Law Homework Help

JJCCJ Proper and Improper Use of Defense for Self Defense Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1- How can the defense of self defense be used properly and improperly? 

2- Should insanity be a defense? Why or why not? 

Law Homework Help

USF Environmental Law Major Environmental Events Presentation


Create a timeline of major environmental events using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint: You can upload the file as a powerpoint or you can convert it to a PDF file. There are a few file types that have been problematic, so I would go with either of these two file types.

Create one slide for each of the following with bullets summarizing the key events and a bullet listing the key people in each period.

Grading Rubric: 30 points, 3 for each content slide.

1. Cover Slide (title, name, class, date)

2. Colonial Period to 1900

3. Progressive Reforms and Conservation (1900-1945)

4. Recreation and the Age of Ecology: (Post WWII to 1969)

5. Earth Days (Nixon and Carter)

6. Deregulation (Reagan)

7. The Environmental President (Bush H.W.)

8. Global Awareness and Gridlock (Clinton)

9. Rollback (Bush)

10. Overtures and Initiatives – Make this as current as you want (Keystone Pipeline mentioned, etc) (Obama Administration)

Please Note: I am not trying to place “Busy Work” on you but listing out a timeline of env events really puts things in perspective. Just keep it simple and relatively painless. You will learn a lot!

Law Homework Help

Florida State University Case Briefs Questions


Brief the following case and answer the questions

National Restaurant Association v. Hilda L. Solis 870 F. Supp. 2d 42 United States District Court for the District of Columbia May 29, 2012

  1. What, according to the court, is the primary purpose of the notice-and-comment requirement of the Administrative Procedure Act?
  2. What was the plaintiffs’ “logical outgrowth”argument?
  3. Why did the court reject that argument?

Schubert, Frank August. Introduction to Law and the Legal System (p. 516). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.

Brief the following case and answer the questions

Inspector General of U.S. Department of Agriculture v. Glenn 122 F.3d 1007 U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit September 18, 1997

1. What argument did Glenn make to the appellate court regarding the Inspector General’s statutory authority?

2. How did the appeals court rule, and why?

3. Why do you think that the appellants were unsuccessful with their claims that the subpoenas were both indefinite and unduly burdensome?

Schubert, Frank August. Introduction to Law and the Legal System (p. 516). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.

Brief the following case and answer the questions

National Mining Association v. Mine Safety and Health Administration 512 F.3d 696 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit January 11, 2008

1. What were the Association’s objections to the final rule?

2. Why did the court deny the petition and sustain the final rule?

Schubert, Frank August. Introduction to Law and the Legal System (p. 516). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.

Law Homework Help

Florida State University Billing Privileges Questions


Brief the following case and answer the questions

Abdul Razzaque Ahmed v. Kathleen Sebelius 710 F. Supp. 2d 167 United States District Court, District of Massachusetts May 10, 2010

1. Why did Ahmed believe his billing privileges should not have been revoked?

2. Why did the U.S. District Court reject Ahmed’s arguments?

Schubert, Frank August. Introduction to Law and the Legal System (p. 516). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.

Brief the following case and answer the questions

Trans Union Corporation v. Federal Trade Commission 245 F.3d 809 U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit April 13, 2001

  1. What consumer interest was the FTC seeking to protect in ruling as it did vis-à-vis Trans Union?
  2. Why did the appeals court uphold the agency’s determination that Trans Union’s actions were contrary to the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

Schubert, Frank August. Introduction to Law and the Legal System (p. 516). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.

Law Homework Help

Southern New Hampshire University Homeland Defense Terrorisms Plan


I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

Discussion post: Why is it important to have a terrorism plan and terrorism exercises that integrate police, fire, emergency medical, and other governmental specialties? Explain.

Law Homework Help

CIF Punitive or Rehabilitative Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Is current juvenile justice policy punitive or rehabilitative? What evidence can help to make this determination?

Law Homework Help

Career Institute of Florida Technology in the Criminal Justice System Paper


Be sure to respond completely to all of the following questions in a well thought out essay of no less than 500 words.

What is the role of criminal justice practitioners in the development and implementation of technology in the criminal justice system? Describe some of the controversial issues criminal justice policy makers face when considering an expansion in the use of DNA in criminal justice.

Utilize APA 7th Edition and include a title page and reference page. Be sure to utilize level headings as per APA 7th edition.

Law Homework Help

Miami Dade College US Constitution Amendments Summary


The readings will be from this website:

Read the “Common Interpretations” for each of the following Amendments: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 14th PLUS any other Amendment of YOUR choosing.

Take notes, then comprehensively summarize EACH interpretation (in your own words) for each Amendment. Include the name of the individual that is providing the interpretation. That would be 12 summaries. I’d rather have a comprehensive summary and not have to include a minimum number of required words, but the minimum is 135 words for EACH summary. Upload one WORD document with the 12 summaries. Yes, in numerical order. I have attached a WORD document that provides a standardized format for your submission.

Late assignments, as determined by Bb, will lose 25% off the final grade on this assignment.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

This assignment is individual effort and designed to provide you with a closer look at the U.S. Constitution. It’s a little investment now for rewards later. Remember why you are here.

Law Homework Help

USF California Environmental Justice Alliance Discussion


If you want to engage your classmates, then post early to get a good conversation going about Environmental Groups/Environmental Justice!

Pick one ENVIRONMENTAL or ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE non-profit organization to research. On the discussion board, summarize the following items in a coherent paragraph. (20 points) Also respond to two other student’s with your opinion on whether you agree or disagree with their mission statement or any other aspect of the posting. Your response should be at least two sentences and you must substantiate your point of view (5 points each)

a. Name of non-profit and how long in operation?

b. How is the group funded?

c. What is the overall mission (summarized)

d. What are their main tactics used to achieve its mission? Have these tactics worked to affect policy?

e. Name some groups that oppose their mission.

f. Do you think the group is effective in achieving its mission?

Here are a couple websites with listings of organizations to help get you started:

The Green Spotlight (Links to an external site.)

Global Stewards (Links to an external site.)