Management homework help

Imagine you have completed your bachelor’s degree at Strayer and are searching for a job in finance, accounting, or business. Using various employment websites (Monster Jobs, Indeed Job Search, or USAJobs), find three careers in finance, accounting, or business in which you are interested. Be sure to specifically address why you are interested in the career, what qualifications you have or may need to get this position, and where you see yourself in this career, long-term.

Management homework help

Discuss how you will use the lessons learned in your BBA program to be more productive in your current (or future) career. Provide specific examples to support your response

Management homework help

Of all the skills that you learned about in this course, which do you think will have the biggest impact on your current or future profession? Why?
What advice would you share with a future student about this course?
Remember to answer the discussion question in at least one paragraph of 5-7 sentences. Also respond to at least 1 of your peers (at least 1-2 sentences).

Management homework help

Critically evaluate the practice of HRM. Draw on two HR practices covered on C18HM to illustrate your answer.

Management homework help

  • List and explain at least five main forces that will determine future change in healthcare.
  • How will you, as a healthcare administrator/manager, deal with those changes? Be specific and make sure that your ideas are feasible. For example, you will not have unlimited budgets and labor willing to work for low wages.

Your paper should be clear, concise, and detailed. No bullet points; use complete sentences. The final exam should be between 4-5 pages long, TimesNewRoman, 12 font. Do your research outside of the textbook; you may refer to the list of governmental organizations I provided. There are many challenges driving the future of the healthcare industry, so you will be able to find enough content to write about.

Management homework help

  • List and explain at least five main forces that will determine future change in healthcare.
  • How will you, as a healthcare administrator/manager, deal with those changes? Be specific and make sure that your ideas are feasible. For example, you will not have unlimited budgets and labor willing to work for low wages.

Your paper should be clear, concise, and detailed. No bullet points; use complete sentences. The final exam should be between 4-5 pages long, TimesNewRoman, 12 font. Do your research outside of the textbook; you may refer to the list of governmental organizations I provided. There are many challenges driving the future of the healthcare industry, so you will be able to find enough content to write about

Management homework help

Using the problem you identified in your Module One journal and the feedback you received, describe the research problem including the context in which it exists. Using the problem statement, describe the stakeholders and research objective. Based on the research objective, develop a research question that clearly and concisely articulates in one sentence the purpose of the study. Consider the key real or potential ethical issues or challenges of the study.
After describing your business problem and research question, prepare a comprehensive literature review that carefully and thoughtfully examines the research problem from a scholarly perspective using a minimum of seven quality sources. A minimum of three of the sources must be selected from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Other quality sources can be professional publications or magazines, internal corporate publications such as annual reports or white papers, or established news sources.
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Management homework help

Project Two Guidelines and Rubric
You are a data analyst for a basketball team. You have found a large set of historical data, and are working to analyze and find patterns in the data set. The coach of the team and your management have requested that you perform several hypothesis tests to find the statistical significance of the claims that are being made about your team. This analysis will provide evidence to validate critical claims and get statistically valid findings that will help make key decisions to make the team better in upcoming seasons. You will use the Python programming language to perform statistical analysis and will also need to present a report of your findings to the team’s management. Since the managers are not data analysts, you will need to interpret your findings and describe their practical implications. The managers will use your report to find areas where the team can improve its performance.
Note: This data set has been “cleaned” for the purposes of this assignment.
FiveThirtyEight. (April 26, 2019). FiveThirtyEight NBA Elo dataset. Kaggle. Retrieved from
For this project, you will submit the Python script you used to make your calculations and a summary report explaining your findings.

  1. Python      Script: To complete the tasks listed below, open the Project Two      Jupyter Notebook link in the Assignment Information module. Your project      contains the NBA data set and a Jupyter Notebook with your Python scripts.      In the notebook, you will find step-by-step instructions and code blocks      that will help you complete the following tasks:
    • Hypothesis       tests for a population parameter
      • Hypothesis        tests for a population mean
      • Hypothesis        test for a population proportion
    • Hypothesis       test for the difference between two population parameters
      • Hypothesis        test for difference between two population means
  2. Summary      Report: Once you have completed all the steps in your Python      script, you will create a summary report to present your findings. Use the      provided template to create your report. You must complete each of      the following sections:
    • Introduction:       Set the context for your scenario and the analyses you will be       performing.
    • Hypothesis       tests for the population mean: Discuss all steps of the hypothesis       tests and interpret your results.
    • Hypothesis       test for the population proportion: Discuss all steps of the hypothesis       test and interpret your results.
    • Hypothesis       test for the difference between two population means: Discuss all       steps of the hypothesis test and interpret your results.
    • Conclusion:       Summarize your findings and explain their practical implications.

What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Python Script
C:\Users\kingh\Downloads\Project Two Jupyter Script.html
Summary Report Zip File
Use the provided template to create your summary report. The template contains guiding questions to help you complete each section. Be sure to remove these questions before submitting your report. Your summary report should be submitted as a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document. It should include an APA-style cover page and APA citations for any sources used. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

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Management homework help

Critically evaluate the practice of HRM. Draw on two HR practices covered on C18HM to illustrate your answer.