Mathematics Homework Help

COVID 19 Vaccination Campaign Parameter Values Questions


Help me to answer the two problems. please don’t bid if you don’t know how to answer. View the attachment first. Excel file and video will be given as your reference

Mathematics Homework Help

MATH 102 National Louis University Statistical Research in Healthcare Essay


Last week you formulated a research question and procedures for studying this question. You also reviewed two articles with main ideas similar to your own research. You were then able to see what kind of data is used to answer similar research questions.

This week you will synthesize your findings into a 4-5 page analytical essay that further elaborates on and explores your research methodology. Modern statistical research relies on many of the concepts we studied in this course. Of course, the statistics used are often at a much higher level than what we have studied this term. In this course we studied statistics that only involved a few variables; however, in real research, statistics involves many more variables.

Imagine that you have become a high-ranking executive with your prospective employer. You have vast resources to expand, including a team of statisticians and “number-crunchers”. In this case, you would most likely be the last person conducting research. However, you do need to understand the results of your research and explore various methods for conducting research.

Your essay should have three parts, described below:

Part I: Discuss how your team would collect your data? Would you review the entire population or would you select a sample? If you choose to select a sample, what sampling technique would you use to form a representative sample? Would you divide the members of your sample into additional groups, such as a randomized control group?

Part II: Describe the methodology your team would use to analyze your data. What kinds of statistical techniques would you use that you have learned in this course? How would you present your statistics—in a table or with a graph? How would the statistical techniques you choose help you answer your research question?

Part III: Identify how your team would interpret the results of this study? What kinds of values would you be analyzing from your study in part 2? If you are using hypothesis testing, what confidence level would you like to use? If you’re using regression analysis, what value would be favorable? How will your team report on these results? Last week you formulated a research question and procedures for studying this question. You also reviewed two articles with main ideas similar to your own research. You were then able to see what kind of data is used to answer similar research questions.

This week you will synthesize your findings into a 3-4 page analytical essay that further elaborates on and explores your research methodology. Modern statistical research relies on many of the concepts we studied in this course. Of course, the statistics used is often at a much higher level than what we have studied this term. In this course we studied statistics that only involved a few variables; however, in real research, statistics involves many more variables.

Imagine that you have become a high-ranking executive with your prospective employer. You have vast resources to expand, including a team of statisticians and “number-crunchers”. In this case, you would most likely be the last person conducting research. However, you do need to understand the results of your research and explore various methods for conducting research.

Your essay should have three parts, described below:

Part I: Discuss how your team would collect your data? Would you review the entire population or would you select a sample? If you choose to select a sample, what sampling technique would you use to form a representative sample? Would you divide the members of your sample into additional groups, such as a randomized control group?

Part II: Describe the methodology your team would use to analyze your data. What kinds of statistical techniques would you use that you have learned in this course? How would you present your statistics—in a table or with a graph? How would the statistical techniques you choose help you answer your research question?

Part III: Identify how your team would interpret the results of this study? What kinds of values would you be analyzing from your study in part 2? If you are using hypothesis testing, what confidence level would you like to use? If you’re using regression analysis, what value would be favorable? How will your team report on these results?

Please see the example paper for an idea of the layout and what to include.

The question for the Research in Healthcare is: “What is the rate of the insured population in the United States?” You will find all of the information for the research paper in the uploaded doc, “What’s Your Statistical Research Strategy WorkSheet”. This will provide you with the 2 scholarly articles that will be used and the type of statistical techniques that can be used to analyze the data.

Mathematics Homework Help

Calculus Question


I’m working on a calculus question and need guidance to help me study.

To access this, the link is below. It is md166343 and Christine!3

The assignment is under class MAT167-01 Pre Calc, content, E x a m 3…

Mathematics Homework Help

CRJU 3401Dakota College Gun Control Independent Samples Test Questions


Part 1: Using the Gun Control dataset complete the following tasks:

  • Run a t-test on the variables: OwnGun, AmericanOwn.
  • Identify the:
    • null hypothesis.
    • research hypothesis.
    • t-statistic.
    • degrees of freedom.
    • p-value.
  • Summarize your findings.

Part 2: Using the Gun Control dataset complete the following tasks:

  • Run an ANOVA on the variables: Religion, AmericanOwn.
  • Identify the:
    • null hypothesis.
    • research hypothesis.
    • F-statistic.
    • degrees of freedom.
    • p-value.

Mathematics Homework Help

STA 3215 RC Effect of Lead Levels in Human Bodies Worksheet


Assignment Content

  1. Competency

    Evaluate hypothesis tests for population parameters from two populations.

    Dealing with Two Populations

    Inferential statistics involves forming conclusions about a population parameter. We do so by constructing confidence intervals and testing claims about a population mean and other statistics. Typically, these methods deal with a sample from one population. We can extend the methods to situations involving two populations (and there are many such applications). This deliverable looks at two scenarios.

    Concept being Studied

    Your focus is on hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for two populations using two samples, some of which are independent and some of which are dependent. These concepts are an extension of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals which use statistics from one sample to make conclusions about population parameters.

Mathematics Homework Help

Math question about combination safes, really confusing need help!


I’m working on a Probability exercise and need support.

You are tasked with opening a safe without knowing the combination. Beginning with the dial at zero, the dial must be turned counterclockwise to the first combination number, then clockwise back to zero), and clockwise to the second combination number, (then counterclockwise back to zero), and counterclockwise again to the third and final combination number, whereupon the door will open immediately. There are 40 numbers of the dial, including the zero.

Without knowing the combination numbers, what is the maximum number of trials required to open the safe? (One trial means one attempt to dial a full three-number combination).

Mathematics Homework Help

STATS Pacific University The Average Amount of Caffeine Questions


The average amount of caffeine in a 12-oz serving of Coke is 35 mg… if it were to come straight from the factory in Atlanta, GA; however, because soda fountain machines are not always cleaned adequately, the actual amount of caffeine in Coke varies depending on where it is purchased and served. A researcher buys 20 fountain Cokes from 12 different restaurants and records the mean caffeine amount for each restaurant. The researcher finds that the average amounts of caffeine in the Cokes served at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Five Guys are 35.5 mg, 37 mg, and 42 mg, respectively.

1. Imagine that the researcher conducted three separate t-tests comparing the Cokes at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Five Guys (in that order) with the average of 35 mg. Assume that the standard deviation of each sample was identical. Would the absolute values of the t-tests get smaller, bigger, or stay the same? How do you know? Be sure to define what a t-score tells you.

2. Would the p-values associated with the above t-tests get smaller, bigger, or stay the same? How do you know? Be sure to define what a p-value tells you.

3.The figure to the right shows more data from the previous experiment. Each bar represents the mean caffeine of Coke, and the error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Use it to answer the questions below.

Why does the first bar not have error bars?

4. Which sample(s) is (are) significantly different from the population?

5.Rank Arby’s, Burgerville, and Taco Time in order from biggest p-value to smallest p-value and explain your answer in one sentence.

6. A man with psychic powers tells you that one of the above three tests is associated with a Type I error. Which example do you think is associated with a Type I error, and how do you know?

Mathematics Homework Help

AMU Unprecedented Changes to All Aspects of Life Discussion


I need an explanation for this Statistics question to help me study.

We make decisions from numbers that aren’t representative of the risks of a population we’re considering… driving conclusions that are factually. In a minimum of 350 words please describe a situation involving COVID 19 Pandemic where selection bias seems to be present.

Mathematics Homework Help

GPC What’s Your Big Plan Worksheet


My math professor gave me feedback on a recent project I’ve submitted, and sadly, I didn’t do so well on it. So here i’ll be submitting the instructions for the project. It’s step by step. this project is mainly based on personal finance, such as figuring out car payments, vacationing, and finance formulas. This subject is math 1001 quantitive reasoning.