Mathematics Homework Help

Statistics How to Lie with Statistics Chapter Questions


Read Chapter 5 in How to Lie with Statistics (6 pages in total) and answer one of the following questions in your own words, in 3 to 4 sentences (or more).

Here is a link to the book: (Links to an external site.)

  • What does it mean to “truncate” a graph? How does this mislead readers?
  • What does it mean to “change the proportion between the ordinate and the abscissa?” How does this mislead readers?

Mathematics Homework Help

SU The Huntington National Bank Suitable for Financial Situations Analysis



Your task is review three banks and to decide which checking/saving account is right for you.


You are to choose three local banks and research what each has to offer.


You need to convince your parents/guardians it is time to open your own account.


The challenge involves dealing with different promotional offers and interest rates for different savings accounts.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

You need to develop a list of reasons why you chose this certain bank so that you will feel comfortable (as well as your parents) about opening an account.

Please upload your completed assignment here. Be sure you have included your name at the top of your document and as part of the file name. Be sure to review the rubric to see how you will be graded.


Module 2 Assignment Rubric

Module 2 Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNeatness and Organization (10)

Exemplary (9 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (6 to 9)

9.0 pts

Developing (2 to 6)

6.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAt least 3 banks chosen (10)

Exemplary (9 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (6 to 9)

9.0 pts

Developing (2 to 6)

6.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrategy/Procedures (10)

Exemplary (9 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (6 to 9)

9.0 pts

Developing (2 to 6)

6.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffectively persuaded audience. (10)

Exemplary (9 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (6 to 9)

9.0 pts

Developing (2 to 6)

6.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

Total Points: 40.0



    Mathematics Homework Help

    MATH 3305 Austin College New Math Question


    1 Assignment InformationThree prompts are provided, and you are to choose one on which to compose a well-written essay. You are encouraged to consult with sources (beyond our textbook); you are also encouraged to compile your references in a standard, APA-formatted bibliography but this is not strictly required.When you turn this assignment in to be graded, please include a copy of this first page with allinformation completed.

    Essay 1 Prompts

    PROMPT A(between 1 and 2 pages). A model of Eucliden Geometry is what most teachers andstudents engage with in a typical, American Geometry course. Specifically (and as can be seen in ourown geometry textbook), the model is that of a “flat sheet of paper” where “points” are tiny dotsand “lines” are familiar-looking objects one can draw using a ruler. Do you think there is a place fora discussion of logic (statements, negation,∧,∨,⇒, Deduction, etc.) in such a course? If not, whynot? If so, how would you go about incorporating such a topic in an elementary-level classroom? Amiddle-school class?

    PROMPT B(between 1 and 2 pages) Watch this video(and/or read the article transcription) andthen compose an essay in which you contemplate the strengths or weaknesses of “New Math” and/or“Common Core Math.” What teaching choices might you make in your math classroom, and how arethey informed by what you learned in this video? How might they be different or the same?

    PROMPT C Design and describe an activity appropriate for a math classroom (for a particular gradebetween 4th and 8th) like the one(s) we engaged in during our second meeting. Specifically, designand describe a new (and hopefully simple) Axiomatic System that your students can explore. Whattheorems might they be able to discover from your system? What benefits might this activity offeryour students?

    Mathematics Homework Help

    MATH 410 CSU Global Application of Correlation Discussion


    Your task for this discussion is as follows:

    1. Use the internet to find a website that shows an example or application of correlation or regression in an area of interest in your personal or professional life.
    2. Discuss how correlation or regression was used, summarize your findings, and share them.
    3. Be sure to include the independent and dependent variable – discuss the impact/relevance of the independent variable.

    Mathematics Homework Help

    SPSU William Playfair Political Economist And an Engineer From Scotland Discussion


    History of Mathematics.

    1. Research a mathematician. (Areas covered in class: Mathematics and Finance, Linear and Quadratic Equation, exponential and Linear Systems, Number Theory and Graph Theory).
    2. Describe their contribution(s) to mathematics.
    3. How has their contribution(s) helped resolve real-world problems or been used in day-to-day scenarios?

    Mathematics Homework Help

    UVI National Center for Health Statistics Excel Spreadsheet


    Question 6

    The National Center for Health Statistics reported the following data on the number of
    children born in individual pregnancies in 1996 and 2006 (The World Almanac, 2010):
    Distribution of Paper Currency Prizes
    Bill Denomination Number of Bills
    $1 520
    $5 260
    $10 120
    $20 70
    $50 29
    $100 1
    Total 1000
    1996 2006
    Number of Children Frequency Frequency
    one child 3,671,455 3,971,276
    twins 100,750 137,085
    triplets 5,298 6,118
    quadruplets 560 355
    quintuplets or more 81 67
    a. Define a random variable x number of children born in a single pregnancy in 1996
    and develop a probability distribution for the random variable. Let x 5 represent
    quintuplets or more.
    b. Compute the expected value and variance for the number of children born in a single
    pregnancy in 1996.
    c. Define a random variable y number of children born in a single pregnancy in 2006
    and develop a probability distribution for the random variable. Let y 5 represent
    quintuplets or more.
    d. Compute the expected value and variance for the number of children born in a single
    pregnancy in 2006.
    e. Do these data support the conclusion that the increased use of fertility drugs by older
    women has generated an upward trend in multiple births?

    Question 9

    Consider a binomial experiment with 2 trials and p 0.4.
    a. Compute the probability of 1 success, f(1).
    b. Compute f(0).
    c. Compute f(2).
    d. Find the probability of at least one success.
    e. Find the expected value, variance, and standard deviation.

    Question 31

    The time between arrivals of vehicles at a particular intersection follows an exponential
    probability distribution with a mean of 12 seconds.
    a. Sketch this exponential probability distribution.
    b. What is the probability that the time between vehicle arrivals is 12 seconds or less?
    c. What is the probability that the time between vehicle arrivals is 6 seconds or less?
    d. What is the probability that there will be 30 or more seconds between arriving

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Walden University SAS Studio Explanatory Variable Screening Procedure Practice



    • Study EXCELLENT SAS on Demand for Academics Support Page resources that include video explanations and demonstrations:
      • Go to the SAS on Demand for Academics (Links to an external site.) page.
      • Click on Access now link in the middle of the page.
      • Go to Independent Learner – Step 2: Write Your SAS Programs.
      • Click on SAS Studio video library.
      • Under CATEGORIES tab, click on How To Tutorials.
      • See the video resources under SAS Studio
    • SAS On Demand for Academics on YouTube (Links to an external site.) (click on SAS studio link For Students)
    • See the attachment below for additional resources
    • Locate Chapter 2, in Ott & Longnecker (2016)

    Do the following 

    • Based on your study of this unit’s assigned readings (Chapter 2), complete the following practice exercises:
      • 2
      • 7
      • 9
      • 11
      • 13
      • 16
      • 22
      • 23
      • 31
    • Type your answers with any supporting work on a Word document. If you use the SAS software to complete any statistical analysis in answering these practice questions, copy and paste the outputs into this documents

    This is the book

    Ott, R. & Longnecker, M. An Introduction to Statistical Methods & Data Analysis (7th ed). ISBN: 9781337001748 (print), 9781305465527 (eText). 

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Integral And Maclaurian Series Calculus Questions


    I am working on a math test and need help doing it

    there will be 8 to 9 questions and I will send all of them tomorrow at 6 pm just like last question I will also send all the required notes today

    Mathematics Homework Help

    University of California Irvine Frequency Distribution Data Analysis PPT


    part1: illustrating how to move from raw data to a presentation of that data that allows for analysis.

    part2: questions about variables from table

    part3:questions about variables from table