Mathematics Homework Help

CCN Example of a Misleading Graph Discussion


Initial Post Instructions

After exploring different types of graphs this week, it is unfortunate to learn that there are sometimes misleading graphs used in the news, politics, medicine, etc. in order to sway a decision or belief. Some items to watch out for in graphs are—

  1. Is there a title that explains what the graph is displaying?
  2. Are numbers on the axis spaced out proportionally or have they been varied to create a dramatic impression?
  3. Is the graph too loud? Does it have too many components that it distracts from content?
  4. Are there sources cited to know where the data came from?

Use the internet to find a misleading graph. Key Terms to Search: Misleading Graphs

  1. Provide a screenshot of the graph
  2. Cite the Source
  3. Explain why the graph is misleading


  1. Explain how you would fix the graph so it is not misleading.
  2. Explain why the creator of the misleading graph would want to create the graph in the first place.

Mathematics Homework Help

QMB 2100 University of South Florida Business Statistics Project


Mathematics Homework Help

MTH 250 Norfolk Compute the Correct Critical Value for The Problem Math Questions


MTH 250 – PROJECT Due by 5/11/2021

Please answer all of the following questions. Be neat, show your work, use full sentences and explain
your answers. Please professionally present your project. Use Excel to create your graphs.
You can work with a partner if you want. If you plan to work with a partner, you must let me know at
least a week before the project’s due date. If you work with a partner, you can turn in just one
Please do your own work, and do not copy anyone else’s project. If you have trouble obtaining the data,
let me know.
PART 1: M&M’s
For this part of the project, you will need to obtain a bag of M&Ms and count how many M&Ms there
are of each color. (If you don’t want to do M&Ms you could do Skittles, or count how many of each type of nut are in a
container of mixed nuts. If you have another similar idea that you would like to do, let me know so I can approve it)
1. What is the variable we are studying? Is this variable quantitative or qualitative? If the variable
is quantitative, is it continuous or discrete?
2. Create a frequency distribution for the number of M&M’s of each color.
3. Create a relative frequency distribution for the number of M&M’s of each color.
4. What is the mode?
5. Create a graph to display this data. Make sure your graph is labeled appropriately. (You can
select the type of graph you think is appropriate)
PART 2: Cereal
For this part of the project, you should go to the grocery store (or online store..) and look at the
nutrition facts for many different boxes of cereal. I would recommend collecting data on at least 20
types of cereal.
For each cereal please make a table of the following data:
(If the cereal lists nutrition information for being served with milk, please just use the nutrition information for plain cereal.)
Name of Cereal Grams of Total Carbohydrates Grams of Fiber
Please include the table with your project.
For each of these two variables:
1. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? If the variable is quantitative, is it continuous or
2. Find the mean, median, sample standard deviation, and IQR. Find the five-number summary.
3. Calculate whether there are any outliers. If there are outliers, explain how you could tell these
values are outliers. If there are no outliers, explain how you decided there are no outliers.
4. Create a histogram. (You can group data in classes) Make sure your graph is labeled
5. Create a boxplot.
6. Looking at the histogram and/or boxplot, what shape would you say that the data has? (If the
shape is kind of awkward, that’s okay. Give your best analysis of it.)
7. If you had to report on the typical amount of carbohydrates and the typical amount of fiber in
a serving of cereal, what measure of the center would you use for each one? Why?
Two more problems:
8. A high-fiber cereal boasts that it contains 20 g of fiber. A low-carb cereal has just 14g of
carbohydrates. Use the means and standard deviations you calculated to find a z-score for each
cereal of these cereals. Based on these z-scores, which cereal is more exceptional?
9. For this problem, choose whichever of the variables was approximately bell-shaped.
If both were bell-shaped, choose either one; If neither one is bell-shaped choose the closest one to bell-shaped and we will pretend it was bell-shaped.
Use empirical rule to state the values that approximately 68%, 95%, and 99.7% of cereals
would fall between.
Part III: Confidence Interval
This part of your project will be to construct confidence intervals and perform hypothesis tests without using the
calculator to do all the work. Also, you must be able to interpret your results. Please round answers to 3 decimal
Not Allowed: Do not use anything in the STAT > > TESTS menu Allowed: You can use 1-Var Stats.
10. Confidence Interval
In a study of maximal aerobic capacity, 12 women had their blood plasma volume measured. The following
data is their blood plasma volumes in liters.
3.75 2.89 2.70 3.12 2.61 3.85
2.96 3.87 3.15 2.96 3.52 3.12
a. Calculate the mean and sample standard deviation of the women’s blood plasma volume. (You can
use 1-Var Stats on your calculator)
b. We want to find a 90% confidence interval. What is the critical value / ? Explain how you found it.
c. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the mean women’s blood plasma volume by using the
formula. Show your work.
d. Write a sentence to interpret the confidence interval that you constructed.
e. We would like to redo this study with better accuracy. We would like the margin of error to be no
more than 0.1 liters. What sample size should we use for our new study?
Part IV: Hypothesis
11. Hypothesis Test
The ToothBright Toothpaste Company claims that 4 out of 5 dentists (80% of dentists) recommend their
toothpaste to patients. You think that the proportion of dentists who recommend ToothBright is less
than that, so you contact 100 randomly selected dentists across the country to ask if they recommend
ToothBright toothpaste to their patients, and 71 of them said yes.
Perform your hypothesis test at the α=.05 level of significance.
a. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
b. Calculate the test statistic. Show your work.
c. What is the correct critical value (or values) for the problem? Explain how you found it.
d. Mark the Critical Value(s) and the Test Statistic on the curve. Also, indicate clearly which area is
the critical region.
e. Is your test statistic in the critical region?
f. Are you going to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? How did you decide?
g. State your conclusion. (without using words like “reject” and “hypothesis”)

Mathematics Homework Help

The University of Texas at Arlington Mathematics Data Visuals Question


Use the data to answer the following questions:

89 72 92 72 62 78 65 85 90 90 71 79 58 90 73 60 90 67 82 78 35 57 84 93 87 95 60 73 78 71 73 75 80 80 96 70 80 92 67 57 83 45 85 40

Be sure to answer the following questions: 

Are there helpful ways of representing the scores visually and numerically? Try to apply all the ways that we have discussed. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

What words would you use to describe this data set to another teacher? What features do you think are important? How do your graphs support your description? Be precise as possible.

How might you go about assigning grades to scores? Make a grade assignment and explain why you choose it.

How could you describe the “middle” of the data? Be specific.

How could you describe the overall “spread” of the data? Be specific.

What might you conclude about your class’s understanding?

A write-up is a detailed solution to an assigned exploration. These write-ups should be readable independently of any worksheet on which they are based, in good English, be in paragraph form, and either legibly handwritten in ink or word-processed.

Overall, the problem report needs to 

Clearly state the problems to be solved.

State the answers in complete sentences that stand on their own.

Define all variables, terminology and notation used.

Include visual representations of the data with clear labeling. (Use the forms we have discussed in this class: stem-and-leaf, histogram, pie graphs, and box and whisker plots.)

Clearly communicate the advantages and disadvantages of the tables and graphs.

Provide a description of each of the graphs and tables and how they describe the scores.

Give a precise and well-organized explanation of all answers.

Explain analysis on how and why you would assign grades (i.e. what constitutes A’s, B’s,…).

Clearly communicate the quantitative statistics that measure the “middle” (mean, median, and mode) and “spread” (range and standard deviation) of the data and a verbal description of the statistics.

Mathematics Homework Help

USCA Data Transformation Worksheet


Complete all of the questions in bold on the PDFs on a separate document. Answer them in detail with at least 3 complete sentences for each when possible. Also, complete the full excel sheet and all of its parts according to the instructions on the attached PDFs. Some data need to be graphed where mentioned in the instructions (instructions below for requirements)

  • Graphs (need to be set up in Excel)
    • Independent = X (18 pt. , black)
    • Dependent = Y (18 pt. , black)
    • Legend (16 pt. , black)
    • Numerical values for X and Y (14 pt., black)
    • Bar graph should be in black with black border and white with black border (do under Format Data Series)
      • Gap width = 50%

Mathematics Homework Help

Walden University Mathematics Applications of Differentiation Question


Math paper on either application of differentiation or the application of integration with two worked out examples. 500 words needed. Paper on application of differentiation or the application of integration. You should have two worked-out examples. For example, Maximize a profit function or Minimize a cost function or maximize a revenue function. These are applications of the derivative. Application of integration: find the average value of a function, find the volume of a solid of revolution, etc. You may choose other applications; it is up to you. I just stated some examples. In your project, first, you introduce the concept and describe it, then you will do the examples, that is, the application of the concept. Your paper should also have references. Your project should be typed.

Mathematics Homework Help

Baptist University of the Americas JMP with Panel Data Regression Model


it had to do with model assessment. Are the assumptions valid. Did you look at residual plots? Were there are models that you fit and compared? I already finished most of the paper. And you need to describe the panel data regression model, like how is that work.

Mathematics Homework Help

Properties of Trigonometric Functions & Polynomial Functions Question


Hello, I hope you are healthy and well!

Directions: Answer all 3 of the attached questions using pre-calculus material to answer. Must show all work so that all steps are clear. Use methods that are provided below and/or material that constructs on the material below. Please answer question on paper, and send screenshots.

Material to be expected(Underlined = Focus):

  • Factoring
  • Complex numbers & Inequalities
  • Functions
  • Quadratic equations
  • Polynomial functions
  • Dividing polynomials
  • Real Zeros of Polynomial
  • Complex Zeros
  • Rational Functions
  • Inverse Functions
  • Exponential Functions
  • Logarithmic Functions
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Trigonometric Equations | No Calculator, Approximated Decimals are Not allowed, Answer in Fraction form
  • Trigonometric Identities
  • Sum & Difference Formulas
  • Double angle & Half Angle Formulas
  • Graph Trigonometric functions
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Sum to product and product to sum formulas
  • Law of Sines
  • Law of Cosines
  • Sequences and series
  • Arithmetic sequences and series
  • Geometric Sequences and series
  • Comparison of Arithmetic and Geometric sequences and series
  • Mathematical Induction
  • Binomial Theorem
  • Conic sections, circles
  • Parabolas
  • Ellipses
  • Hyperbolas

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Mathematics Homework Help

Pre Calculus Mathematical Induction & Sequences and Series Questions


Hello, I hope you are healthy and well!

Directions: Answer all 3 of the attached questions using pre-calculus material to answer. Must show all work so that all steps are clear. Use methods that are provided below and/or material that constructs on the material below. Please answer question on paper, and send screenshots.

Material to be expected(Underlined = Focus):

  • Sequences and series
  • Arithmetic sequences and series
  • Geometric Sequences and series
  • Comparison of Arithmetic and Geometric sequences and series
  • Mathematical Induction
  • Binomial Theorem
  • Conic sections, circles
  • Parabolas
  • Ellipses
  • Hyperbolas

If you have any questions feel free to ask!