Mathematics Homework Help

Find the Probabilities Statistics Questions


Montgomery, Jennings, and Kulahci. Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, 2nd Edition. ISBN:978-1-118-74511-3

EMC Education Services. Data Science and Big Data Analytics. ISBN: 978-1-118-87613-8 

Mathematics Homework Help

Calculus Elasticity of Demand Exercise


Just follow the instruction and solve the problems, an i need this to be done within an hour. This is my test an i need this to be done by one hour

Mathematics Homework Help

BUA Fundamentals of Statistical Worksheet


See attached

  1. Let x1,x2,...xnx1,x2,...xn be iid random variables that follow the Poisson distribution with parameter λλ, i.e. f(x;λ)=eλλxx!f(x;λ)=eλλxx!.
  1. (15 points) Find the methods of moments estimator for E[xi]=λE[xi]=λ.
  2. (15 points) Is this estimate unbiased? (show your work)
  3. (15 points) Write an R function that would yield Methods of moments estimate for sample mean of a random sample of iid Poisson variables.
  • Argument: A vector of XX values
  • Output: MM estimate of E[xi]=λE[xi]=λ
  1. (10 points) Use your function and x defined below to calculate the MM estimate of λλ.
x=rpois(100, 3.6)
  1. Let XiXi be a random variable with parameter pp and probability mass functionf(xi,p)=(nxi)pxi(1p)nxif(xi,p)=(nxi)pix(1p)nxi
  1. (15 points) The maximum likelihood estimator for E[Xi]=npE[Xi]=np is the sample mean. Is this estimate unbiased? (show your work)
  2. (15 points) Write an R function that would yield ML estimate for E[Xi]E[Xi].
  • Argument: A vector of XX values
  • Output: ML estimate of E[xi]=npE[xi]=np
  1. (15 points) Use your function and y defined below to calculate the ML estimate of pp.
y=rbinom(n=30, size=12, p=0.85)
##  [1] 11 11 10  8 11  9  8 10 10 12 11 11 10 11  9 10 10  7 11  9  8 11 10 12 11
## [26] 11 12 11  9 11

Mathematics Homework Help

Houston Community College System Statistics Questions


Please find the practice quizzes in the attached files. if you need any other documents please let me know. thanks

Last semester, a cluster of six students all submitted the same incorrect answer on one problem. Their work showed the same calculation error at an early step. So, do your own work, and do nothing to make me suspicious. Remember: a poor grade is a temporary inconvenience, but guilt is eternal.

This is not intended to be a hard exam. It is meant to be somewhat challenging, but it is also meant to be informative. The data are real, and the inferences you draw are trustworthy. I intend for you to interpret every word and phrase literally. There are no trick questions. If you suspect that you have found an error, please contact me.

Page 10 has a table of chi-squared critical values. It was copied and pasted directly from lecture.

Pages 12–16 have tables for you to show your work calculating means, variances, and chi-square statistics.

If you do not have a printer, then you can hand-write each the tables in a few minutes. I strongly recommend that you print the exam and show your work. If you use software to complete the calculations, then print your output. When the tables are filled in, use a scanner – an actual scanner or an app on your phone, such as Genius Scan to turn the pages into a PDF that you can upload and/or email.

Page 17 has a table of t* critical values at the 95% confidence level. You can also use any table posted on Blackboard, shown in the lectures, or printed in a textbook. However, this table I provided has two advantages: it shows all degrees of freedom from 1 to 212, and it is precise to four decimal points.

Mathematics Homework Help

Blacktown Girls High School Divisible Factors and Positive Integers Questions


Need help with my Mathematics question – I’m studying for my class.


Show that 36^n + 4^n / 18^n + 2^n = 2^n for any integer n

Hint: Use the law (a x b)^n = a^n x b^n

Eg. 20^n = (2^2 x 5) = 2^2n x 5^nThen look for a common factor.

Mathematics Homework Help

Inferential Statistics


In the previous project assignments (Part #1 and #2), you chose a city/region, identified a business idea, discussed the source of the data set and potential issues, and began analyzing variables of interest that might help your business. Now you are ready to review the data set using Inferential Statistics (Chapters 8, 9, 10, and 14).

Pick ONE test from the list below to analyze your AirBnB data set. Once you have run your test, write a short summary of the results and business implications. In other words, what do your findings suggest you should do as a business? Be sure to insert the results from your statistical test in your Word document before submitting.

  1. Develop confidence interval estimates (per Ch. 8) for a variable of interest and explain why it is useful to a decision maker. For example, I could develop a confidence interval estimate for the average price per night in Montreal Canada or a confidence interval estimate for the proportion of AirBnB listings in the neighborhood of Ville Marie out of all listings in Montreal, Canada. These would be helpful to understand the budget of travelers to Montreal, Canada as well as to see if Ville Marie is a popular vacation rental neighborhood within the city.
  2. Conduct a hypothesis test (per Ch. 9 or 10) and explain what conclusions you can draw from it and why its useful to your business. For example, I hypothesize that the average price per night stay at Ville Marie in Montreal is $120 because I want to find an upscale neighborhood to open my bike and wine tour business (Ch. 9). Or I could test the hypothesis that the Ville Marie neighborhood costs more per night than the Le Plateau-Mont-Royal neighborhood (Ch. 10). Make sure to explain the components of your hypothesis test such as your null and alternative hypotheses, alpha level, sample size, population mean or proportion, sample mean or proportion, sample standard deviation (if applicable), etc.
  3. Conduct a Correlation and/or Regression Analysis (per Ch. 14) using two numeric variables from the data set and explain what conclusions you can draw from it and why its useful to your business. For example, I may want to see if there is a correlation between PRICE and ACCOMMODATES (number of people), which can help me make decisions about group pricing for my bike tour. Make sure to explain why you choose the variables you did, and explain the hypothesis test and results.

To view an example of INFERENTIAL STATISTICS click here!

Mathematics Homework Help

Thomas Edison State University Improve Graph Question


Find and post a reputable journal, newspaper, or magazine article that has been published within the last year that includes a graph that can be improved upon regarding clarity or accuracy. Explain what aspects of the graph can be improved and how you would change it? You may also wish to create a new graph with Octave (or another package with which you are familiar) to show your changes.

Mathematics Homework Help

USCA The Standard Deviation of Sample Means Around a Population Mean Worksheet


Complete the assignment, answer all the questions in bold “Question Number #_” on a separate word document. I am attaching the excel sheet you will need to use as a reference. I am also including the links so you can see said questions and what is expected to be completed on the word document. Please hit me up for any further questions. Also here are the links incase the PDFS with the instructions don’t work (they are labeled 1,2,3):…,…, and…

Complete the excel document to its full extent and label all of the charts completely. Graphs should be constructed this way:

Mathematics Homework Help

Geometry Similar Triangles Problems


Page 257-258 # 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 20, 23, 25, 26 AND Page 273-275 # 1-7, # 8 a,b,e,f, #9-14,#16, #19-27, #30, # 32- 34, # 36-37, # 40, 42 .I need all the steps for the solution