba Santos, 2017). When a problem is selected, the scanning step includes confirming that the problem exists, determining the frequency the problem occurs, the length the problem has taken place, and identifying the consequences of the problem (Boba Santos, 2017). During this process, an analyst will examine the relevant data that is available within their police agency.

During this scan phase, it is essential to acknowledge the potential issues, recognizing trends, and any other related assaults that warrant further observation of the current issue (Porter, 2013). The information gathered must be determined and confirmed that a specific problem is affecting the community (Porter, 2013). This will be obtained by crime reports, calls for service on the particular crime, and any arrest. The purpose is to find out what is occurring that can be dictated by the environments in which it occurs and the type of behaviors connected with it. The environment will regulate the target areas available; the activities individuals engage in, and the location that someone controls. When the scanning process is conducted, an issue will be confirmed, with further analysis of the problem can be administered to find particular patterns and trends.


Boba Santos, R. (2017). Crime analysis and crime mapping (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 9781506331034

Burton, Steve. & McGregor, Mandy. (2018). Enhancing SARA: a new approach in an increasingly complex world. Crime Science, 7(1), 1–5.…

Porter, L. E. (2013). Beyond ‘oversight’: a problem-oriented approach to police reform. Police Practice & Research, 14(2), 169–181.

2- A very useful tool that law enforcement and analysts use to reduce crime is the SARA model. This model works by identifying and responding to long term policing problems (Santos, 2017). The four steps in this model are Scanning, Analyzing, Responding, and Assessing. The scanning process refers to the first step of this model.

Scanning is the step of defining specific crime problems (Santos, 2017). First, the problem is selected. Then, the analyst has to validate the problem and assess whether or not it is an actual, legitimate problem. If it is, an analyst then has to determine how often the crime problem is taking and and how long this problem has been around for. Then, the analyst has to see what consequences or what things happening as a result of this problem. During this step, all data is analyzed. This step involves investigating the nature of the crime to understand what is happening, not why something is happening (the why can only be answered once everything about the crime is known, therefore this question is answered on a different step of SARA). Part of this step involves finding out in what types of environment the crime problem is happening and what type of behavior is associated with this problem.

SARA is still a fairly new process, but it has been found to be highly effective at reducing crime. According to Hinkle (2017), law enforcement agencies who use this model see an average of 33.8% reduction of crime (specifically the crime related to the crime problem). However, this model is still evolving. In 2017, a ream in London was trying to see how they could further enhance the SARA model and they ended up adding extra steps. Among these extra sets, the team added an extra step to the Scanning Process. The Scanning Process now consisted of 2 steps: Scanning and Prioritizing (Burton, 2018). This new second part of scanning consists in mainly prioritizing resources to analyze the problem while taking into consideration the impact of different factors on the crime problem (Burton, 2018). This is still a new addition, but I believe it can definitely enhance the crime reduction results of the SARA model, especially when it comes to finding out the nature of the crime problem because it can provide more information as to what exactly is happening. This can help analysts understand even more about a crime problem.

Arizona State University. (n.d.). The SARA Model. ASU Center for Problem Oriented Policing. Retrieved from

Burton, S., McGregor, M. (2018). Enhancing SARA: a new approach in an increasingly complex world. Crime Sci.

Hinkle, J. C., Weisburd, D., W. Telep, C. W., & Petersen, K. (2020). Problem‐oriented policing for reducing crime and disorder: An updated systematic review and meta‐analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 16(2).…

Santos, R. (2017). Crime analysis with crime mapping (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 9781506331034

3- The scanning process in the SARA model is the initial step of analyzing a crime problem to figure out an effective problem(s) response or responses. This is where crime analysts decide what information they are going to evaluate and put together for police personnel that would be important and useful for their crime responses (Santos, 2017). The goal of the scanning process is for crime analysts to find out how many times the problem actually occurs, how long its been happening for, and what is taking place as an aftermath because of these problems (Santos, 2017). An example of the scanning process is when a police agency notices an increase in drug-related crime in their jurisdiction, this is a problem that needs to be prioritized and a solution made to decrease the drug-related crime before it becomes out of control to the point where it will take decades to fix (Hinkle, Weisburd, Telep, Petersen, 2020).

Being able to identify that there is an issue or problem at hand with certain crimes or jurisdictions based off of incoming reporting, through records management systems, such as COMPSTAT, is seriously important and a time sensitive matter. It proves The scanning process determines the nature of the problem and its complexities (Sabel & Simon, 2016). If these crime increases are not determined right away, the problem at hand could turn out very serious and could amount to a crime epidemic. The issues need to be handled right away as soon as a trend is spotted, therefore the analysis of why the issue is happening can be researched, a plan can be implemented, and then an assessment can be made whether or not the response program worked. To implement the SARA model takes time and if the assessment shows there was no positive result or decline in crime trend, its back to the drawing board which takes more time.


Hinkle, J.C., Weisburd, D., Telep, C.W., & Petersen, K. (2020). Problem‐oriented policing for reducing crime and disorder: An updated systematic review and meta‐analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 16(2).…

Sabel, C. F., & Simon, W. H. (2016). The Duty of Responsible Administration and the Problem of Police Accountability. Yale Journal on Regulation, 33(1), 165–211.

Santos, R. (2017). Crime analysis with crime mapping (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 9781506331034

***Please respond to these students discussion Boards, each responses should be 150+ words followed by its own reference***

Law Homework Help

Taft College Women Participation in Politics Discussion Questions


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me learn.

1. 450-550 word response. Your task is to choose ONE country outside the U.S. and explain how the role of women has changed over time in that specific country. Then, compare and contrast the role of women in that country to the role of women in the U.S. Think about the following: a. how have women been treated historically in both countries (the U.S. and the chosen country), b. have women been the “underclass” in both. Yes/No and in what ways, c. Has anything changed with respect to the role of women in both countries today? What policies/acts have been implemented that have impacted the change (if any). You may add more points, but these were simply to guide your train of thoughts.

2.450-550 word reposne Your task is to explain new ways in which terrorists/terrorist organizations have used to instill fear in society (use at least 3 different ways)? How has the new wave of terrorism impacted the way people terrorism and how have societies responded to that? You may choose an example to illustrate from any society of your choice to support your response.

Law Homework Help

College of Mount Saint Vincent Teen Courts Discussion and Responses

Discuss the following in Module 5 discussion.  

What are they good for?

What would be a wrong application?

Would you like to participate in or be tried in teen court?

Do you think juvenile delinquents take teen court serious?

Law Homework Help

UCirvine Criminal Justice Social Identity and the Legal System Discussion


These chapters address issues relating to social identity (such as race, class and gender) and the legal system. In this way, they resonate with earlier articles we have engaged which examine race and gender as they pertain to policing. In what ways do these discussions build on the previous ones we have read? What do they add? What are your thoughts on the type of political activism in CJ process raised in the Butler article? By extension, what in your opinion is the relative importance of ‘objectivity’ vs. political consciousness (for instance, is it more important to try and seek out a measured, ‘objective’ truth, or is it more important to try to “do the right thing” when there is a subjective sort of situation where the boundary between morality and immorality is not so clear) ?

course materials:… 

Law Homework Help

Havard University Collaborative Change and Conflict Strategy Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Law course and I need some help to understand this question.

Explain collaborative change and conflict strategy in conflict resolution and recommend the best approach. 

Law Homework Help

CJ 232 San Jose State University American Juvenile Justice Discussion


Please read The Below First

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.

Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.

Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.

I have word documents attached with the instructions.

Then let me know. 

Thank you.

Subjects are:

Criminal Justice

This is the book that is used:

American Corrections in Brief

ISBN-13: 9781305633735


Clear, T. R. (2016). American Corrections in Brief. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from…

Your answers will be original?

The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?

Please answer:

1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.

2. Your answers will be all original?

3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?

Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.

Law Homework Help

CRJS 492 How Does Mass Incarceration Affect Mental Health Essay


I need a 3 page paper and an abstract on the specific topic that is in the question title. There is a template that my prof provided to follow down below! As well as the rubric. Please use references from jstor, google scholar, and etc. no wiki.