Mathematics Homework Help

SU Amount of Loan & Monthly Payments for Mortgages for A House Exercise Example



The goal is to obtain a house or condominium to put you closer to your job. You are currently 55 minutes away.
The problem or challenge is to purchase the home while staying within your allotted amount for housing.


You are a young adult with a monthly take home pay of $2,200. You have $10,000 saved for the purchase of your house.


You need to convince a loan officer from the lending institution to give you the loan at the rate you want (please refer to the chart we have used throughout this unit). Make certain you have enough for the down payment and stay within 35% of your income.


The challenge involves choosing a house. You have narrowed your choices down to the following:

  1. A small two bedroom home in need of a few minor repairs costing approximately $2,500. The house costs $70,000 and is about 25 minutes from your job.
  2. A condominium that is within walking distance from work. It has 2 bedrooms and costs $75,000. You also have a $125/month property maintenance fee.
  3. A very small one bedroom house that costs $60,000. The house is 15 minutes from work and needs no repairs.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

You need to create 2-column table so that you can list the pros and cons to buying each house. When you make your table, make a decision on which home you will buy. Explain why you made the choice you did and eliminated the other possibilities.

Standards and Criteria for Success

  1. Your decision must meet the following standards:
  2. You must have well thought out pros and cons for each house.
  3. You must make your choice based on the income you have been given.
  4. Assume that taxes are relatively comparable for all 3 options and they are part of the same school district.

Please upload your completed assignment here. Be sure you have included your name at the top of your document and as part of the file name. Be sure to review the rubric to see how you will be graded.


Module 4 Assignment Rubric

Module 4 Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Content Vocabulary (10)

Exemplary (8 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (5 to 8)

8.0 pts

Developing (2 to 5)

5.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePro-Con Table (10)

Exemplary (8 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (5 to 8)

8.0 pts

Developing (2 to 5)

5.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStays within monetary housing limit. (10)

Exemplary (8 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (5 to 8)

8.0 pts

Developing (2 to 5)

5.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation (10)

Exemplary (8 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (5 to 8)

8.0 pts

Developing (2 to 5)

5.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization, Neatness and Citation (10)

Exemplary (8 to 10)

10.0 pts

Accomplished (5 to 8)

8.0 pts

Developing (2 to 5)

5.0 pts

Beginning (0 to 2)

2.0 pts

10.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0



    Mathematics Homework Help

    UC Stigma Associated with A Person Based on The Type of Impairment Lab Report


    Purpose:  The purpose of this lab is to learn how to conduct a one-way ANOVA in JASP and how to properly interpret the results.

    View the lab tutorial:  one-way ANOVA tutorial

    Review the JASP result interpretation power point slides:  driving study slides jasp output-1.pptx




    Stigma Study Background.docx


    Research Question: Do people have a greater desire for social distance from veterans suffering from either PTSD or depression, when compared to a veteran suffering from back pain?

    Data file: Stigma study data.csv
                   Download Stigma study data.csv
    Data file column descriptions:
    Vignette read: Represents which vignette the participant read.
    1 = John has chronic back pain vignette
    2 = John has major depressive disorder vignette
    3 = John has PTSD vignette
    Total Score: the total score the participant got on the Social Distance scale
    Open the data file in JASP.
    label the vignette conditions in the header for the column (1 = back pain, 2 = major depression, 3 = PTSD)
    Run a one-way ANOVA on total score, using Vignette read as the Fixed Factor.
    Conduct a post-hoc test between the different conditions
    Get descriptive statistics on the data and create a graph of the data

    Mathematics Homework Help

    MATH 112 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Applied Calculus Questions


    1. The distance s (in

    undefined[ ] / as a function of time t (in ) is given by =4[ ] 4.9 2 .

    Your instructor will provide you with a. Simply replace the letter with the corresponding digit. Do not multiply. For example, if [ ]=1, then 4[ ] is 41.

    Find the answers to these questions.

    • find for =0
    • find for =4
    • find for =5
    • What conclusions can you draw?

    State the value you are using for a before you show the work to answer these four questions. Remember to use the Canvas Equation Editor.

    Find the derivative of each of the following functions, first by using the product rule, then by multiplying each function out and finding the derivative of the higher-order polynomial. Post both solutions using the Canvas Equation Editor along with explanations of the intermediate steps that demonstrate your understanding of the derivative

    • (4 +6)(9 5)
    • 4 2(3 32 2+5 )
    • (3 2 +1)(7 6)
    • (35)(3254)

    Submit your initial post by the fourth day of the module week.

    Mathematics Homework Help

    MATH 351 Purdue University Linear Algebra Ideas and Matrix Questions


    2.4 Consider the accompanying matrix. Use the txst for linear independence to find a basis for the space spanned by the rows of the matrix. Suppose that this matrix is the augmented matrix for a system of equations. What is the rank of this system? (Recall that the rank is the number of equations left after linearly dependent equations have been discarded, one at a time.) A = ? ? ? ? ? 101 1 213 0 336 ?3 415 2 ? ? ? ? ? 

    2.5 ??Let A be the matrix from Exercise 2.4. Find a basis for the column space and express the other columns as linear combinations of your basis

    Mathematics Homework Help

    MATH Grand Canyon University Latin literature in Hinduism Essay


    Hello, my niece is in High School working on a paper in Math. It should be about Andre Weil. The assignment should be 12 font double spaced. At least a page and a half.She is also required to have a powerpoint presentation ( I believe this could be the same infomation fron the paper). The presentation has to be 3-5 minutes.

    Mathematics Homework Help

    MAT 240 SNHU Hypothesis Testing for Regional Real Estate Company Analysis



    You have been hired by the Regional Real Estate Company to help them analyze real estate data. One of the company’s Pacific region salespeople just returned to the office with a newly designed advertisement. It states that the average cost per square foot of his home sales is above the average cost per square foot in the Pacific region. He wants you to make sure he can make that statement before approving the use of the advertisement. The average cost per square foot of his home sales is $275. In order to test his claim, you collect a sample of 1,001 home sales for the Pacific region.


    Design a hypothesis test and interpret the results using significance level α = .05.

    Use the House Listing Price by Region document to help support your work on this assignment. You may also use the Descriptive Statistics in Excel and Creating Histograms in Excel tutorials for support.

    Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria, using the Module Five Assignment Template.

    • Setup: Define your population parameter, including hypothesis statements, and specify the appropriate test.
      • Define your population parameter.
      • Write the null and alternative hypotheses. Note: Remember, the salesperson believes that his sales are higher.
      • Specify the name of the test you will use.
        • Identify whether it is a left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed test.
      • Identify your significance level.
    • Data Analysis Preparations: Describe sample summary statistics, provide a histogram and summary, check assumptions, and find the test statistic and significance level.
      • Provide the descriptive statistics (sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation).
      • Provide a histogram of your sample.
      • Describe your sample by writing a sentence describing the shape, center, and spread of your sample.
      • Determine whether the conditions to perform your identified test have been met.
    • Calculations: Calculate the p value, describe the p value and test statistic in regard to the normal curve graph, discuss how the p value relates to the significance level, and compare the p value to the significance level to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
      • Determine the appropriate test statistic, then calculate the test statistic.
        Note: This calculation is (mean – target)/standard error. In this case, the mean is your regional mean (Pacific), and the target is 275.
      • Calculate the p value.
        Note: For right-tailed, use the T.DIST.RT function in Excel, left-tailed is the T.DIST function, and two-tailed is the T.DIST.2T function. The degree of freedom is calculated by subtracting 1 from your sample size.
        Choose your test from the following:
        =T.DIST.RT([test statistic], [degree of freedom])
        =T.DIST([test statistic], [degree of freedom], 1)
        =T.DIST.2T([test statistic], [degree of freedom])
      • Using the normal curve graph as a reference, describe where the p value and test statistic would be placed.
    • Test Decision: Discuss the relationship between the p value and the significance level, including a comparison between the two, and decide to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
      • Discuss how the p value relates to the significance level.
      • Compare the p value and significance level, and make a decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
    • Conclusion: Discuss how your test relates to the hypothesis and discuss the statistical significance.
      • Explain in one paragraph how your test decision relates to your hypothesis and whether your conclusions are statistically significant.

    Guidelines for Submission

    Submit the completed Module Five Assignment Template as a Word document that includes your response and supportive charts.

    Module Five Assignment Rubric

    Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
    Setup Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear manner Defines the population parameter, including hypothesis statements, and specifies the appropriate test Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include inaccurate or incomplete components Does not attempt criterion 20
    Data Analysis Preparations Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear manner Describes the sample summary statistics, provides a histogram and summary, checks assumptions, and finds the test statistic and significance level Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include inaccurate or missing elements Does not attempt criterion 15
    Calculations Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear manner Calculates the p value, describes the p value and test statistic in regard to the normal curve graph Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include inaccurate calculations or missing elements Does not attempt criterion 15
    Test Decision Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear manner Discusses how the p value relates to the significance level, and compares the p value to the significance level to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include inaccurate or cursory discussion Does not attempt criterion 20
    Conclusion Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear manner Discusses how the test relates to the hypothesis and discusses the statistical significance Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include conclusions that are cursory or missing critical elements Does not attempt criterion 20
    Articulation of Response Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear manner Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas 10
    Total: 100%

    Mathematics Homework Help

    ASU Analyzing Sampling Methods Worksheet


    Watch this video: (Links to an external site.)

    Next, complete a card sort of the various sampling methods and then discuss potentials for bias of these methods. In order to access the Desmos task click on this link:

    Find an article that discusses the results of a study and analyze it with the vocabulary of this unit. After identifying the article, do the following:

    • Describe the study design that was used. Was it an observational study, experiment, double-blind, etcetera? If the article doesn’t give enough info for you to describe this, you’ll need to find a new article. It’s okay if you don’t know ALL the details, but you should be able to say at least something here.
    • Briefly summarize the study’s findings or conclusions.
    • Describe at least one way this study design could be improved or an explanation of why it doesn’t need to be improved.
    • Include a list of things that are missing from the article that would help you determine the validity of the study. For example, maybe it doesn’t state the sample size.
    • Cite the source of the article you read. Include the web address to the specific article if the article is online. Include the article title, source, and date if the article is not online.

    Mathematics Homework Help

    ASU Small Analysis of A Media Misleading Example Project


    Whoever is using data often makes a choice about which display to use based on what they are trying to argue to their reader. There are also lots of ways to make choices in displaying data that will intentionally mislead a reader. Find out more about some of those ways here. An example of a misleading graph is a common election map of the U.S. Learn more about the original map, and a new version of it, in this article by Mark Wilson in Fast Company magazine. Find an example of a data display that you think is misleading and make an initial post about it. Put a link to it. Explain why you think it is misleading and how it could be fixed to be more accurate.

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Application of Probability and Statistics in The Field of Engineering Discussion


    Assignment Description

    For this assignment, you will create a handout for freshmen in your field. The purpose is to persuade them that the competencies they will gain from the required Probability and Statistics course is essential to their professional future.

    Deliverable: A minimum 700-word handout using the appropriate template, provided below. The reference list does not count as part of the word count.

    Completing the Assignment

    Complete and Synthesize Research

    For this assignment, you will have two types of input information, a literature review, and descriptive statistical data.

    Literature Review. Complete research on the use of probability and statistics in your field. There are sources to get you started for each field on theRole of Probability and Statistics in the Work of Your Field’ page. Each field (your Department) will vary in the use of statistics, but some of the things you may what to find information on include:

    • The purpose of using statistics in your field. By this I mean, what does it accomplish?
    • What type of input into the work of your field statistics provides. By this, I mean is it used for defining problems, evaluating systems and products, and/or creating products and tools. Some of these may be general aspects of work and some may be specific product types.

    Data. Review the data provided in the articles linked below and determine:

    • What do the data suggest? To really understand these Tables, read their headers, and their footnotes. If there are terms you do not understand, look them up.
    • What part or parts of these data can you use to help convey your handout message? To do this read what is being presented and ask yourself which of the competencies they’ve presented are going to be useful for convincing freshmen that probability and statistics are important. You are required to incorporate and cite some of these data in some way in your document. You will have these sources to work from for this part of your document:

    The Four Career Competencies Employers Value Most (Links to an external site.)by NACE Staff

    Are College Graduates “Career Ready”? (Links to an external site.) by NACE Staff

    Use the article What is Career Readiness? (Links to an external site.) By NACE Staff. On this webpage, you will find about a paragraph into the ‘Career Readiness Competencies’ section hyperlinks to a description of each of the career readiness competencies. Review them to assist you in determining which ones are competencies you will improve with the work in this course.